第 2 頁 106 年四技 共 8 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 第一部分 : 選擇題 ( 60 分 ) 一 綜合測驗 ( 第 1 15 題, 每題 2 分, 共 30 分 ) 下篇短文共有 5 個空格, 為第 1 5 題, 請依短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案 The governm

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注意 : 考試開始鈴 ( 鐘 ) 響前, 不可以翻閱試題本 106 學年度科技校院四年制與專科學校二年制統一入學測驗試題本 外語群英語類 專業科目 ( 二 ): 英文閱讀與寫作 注意事項 1. 請核對考試科目與報考群 ( 類 ) 別是否相符 2. 請檢查答案卡 ( 卷 ) 座位及准考證三者之號碼是否完全相同, 如有不 符, 請監試人員查明處理 3. 本試卷分兩部份, 共 100 分, 答對給分, 答錯不倒扣 試卷最後一題後面有備註 以下空白 第一部份為選擇題, 共 30 題, 每題 2 分, 共 60 分 第二部份為非選擇題, 共 40 分 4. 本試卷之第一部份為單一選擇題, 每題都有 (A) (B) (C) (D) 四個選項, 請選一個最適當答案, 在答案卡同一題號對應方格內, 用 2B 鉛筆塗滿方格, 但不超出格外 5. 本試卷之第二部份為非選擇題, 包括翻譯測驗及寫作測驗, 請依題號順序用黑色墨水的筆, 將答案書寫於答案卷之 非選擇題作答區 內 6. 本試卷空白處或背面, 可做草稿使用 7. 請在試卷首頁准考證號碼之方格內, 填上自己的准考證號碼, 考完後 將 答案卡 ( 卷 ) 及 試題 一併繳回 准考證號碼 : 考試開始鈴 ( 鐘 ) 響時, 請先填寫准考證號碼, 再翻閱試題本作答 - 1-

第 2 頁 106 年四技 共 8 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 第一部分 : 選擇題 ( 60 分 ) 一 綜合測驗 ( 第 1 15 題, 每題 2 分, 共 30 分 ) 下篇短文共有 5 個空格, 為第 1 5 題, 請依短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案 The government encourages Taiwan residents to properly dispose of toilet paper. There are plans to put up signs in public toilets, 1 people to throw used paper into the toilet bowl. However, the results cannot be seen overnight as it 2 time to change people s habits. People are used to throwing toilet paper in the trash can; the younger generation has learned the 3 from the elderly. Nowadays, many young people start to change their habit 4 they travel overseas and learn about the proper use of modern toilets. To meet the rising demand of water soluble paper, paper makers have prepared to 5 production of the new item. Some Internet users have also come up with creative ideas to educate the public. Hopefully, flushing the toilet paper will become a habit to Taiwanese people in the near future. 1. (A) instructs (B) instructed (C) instructing (D) will instruct 2. (A) spends (B) gives (C) saves (D) takes 3. (A) container (B) garbage (C) practice (D) waste 4. (A) when (B) where (C) which (D) who 5. (A) break up (B) speed up (C) give up (D) hang up 下篇短文共有 5 個空格, 為第 6 10 題, 請依短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的 答案 Can smoking drive people mad? Scientists have scratched their heads over this question for years. A study 6 in The Lancet Psychiatry about two years ago suggested so. According to the study, daily tobacco use might be a contributor to psychosis, a general term for various kinds of mental illness. 7 data from 61 studies around the world between 1980 and 2014, which surveyed in total nearly 15,000 smokers and 273,000 non-smokers, the researchers discovered two striking facts. First, 57 percent of the people first 8 psychosis were smokers and second, daily smokers developed psychotic illness around one year earlier than non-smokers. The researchers emphasized that they had not conclusively proven smoking as a cause of psychosis and 9 further research had to be done. However, their findings did suggest that smoking should be taken seriously as a possible risk factor for developing psychosis and not 10 simply as a consequence of the illness. Since smoking has long been known to cause cancer or stroke, there seems to be one more good reason for people not to smoke. 6. (A) published (B) to publish (C) publishing (D) which published 7. (A) For analyzing (B) Analyzed (C) Analyzing (D) Had analyzed 8. (A) consisted of (B) impressed by (C) engaged in (D) diagnosed with 9. (A) which (B) that (C) so which (D) that which 10. (A) emigrated (B) inherited (C) refunded (D) dismissed -2-

