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2 结 果 409 例 报 告 中, 男 性 249 例 (60.88%), 女 性 160 例 (39.12%), 男 女 比 例 1.6:1; 年 龄 最 小 的 仅 1 天, 年 龄 最 大 的 84 岁 其 中,14 岁 以 下 儿 童 患 者 360 例, 占 88.02% ( 表 1)


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1.1 对 象 选 取 2012 年 3 月 年 3 月 中 山 市 小 榄 人 民 医 院 儿 科 门 诊 收 治 的 146 例 手 足 口 病 患 儿 为 研 究 对 象, 其 中 男 87 例, 女 59, 年 龄 岁, 平 均 (3.4±1.2) 岁 根 据 就


5 3 Vol. 5 No. 3 2014 3 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Mar., 2014 9 赵江, 万蓉 *, 万青青, 张强, 刘志涛, 李娟娟, 阮元 (, 650022) 摘要 : 目的 2010 9 方法 180 334 3 24 结果 2010, 2002, E 2002, A 2002, (2007), 结论,,, 关键词 : ; ; ; Analysis on the dietary nutrition intake status among the community residents aged 9 and above in anlong district of Yunnan province ZHAO Jiang, WAN Rong *, WAN QingQing, ZHANG Qiang, LIU ZhiTao, LI JuanJuan, RUAN Yuan (Yunnan rovincial Center for Disease Control and revention, Kunming 650022, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To learn the dietary nutrition intake status among the community residents aged 9 and above in anlong district of Yunnan in 2010. Methods Totally 180 households including 334 subjects were used to collect dietary information by the multistage stratified cluster and random sampling method. A 24hour dietary recall method for 3 consecutive days was used to collect information on food intake. Results Compared to 2002, the dietary nutrition intake status among the community residents have been great changes in 2010. The dietary composition and levels of energy, the total vitamin E, magnesium and sodium per person each day respectively have been decreased. However, the dietary composition and levels of protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B 1, vitamin B 2, calcium, potassium and phosphorus per person each day respectively have been increased. There were insufficient average intakes of eggs, fish and shrimp, legume and dairy. There were lower average daily intakes than the requirement of Chinese dietary guideline (2007) for the consumption of it. However, there were higher average daily intakes than the requirement of Chinese dietary guideline (2007) for the consumption of oil and salt. Conclusion Eventhough the dietary pattern of the community residents in anlong has been improved, 基金项目 : 2010 Fund: Supported by the Fund of the Nutrition and Health Status among the Chinese opulation in 2010 * 通讯作者 :, Email: wanrong *Corresponding author: WAN Rong, Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor, Yunnan rovincial Center for Disease Control and revention, Kunming 650022, China. Email: wanrong

