97 3 (S.Kierkegaard, ) (system) (subjectivity) (Berdyaev) (Solitude Society) (Harper, 1948: 12) (Kneller, 1964: 53) (Frederich Nietzche) (Mart

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1 69~ Journal of Kun Shan University, Vol.5, pp.69~80 (Mar, 2008)

2 97 3 (S.Kierkegaard, ) (system) (subjectivity) (Berdyaev) (Solitude Society) (Harper, 1948: 12) (Kneller, 1964: 53) (Frederich Nietzche) (Martin Heidegger) (Karl Jasper) (Jean-Paul Sartre) (Gabriel Marcel) (Blaise Pascal) (Fyodor Dostoevski) (Framz Kaffka) (Albert Camus) (Nikolai Berdyaev) (Martin Buber) (Ozmon and Craver, 1976: 158) (Existence precedes essence)

3 (Kneller, 1971: 255) (Sartre, 1956: 289) ( 290) (Sartre, 1947: 18) 抛 (free choice and responsibility) 63 (Dasein) 絶 (Morris, 1966) (baseless) (Kneller, 1972: 65) (Morris, 1966: 48) 68:

4 97 3 (Kearney, 1987: 54) (Sartre, 1947) (subjectivity, authenticity and individuality) (Gutek, 1974: 194) (individuality and subjectivity) (Ozman & Craver, 1976: 160) (Kneller, 1972: 17) Ihab Hassan F.Onis 1934 曁 Postmodernism D.Fitts

5 Best & Kneller, Lyotard, 1984Kiziltan, et. al., 1990 Mclaren, 1986Rust, 1991Usher & Edwards, 1996 (pluralism) (meta-discourse) (Lyotard, 1984:65) (different but equal) (equal but different) (incommensurability) (discontinuity)

6 97 3 (paralogism) (reflective criticism) (deconstruction) (grand-narrative) (decentrization) (anything goes) (flatness)

7 (scholastic philosophy) (Ozman & Craver, 1976) (a choosing agent) (a responsible agent)(morris, 1966: 135) (Ozmon & Craver, 1976: 173) 争 敍 敍 (went on a long trip or that he is away) (Kneller, 1958) (Ozmon & Craver, 1976: 179) ( 1976)

8 97 3 (confluent education) (Morris, 1966: 117) 82 (Ozmon & Craver, 1976: 172) (cognitive being) (feeling and awareness) (Kneller, 1964: 70) (consumerism) (Ozmon & Craver, 1976: 174) (Morris, 1966) (Summerhill) 絶 (teach himself) (explore possibilities) (Ozmon & Craver, 1976: 177) (evoker and awakener) (Morris, 1966: 138) (Kneller, 1958: 1964) (Morris, 1966) 84 (Socratic method)

9 (play) 啓 (seriousness) (dramatic arts) (Realism) (Pragmatism) (Kneller, 1964: 66) 1958 (Buber) (I and Thou) (object) It

10 F.Jameson

11 Best, S & Kneller, D. (1991). Postmodern Theory-Critical Interrogations. London: Macmilan Education Ltd. Gutek, GL.. (1974). Philosophical Alternatives in Education.Columbus: Charles E, Merill Pub.co. Harper, R. (1948). Existentialism. Cambridge: The Crimson Printing Co. Kearney, R. (1987). Modern Movements in European Philosophy. Taipei: Simda Book CO. Kiziltan, M.U. et al, (1990): Postmodern Conditions: Rethinking Public Education. Education Theory. 40(3): Kneller, George F. (1964). Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Kneller, George F. (1958). Existentialism and Education. New York: John Wileysons, Inc. Kneller, Gf(1971). Foundation of Education. New York: John Wileysons. Inc. Lyotard, JF. (1984). The Postmodern Condition: A report on Know-ledge. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota University. McLaren, P. (1986): Review Article-Postmodernity and Death of Politics A Brazilian Reprieve. Educational Theory. 36(4): Morris, Van Cleve (1966). Existentialism in Education: What it means. New York: Harper & Row. Ozmon, H. & Craver, S. (1976). Philosophical Foundations of Education. Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Pub. Co. Rust,V. D. (1991). Postmodern and Its Comparative Education Implications. Comparative Education Review. 35(4): Sartre, Jean-Paul (1947). Existentialism. New York: The Philosophical Library, Inc.Sartre, Jean-Paul (1956). Existentialism is a Humanism. in W. Kaafmann(ed), Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre. Ohio. Usher, R. & Edwards, R. (1996). Postmodernism and Education-different voices, different worlds. New York: Routledge

12 97 3 The Educational Meaning of Existentialism in the Postmodern Society Chang-Cherng Hwang Assistant professor, Kun Shan University ABSTRACT The main aim of this study is to investigate the educational meaning of Existentialism in the postmodern society. This study achieves the research aim by means of analyzing the thoughts of Existentialism as well as the ideas of Postmodernism, and concludes from them the educational meaning of Existentialism in the postmodern society. The common ideas of Existentialism are: existence precedes essence, free choice and responsibility, subjectivity, authenticity, and individuality. The characteristics of Postmodernism are: pluralism, incommensurability, discontinuity, paralogism, reflective criticism, deconstruction, and flatness. The educational meanings of Existentialism in the postmodern society are: 1.With the respect of educational aim, the Existentialism s educational aim of awakening the subjective awareness is much like the subjective value of Postmodernism. 2.In the education of knowledge, moral education, and affective education, the emphasis of Existentialism on the liberal arts, the moral concept of free choice and responsibility, and the humane education all coincide with the pluralism, anything goes, and paralogism of Postmodernism. 3.With regard to educational means, the Socratic method, play, and dramatic arts of Existentialism are almost the same with the deconstruction, pluralism, and flatness of Postmodernism. The I-Thou relationship of Existentialism between teacher and students is much alike the ideas of deconstruction and flatness of postmodern society. As the above-mentioned conclusion, this study reveals that the value of educational thoughts of Existentialism is eminent in the postmodern society, and Existentialism pays much contribution to the postmodern ideas. But the limit of existentialism is that it can only be better applied in a developed society or an affluent individual. Keywords: Existentialism, Postmodernism, philosophy of education


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