106 年四技 第 3 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 共 8 頁 下篇短文共有 5 個空格, 為第 11 15 題, 請依短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案 Natural Selection, a theory developed by Charles Darwin in the 1800s, explains how the features of a species can change over many generations. These changes may take different forms. Sometimes, a plant or animal may develop completely new characteristics which enable it to live successfully in a new habitat. 11, evidence indicates that the dolphin s ancestors once lived on land. To this day, dolphins breathe air through lungs, just as land animals do. However, we know them as water animals because they live in water and have developed features that make them good swimmers. 12, living things may also develop new features permitting them to endure in their own habitat. Take polar bears as an example; not all polar bears have always been white. In the past, the white polar bears 13 well with their environment, so they were more successful in escaping from predators. While their dark colored peers were killed more frequently, the white polar bears survived to 14 so that their numbers grew. Sometimes the habitat of a species will change in some way. This change may force the species to either move to a new habitat or adapt to the changed habitat. One example of a species that adapted to a new area is the peppered moth. Peppered moths 15 in the forests of England for thousands of years. They rest on the trunks of trees during the day and, while resting, are the diet of many birds. Peppered moths vary in color, from light-colored to dark-colored. In the unpolluted area, more light-colored moths survive. In the polluted area, more dark-colored moths survive. 11. (A) After all (B) For example (C) By contrast (D) On the other hand 12. (A) Unlikely (B) Hardly (C) Originally (D) Similarly 13. (A) accustomed to (B) blended in (C) composed of (D) enrolled in 14. (A) reproduce (B) represent (C) restrain (D) register 15. (A) live (B) are living (C) have lived (D) had lived 二 閱讀測驗 ( 第 16 30 題, 每題 2 分, 共 30 分 ) 閱讀下文, 回答第 16 20 題 The United States aviation industry was rising in the 1920s. During the time, people in America still regarded flying a plane as an exciting sport, so very few would choose to travel by air. But a young woman named Edna Gardner Whyte thought differently. She believed that very soon people would take airplanes as a means of transportation and no longer see flying an aircraft simply as a fast and dangerous sport. In 1926, she signed up for lessons to learn to be a pilot. But most of her teachers persuaded her to quit, for flying planes was no job for women. Edna didn t give up, and just followed her heart to continue the lessons. With her perseverance, she finally realized her dream of becoming a licensed pilot. Yet, most airline companies at that time still hesitated to employ women pilots. Therefore, even though she was a good pilot, Edna still couldn t land a job flying planes. She had to keep proving herself repeatedly. In 1934, she participated in a flying race in Maryland. She was the only female player in the race and thus, made fun of by other players before the race kicked off. To everyone s surprise, she won in the end, and her winning silenced all the other players. To prevent such a thing from happening again, a sign saying Men Only was posted when the same race took place in the next year. In 1937, she won another race. What delighted her this time was she received a big prize from Amelia Earhart, the first woman who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean. While Amelia enjoyed much more fame and honor at that time, Edna flew many more hours in her - 3-