948 5 and it is still not very much reasonable. Nutritional education and intervention are needed to promote healthy eating behavior and to improve the nutritional status and health condition. KEY WORDS: dietary nutrition; dietary intake; trends of dietary; nutrient,, [1], [2], [3] 2002 10, 2010 10 [4], 2010, 9, 2010, 9 1 材料与方法 1.1 数据来源 2010,,, 1.2 抽样方法与样本量确定, 180 9 335, 1.3 调查方法与内容 1.3.1 方法, 2010 () 335, 334, 99.7% 1.3.2 内容 9, 24 h,,, 3, 2002 2004 [56] [5] :,, 1.4 统计学分析, SSS 17.0, x ±s, t, 0.05 1.5 结果评价, 2002 [7] 2007 [8] 2000 [9] 2 结果 6 / 180 9 83 334, 149 ( 44.6%) 185 ( 55.4%), 49.8±15.7 ; 13 ( 3.9% ); 227 ( 68.0%); 56 ( 16.8% ); 31 ( 9.3% ); 7 ( 2.0%) 2.1 居民食物摄入状况 1~ 4 2.2 居民能量及主要营养素摄入状况 5~ 7 2.3 居民膳食能量 蛋白质和脂肪的来源 2.3.1 能量的营养素来源和食物来源 8 2.3.2 蛋白质 脂肪的食物来源 9

3, : 9 949 表 1 盘龙区居民谷类及制品 干豆及其制品 蛋类 乳类食物每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) Table 1 The dietary composition and levels of cereals, legume, eggs and dairy per person each day respectively 419.1±213.2 120.1±104.8 9.0±24.4 10.3±22.7 10.3±15.7 27.3±42.3 50.8±98.7 342.6±172.4 0.009 * 299.6±107.8 408.1±200.3 327.7±172.0 291.0±173.3 275.4±185.0 81.3±70.8 0.001 * 171.9±177.5 85.0±77.3 121.1±87.6 126.9±103.9 97.5±78.5 10.8±32.0 0.30 22.4±64.5 8.4±26.0 11.8±31.2 14.7±22.9 4.3±11.4 9.9±23.8 0.887 1.2±3.1 8.5±19.3 17.3±37.0 10.5±20.6 15.8±25.7 7.9±13.3 0.062 20.9±34.5 9.0±14.0 6.2±9.5 9.5±10.9 7.3±8.5 15.1±19.6 0.000 * 56.7±105.8 17.3±23.1 20.8±26.3 29.0±32.0 17.5±21.8 52.2±91.2 0.826 90.5±182.9 37.2±74.9 74.7±113.7 95.2±114.5 67.0±84.7 0.001 * 0.000 * 0.349 0.069 0.026 * 0.000 * 0.001 * 2002 * * 376.8±195.1 238 218 98.6±89.6 140 132 10.0±23.3 24 16 10.1±23.3 4 3 9.0±14.5 12 13 20.5±32.3 24 33 51.6±94.5 27 66 * 250 400 30 50 25 50 300 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * (2007) [8], * 0.05 表 2 盘龙区居民蔬菜及制品 水果及其制品 坚果及种子类 菌薻类 饮料类食物每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) Table 2 The dietary composition and levels of vegetables, fruits, nut, edible fungi and beverages per person each day respectively 薻 108.9±110.8 230.9±195.7 1.7±5.3 50.1±94.3 2.7±9.0 43.7±59.0 4.6±32.9 103.3±93.4 200.4±147.3 1.9±5.0 71.2±102.8 3.1±9.5 37.7±51.9 3.2±19.4 0.084 0.126 0.690 0.090 0.440 0.058 0.312 100.3±162.0 279.9±470.5 2.8±7.7 61.2±89.8 0.1±0.4 70.7±87.3 19.5±53.5 112.7±96.5 210.2±155.8 1.8±5.1 64.1±106.7 3.1±10.0 44.2±55.7 4.5±29.0 90.1±113.2 220.6±118.6 1.4±4.3 55.6±82.9 3.2±9.3 25.7±43.4 0.3±1.7 91.7±88.3 200.3±132.9 1.6±5.0 68.1±86.8 2.3±6.0 30.8±50.9 79.3±72.6 219.5±191.8 3.3±8.6 10.4±19.4 22.4±35.2 0.477 0.678 0.817 0.679 0.703 0.030 * 0.157 105.8±101.4 214.0±171.0 1.8±5.1 61.8±99.5 2.9±9.3 40.4±55.2 3.8±26.2 2002 * 91 185 10 45 4 * 88 164 8 69 5 * 300 500 200 400 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * (2007) [8], * 0.05

