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編 者 的 話 文 字 / KK 人 天 生 便 具 有 好 奇 心, 想 對 週 遭 事 物 更 加 瞭 解, 以 滿 足 自 己 的 求 知 渴 望 孩 子 可 以 透 過 父 母 的 敘 說 表 演, 激 發 想 像 創 造 邏 輯 推 理 判 斷 等 能 力 父 母 最 能 夠 了 解 子





Love Actually 真 的 戀 愛 了!? 焦 點 主 題 2035 年 一 個 寒 冷 卻 又 放 晴 的 下 午, 爸 媽 一 大 清 早 已 上 班, 只 得 小 奈 獨 個 兒 待 在 家 中, 奢 侈 地 享 受 著 她 的 春 節 假 期 剛 度 過 了 期 考 的 艱 苦 歲

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項  目




105 年 國 中 教 育 會 考 重 要 日 期 項 目 日 期 及 時 間 報 名 1. 集 體 報 名 :105 年 3 月 10 日 ( 星 期 四 ) 至 3 月 12 日 ( 星 期 六 ) 每 日 8:00~12:00 13:30~17:00 2. 個 別 報 名 : 於 上 網 填



<4D F736F F D20A470BAB5A8A9A8A9AABAA5CDA4E92E646F63>


encourages children to develop rich emotions through close contact with surrounding nature. It also cultivates a foundation for children s balanced de

<4C F6F6B203120B773A672AAEDA15DA4A3A EAABAB3E6A672A15E2E786C73>

目 录 CONTENTS 小 学 语 文 教 学 中 的 作 文 教 学 王 妮 40 浅 谈 高 中 文 言 文 教 学 赵 健 41 小 学 数 学 分 层 教 学 初 探 李 俊 花 42 探 究 性 学 习 在 物 理 教 学 中 的 应 用 刘 相 辉 42 活 学 活 用 扎 根 生 活



基 督 教 培 英 中 心 園 地 培 英 中 心 動 向 地 址 :# Cambie Road, Richmond, B.C. 電 話 : 傳 真 : 電 郵 網 址 :

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--It was and.we flew kites in the playground. 4. Are you cooking meat? --No, I m not. I m cooking. 5.--Were there any mobile phones twenty years? --No

( )8. 展 開 圖 為 下 列 何 者? (A) (B) (C) (D) ( )9. 下 列 敘 述 中, 何 者 的 速 率 與 其 他 三 者 不 同? (A) 一 小 時 前 進 48 公 里 (B) 騎 480 公 尺 花 了 一 分 鐘 (C) 每 秒 移 動 8 公 尺 (D)100


Lessons List of the words Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 I you he she it we they boy girl baby a(an) the this that these those be(am/is/are) do(does/did) father(dad/daddy) mother(mom/mommy) son daughter grandmother grandfather brother sister zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve school class student teacher friend book chair desk table pen pencil ruler eraser marker box pencil box map P1 P6 P9 P12 Lesson 5 color red green blue yellow pink black white P17 Lesson 6 face eye nose ear mouth head hair hand leg P21 Lesson 7 cat dog bird bear duck chicken mouse pig P25 Lesson 8 rabbit fox lion tiger sheep monkey elephant horse P28 Lesson 9 frog ant bee snake pet animal P31 Lesson 10 my your his her its our their yes no not O.K. P34 Lesson 11 doctor nurse singer actor cook driver engineer farmer worker name Mr. Mrs. P39 Lesson 12 fruit apple pear peach grape banana P42 Lesson 13 water milk Coke juice coffee tea P45 Lesson 14 egg cake fish rice breakfast lunch dinner P48 Lesson 15 eat drink sleep read play go P51 Lesson 16 like listen music movie comic book computer P54 Lesson 17 bus car bike(bicycle) taxi train ship P57 Fun English 400 Words

Lessons List of the words Lesson 18 call open close see look watch P60 Lesson 19 tall long short big small good bad P63 Lesson 20 nice happy sad fat thin strong P66 Lesson 21 cute sick tired angry hungry thirsty P69 Lesson 22 aunt uncle cousin parent family live P72 Lesson 23 food beef pork soup hot dog sandwich tomato orange vegetable P75 Lesson 24 bread pie pizza ice cream candy cookie hamburger P78 Lesson 25 swim dance run jump sing fly can have P81 Lesson 26 ride drive walk take write study do make P84 Lesson 27 game computer game card piano guitar song P87 Lesson 28 ball baseball basketball soccer kite doll P90 Lesson 29 spring summer fall winter sun moon star P93 Lesson 30 rain hot cold sunny rainy cloudy windy warm cool weather P96 Lesson 31 who what when how where which here there P99 Lesson 32 in on at from under out outside by for to with and but P102 Lesson 33 clothes coat jacket pants T-shirt shorts P105 Lesson 34 skirt shirt dress sock(s) shoe(s) comb bag hat umbrella P108

