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2000 The Concept and Realization of Gender Equity Education 0


Kenway & Modra, 1992: 140-141 2

1997 1996 1997 1992 gender sex sex gender, 1999: 29 3

Streitmatter, 1994: 3-7 Richmond-Abbott(1983) Sadker, Sadker Klein(1991) Golombok & Fivush, 1994: 82 Streitmatter, 1994: 4 Margaret Mead 4

gender bias stereotype 5

Biklen & Pollard, 1993: 3-4 Gilligan (1982) Noddings (1984) Belenky Clinchy Golderberger Tarule (1986), 1998: 8-13 multipositional / multilocational Patti Lather empowerment, 1999: 8-10, 1999: 11-12, 1999: 12 6

1998: 44, 1999: 90 1954 equality equity Bennison, Wilkinson, Fennema, Masemann, & Peterson, 1984: 1 equality equity 1975: 616-618 7

equality equal equity Streitmatter, 1994: 8 equitable input / Streitmatter, 1994: 9-10 8

(input) (outcome) Streitmatter, 1994: 10 9

2000 1998 Secada (1989: 69) John Rawls 1971 A theory of justice 1. The Greatest Equal Liberty Principle 2. The Difference Principle 10

Rawls Bennison, Wilkinson, Fennema, Masemann, & Peterson, 1984: 1-16 1. 11

2. 3. 4. 12


1. 46.2% 53.8% 14

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ABSTRACT In recent years, gender has become a hot issue. No matter local groups or the government, all has been devoted to gender equity education. However, when we are making such efforts, it is time for us to reflect on what gender equity education means and if what we ve done adheres to the spirits of gender equity education. The first part of this paper, therefore, aims to explore the concept of gender equity education. The production of gender difference is discussed first. Then within a context of gender hierarchy, we argue that gender equity education should connote social justice. The focus in the second part of this paper is on the implementation of gender equity education. Four approaches are used to analyze the macro aspect of policy. And feminist pedagogy is used to investigate the micro aspect of college teaching. Key words: gender equity, gender equity education, feminist pedagogy 27