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57-83 2001 7

58 (F.Tonnies) (E.Durkheim) (M.Weber)

59 ( 1995:25-39) (1995) (sense of community)

60 ICQ IRC MUD BBS newsgroup E-mail

61 interest mail list

62 1 2 ( ) C 1 2 http://www.iclubs.com.tw/leisure/pet/bird/parrt/ )

63 3 C C D C,,?,? A 3 (http://www.iclubs.com.tw/leisure/pet/bird/parrt/), 2000/12/11

64 4 4 (http://www.iclubs.com.tw/leisure/pet/bird/parrt/),2000/12/11

65 illusion (community) iclubs ishopping (stickiness)

66 5 50M 10M outlook ericfu 6, 5,(http://www.digitalwall.com),2000/05/28 6 (http://www.digitalwall.com),2000/05/28

67 7 attraction (P.Bourdieu) (social-capital) (connections) cyberinterpersonal Babble Babble (social proxy), 7, -, (

68 Babble (,1999) person ID anonym


70 Rheingold Catalfo Steven Jones (CMC)

71 8... ( ) ( ) ( )....., 2000 WCIT Risto Linturi (Abraham Maslow) 8

72 Maslow,, (self-actualization) (esteem) (acceptance and love) (safety) (physiological) (need to know and understand) (the aesthetic needs) Shesay 9 ( ) 9 (www.shesay.com)

73 10, 11, MUD 12 (MUDs) Internet 3D 10 (http:\\www.amazon.com) 11 -,, 502,( http://www.epetbird.net/main.asp)2001/04/16 12,, 160 ( http://www.acergame.com.tw/history.html)

74. (2000) 1 2 3 (pushing) Reon Marsha (2000)

75 ( ) (S. Freud) (pleasure principle),, (reality principle), BBS

76 (MUD BBS Internet Communities Newsgroup ),, MUD (MUD BBS Internet Communities Newsgroup )


78 (manifestdream), (latentdreamthoughts),,

79 (ego-synyonic), (Internet Addiction) (Kimberly S.Young)


81 Chuck Boyer,,(1999),, 0 1 BYTE,221:45-49 Magid Igbaria,(1999), in communication of the ACM, The Virtual Driving Forces In The Virtual Society 42 (12),(1995), 69:67-74,(2001), ---,,8:19,(2000),, :,(1995), 69:25-39,(1995), 118:8-17,(1994), 1:1-21,(1991),,,(1999),,,(2000), :, :

82,(2000),,, :,(1998),,, http://www.ithome.com.tw/news/871122/1122-1-2.html),2001/04/16,(2000),,( http://www.ttimes.com.tw/tomorrow_view/20000618110429. html.),2001/03/25

83 Research for Cohesion of Virtual Community Yi-Jih Liao Institute of sociology, Nan hua University Abstract Internet has brought more and more shocks or influences on society, including political, economic, educational and law etc. It has been invaded into people s daily life. When users involve into the internet, what they have first encountered is the virtual community. Virtual community has more important values for people to research the theme of community. After readers understand basic community elements, they could reach community cohesion through events of quarrel. Besides, there exists an argument about the dimensions of internet s influences on cohesion. Its positive or negative influences remains unsettled. This thesis seeks to find the ways out to cohesion on internet s virtual community. Keyword Virtual Community Cohesion Pulling Pushing