pieces of material 2-4 meters long, to be used for draping during the silent art auction If any parents know of someone who would be willing to donate

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Important Dates Thursday, March 16, 2017- No School, Silent Art Auction for children, families and friends from 5:00-7:00pm Friday, March 17, 2017- Term 3 Portfolios go home March 20- March 24- Term 3 break Vison -------------------------------------------- Etonhouse is committed to the pursuit of excellence and leadership in educational service Mission -------------------------------------------- Etonhouse will meet its Vision through: Empowering each individual to be an enthusiastic life-long learner and confident global citizen of the future A curriculum focused on pedagogical and research-based best practice Acknowledging and responding to each learner s potential An authentic partnership with families and the community Continual evaluation, improvement and quality assurance across the organization Special point of interest -------------------------------- We are currently looking for large By: Mrs. Jessica and Deng Laoshi Dear Parents and Families: Welcome to the 4th and final edition of our newsletter for this term. We are now 13 days away from our Art Auction! It s is going to be an exciting day where we will get together, admire the artworks that the children have done and of course, purchase them to support the Pelita school! :) Enduring Theme: How the World Works Inquiry Question: How are people and nature dependant on each other? Learning Goals The Child as a Communicator Demonstrate use of multiple word sentences to describe their ideas, thoughts and feelings Respond to (adult) questions about the story (verbally with short answers) Re-tell a story which shares key episodes of the story line (not necessarily in sequence) The Thinking Child Begin to display awareness of skip counting, initially in 2 s (2-4-6); explains the purpose of skip counting as an efficiency operation Recognize numbers in written form Display increasing awareness of measuring time. The Physical Child Assess (visually) positive and negative shapes Respond to adult prompts regarding body movement. The Child as an Agent of Change Demonstrate and show interest about natural environment Experiment with objects to explore and observe the natural world identify relationships between nature and people. RECAP The children have been engaged in the lifecycles of bugs. 1

pieces of material 2-4 meters long, to be used for draping during the silent art auction If any parents know of someone who would be willing to donate, or are able to donate themselves, please let Mrs. Jessica know, and we can set up a meeting time for you and Mrs. Renata to discuss details. Here is an example of what we will use the fabrics for: The have created illustrations of the different stages of the lifecycle. The students became quite interested in the different stages of bugs. Students are working on several art pieces to display their understanding about bugs and their interpretation of growing stages in bugs and humans. Below you can see Nicole coloring her leaf green. She even remembered to add the veins to her leaves, and her eggs grouped together in clusters as she learned the ladybugs lay them. The students learned that a baby ladybug is called a e Larva. as Megan shared that, bugs are Megan's statement demonstrates the student s ability to notice and distinguish differences between living things, which illustrates an appreciation of and respect for nature. As the students became fascinated by the of evolving stages of growth, they were curious about what other baby animals looked like. The students were really proud of their pupas, the next stage in the life cycle, Cataleya said, Here you can see the beginning of Cataleya and Adellyn s pupa creations. They all *Any monetary donations are greatly appreciated if you do not have fabrics at your disposal, as we are trying to put on the most amazing art exhibition to showcase your child s wonderful work the best way possible. have basically the same characteristics of the ladybug pupa, but they all look so unique! The students were especially proud of these drawings. Thank you in advance :) 2

Image of the Child: Student Highlight -------------------------------- Brooklyn shows her curiosity daily while she is at EtonHouse. She is one of the first to point out bugs around our school, and always has something positive to say about what she discovers. This day Brooklyn called Mrs. Jessica over to say, Mrs. Jessica, look there is a beautiful butterfly on the fence. And see there is a one here, and I have one butterfly. Matches. Proper finger position while holding scissors Finally, the students got to create their long awaited ladybugs. We took the opportunity of drawing spots on the shell, to write up our own equations based on how many spots the students chose to draw. To the left you can see Brooklyn chose four spots on each side, so she wrote 4+4=8. This is working the student s ability to add numbers together to achieve a total, which is building their understanding about numbers and operations. After everyone had completed their pictures, the class began cutting out all the pictures for all the different stages, working on their ability to manipulate scissors, developing fine motor control. Below is a simple tip to help you and your child practice cutting at home, using the proper finger placement. 3