Lessons List of the words Lesson 35 body tooth(teeth) back neck lip(s) finger foot P111 Lesson 36 Lesson 37 Lesson 38 Lesson 39 day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday week weekend month year morning afternoon evening night today tonight tomorrow yesterday time o'clock a.m.(a.m.) p.m.(p.m.) now last late next classroom classmate blackboard notebook paper picture English Chinese math PE hi hello good-bye speak say ask answer talk question draw P114 P118 P121 P124 Lesson 40 wear clean wash meet come want help use P127 Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 43 new old fast slow beautiful handsome smart fine fun great boring some very too house living room kitchen bedroom bathroom door home room wall bed toy window TV(television) telephone fan sofa key dish bowl chopsticks cup glass P130 P133 P137 Lesson 44 zoo park farm store bookstore hospital bank library supermarket P140 Lesson 45 Taiwan America flower tree trip dream MRT hundred dollar P143 Fun English 400 Words

Lesson 1 1


` 3

1. e 2. t 3. e 4. 4

5. ou 6. e 7. ey 8. ou 5

Lesson 2 6



Lesson 3 9

aɪn] 1. _w_ boys 2. _i_e books 10

3. _i_e cats 4. _ee desks 5. _i_e dogs 11

Lesson 4 12



1. f 1. We are f s(). 2. 2. It is a u (). 3. s u 3. He is a s u (). 4. It is a d (). 4. d 1. I a. 2. We s. 15

3. S is a. 16

Lesson 5 17


What color is it? What color is it? It is red. It is blue. 19

1. What color is it? It is. 2. What color is it? It. 20

Lesson 6 21


How many ears do you have? I have two ears. How many hands does he have? He has two hands. 1. How many noses do you have? I have 2. How many eyes does your brother have? has. 1. 2. 3. and l g air 23

4. 5. 6. ead e m th 24

Lesson 7 25

What do you see? I see a bird. What does he see? He sees a duck. 26


Lesson 8 28



Lesson 9 31


1. s 3. a 2. p 4. b 33

Lesson 10 34

105. 106. ` [ˋoˋke] 35




Lesson 11 39

116. 117.Mr. 118.Mrs. What do you do? I am a doctor. What does she do? She is a singer. 40

What do you do? I am What does your father do? What does he do? What does she do? 41

Lesson 12 42

What fruit do you like? I like apples. What fruit does he like? He likes bananas. What fruit do you like? I like What fruit does your teacher like? likes 43

I like 44

Lesson 13 45

[kok] 46

What do you like? I like juice. What does she like? She likes Coke. What do you like? I like What does your mother like? likes 47

Lesson 14 48

What do you like? I like fish. What does she like? She likes eggs. What do you like? I like What does your brother like? 49

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cake rice lunch breakfast egg 50

Lesson 15 51



Lesson 16 54


What do they like? They like movies. What does he like? He likes music. Do you like comic books? 56

Lesson 17 57

What s that? That is a car. What s that? That is a train. 58

1. What s that? That is. 2. What s that? That. 3. What s that? That. 59

Boyo Fun English 400 Words Lesson 18 60

What do they see? They see a bird. What does he see? He sees a lion. 61

Do you like to watch TV? Does your dad like to watch TV? 62

Lesson 19 63


Is he tall? No, he isn t. He is short. Is he good? No, he isn t. He is bad. Are you tall? 65

Lesson 20 66


How is your teacher? He is nice. Is she happy? Yes, she is happy. Are you happy? 68

Lesson 21 69



Lesson 22 72

What does his uncle do? What does his aunt do? He is a doctor. She is a nurse. What does your uncle do? He is 73


Lesson 23 認識單字 187. 188. 189 food 食物 beef 牛肉 pork 豬肉 190. 191. 192. soup 湯 hot dog 熱狗 sandwich 三明治 193. 194. 195. tomato 番茄 orange 柳橙 vegetable 蔬菜 75

