Tere Rubio FINAL para Impresion V12 VERSION PARA HONG KONG- ingles y chino-con cambios

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i n s i g h t s Exhibition 2009 2009

th For the 11 consecutive year, The Consulate General of Mexico in Hong Kong and Macau is pleased to present the cultural festival Mexican September. This event is organized under the sponsorship of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores) of Mexico and is made possible due to the generous contributions of Mexican as well as local companies in Hong Kong and Macau. The collaboration and support of both of the Special Administrative Regions and its institutions are appreciated. In sum of all efforts, it is noted that for the last 10 years we have been delighted to offer the best cultural expressions from Mexico. Exhibitions, concerts, culinary festivals, among others, that have made Mexican September, one of the most renowned annual events in which the public is interested in participating. Mexican September has consolidated in our arts and culture, actively contributing to the dynamic cultural lifestyles of the two Special Administrative Regions of The People's Republic of China. In this occasion, we would like to reiterate our commitment to the promotion of contemporary Mexican art and to contribute to the international expansion of its artists. It is an honor for us to present Insights an exhibition of the recognized Mexican painter Teresa Rubio. Insights expresses the quest of meaning that Teresa Rubio undertakes as an exercise of introspection through her painting.

The act of painting is solitary, but becomes collective when Teresa gives expression to the different phases in her metamorphosis through her watercolor. This way, the artist gives shape and color to a series of feelings: indecision, dream, movement, depth, genesis, warmth: all these thoughts surface from Teresa's brush and gives expression to the emotions like a photographic plaque. In-front of her art, one cannot remain indifferent: with each painting one experiments a mixture of feelings. Through the indulgence of these senses, which evokes scent and sound, the creative process transcends in a transformation in which the spectator is witness and which the artist shares with us. It is a pleasure for The Consulate General of Mexico to share the cultural festivities of Mexican September through the splendid artwork of Teresa Rubio in Insights Héctor Huerta Acting-Consul General of Mexico in Hong Kong and Macao

The Consulate General of Mexico acknowledges the sponsorship of the following companies which made the presentation of this exhibition possible: We are also thankful for the enormous contributions of all the translators: Mr. Benjamin Wong Mr. Peter Au Ms. So San San Ms. Tai Yin Mei Ms. Tania Libertad Hernández - Assistant Editor

9 10 9 9 Teresa Rubio Teresa Rubio Teresa Teresa Teresa Rubio 9 Héctor Huerta Acting-Consul General of Mexico in Hong Kong and Macao

All quests are channeled to one's own inner space, and Teresa Rubio knows it. Her painting and her days speak of the human longing for oneness, of the identification of the individual with his/her surroundings, with that which envelopes us in space and time. Infinity or, at least, the vastness of time and space that we perceive as such, provokes the illusion that this identification is out of our reach. Nonetheless, there is great dignity in the attempt. Art, science, philosophy and theology are the means we have to obtain knowledge, to search for oneness. They all seem inherent to the human endeavour. They probably define it, and no doubt they set it in motion. Teresa Rubio's painting -not only her watercolors- is a constructive process where no aim is determined beforehand. Thus, her art -at different levels- is the result of reflections, improvisations, discriminated choices, impulses. It is a constant poised swaying between instinct and analysis. The comprehension of her art changes as it evolves: the author rebuilds herself at the same time as her expressions flow. The final outcome, the finished paintings, do not give wisdom upon the creator -they may contribute to humankind's great body of knowledge. It is the act of creating which contains (emanates, produces, opens, attracts) knowledge, as a synonym of truth and freedom. The art work in this exhibition provide evidence of the honest paths which Teresa walks by. Jorge Salort

Teresa Rubio Teresa Rubio Teresa Jorge Salort

Manifestation (2009) Watercolor on Paper 57 x 76 cm (2009)

Reciprocity (2009) Watercolor on Paper 57 x 76 cm (2009)

Conscience (2009) Watercolor on Paper 57 x 76 cm (2009)

Reverie (2009) Watercolor on Paper 57 x 76 cm (2009)

Torrent (2009) Watercolor on Paper & Acrylic 57 x 76 cm (2009)

Transformation (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Introspection (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Confidence (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Tolerance (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Hunch (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Concordance (2009) Watercolor on Paper 37 x 55 cm (2009)

Curriculum Vitae Teresa Rubio www.teresarubio.net Personal Details: Date and Place of Birth: April 11th, 1960, México D.F. Mexico. Education 1984-2009 2003-2008 Indian Philosophy workshops and courses in India, USA and Mexico. Teacher Huáscar Taborga's Visual Arts Workshop: Watercolor, Chinese ink, tempering, collage, mixed techniques. 2005 Design Workshop. Stonywell School of Arts. Oxford, England. 2005 Watercolor Workshop. Stonywell School of Arts. Oxford, England. 2005 Atelier d'acuarelle. Ecole d'arts, Lyon, France. 2005 Ocres et pigments pour la peinture. Rousillon, France. 2006 Workshop of Sumi- E. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2007 Copyist Course. Botticelli Foundation. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 Gestual Painting. Teachers Huáscar Taborga and Jorge Salort. Malinalco, Mexico. 2008-09 Teacher Jorge Salort's: Visual Arts Workshop and Contemporary Art. 2008-09 History of Contemporary Art. Botticelli Foundation. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.