950 5 表 3 盘龙区居民畜肉类及制品 禽肉类 鱼虾贝壳类 油脂类食物每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) Table 3 The dietary composition and levels of meat, fish and shrimp, and oil per person each day respectively 103.1±105.7 35.7±71.3 5.1±13.6 20.7±46.5 22.9±42.4 37.4±37.2 3.5±8.5 82.0±75.9 27.2±52.6 4.7±22.1 16.5±28.8 16.9±36.0 32.0±35.2 5.5±17.3 0.064 0.038 * 0.998 0.043 * 0.052 0.279 0.035 * 141.4±185.6 73.8±150.0 1.8±4.9 54.2±117.5 23.3±31.5 34.9±26.0 2.4±7.6 99.6±91.9 35.9±62.7 6.4±22.1 20.0±33.7 21.0±44.0 34.9±36.9 6.2±16.7 77.0±62.5 13.0±21.7 2.3±9.4 10.3±17.7 12.8±23.2 37.3±42.3 1.2±3.2 48.6±48.2 13.4±23.1 0.6±3.0 7.9±15.7 19.3±27.0 25.4±20.0 0.8±2.5 35.3±36.7 14.3±37.8 9.2±15.8 22.4±24.2 35.1±34.8 0.8±2.5 0.002 * 0.003 * 0.296 0.001 * 0.711 0.681 0.064 91.4±90.9 31.0±61.7 4.9±18.8 18.4±37.7 19.6±39.0 34.4±36.2 4.6±14.1 2002 * 51 9 5 79 30 33 9 * 60 16 6 105 45 40 4 * 50 75 50 100 25 30 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * (2007) [8], * 0.05 表 4 盘龙区居民调味品 糕点 糖果类食物每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) Table 4 The dietary composition and levels of flavouring, the cake and pastry food, and candy per person each day respectively 9.5±10.8 8.0±14.8 0.5±2.1 0.5±1.5 1.5E±3.2E 6.4±17.0 7.1±23.1 7.3±14.9 16.4±55.0 8.1±9.0 0.195 6.7±9.5 9.4±10.7 8.2±8.0 6.9±7.7 4.4±2.2 0.389 7.5±13.5 0.931 8.5±11.1 7.2±9.8 11.2±27.0 5.8±6.1 2.4±2.0 0.260 0.4±1.9 0.350 0.6±1.4 0.4±2.1 0.5±1.9 0.4±2.1 0.973 0.4±1.2 0.206 2.1±3.6 0.4±1.1 0.4±1.0 0.7±1.6 0.4±0.5 0.000 * 1.3E±3.9E 0.474 1.2E±2.7E 1.5E±2.9E 1.9E±6.4E 1.9E±6.4E 3.3E±4.9E 0.323 8.0±23.7 0.245 14.5±26.2 6.2±20.8 6.5 ±17.6 8.9±16.5 29.5±42.9 0.036 * 8.0±24.4 0.624 23.1±47.4 5.8±20.5 5.8±20.5 19.2±36.1 0.004 * 5.6±12.6 0.035 7.4±15.3 6.3±14.4 5.0±10.7 8.5±13.3 6.3±12.2 0.851 9.3±28.7 0.003 43.9±137.8 13.4±38.0 8.8±23.6 1.2±6.4 3.3±8.6 0.038 * 2002 * * * 8.8±9.9 12 11 6 7.7±14.0 0.4±1.9 9 11 0.5±1.3 1.4E±3.6E 7.3±21.0 7.6±23.8 6.3±13.7 4 5 12.5±42.6 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * (2007) [8], * 0.05