187. food [fud] 188. beef [bif] 189. pork [pork] 190. soup [sup] 191. hot dog [hɑt dɔg] 192. sandwich [ˋsændwɪtʃ] 193. tomato [təˋmeto] 194. orange [ˋɔrɪndʒ] 195. vegetable [vɛdʒətəb!] ( 一 ) What food do you like? I like pork. What food does she like? She likes hot dogs. ( 二 ) 1. What food do you like? ( 以自己的經驗回答 ) I like. 2. What food does your mother like? likes. 76

1. I like vegetables. 2. She likes pork. 3. He likes hot dogs. 4. We like beef. 1. What food do you like? 2. I like pork. I can read! 將你會唸的字讀出並打勾 food beef pork soup hot dog sandwich tomato orange vegetable 77

Lesson 24 6 7 8 9 200201202 78

6 98 200 7 9 201 202 What do you like? I like cookies. What does she like? She likes hamburgers. 1. What do you like? I like. 2. What does your teacher like? likes. 79

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. candy cookie pizza hamburger bread 80

Lesson 25 3 4 20506 7 8 81

209. can 210. have 03 5 7 9 4 6 8 1 82

1. Can he swim?, he. He. 2. Can he dance?, he. He. 83

Lesson 26 11 212 3 5 4 6 84

217. do 218. make 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 Does he walk to school? Yes, he does. He walks to school. What does he like? He likes to ride bikes. 85

1. Do you like to ride bikes? 2. Does your teacher like to ride bikes?.. 86

Lesson 27 9 20 2 3 22 24 87

9 2 3 20 22 4 What does he like to do? He likes to play the piano. What do you like to do? I like to play cards. What do you like to do? I like What does your friend like to do? likes 88


Lesson 28 5 6 7 9 8 30 90

5 6 7 8 9 30 EX: He can walk to school 91

He. He. 3. He. 92

Boyo Fun English 400 Words Lesson 29 31 3 3 4 5 6 7 93

31 3 3 4 5 6 7 What season() do you like? I like spring. What season does she like? She likes summer. What season do you like? I like What season does your teacher like? likes 94

l f l 95

Boyo Fun English 400 Words Lesson 30 8 9 40 41 42 3 4 5 96

246. cool 247. weather 8 40 42 4 6 9 41 3 5 7 How is the weather in spring? It is warm. How is the weather in summer? It is hot. 97

What weather do you like? I like. 98

Lesson 31 8 9 50 52 51 3 99

254. here 255. there 8 9 50 51 52 3 4 5 Ex: What Who are you? Who 1. When does she go to school? What 2. What does she go to school? How 100

3. What Who are they? 4. What do you do? Who 101

Lesson 32 6 7 589 60 由 62 4 6 61 3 5 7 8 102

6 8 7 9 60 m] 61 62 3 4 6 5 7 8 103


Boyo Fun English 400 words Lesson 33 認識單字 266. 267. clothes 衣服 coat 大衣 268. 269. jacket 夾克 ; 短外套 pants 褲 ; 褲 270. 271. T-shirt T 恤 shorts 短褲 105

9 0 71 72 3 4 What s this? This is a T-shirt. What s that? That is a jacket. 1. What s this? This is a. 2. What s this? This is a. 106

EX 1. 2. 3. coat jacket T-shirt This is a doll. This is a. This is a. This is a. 107

Lesson 34 認識單字 275. 276. skirt 裙子 shirt 襯衫 277. 278. dress 洋裝 sock(s) 襪子 ; 短襪子 279. shoe(s) 鞋子 108

Boyo Fun English 400 Words 其他單字說明 280. comb 梳子 梳 281. bag 袋子 提袋 282. hat 帽子(有邊的) 283. umbrella 雨傘 275. skirt [skɝt] 276. shirt [ʃɝt] 277. dress [drɛs] 278. socks [sɑkz] 279. shoes [ʃuz] 280. comb [kom] 281. bag [bæ g] 282. hat [hæ t] 283. umbrella [ʌmˋbrɛlə] [ʌmˋbrɛlə] (一) What s this? This is my umbrella. 109

That is my bag. What s that? ( 二 ) 句子填空 : 看圖回答問題, 並與同學對話練習 1. What s this? This is a. 2. What s this? This is a. 1. This is her dress. 2. This is a pair of socks. I can read! 將你會唸的字讀出並打勾 skirt shirt dress sock(s) shoe(s) comb bag hat umbrella 110

Lesson 35 4 5 (teeth) 6 7 888990 111

4 5 6 7 8 9 90 1. 2. 3. t th oot l s 4. 5. 6. b ck inger n ck How many fingers does he have? He has ten fingers. 112