第 4 頁 106 年四技 共 8 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) lifetime. Edna was so fond of flying that she never stopped doing it until she was in her eighties. When she quit racing, she devoted herself to teaching people to fly. In 1991, at the age of 89, she published her autobiography, Rising Above It, and passed away the following year. As an air racer, she will always be remembered for having won more than two dozen air races. 16. What is the passage mainly about? (A) The aviation industry in the 1920s. (B) The flying race in Maryland. (C) Two famous women in aviation history. (D) A pioneering woman pilot. 17. According to the passage, what might be the reason that very few Americans traveled by airplane in the 1920s? (A) Airplane tickets could not be easily purchased. (B) All women were not allowed to board an aircraft. (C) Not many airline companies hired women as pilots. (D) Not many people thought the airplane was a transportation tool. 18. According to the passage, which of the following is true about Edna s training to be a pilot? (A) She received a lot of discouragement from the teachers. (B) She made up her mind to withdraw from the flying lessons. (C) Most of her teachers applauded her decision to join the lesson. (D) Though trying hard, she nearly passed the flying test in the end. 19. When was the Men Only sign put up in the Maryland race? (A) 1926 (B) 1934 (C) 1935 (D) 1937 20. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (A) Edna was the first woman flying alone across the Atlantic Ocean. (B) Amelia and Edna had spent the same amount of time flying planes. (C) Edna taught people to fly after she stopped taking part in air races. (D) Amelia Earhart had happily received a prize from Edna Whyte. 閱讀下文, 回答第 21 25 題 The first slow city in Taiwan is Fenglin Township. In 2014, it became a member of an international slow city organization. Located in Hualien County, Fenglin boasts a culture that matches the way of life promoted by the organization. The residents value traditions and maintain their own methods of farming, food preparation, and keeping friendly relations. To appreciate the beauty of Fenglin, one has to take the time to soak up its relaxing atmosphere. While economic progress has brought about vast changes elsewhere, Fenglin remains untouched by industrial development or noisy traffic. By preserving the casual charm of its mountain township, the local community hopes to leave this special gift for future generations. Two residents who left behind them the fast-moving lifestyles of big cities to return to Fenglin and experience slow living are Chen Kengyan and Zhong Sunlung. Chen quit teaching to take over the family farm before going on to earn a certificate in organic farming. Now, he starts work at 5 a.m., goes home at 9 a.m., takes a rest until lunch, and then continues his work on the farm. Next door, Zhong pulls weeds on his peanut farm early in the morning, and spends leisurely afternoons taking pictures. He first started off aiming to learn from his mother traditional styles of cooking and frying peanuts; he now sells his own brand of snacks. Also doing his best is Xu Mingtang. He came home to look after his aging parents, and later worked with a group which provides funding for organic farming. He also tries to educate farmers on the environmental impacts of various farming methods. -4-

106 年四技 第 5 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 共 8 頁 However, the township faces one concern the outflow of young people. In view of the population loss, the community now takes on the task of attracting the young to return home. After all, their hope lies in the young to carry on the fine traditions of Fenglin culture. 21. What is the passage mainly about? (A) How to work less and earn more. (B) An alternative way of living. (C) Health benefits of living in the mountains. (D) The instruction of diverse farming ways. 22. According to the passage, which of the following is encouraged by slow living? (A) Building many highways. (B) Little contact with friends. (C) Natural farming methods. (D) Taking up stressful jobs. 23. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the phrase soak up in paragraph 2? (A) enjoy (B) clean up (C) dry up (D) shower 24. Which of the following does the phrase this special gift in paragraph 2 refer to? (A) heavy traffic (B) new industries (C) economic progress (D) leisurely pace 25. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? (A) Fenglin residents hope to reduce the population of the town. (B) Fenglin residents regard slow living as a desirable way of life. (C) Chen Kengyan has received proper training in organic farming. (D) Zhong Sunlung learns to cook peanuts and creates his own products. 閱讀下文, 回答第 26 30 題 Crowdfunding is an efficient way of raising money from a large number of people. If some people have difficulty paying for certain expenses, they may turn to using Internet platforms to ask friends and strangers for contributions to help cover those expenses. In general, these platforms allow participants to start such life events campaigns as crowdfunding for adoption costs, wedding fees, or medical expenses. Some platforms insist that they would leave the door open and users can keep whatever has been raised while others require users to meet certain criteria before they get any money. However, there are a growing number of criticisms about these campaigns, especially those addressing certain ethical dilemma. One such criticism highlights an instance when in order to compete for attention, everyone wrote their stories as heart-breaking as possible so that they could get more votes and higher scores. In addition, many users link their campaigns from crowdfunding platforms to their Facebook and Twitter accounts or other social media. As a result, even when their campaigns are over, their private information, such as a baby s identity, is still exposed for the public to access. Ironically, all these acts originating from good intention may turn out to be harmful to one s integrity and privacy. Although some comments on crowdfunding can be harsh, crowdfunding just reflects the Internet s power to transmit information. Through this kind of platform, those who actually undergo financial difficulties can find more helpful channels to solve their problems. It is also crucial to accomplish the mission of constructing a world of mutual help and benefits. Yet crowdfunders should be cautious while posting private information on the Internet. It is recommended that people keep those intimate details away from websites. - 5-