3, : 9 951 表 5 盘龙区居民能量 膳食纤维 灰分及部分微量元素每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) Table 5 The dietary composition and levels of energy, dietary fiber, and some of trace elements per person each day respectively (Kcal/d) 2198.5±1045.3 79.2±49.8 90.6±64.6 328.5±356.0 13.2±8.8 22.5±14.4 262.6±102.3 1.8±1.2 6.0±2.6 917 1859 6069 7078 8083 1770.7±727.6 0.047 * 2675.2±2518.0 1996.7±824.2 1862.3±640.9 1673.6±572.8 1538.1±553.5 63.2±28.9 0.028 * 107±135.0 72.0±32.2 64.5±29.3 57.0±19.9 54.0±18.1 76.0±48.5 0.064 124±134.0 85.7±53.6 74.8±48.6 59.7±26.6 68.2±33.6 243.3±178.9 0.022 * 562.6±995.8 289.4±198.2 219.8±172.2 240.0±211.8 173.7±126.4 11.9±7.0 0.361 14.0±14.2 12.4±7.7 13.2±8.4 11.6±5.4 10.9±4.2 19.2±11.4 0.083 24.2±28.0 21.3±12.9 20.3±10.1 17.0±8.1 14.0±3.9 213.6±85.5 0.067 290.2±217.0 233.6±89.7 239.3±80.0 231.1±93.0 182.5±74.9 1.6±1.0 0.776 2.2±2.2 1.7±1.0 1.7±1.2 1.6±0.9 1.6±0.4 4.9±1.9 0.023 * 6.4±5.6 5.3±2.1 5.7±2.3 5.2±1.8 4.9±2.6 0.008 * 0.002 * 0.006 * 0.001 * 0.798 0.204 0.161 0.539 0.369 1960.9±909.0 70.4±40.6 82.5±56.6 281.3±275.3 12.5±7.9 20.7±12.9 235.5±96.3 1.7±1.1 5.4±2.3 2002 * 2250 65.9 76.2 12.0 321.2 2.2 6.8 * 2134 69.0 85.5 11.1 268.3 2.3 5.9 * 2400 80 2.0 3.5 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * ( 2000) [9], * 0.05 Table 6 表 6 盘龙区居民维生素每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) The dietary composition and levels of vitamin per person each day respectively A (μg/d) (μg/d) (μg/d) E C α E 570.5±589.1 2177.9±2364.5 203.5±448.6 32.0±23.8 1.1±0.6 1.0±0.6 108.2±78.9 21.9±12.5 9.7±7.8 554.9±741.4 1990.7±1891.7 221.6±685.2 27.9±23.3 0.9±0.4 0.8±0.4 101.2±82.9 17.6±7.6 9.0±7.9 0.923 0.024 * 0.283 0.159 0.049 * 0.098 0.128 0.009 * 0.979 481.7±612.9 1653.5±1770.8 207.4±365.8 33.9±20.8 1.3±1.2 1.3±1.8 101.±116.8 26.5±31.0 10.±6.3 622.8±757.3 2175.1±2120.2 258.2±700.0 30.0±24.3 1.0±0.5 0.9±0.4 109.8±84.7 20.6±8.6 9.6±7.6 457.1±466.3 2050.5±2410.1 106.3±189.4 30.3±25.7 1.0±0.5 0.9±0.4 95.0±64.0 17.3±8.2 9.±10.6 401.0±340.0 1726.3±1831.5 116.3±101.9 26.4±16.7 0.8±0.3 0.8±0.3 86.2±54.1 14.1±4.9 7.7±4.3 287.2±131.8 1316.5±666.9 67.3±43.5 23.3±15.1 0.9±0.2 0.7±0.3 88.7±90.8 12.8±3.9 5.9±3.5 0.180 0.598 0.354 0.813 0.026 * 0.032 * 0.456 0.000 * 0.537 561.9±676.8 2074.2±2114.5 213.6±590.7 29.7±23.6 1.0±0.5 0.9±0.5 104.3±80.7 19.5±10.3 9.3±7.9 2002 * 469.2 151.1 35.6 1.0 0.8 88.4 14.7 8.2 * 547.2 223.6 37.3 1.0 0.9 88.2 8.3 * 800 14 1.4 1.4 100 14 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * (2000) [9], * 0.05

952 5 Table 7 表 7 盘龙区居民常量及微量元素每标准人日平均摄入量 ( x ±s) The dietary composition and levels of trace elements per person each day respectively 438.6±384.1 1147.4±610.9 1957.8±1267.3 5346.1±4696.5 305.1±155.8 25.9±12.0 13.7±7.7 50.9±39.6 374.6±208.6 915.8±374.5 915.8±374.5 4635.2±3907.5 256.9±115.0 21.5±8.9 11.1±5.0 38.6±23.1 0.187 0.022 * 0.072 0.158 0.179 0.107 0.018 * 0.011 * 661.7±1154.1 1399±1645.6 2503.9±3246.6 