encourages children to develop rich emotions through close contact with surrounding nature. It also cultivates a foundation for children s balanced de

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* ** *** **** The Instruction of a Sense of Seasons in the Field Environment through the Comparison of Kindergartens in Germany, Australia and Japan Kazuyuki YOKOIKimihiko SAITOKatsushi ONO Koichi EBIHARA and Yuka KANAMORI Abstract The content related to the environment is described as Being aware of changes in nature and in people s lives in accordance with the seasons. in the Course of study for Kindergarten in Japan. Not only this section are described the guidance of the children s sense of the season. Japan is a country wealthy in the cycle of the seasons. This transition of seasons -227-

encourages children to develop rich emotions through close contact with surrounding nature. It also cultivates a foundation for children s balanced development of physical and mental, and fosters in children the ability to have a grasp of the language necessary for everyday life. In addition, children enjoy expressing feelings and thoughts in their own way and become familiar with and deepen relationship with others through the interaction with their surrounding environment. It is no exaggeration to say that the cycle of the seasons constitutes the nature of Japanese society. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the guidance of the children s sense of the seasons is developed and recognized in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care in Japan including the comparison with the cases of overseas. -228-










At A Centre we always have lots of fun learning about and teaching the children about the different seasons. We have found that it is a wonderful time to talk to the children about the weather when we are out in the yards for example: sunny, overcast, windy, cold, hot, raining and so forth. From this we can extend with things such as songs, art and stories and Intentional Teaching. At the beginning of each season Educators would always talk to the children about the different weather patterns and what types of clothes they were wearing and why. This could lead into a variety of activities that would come from the children s interests. -238-


Some art ideas would be to get the children to collect leaves from outside and glue these on paper for Autumn or make a big sun to display in the room for summer or a flower garden can be planted for spring and for winter the children could do a display of penguins sliding around in the snow or make big fluffy clouds and wind. We try to stay away from stencil art and prefer the children to create art from what they interpret the weather to be for example using different art mediums to do a painting, drawing or collage. During group times Educators can do many different types of Intentional Teaching for example using a felt board chart that has the date, month, year, weather and time on it that the children can choose which one matches or sing songs or read stories. Felt stories are always and popular teaching tool that the children love. The most important thing is talking to the children about the weather and asking them many open-ended questions. -240-