From these pictures you can see the students are developing their finger and thumb opposition, the ability needed to manipulate scissors. The students are also displaying the use of their non preferred hand holding the paper while they cut which is an example of bi-manual coordination. Once all the cutting was finished K1 and K2 pasted all the drawings on a large circle, creating a literal ladybug life cycle. Ladybugs are one of the most useful bugs to have in your gardens! They can eat up to 50 harmful aphids in a day, which just might save your plants! Below is a link to a video of some ladybugs gobbling up their aphid lunch! https://youtu.be/03be0l3k s As shared earlier, students had the opportunity to work together with their parents on a homework assignment. Each student chose and animal they wanted to research. The task was to find out the name of the animal at its gestational period. Students returned with new information to share with the class. This information was used in the familiar game, Duck, Duck, Goose. the students used the different names of the gestational animals they researched. ladybug, The students used, or,. Mrs. Jessica asked each student to us their chosen animal they studied. Denzel s was. Charlotte s animal was Cataleya s was And Sahara s animal was The students were thrilled with this, and enjoyed learning the new baby animal names. Literacy and Numeracy 4

Larva Pupa Pupa Ladybug Kit Rabbit Students reviewed letter sounds, by tossing balls in a cone attached to the fence of the playground. Mrs. Jessica gave the students a word, related to our inquiry that they have learned, and asked them to listen for the beginning sound, and throw based on that sound. This exercise works on 2 different learning goals simultaneously. First it is reinforcing the student s ability to match sounds to letter strengthening their literacy awareness. Second the exercise is developing hand-eye coordination associated visual tracking skills necessary for throwing and catching experiences. Cub Tiger Foal Horse Caterpillar Butterfly The students also had a messy good time potato printing ladybugs for their letter L alphabet cards. The students used plastic satay sticks to carve into the potatoes to design their ladybugs. Following carving, the students dipped the potato in paint and printed on various colored papers. The students did this over and over, and were excited at each new stamp. 5

A Special Thank You!! Last Friday EtonHouse was lucky enough to have the very knowledgeable M.G Rento Palupi, M.Pd and Dr. Brigita Puridawaty, S,Psi, M.Pd as keynote speakers at our free workshop. These ladies with an extensive background in childhood education, showered the parents in attendance in knowledge of how to instill the love of reading in your child. The students were also introduced to the abstract concept of less than and the symbol <, which represents those words in an equation. Example 3<5 (three is less than five). The students caught on to the concept quickly and before long they were creating their own less than equations on the whiteboard. We applied this knowledge to build our numberline of our number pictures we make earlier in the term, to the right you can see Megan laying down her number 5 picture next to Adellyn s number 6. As she placed it, she said, As an added bonus, everyone who attended was entered into a door prize. 3 lucky moms won, and got to take home a great book to share with their child, donated by. Congratulations to Leticia s Mom, for being one of the winners! Thank you to all the parents in attendance for your unwavering support and dedication to EtonHouse and for your child. 6