5095.8±6126.9 356.1±378.1 31.2±27.5 16.6±19.9 67.8±87.3 385.3±203.2 1017.7±401.3 1786.0±863.4 5220.0±4503.6 275.7±115.8 23.8±9.3 12.7±5.6 45.4±30.7 408.8±216.0 1012.7±438.6 1775.9±1008.3 4753.9±3618.9 290.6±140.1 22.7±10.3 11.1±4.5 38.6±18.4 416.6±206.7 923.5±328.5 1591.5±602.5 3848.0±3086.2 254.4±86.9 20.0±6.5 10.0±3.2 36.4±15.1 392.0±184.1 823.2±332.4 1543.7±570.2 2712.0±855.6 224.9±95.4 20.1±8.5 8.8±3.0 37.3±20.0 0.033 * 0.050 * 0.115 0.291 0.149 0.021 * 0.006 * 0.024 * 403.1±301.7 1018.9±507.6 1789.1±1056.9 4957.1±4292.7 278.3±136.8 23.5±10.6 12.3±6.5 44.1±32.1 2002 * 388.8 978.8 1700.0 6268.2 308.8 23.2 11.3 39.9 * 438.6 973.2 1722.4 6007.7 291.8 23.7 11.5 46.5 * 800 700 2000 2200 350 15 15 50 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * ( 2000) [9], * 0.05 Table 8 表 8 盘龙区居民膳食能量营养素来源和食物来源 ( x ±s) Nutrient sources of energy per capita and food sources of energy per capita (%) (%) 14.5±3.3 35.1±12.0 50.2±12.2 43.7±14.2 3.8±5.0 1.6±2.2 22.7±11.7 15.7±11.9 12.8±9.8 14.6±3.7 36.9±12.4 49.7±11.9 41.2±13.8 3.9±5.5 1.9±2.7 23.2±11.8 16.3±12.9 13.4±9.2 0.310 0.480 0.633 0.632 0.477 0.316 0.862 0.420 0.361 917 15.2±4.1 39.4±10.8 46.5±10.7 40.4±11.6 2.9±3.7 2.2±2.3 25.5±9.8 15.4±12.0 13.6±8.0 1859 14.8±3.6 36.9±12.1 48.7±11.8 41.4±14.0 3.5±4.6 2.0±2.5 24.3±11.9 15.6±12.3 13.2±10.3 6069 14.0±3.5 34.4±13.3 53.1±13.0 44.9±15.5 5.0±7.2 1.2±2.4 20.0±11.1 17.0±13.6 12.0±7.2 7078 13.9±2.9 31.7±11.5 55.4±11.0 43.9±12.5 4.9±6.3 1.5±2.2 18.8±9.7 16.5±11.5 14.4±7.9 8083 14.3±1.7 39.2±9.3 47.9±8.2 41.0±13.3 4.5±5.3 1.3±2.1 19.1±16.2 20.1±12.7 14.0±6.3 0.408 0.116 0.007 * 0.460 0.264 0.256 0.019 * 0.854 0.827 14.6±3.6 36.1±12.2 49.9±12.0 42.2±14.0 3.9±5.3 1.8±2.5 23.0±11.8 16.0±12.4 13.1±9.4 2002 * 11.8 29.6 57.9 2.6 2.0 12.6 17.3 7.6 * 13.1 35.0 48.5 2.7 1.4 17.6 19.2 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * 0.05 10.5

3, : 9 953 表 9 盘龙区居民膳食营养素蛋白质 脂肪的食物来源 ( x ±s) Table 9 Food sources of protein per capita and food sources of fat per capita (%) (%) 33.1±13.6 8.3±9.6 42.9±16.1 15.8±9.0 43.7±22.5 56.3±22.5 31.6±13.6 8.6±10.3 42.5±15.3 17.3±9.1 43.3±21.7 56.7±21.7 0.645 0.248 0.417 0.396 0.576 0.576 29.8±11.4 6.3±7.6 48.5±11.2 15.4±6.5 43.3±15.4 56.7±15.4 31.0±13.0 8.0±8.9 45.0±15.3 16.2±9.2 45.0±21.3 55.1±21.3 36.5±16.4 9.6±12.1 36.5±14.5 17.5±8.7 41.3±24.7 58.7±24.7 34.7±12.7 11.1±12.1 36.9±15.9 17.2±9.0 38.6±21.8 61.4±21.8 32.6±8.6 12.6±15.1 33.9±18.7 20.9±12.4 34.7±31.2 65.3±31.2 0.068 0.210 0.000 * 0.598 0.382 0.382 32.3±13.6 8.5±10.0 42.7±15.6 16.6±9.1 43.5±22.0 56.5±22.0 2002 * 52.0 7.5 25.1 15.3 39.2 60.8 * 40.7 7.3 35.8 