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Abstract Abstract Tiger Pattern In Clothes Of Centurial Plain Region Of China Master: Sun Ning Ning Tutor: Zhang Jing Qiong MajorClothing Designing and Engineering Abstract: This article carries on research and analysis on the tiger pattern on clothes in centurial plain region, and mainly analyzes the tiger pattern in the folk costumes biography house of Jiangnan university and the the tiger pattern in modern clothes which is obtained in field folk art collection activities. The tiger patterned clothes in the folk costumes biography house of Jiangnan university, is mostly collected in centurial plain region of China, including Shanxi, shanxi, Shandong and Hena. Those collections present pattern and decorating characters of tiger not only in shape, pattern, craft but also in inspirits suggestion. The culture character and art value of tiger pattern is explored and discussed through the analysis on the substance form. In shape respect, the tiger pattern decides the three-dimension shape of some part of clothes, and also present visualize character of clothes. In color respect, tiger pattern adopt some thunder and lightning, moving colors, makes the whole clothes figure more vivid. In craft respect, the restituting processes of tiger head hat, tiger head shoes and tiger head gloves is recorded during the field survey and folk art collection activities. Record, analysis, research are carried on the materials, paper template and tailor craft of clothes and accessory, and also the facial feature of tiger. The craft characters are surmised including unit of normal form and random, unit of technique and art, unit of monolith and material of bits and pieces and unit of splice grafting and embroidery.the conclusion that tiger pattern is a very important part of folk costumes is defined furthermore through the detailed analysis about the shape, pattern and craft of collections. The tiger pattern in civil clothes combines function, aesthetics and culture together. It is a unit of practical function and folk culture. It processes not only the practical function of normal clothes, but also has some unique symbolizing meaning. Those two constitute the culture symbol of folk costumes. Keywords: tiger, shape, craft, symbol II



1.1 [1] [2] [3] 2003 2 1

18 10 1.2 1.3 2

1.4 1987 1.5 3

1.6 4

2.1 1975 6 [4] [5] 5

2.2 6

2.3 1936 [6] 7

3.1 3.2 3.2.1 8


3.2.2 1 2 [7] 10


3 [8] 3.3 12

3.3.1 13


3.3.2 15

[9] 16

3.4 17

3.4.1 1) 18

2) 3.4.2 1) 19

2 a. b. 20



3.4.3 [10] 1 a. 23

a. b. 24

2) a. b. 3) a. 25

b. 3.4.4 1) 2) 26

[11] 3.5 3.5.1 [12] 27



3.5.2 1) [13] [14] [15] 2) 30

3) 31

4.1 4-14-2 4-3 32

4.2 4.2.1 4-1 4-24-3 2007 12 4-4 33

4.2.2 34

4.2.3 [16] [17] 35

4.3 4.3.1 [18] [19] 36

[20] [21] 4.3.2 1 ) 4-7 4-8 37

2) 4-9 4-10 ( 4-114-12) 38

4.4 [22] 39

5.1 5.2 1 40


, 42

2008,4(29 )115-118. 43