N2 班级重点信息 -------------------------------------------- 入学时间, 早 8:30-8:45 N2 已无牛奶时间 每周五我们将以邮件的形式告知各位家长关于本周的主要学习目的, 请注意查收邮件 请在学校吃午餐的幼儿早上入学时将午餐盒放入楼下的放置处 午点盒中, 请不要将巧克力和糖果之类的甜食和零食作为幼儿的午点 禁止携带坚果类在幼儿的食物中 特别的兴趣点 -------------------------------- 多媒体阅读我们将两周一次的家庭华文阅读, 从书本的形式变更为多媒体阅读形式 我们将家庭阅读周周五, 通过邮件以及纸质的形式告知各位家长华文阅读故事的网络连接 本周五我们已经通过邮件的形式告知各位家长阅读内容, 请同幼儿一起欣赏数字儿歌 : 七个小矮人! 数字儿歌! 碰碰狐 八条蜘蛛腿! 数字儿歌! 碰碰狐 九只青蛙! 数字儿歌! 碰碰狐 网络连接 : http://youtu.be/ky0o9vpzwlo http://youtu.be/mwtwk-qws6 k http://youtu.be/bes5fkjdaxo 家长注意事项 -------------------------------- 多媒体阅读时, 请记录下幼儿提出的问题以及幼儿重复说出的华文字, 词, 句, 反馈给华文老师, 华文老师将结合幼儿关注点和提出的问题再次进行多媒体阅读 本周重点阅读信息 主要学习概念 ( 持久性主题 ) : 沟通能力 探究性问题 : 幼儿如何用中文口头 ( 非口头 ) 语言来表达自己的思想? 社会文化背景下的儿童自主意识, 能以独立, 以及合作的方式操作有必要时愿意接受他人的帮助 ( 朋友和成人 ) 能够与他人一起参与长期的任务团队合作精神以及领导能力 ; 正面地与同伴及成人交流的能力, 尊重和重视自己及别人的想法能使用不同的策略去建立和维持友谊 ( 与同伴进行口头或非口头的交流 ; 提供帮助 ; 分享玩具 / 器材 ; 聆听他人的想法和贡献 ) 善交流的儿童书面和文本语言 / 文学意识解释某个故事情节的原因, 如她难过是因为她想妈妈能够理解书面和口语单词一一对应, 例如 : 在读故事题目 三只小猪 时能够理解书面的单词和说出的单词是一一对应的 好思考的儿童解决问题和制定计划, 逻辑性, 批判性, 创造性和横向思维的能力充满热情并集中精力追求自己的兴趣能够向他人清晰地表述所建议的, 解决问题的过程 ( 可能会讲出, 或者画 / 写下来 ) 对数学概念的理解 ( 数字和运算 ; 几何图形和空间意识 ; 测量 ; 排列和代数思维 ; 展示和分析数据 ; 钱币和时间 ) 书写能够辨认出的数字将简单的物体收集在一起, 完成简单的心算 ( 可能会用手指来协助数数 ) 身体健康的儿童大肌肉的掌控和协调能力, 空间意思, 身体的和肌肉的运动知觉能够展现出一些列静态的平衡策略, 通过日益增长的身体协调能力和平衡力来进行移动 ( 户外障碍训练, 小组游戏和音乐 / 律动活动 ) 与时俱进的二儿童理解自己在可持续发展上的潜在角色参与回收和减少浪费的过程 针对幼儿还无法自信的独立完成数字书写的活动, 我们开展了数字拼组的活动 让幼儿逐一观察数字, 将线条分散成点拼组在一起, 辅助幼儿理解书写的顺序和方式 这次活动中幼儿基本能独 7

-------------------------------------------- 立根据自己的观察进行数字的拼组, 个别幼儿还不知道如何将线换成点的方式进行拼组, 但在老师的解释和辅助帮助下也能坚持完成拼组活动 华文故事书 小龙的故事系列丛书 图一 :Cataleya 根据邓老师的指令, 用手电筒照到相对应指令的数字 2 卡片 图二 :Cataleya 将数字卡摆放在灯板上尝试观察用绒球摆出数字 2 Megan 指读华文故事书 小龙的生日礼物 图一 :Sahara 根据邓老师的指令, 用手电筒照到相对应指令的数字 4 卡片 图二 :Sahara 将数字卡摆放在灯板上尝试观察用绒球摆出数字 4 幼儿自由阅读时间, 选择自己喜欢的书本用不同的方式阅读 阅读活动中, 解释某个故事情节的原因, 如她难过是因为她想妈妈, 例如 教师反思 : 这次活动幼儿能 有必要时愿意接受他人的帮助 ( 朋友和成人 ) 例如 :Sahara 听不懂邓老师说的是什么, 她愿意根据其他幼儿的翻译来继续进行找数字卡的活动 Cataleya 相对应邓老师指令的数字卡片, 她愿意接受其他小朋友的提示找到更多的数字 2 卡片 能使用不同的策略去建立和维持友谊 ( 与同伴进行口头或非口头的交流 ; 提供帮助 ; 分享玩具 / 器材 ; 聆听他人的想法和贡献 ) 例如 : 这个活动中孩子们在活动结束后通过互相分享手电筒的方式来建立和维持友谊, 在拼组数字的过程中以给拼组的幼 8

