Festival 2. 农历 lunar calendar 3. 阳历 solar calendar 4. 月亮 moon 5. 赏月 enjoy looking at moon 6. 历史 history 7. 特别 special 8. 圆 round 9. 洁白 pure white 10.

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F LAN CHINESE CURRICULUM PROJECT MY EXTENDED WORLD (PART 2) Level 3 UNIT 3: Celebrations, Festivals, and Traditions Note: These topics should not be taught all together but should be separated and taught when the holiday occurs. For example the Moon Festival topic should be taught early in the fall. ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: Students understand that they celebrate many important occasions accompanied by festivals and traditions. ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS : What are the major Chinese festivals celebrations? What are the traditions connected to these festivals? What foods are eaten and clothing worn at each holiday? What stories/myths are connected to each holiday? Do we have similar or different celebrations and traditions? AP THEME Families and Communities What students will be able to do by the end of this unit Speaking/ Listening (interpersonal and presentational) Reading (interpretive) Writing Presentational and Interpersonal Students can ask and answer questions about Chinese traditional festivals on lunar calendar. Students can ask and answer questions about typical foods to eat and clothes to wear during the holiday. Students can exchange information about ways of celebrating major festivals in their own culture. Students can present a demonstration showing the steps for making Chinese foods. Students can interpret Chinese food recipes. Students can demonstrate understanding of celebrations and traditions. Students can narrate a story about celebrations and traditions. Students can reply emails about different ways of celebrations and traditions. Topic 1: Moon Festival Duration: About 10 hours 1. 中秋节 Moon 1. 今年的中秋节是哪天?

Festival 2. 农历 lunar calendar 3. 阳历 solar calendar 4. 月亮 moon 5. 赏月 enjoy looking at moon 6. 历史 history 7. 特别 special 8. 圆 round 9. 洁白 pure white 10. 传说 legend 11. 团圆 get together 12. 思念 miss 13. 故乡 hometown 14. 月饼 moon cake 15. 庆祝 celebration 16. 过节 celebrate 17. 院子 yard 18. 象征 symbol 19. 风俗 custom 20. 传统节日 traditional holiday 1. 嫦娥 change 2. 奔月 fly to moon 3. 射 Shoot 4. 箭 Arrow 5. 皇帝 Emperor 6. 玉兔 the jade hare on the moon 7. 馅儿 filling What date is the Moon Festival this year? 今年的中秋节是 The Moon Festival is this year. 2. 你能讲一下中秋节的故事吗? Can you tell the story of the Moon Festival? 3. 为什么中国人要庆祝中秋节? Why do Chinese people celebrate the Moon Festival? Answers will vary from student to student. 4. 中国家庭在中秋节时做什么? What do Chinese families do during the Moon Festival? 5. 你喜欢吃月饼吗? 为什么? Do you like to eat Moon cakes? Why? 就要 ( 快 ) 了 (something is about to happen) 中秋节就要到了 The Moon Festival will come soon. 一边 一边 or 一面... 一面 (while) is used when two actions are taking place at the same time 许多人坐在一起一边看月亮一边吃月饼 Many people eat moon cake while looking at the moon. 把 A 看作 B (to regard A as B) is used when relating one word to another. reunion. 中国人把圆月看作团圆的象征 Chinese people regard the full moon as a symbol of 每到 (every time that) 每到中秋节的时候大家都要吃月饼 People eat moon cakes during every Moon Festival.

Topic 2: Chinese New Year Duration: About 10 hours 1. 中国新年 Chinese New Year 2. 十二生肖 12 zodiacs 3. 属 Belong to 4. 红包 Red envelope 5. 打扫 Cleaning 6. 旧 Old 7. 饺子 dumpling 8. 汤圆 / 元宵 9. 年糕 rice cake 10. 恭喜 wish one joy respectfully happy 11. 春节 Spring Festival 12. 除夕 New Year eve 13. 鞭炮 Firecracker 14. 拜访 Visiting 15. 拜年 new year s greeting 16. 拿 Take 17. 长辈 older generation 18. 晚辈 Younger generation 19. 给 Give 20. 压岁钱 money given to children as gift during Chinese new year. 1. 熬夜 Stay up late 2. 对联 Couplets 3. 剪纸 Chinese paper cutting 4. 菜谱 recipe 5. 硬币 coin 1. 怎么过春节? How do people celebrate Chinese New Year? 2. 春节有什么习俗? 为什么? What are the Chinese New Year customs? Why? 3. 今年的生肖是什么? What is the zodiac of the New Year? 今年是 年 This year is the year of. Answers will vary for each year. 4. 关于中国新年有哪些故事和风俗? What are some Chinese New Year stories and customs? 学会 +Verb 除夕那天我在他家学会了包饺子 On Chinese New Year's Eve, I learned how to make dumplings at his house. 不管, 还 ( 也, 都 )... (no matter, Still ) 不管多忙, 到了春节, 大家都要回家过年 No matter how busy it is, people will go back home to celebrate when the Chinese new year is coming. 肯定 ( definitely) 如果你吃到了有硬币的饺子, 你今年肯定就要交好运了 If you eat the dumpling with the coin, you will definitely have good luck this

year. Topic 3: Dragon Boat Festival Duration: About hours 1. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 2. 诗人 Poet 3. 屈原 4. 准备 prepare 5. 泡 soak 6. 糯米 glutinous rice 7. 红枣 red date 8. 竹叶 bamboo leave 9. 失望 Disappointed 10. 伤心 Sad 11. 跳入水中 Dive in 12. 消失 Disappear 13. 划船 Paddle a boat 14. 打捞 pull something out of the water 15. 寻找 Looking for 16. 包粽子 make Bamboo dumpling 17. 龙舟 Dragon Boat 18. 比赛 competition 19. 消息 news/information 1. 楚国 Chu State 2. 战国时期 Warring State Period 1. 端午节的传说是什么? What is the story of the Dragon Boat Festival? 2. 为什么中国人要包粽子? Why Do Chinese people make Zongzi (bamboo dumplings)? 3. 为什么要举行龙舟比赛? Why do Chinese people have the Dragon Boat competition? 4. 你知道怎么包粽子吗? Do you know how Zongzi (bamboo dumplings) are made? 5. 为什么人们那么喜欢屈原? Why do people like Quyuan so much? 据说 ( it is said that) 据说粽子本来是扔到河里喂鱼的, 但后来成了端午节的食品 It is said that ZONGZI could have been thrown into the river to feed the fish, but later became the Dragon Boat Festival food. 想要, 就得 ( in order to.., you need to ) 你要想包粽子, 就得准备糯米, 粽子叶和红枣等等 In order to make ZONGZI, you need to prepare glutinous rice, bamboo leaves and red dates, and so on. 不仅, 而且 ( not only, but also ) 中国的传统节日不仅有春节和中秋节, 还有端午节 Of China's traditional festivals, there are not only Spring Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival, but also the Dragon Boat Festival.

CULTURAL CONNECTIONS 1. Students can demonstrate and understand origins and legends of Chinese festivals. 2. Students can explain festive foods and their symbolic meanings. 3. Students can compare differences and similarities of celebrations between Chinese and American holidays. Adapted from Jefferson County Public Schools, KY, 2011