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カテゴリー Ⅲ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 82 巻第 739 号,2421-2429,2017 年 9 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 739, 2421-2429, Sep., 2017 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aija.82.2421 ヴァカンス用住宅 BLPS にみられる建物の特徴と構成部品の関係 STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEATURES AND BUILDING COMPONENTS OF Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S. 横尾真 *, 山名善之 ** ***, 岩岡竜夫 Shin YOKOO, Yoshiyuki YAMANA and Tatsuo IWAOKA This study aims to clarify architects thoughts of Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S., which focuses on the relationship between features and building components. It is about the features such as floor planning, concept of space, structure type, facility planning and also about the building components such as the assembly system as well as the list of all parts. Finally, we discuss what kind of relationship the two has. Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S., Jean Prouvé, Assemble and Disassemble, France BLPS,,, Eugene Beaud ouin Marcel Lods Jean Prouvé M aison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S. Peter S ulzer * オウヴィ一級建築士事務所 博士 ( 工学 ) 東京理科大学理工学部建築学科 教授 博士 ( 美術史 ) 東京理科大学理工学部建築学科 教授 博士 ( 工学 ) ** *** OUVI, Dr. Eng. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo University of Science, Docteur en Histoire de lʼart Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo University of Science, Dr. Eng. 2421

Ateliere Jean Prouvé Forges de Strasbourg La sixième Exposition de l habitation au Salon des arts ménagers Maison Préfabriquée Fabrication des bâtiments Franz Graf l Architecture d Aujourd hui Peter Sulzer Salle de séjour 2422

Cuisine Toilette Douche ChauffeEauPompe Reservoir Sous Pression 種類番号部品数構成部品 ( アクソメ ) 最大折り鋼板曲げ回数枚数 / 1 枚 ( 合計 ) 部品分解図 2423

Tôle d'acier Nervure de renfort Isolant Caoutchouc Panneaux-murs (Panneau en L)(Panneau en T) (Niche Douche) 種類番号部品数構成部品 ( アクソメ ) 最大折り鋼板曲げ回数枚数 / 1 枚 ( 合計 ) 部品分解図 2424

(Niche Cusine) Acier inoxydable (Meuble/ Porte) (Meuble/ Armoire pliant) (Meuble/ Lit pliant) (Meuble/ Table) 2425


BEAUDOUIN ET LODS ARCHITECTS, ATELIERS JEAN PROUVÉ ET FORGES DE STRASBOURG CONSTRUCTEURS: MAISON DÉMONTABLE EN ACIER B.L.P.S., l Architecture d Aujourd hui, Jean-Michel Place, 1939.2 M. Lods: fabrication des bâtiments, Techniques et Architecture, Jean-Michel Place, 1955.1 Peter Sulzer: Jean Prouvé Œuvre complète/complete Works Volume2, Birkhauser, 1934-1944 Ateliers Jean Prouvé: Archives Départementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle Raymond Guidot, Alain Guiheux: Jean Prouvé constructeur-, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1990 Laurence Allégret et Valérie Vaudou: Jean PROUVÉ et PARIS, Pavillon de larsenal, 2001 Benedikt Huber et Jean-Claude Steinegger: Jean Prouvé Une architecture par l'industrie / Architektur aus der Fabrik / Industrial Architecture, d'architecture Artemis, 1971 Pieter Uyttenhove: Marcel Lods, Verdier, 2009 Pieter Uyttenhove: Eugène Beaudouin et Marcel Lods, Patrimoine, 2012 2427


STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEATURES AND BUILDING COMPONENTS OF Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S. Shin YOKOO *, Yoshiyuki YAMANA ** and Tatsuo IWAOKA *** * OUVI, Dr. Eng. ** Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo University of Science, Docteur en Histoire de lʼart *** Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo University of Science, Dr. Eng. Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S. was designed by French architects Eugene Beaudouin, Marcel Lods, Jean Prouvé, and Forges de Strasbourg as a constructor in 1936. An external form is 3.3m3.3m, this small house is used for 2 persons. It consists a living room with 2 beds and a dining table, a kitchen space, a toilet and shower space and also could assemble and be demountable at anywhere. The begginig of this small house was made a prototype at Ateliers Jean Prouvé that was presented at the sixth exposition de l habitation in the salon des arts ménagers in January 1939. All parts not only the entire house but also furniture were made of the thin steel sheets, there was not the foundation by Reinforced concrete. When Lods demonstrated at the exposition, in fact he could assemble for 2.5 hours and be demountable for 45 minutes. In the same year, someone stolen this small house before begining World War II, and it can never be seen anywhere. As a background and purpose of this study, it aims to clarify architects thoughts of Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S., which focuses on the relationship between features and building components. It is about the features such as floor planning, concept of space, structure type, facility planning, and also about the building components such as the assembly system as well as the list of all parts. Finally, we discuss what kind of relationship the two has. The previously-mentioned 3 French architects collaborated mainly in 3 projects, this small house is one of them, and its second project. Prouvé has explained through an interview in the book that was written by Peter Sulzer in 2000, it is B. L. P. S. entirely made at my place an enormous number of innovations like the system of assembling the panels.... Besides Franz Graf has explained that this small house, it's design, has been a great help in designing the façade of the Medische Faculteit in Rotterdam (today: Erasmus MC) by Prouvé, built in 1968. This means that Prouvé used the similar details in different project 30 years past, it could also say to find an importance innovation in this small house. As a result, we found that important design through to clarify features and building components of Maison démontable en ancier B. L. P. S.. It is consisted by 5 building components which are the roof panel, the floor panel, the wall panel, the facility unit, the funiture unit, and they are a set for 2 components. Each of them has a meanings, such as it plays a role as Instruction how to assemble or where sets a position for the next assembled parts. Detail of the joints which connects between building components, has same detail, it can say that a set of building components are able to use turning upside down and is possible to make entire building what it is designed 2 building components by same one without the floor panels and the facility unit. (2016 年 12 月 19 日原稿受理,2017 年 5 月 19 日採用決定 ) 2429