第 6 頁 106 年四技 共 8 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 26. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as an acceptable reason for crowdfunding? (A) Holding a banquet for marriage. (B) Getting a surgical operation. (C) Planning an overseas expedition. (D) Preparing to adopt an orphan. 27. According to the passage, what does it mean by leave the door open in paragraph 1? (A) Crowdfunding is only for people with financial problems. (B) There are no restrictions on the use of funds raised from the campaigns. (C) All crowdfunders should meet certain conditions before they get paid. (D) Users are banned from linking their campaigns to their Facebook accounts. 28. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? (A) Some drawbacks of crowdfunding campaigns. (B) An approach to initiating fundraising campaigns. (C) Some merits of crowdfunding campaigns. (D) The best way to safeguard your privacy. 29. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word accomplish in paragraph 3? (A) justify (B) deceive (C) execute (D) boycott 30. According to the passage, which of the following is true? (A) Internet platforms are all the same in their rules and regulations. (B) Social media nowadays provide access to fundraising. (C) Users do not need to get higher scores in order to get money. (D) The author advised that crowdfunders should make stories miserable. -6-

106 年四技 第 7 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) 共 8 頁 第二部分 : 非選擇題 ( 40 分 ) 一 翻譯測驗 ( 第 1 4 題, 每題 4 分, 共 16 分 ) ( 一 ) 中譯英 ( 8 分 ) 說明 : 請將以下短文中劃底線處之中文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的英文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 請依序作答 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 每次走進書店, 總會看到門口的架子上擺滿了國內外雜誌 1. 瀏覽雜誌可以提供我們最新的訊息和多元的知識 閱讀專業雜誌, 例如攝影雜誌 汽車雜誌 服裝設計雜誌等, 能獲得許多課外資訊 2. 廣泛閱讀既可擴展我們的視野, 也可充實我們的人生 ( 二 ) 英譯中 ( 8 分 ) 說明 : 請將以下短文中劃底線處之英文句子譯成正確 通順 達意的中文, 並將答案寫在 答案卷 上 請依序作答 每題 4 分, 共 8 分 Flowers have a language of their own. Red roses are the most popular flowers exchanged as they are symbols of love. 3. White roses imply a new beginning while yellow roses symbolize friendship. Every flower sends meaningful information. Therefore, 4. if you want to let a flower do the talking for you, you had better make sure what message you want to convey. 二 寫作測驗 ( 24 分 ) 說明 : 請依提示在 答案卷 上寫一封約 120 字的英文信函 ( 8 至 12 個句子, 不含日期 收信人 寄信人 ) 提示 :( 1 ) 已經是大一新生的 Lisa 收到就讀高三的表妹 Mary 的來信,Mary 在信中表示 : 由於入學考試將近, 自己的壓力相當大 ( 2 ) 以 Lisa 的身分寫一封信鼓勵 Mary, 並提供兩種減少壓力的方法 ( 3 ) 依下列格式寫出信件, 並將寫信的日期 收信人 寄信人謄寫至答案卷上 May 6, 2017 Dear Mary, Best, Lisa 以下空白 - 7-

第 8 頁 106 年四技 共 8 頁 外語群英語類專業科目 ( 二 ) -8-