:Carlton 看到故事书里的妈妈说 : 妈妈生气了 他能够通过回忆故事指着故事书里的某个画面说出 : 大卫, 不可以 (Carlton 想表达的是大卫做错事, 妈妈生气了 ) 能够理解书面和口语单词一一对应, 例如 : 在读故事题目 三只小猪 时能够理解书面的单词和说出的单词是一一对应的, 例如 :K1-K2 幼儿逐步适应手指阅读, 即使是在自由阅读活动中也能说出的和手指的相对应 本周重点学习信息 -------------------------------------------- N2 -- 给华文故事书 小龙的故事系列丛书 排序并编号, 基础数字书写 1,2,3,4,5 -- 符号的认识, 加号, 等号, 问号 -- 基础五以内加法第一步 :1+1=2 的加法算数 -- 利用手指帮助自己运算加法 -- 根据观察故事书里的图片进行提问和描述故事 儿提供帮助的方式来建立和维持友谊 拼组数字后我们尝试再次开展数字书写活动 -- 给华文故事系列丛书编号 让幼儿能根据回忆自己拼组的过程, 实际的写出数字 帮助幼儿理解数字不单单只是数数, 我们能将数字运用到日常的生活中并让数字帮助我们管理我们的日常生活 如图 : 幼儿选择自己喜欢的数字卡, 书写自己选择的数字 K1-K2 -- 十以内基础加法 -- 三十至一的倒数 -- 书写十以内基础加法格式 -- 指读华文故事书 小龙的故事系列丛书之等一下 联系方式 -------------------------------- 如果您有任何问题, 以邮件的形式联系邓老师 deng.jie@etonhouse.co.id 另外, 您不妨在接送幼儿的时间段里, 直接与我们沟通 针对我们接下来要开展的伊顿学校幼儿艺术展, 我们和幼儿一起通过不同的形式开展了不同的艺术活动 图一 :Sahara 书写数字 7 图二 :Leticia 将自己书写的数字卡贴在书上 教师反思 : 这次活动幼儿在面对数字书写更积极主动了, 在整个过程中 能够向他人清晰地表述所建议的, 解决问题的过程 ( 可能会讲出, 或者画 / 写下来 ) 例如 : Leticia 将自己书写的数字卡贴在书上时, 她不知道如何使用透明胶才能将数字卡贴在书上 一旁的 Denzel 靠近她说 : Look at me,like this You need put the tape on the paper Leticia 看着他慢慢调试自己粘在数字卡上的透明胶再次尝试贴在书上 并能 书写能够辨认出的数字, 例如 :Leticia 能一笔一划的写出数字 4,Cataleya 能通过自己的观察理解以及方式写出数字 6, 画一个圆再画一个小尾巴 以及幼儿逐渐理解 参 9

与回收和减少浪费的过程, 例如 : 他们知道我们使用的是中国新年制作留下来的多余的红纸, 也知道裁剪成小块能分给更多的小朋友, 这样就不会浪费纸张 幼儿在书写逐渐成熟的过程中, 我们尝试穿插了基础的加法算式活动 让幼儿将原本以物体相加的过程变成用数字相加的过程, 再次运用数字书写以及复习我们的基础加法算式 N2 幼儿进行球画 图一 :Carlton 手指着数黄色玩具并找到相对应的数字卡放在下面 K1-K2 幼儿进行球画 利用带齿的球沾上颜料, 滚动过程中颜料将会随意滴落完成绘制 图二 :Adellyn 在计算的过程中尝试模仿邓老师用手指头帮助自己计算 Sahara 和 Brooklyn 吹开晕染的食用色素 如图 :Denzel 尝试根据黄色玩具加算式格式相对应用数字写出正确的字形式的加法算式 教师反思 : 这次活动中, 幼儿开始 尝 试逐渐理解将简单的物体收集在一 起, 完成简单的心算 ( 可能会用手指 来 协助数数 ), 例如 : 在整个活动中, Adellyn 尝试模仿邓老师用手指协助 数 数, 并将两只手指集中在一起完成 加 法算式 Denzel 在书写完成后, 同 样 尝试模仿邓老师用手指协助将两只手的手指集中再一起数数, 完 成复查 法数 10

Leticia 将自己选择的食用色素滴在她自己刷湿的白纸上 我们通过不同形式的已阅活动来锻炼幼儿的 大肌肉的掌控和协调能力, 空间意思, 身体的和肌肉的运动知觉能够展现出一些列静态的平衡策略, 通过日益增长的身体协调能力和平衡力来进行移动 ( 户外障碍训练, 小组游戏和音乐 / 律动活动 ) 利用食用色素在一定湿度纸张上会扩散的原理进行晕染绘画, 在晕染的过程中会发生水太多, 我们便及时改良以吹画的形式辅助完成晕染绘画 11