How is his neck? His neck is long. How many fingers do you have? I have. 113

Lesson 36 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 114

299. week 300. weekend 301. month 3 0 2. year ` 91 3 5 7 9 301 292 4 6 8 300 302 a e i o u S nday dnesday M nday S turday Fr day 115

ay ee ur 6. w kend 7. Th sd 8. Tuesd 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He reads books on. He plays baseball on. She plays basketball on. _. I play the guitar on. He plays computer games on. 116

What day is today? It is Wednesday. When do you play the piano? I play the piano on Friday. 117

Lesson 37 3 5 7 9 11 3 5 7 4 6 8 1 312 4 6 8 last month last night yesterday now tonight tomorrow next week 118

3 4 5 7 6 8 9 1 11 3 5 7 312 4 6 8 EX B_ (A) He watches TV every day. (B) He will watch TV tonight. 1. (A) We will eat beef tonight. (B) We ate beef yesterday. 2. (A) My father will watch TV tomorrow. (B) My father watched TV yesterday. 119

3. (A) She read this book last week. (B) She will read this book next month. 4. (A) His friend will come here next month. (B) His friend comes here every day. 120

Lesson 38 9 20 21 2 3 5 7 4 6 8 9 20 21 2 3 5 7 4 6 8 121

A B C What subject() do you like? I like English. What subject does he like? He likes PE. 122

1. What subject do you like? I like What subject does your classmate like? likes 123

Lesson 39 9 31 3 5 7 330 32 34 36 38 9 31 3 5 7 30 2 4 6 8 124

What can she speak? She can speak English. A B C What can you speak? I can speak Chinese. 1. What can you speak? I can speak What can your teacher speak? likes EX: Hello, how are you? 125

1.What did your teacher? 2.Do you have any s? 3.Who are you ing about? 4.I can s English well. 5.No p m. 126

Lesson 40 9 41 3 5 40 2 4 6 9 41 3 5 40 2 4 6 127

What will she wear? She will wear a dress. What will you wear? I will wear blue pants. 1. What will you wear? I will wear What will your teacher wear? will wear EX: I want to be an actor. 128

1.I will c my room tomorrow. 2.W your hands. 3.Who did you m? 4.I need your h. 5.May I u your pen? 129

Lesson 41 7 9 8 50 51 52 3 5 7 9 130 4 6 8 60

7 9 8 50 51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 60 How is this car? It is old and slow. How is your new car? It is very fast. 131

How is your bike? It is 1. My uncle is very h. 2. My mom is very b. 3. He is a g t man. 4. I need to drink s e water. 5. We had a lot of f. 132

Boyo Fun English 400 Words Lesson 42 61 3 5. 2 4 66 133

367. home 368. room 369. wall 370. bed 371. toy 61 2 3 5 7 9 4 6 8 70 71 (A) l g room (C) ba m (B) k n (D) be m 1. ( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 134

Where is she? Where is he? She is in the bathroom. He is in the kitchen. 1. Where is he? He is. 2. Where is she? is. EX: This house is big. 135

1.There are many r s in this house. 2.There is a sofa in the l room. 3.There is a b in the bedroom. 4.Please open the d. 5.It s my new t. 136

Boyo Fun English 400 Words Lesson 43 2 3 4 6 75 7 137 379. bowl 380. chopsticks 381. cup 382. glass 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 0 81 2 What s this? It s a sofa. 138

What s that? It s my key. 1. What s that? It s. 2. What s that? It s. 139

Lesson 44 3 4 5 36 7 8 140

389. bank 390. library 391. supermarket 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 90 91 park bookstore hospital farm John Amy 141

Linda Mark 1. Where is John going? He is. 2. Where is Amy going? She is. 3. Where is Mark going? He. 4. Where is Linda going? She. 142

Lesson 45 認識單字 392. Taiwan 台灣 393. America 美國 394. flower 花 395. tree 樹 396. trip 旅遊 397. dream 夢想 398. MRT 捷運 399. hundred 一百, 一百的 400. dollar 元 390. Taiwan [ˈtaɪˈwɑn] 391. America [əˋmɛrɪkə] 392. flower [ˋflaʊɚ] 393. tree [tri] 394. trip [trɪp] 395. dream [drim] 143