16.3 36.2 63.8 : 2002 * [7], * 2002 [7], * 0.05 2.4 不同性别居民膳食与营养素摄入状况比较 1~9, (0.05), A E Cα E (0.05) 3 讨论, [10],,, [11] 10, 3.1 膳食结构改变, 食物的摄入不合理, 2010, 9 485.4 g (2007 ) [8] 250 400 g, 2002 [7] 402.1 g; 185.8 g (2007 ) [8] 125 225 g, 2002 [7] 132.0 g; 19.1 g 2002 [7] 16.0 g, (2007 ) [8] 30 50 g; 321.6 g 2002 276.1 g, (2007 ) [8] 300 500 g, 20.5 g 19.6 g 2002 [7] 23.7 g 29.6 g, (2007 ) [8] 25 50 g 50 100 g; 50.6 g 2002 (26.5 g) 1.9, (2007 ) [8] 300 g, 6 ; 39.0 g 2002 41.6 g, (2007

954 5 ) [8] 25 g 30 g; 8.8 g 2002 12.0 g, (2007 ) 6 g 3.2 能量 营养素摄入不平衡 2010, 1960.9 kcal, 235.5 g/d 2002 [8] 2250.0 kcal 321.2 g/d, (2000) [9] 2400 kcal; 70.4 g/d, 82.5 g/d 2002 76.2 g/d 65.9 g/d, (2000) [9] 80 g; A 561.9 μg /d 1.0 mg/d 0.9 mg/d C 104.3 mg/d 2002 469.2 μg/d0.8 mg/d0.8 mg/d 88.4 mg/d, A (2000) [9] E 29.7 mg/d 2002 35.6 mg/d, 2002, 1.0 mg/d; 403.1 mg/d 1789.1 mg/d 1018.9 mg/d 2002 [8] 388.8 mg/d1700.1 mg/d 978.8 mg/d, 278.3 mg/d 4957.1 mg/d 2002 308.8 mg/d6268.2 mg/d, 23.5 mg/d 12.3 mg/d 44.1 mg/d 2002 23.2 mg/d11.3 mg/d 39.9 mg/d, (2000) [9] 3.3 膳食能量 蛋白质和脂肪的来源有所变化 42.2%, 2002 [7] 58%; 23.0%, 2002 [7] 13% 14.6% 36.1%, 2002 [7] 12% 30% 32.3%, 2002 [7] 52.0%; 8.5%, 2002 8.0%; 42.7%, 2002 25%; 16.6%, 2002 15% 43.5%, 2002 39%, 2010 10 2002,,,, 参考文献 [1],,,. [J]., 2011, 33(4) : 376 384. Fan YO, Hu XQ, He YN, et al. Study on usual nutrients intake among adult residents in china [J]. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 2011, 33(4): 376 384. [2] Kant AK. Dietary patterns: biomarkers and chronic disease risk [J]. Appl hysiol Nutr Metab, 2010, 35: 199 206. [3],,,. [J]., 2012, 34(1) : 15 19. Fan YO, Liu AL, He YN, et al. Assessment of nutrient adequacy of adult residents in china [J]. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 2012, 34(1): 15 19. [4],,,. 2010 [J]., 2013, 14(2): 140 144. Chen RY, Hu JM, Huang JH, et al. The nutrition and health status of residents in Gaogang district of Tai Zhou in 2010 [J]. Chin rev Med, 2013, 14(2): 140 144. [5],, 2004[M]. :, 2004. Yang YX, Wang GY, an XC. The Composition of Chinese Foods in 2004 edition[m]. Beijing: Beijing Medical University ress, 2004. [6],,,. [M]. :, 2007: 54 55. Sun CJ, Sun XF, Ling WH, et al. Nutrition and food hygiene[m]. Beijing: eople's Medical ress, 2007: 54 55. [7],. 2002 [R]., 2006. Zhai FY, Yang XG. A description on the Chinese National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002. The dietary nutrition intake status among the Chinese population[r]. eople's Medical ress, 2006. [8]. (2007)[M]. :,2008.

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