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6 9 Vol. 6 No. 9 2015 9 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Sep., 2015 * 章钢刚, 赖卫华 (, 330047) 摘要 :,,,,,,, 关键词 : ; ; Research progress of immunological detection methods of foodborne pathogen ZHANG Gang-Gang, LAI Wei-Hua * (National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China) ABSTRACT: Foodborne pathogen widely exists and has drawn more and more attention as it can cause human disease even to death. Traditional detection method of foodborne pathogens is very time-consuming and cannot meet the need of rapid detection. Immunological detection methods are convenient and rapid, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunochromatography, immunomagnetic beads separation techniques, chemiluminescence immunoassay and latex agglutination assays. In this paper, the principle, application, advantages, and disadvantages of these methods were reviewed. The future development trend of the immunological detection method was prospected. KEY WORDS: foodborne pathogens; immunological method; rapid detection 1 引言,,,, 8~18 h, 18~24 h, 18~48 h, 36~48 h,,,, 基金项目 : (SKLF-ZZB-201307) (2012-CYH-DW-SP-001) Fund: Supported by the Free Explore Issue of State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology of Nanchang University (SKLF-ZZB-201307), Science and Technology project of Nanchang (2012-CYH-DW-SP-001) * 通讯作者 :,,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: LAI Wei-Hua, Ph.D, Professor, National Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Nanchang University, No.235. Nanjing East Road, Nanchang 330047, China. E-mail:

9, : 3415,,, 2 免疫学检验方法进展 2.1 食源性致病菌 2.1.1 沙门氏菌 (Salmonella), 2600, A B C D E [1], [2],,,, CDC 16, 145 [3] 2.1.2 致病性大肠杆菌,,,, 4 : (Enteropathogenic E. coli, EPEC) 6~54% [4], EPEC [5] ; (Enterotoxigenic E. coli, ETEC) [6] ; (Enteroinvasive E.coli, EIEC) [7] ; (Enterohemorrhagic E.coli, EHEC) 2011, EHEC O157, 0~4 [8] 2.1.3 志贺氏菌 (Shigella), (Shigella dysenteriae) (Shigella flexneri) (Shigella sonnei) (Shigella boydii) 4 [9],,,, [10] 2.1.4 副溶血性弧菌 (Vibrio parahemolyticus) 和霍乱弧菌 (Vibrio cholerae), [11] 1000 MPN/g [12], [13] [14] 2.1.5 蜡样芽孢杆菌 (Bacillus cereus), [15] 2003, 4.0%, 4,, [16] 2.1.6 肉毒梭状芽孢杆菌 (Clostridium botulinum),,,,,, 0.1 μg 2.2.7 金黄色葡萄球菌 (Staphylococcus aureus), 10-15% NaCl, [17], 2000, 14000 [18] 2.1.8 阪崎肠杆菌 (Cronobacter),, [19] 2007,,, [20] 1,, 40%~80% [21] 2.1.9 空肠弯曲杆菌 (Campylobacter jejuni) - [22] 2.1.10 单核增生李斯特菌 (Listeria monocytogenes),, ( ), [23], [24,25] 2.2 酶联免疫吸附法 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA), ELISA,,, ELISA, ( ), [26],,, C1359, ELISA A B C D E,, 1 10 4 cfu/ml,,

3416 6 [27], InternalinA(InlA), ELISA 1.7 10 5 cfu/ml Bang [28], 10 6 cfu/ml, O157, 2.3 免疫层析法 (immunochromatography, IC) 2.3.1 胶体金免疫层析技术 (gold immunochromatography assay, GICA), GICA, ( ),,, [29] ( CMCC 25922 NCTC 12900 CMCC 45401 ATCC 43864 ; PBS ) (, 10 5 cfu/ml; 10 6 cfu/ml) ( 6 ) [30] 16.8 μg/ml ph 8.0, PEG 20000,, T C O157:H7 ( ), O157:H7, 10 4 cfu/ml, Chalinan [31] O139, 10 4 cfu/ml,, 1 cfu/ml 2.3.2 碳纳米颗粒免疫层析 (carbon nanoparticles immunochromatography assay), GICA,,, ( NC ), [32,33] Martina [34], 16S rrna,, ( ), (NC) (T ), (C ) - - -16S rdna- -, 8 ng(pcr ) 2.3.3 荧光微球免疫层析技术 (fluorescent microsphere immunochromatographic technique),,, [35] O157:H7 NC T C O157:H7, 1.5 mg/ml, 0.75 μl/cm; O157:H7, 100 μg/mg 1.2 10 4 cfu/ml, 6.1 10 3 cfu/ml, ( ) Il-Hoon [36] O157:H7, 5 cfu/ml Xu [37] PEB1 T, C,, 10 6 cfu/ml 2.3.4 量子点免疫层析技术 (quantum dots immunochromatographic technique) (quantum dots, QD) ( 2~6 nm),, Ⅱ-VI Ⅲ-V,, [38] Chen [39] DNA, PCR DNA, QDs, 3 10 0 cfu/ml 3 10 1 cfu/g Bruno [40] O157, 365 nm,,

9, : 3417 6000 cfu/ml 600 cfu/ml 2.4 免疫磁珠分离技术 (immunomagnetic beads separation techniques, IMS), Xiong [41] O157:H7, ( O157:H7) 98%( 0.05 mg, 10~10 6 ), 2%( 23.6%), ( 94.4% 99.8%) [42], : 0.4 mg, 50 μg/mg( ), 10 2 ~10 6 cfu/ml, 65%~82% Lin [43] 1.35T 90 T/m, 30 nm 180 nm O157, 10 2 ~10 5 cfu/ml 90%, IMS, Cui [44] O157:H7, O157:H7, 7.6 10 3 cfu/ml 2.5 化学发光免疫分析法 (chemiluminescence immuno assay, CLIA) ( ),,,, 3 [45] [46], (HRP) IgG,, H 2 O 2, (Salmonella choleraesuis) (Salmonella typhimurium) (Salmonella enteritidis), 1 10 4 cfu/ml, 97.33% Shiro [47], ( Q1, )- -,, 10 3 CFU/mL Park [48],, O157, -,, H 2 O 2, 1.8 10 3 ~1.8 10 8 cfu/ml 2.6 乳胶凝集法 (latex agglutination assays, LTA) ( ),, Medina [49] LTA (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, O145) IgG- ( ), (O26 O103 O145 ) Fusun [50] meca, meca fema femb femx 3 结论, ;,,,, 参考文献 [1] Hoerner R, Feldpausch J, Gray RL, et al. Reveal Salmonella 2.0 Test for detection of Salmonella spp. in foods and environmental samples [J]. J AOAC Int, 2011, 94(5): 1467 1480. [2],, 冮,. inva PCR [J]., 2013, 34(12): 68 70. Du XW, Li Y, Gang J, et al. Establishment of real-time fluorescent PCR detection method of inva gene in Salmonella [J]. Sci Technol Food Ind, 2013, 34(12): 68 70. [3] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections associated with raw tomatoes eaten in restaurants-united States, 2005-2006 [J]. MMWR, 2007, 56(35): 11 909. [4],,. [N]., 2014, 11(12): 162 165. Liu WD, Li MY, Xu CB. Research progress on epidemiology molecular mechanisms of the intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli [N]. China Medical Herald, 2014, 11(12):162 165. [5] Cedric NB, Robert KS, Fernando RP, et al. Interaction of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli with salad leaves [J]. Env Microbiol Rep, 2009, 1(4): 234 239. [6] Fernando RP, Rezwanul W, Christina SF, et al. Serine protease

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