398. MRT 399. hundred [ˋhʌndrəd] 400. dollar [ˋdɑlɚ] 唸出第一部分的句子, 再完成第二部份的句子填空 ( 一 ) Where does he live? He lives in Taiwan. Where are you from? I am from Taiwan. ( 二 ) 1. Where do you live? ( 以自身狀況回答 ) I live in. 2. Where does your teacher live? lives. 144

聽寫, 老師會唸出句子, 請依老師所唸的字詞, 完成句子填空 EX: He is from Taiwan. 1. These f s are beautiful. 2. What s your dr? 3. It s one h dollars. 4. We ll take a tr to Taiwan. 5. You can take the to the hotel. 摹寫下列句子 1. There are many trees. 2. He is from America. I can read! 將你會唸的字讀出並打勾 Taiwan America flower tree trip dream MRT hundred dollar 145

Lesson 1 1.he 2. it 3. she 4. I 5. you 6. we 7. they 8. you Lesson 2 Lesson 3 1.two boys 2. nine books 3. five cats 4. three desks 5. five dogs Lesson 4 1. We are friends(). 2. It is a ruler (). 3. He is a student(). 4. It is a desk (). 1. I am a student. 2. We are friends. 3. She is a teacher. Lesson 5 1.It is red. 2.It is green. 146

Lesson 6 1.hand 2. leg 3. hair 4. head 5. eye 6. mouth Lesson 7 1.I see a bird. 2.I see a mouse. 3.I see a bear. Lesson 8 147

1.I see a sheep. 2. I see a monkey. 3. I see a horse. Lesson 9 1.I see two snakes. 2.I see three ants. 3. I see three sheep. 4. I see two horses. 5. I see three monkeys. 1.snake 2. pet 3.ant 4. bee Lesson 10 1.his 2. your 3.Amy s 4. her 5. their 1. is his son s 2. is our 3. are Amy s 4. is my mom s its 6. is my sister s Lesson 11 3. He is a worker. 4. She is a nurse. 148

Lesson 12 1.I like bananas. 2.I like pears. 3 I like grapes. 4.I like peaches. Lesson 13 Lesson 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. cake rice lunch breakfast egg Lesson 15 2. read 3. go 4. drink book 2. drink Coke 3. eat dinner 4. go to school 5. eat lunch 149

Lesson 16 1. likes music 2. like comic books 3. like movies 4. likes dogs Lesson 17 1.a bike a taxi a ship Lesson 19 1.big 2. long 3. tall 3.good Lesson 20 1. sad 2. fat 3. strong 3. happy Lesson 21 1.cute 2. hungry 3. sick 3. angry 150

Lesson 22 根據圖片重新正確排列每一題的字母, 拼 ft 正確的單字 parent cousin live Lesson 23 唸 ft 下列句子, 並將符合句子描述的圖片連起來 1. I like vegetables. 2. She likes pork. 3. He likes hot dogs. 4. We like beef. Lesson 24 連連看, 把與單 1. 字相符的圖片連起來 2. 3. 4. 5. candy cookie pizza hamburger bread 151

Lesson 25 1. Yes, can, can swim 2. No, can t, can t dance Lesson 27 1. sing a song 2. play the piano 3. play the guitar Lesson 28 152

What can he/she do? (/) 1. can play basketball 2. can play baseball. 3. can play soccer Lesson 29 Lesson 30 Lesson 31 1.When 2. How 3. Who 4. What Lesson 32 1.on 2. There, under 3. There, in 4. to, by 5. with 6. for 153

Lesson 33 1.coat 2.T-shirt 1.T-shirt 2.coat 3.jacket Lesson 34 1.hat 2.comb Lesson 35 1.tooth 2.foot 3.lips 4.back 5.finger 6.neck Lesson 36 6. weekend 7. Thursday 8. Tuesday 1.Monday 2. Friday 3. Wednesday 4. Saturday 5. Sunday 154

Lesson 37 1.(A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) Lesson 38 A B C Lesson 39 1.say 2. questions 3. talking 4. speak 5. problem Lesson 40 1.clean 2. Wash 3. meet 4. help 5. use Lesson 41 1.handsome 2. beautiful 3. great 4. some 5. fun 155

Lesson 42 1. ( C ) 2.( D ) 3.( B ) 4.( A ) the living room 2.She, in the bedroom. 1.rooms 2. living room 3. bed 4. door 5. toy Lesson 43 1.a telephone 2.a fan Lesson 44 1. going to the hospital 2. going to the bookstore 3.going to the park 4.going to the farm Lesson 45 2. dream 3. hundred 4. trip 5.MRT 156