Others 1978-1982 B.A. degree in Administration. La Salle University. Mexico City, Mexico. 1987-1992 Art Dealer. Mexico City, Mexico. 1993-2004 Several leadership posts at SYDA Foundation. India, USA and Mexico. 2009 Member of the Contemporary Visual Art Society, Morelos, A.C. Mexico. 2009 Executive secretary of the Contemporary Visual Art Society, Morelos, A.C. Mexico. Collective Exhibitions: 2005 Kakemonos.Kakechangos. National Museum of Watercolor Painting. Mexico City. 2005 Watercolor Stonywell School of Arts. Oxford, England. 2006 Watercolor Exhibition. Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico. 2007 Homage to Frida Kahlo Muros Museum. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2007 Watercolor Art. University Cultural Center, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 Watercolor Painting. Tamayo Art Gallery. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 How Many Forms? Alliance Française. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 Water, Synthesis and Movement. Racquet Hotel Cuernavaca, Morelos. Mexico. 2009 New Tendencies. Watercolor Museum of the State of Mexico, Toluca, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.

Individual Exhibitions: 2008 Pilgrimage San Angel Cultural Center, Mexico City, Mexico. 2009 Insights, Consulate General of Mexico in Hong Kong and Macao, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), PRCH. 2009 St. Paul's Fine Art Gallery, St. Paul's Corner, Macau, PRCH. Distinctions and Awards: 2004 Selected in the VII State Exhibition of Watercolor. Jardín Borda. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2005 Selected in the VIII State Exhibition of Watercolor. Jardín Borda. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2006 Two works selected in the IX State Exhibition of Watercolor. Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2007 Selected in the X State Exhibition of Watercolor. Jardín Borda Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 Selected with two artworks in the XI State Exhibition of Watercolor; one won the Second Prize. Jardín Borda. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. 2008 Selected in the Second Watercolor Contest of Award Tláloc. Watercolor Museum of the State of Mexico, Toluca, Mexico. 2008 National Award of the Watercolor Tlacuilo. National Watercolor Museum Alfredo Guati Rojo, Mexico City, Mexico.

: Teresa Rubio www.teresarubio.net 1960 4 11 : 1984-2009 2003-2008 Huáscar Taborga, 2005 2005 2005 Acuarelle 2005 Roussillon 2006 Cuernavaca Sumi-E 2007 Cuernavaca Botticelli Foundation Copyist 2008 Malinalco Huáscar Taborga Jorge Salort Gestual Painting 2008-2009 Jorge Salort : 2008-2009 Cuernavaca Botticelli Foundation 1978-1982 La Salle 1987-1992 1993-2004 SYDA Foundation 2009 2009

: 2005 Kakemonos.Kakechangos., 2005 2006 2007 Muros Homage to Frida Kahlo 2007 2008 Tamayo 2008 Alliance Française How Many Forms? 2008 Racquet Water, Synthesis and Movement 2009, New Tendencies 2008 Pilgrimage ( ) 2009 Insights( ) 2009

2004 Jardín Borda 2005 Jardín Borda 2006 Jardín Borda 2007 Jardín Borda 2008 Jardín Borda, 2008 Tláloc 2008 Alfredo Guati Rojo Tlacuilo

Reflection (2009) Watercolor on Paper 57 x 51 cm (2009)

Reconnaissance (2007) Triptych Watercolor & Tempera on Rice Paper 19.5 x 49 cm (2007)

Sigh (2007) Diptych Watercolor & Tempera on Rice Paper 19.5 x 31.5 cm (2007)

Scent of Autumn (2007) Watercolor and Tempera on Rice Paper 13 x 18.5 cm (2007)

Gentle Dawn (2007) Watercolor & Tempera on Rice Paper 13 x 18.5 cm (2007)

Absorption (2007) Watercolor & Tempera on Rice Paper 13 x 18.5 cm (2007)

Awakening (2007) Watercolor & Tempera on Rice Paper 44.5 x 74 cm (2007)

Photography: Pericles Lavat : Pericles Lavat

With this exhibition I want to share that which I glimpse on the knowledge of myself and of the world that surrounds me. Light, space, colour, form...they all blend within the abstraction to express the profound and intimate; the daily experience of approaching the responses to fundamental questions: Who am I? Where am I going? What is the purpose of the human existence? I witness and shape the manifestation of my universe: my deep intentions, my fears and self limitations; my loves and heartbrakes; that which is true, that which is illusory, that which is still concealed. By creating and expressing myself through painting I search for knowledge; for fulfillment; for the perception of what is essential in me. I use watercolor because it allows me to immerse myself in the play of the unexpected, in the joyful movement of water, in the spontaneous and subtle. By painting like this, I find myself abiding, over and over, in the depth, in silence, in the intimacy of my own being, in the fleeting and eternal present. Insights expresses the virtues I learn from nature; the glimpses surging from the creative process; what is hidden to the physical eyes but is felt and perceived within; the fruits of taking risks, of loosing the way and finding myself once again, renewed and transformed. The art exhibition Insights is about my own experience of the inner world, for which I am indebted to the guidance and teachings received from my Spiritual Master. I offer to my Master my deepest respect, gratitude and love. Teresa Rubio

Insights Insights Teresa Rubio