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159 human nature and their role as orthodox literati and between sexual desire and feudalist ritual disci2 plines ; besides, the artistic environment for writing poems and essays differed from that for compos2 ing ci - poetry, which formed the extrinsic condition of their changes of role1 We can find out the underlying and profound reasons for the formation of the literary phenomenon of ci - poetry as an amorous discipline by way of the role conversion of those literati1 Keywords : ci - poetry of Tang and Song, the role conversion, an amorous discipline ( ) On Zhou Bangyan s Descriptive Ci - poetry Lu Chengwen Abstract : Zhou Bangyan was apt to describe things as said his contemporary Qiang Huan : Zhou Bangyan s ci - poetry excellently imitating the gesture of things, such as Writing after Rose Fading: Sixth Ugliness, Plum Blossoms : Flowerly Criminals, Willow Trees : King of Lanling, etc1which were all renowned in the Song dynasty1 This text examines Zhou Bangyan s descriptive ci - poetry in a broad background of such a stylist literary genre in the Song dynasty, and regards the former one surpassing its precedents in following three aspects : First, the ci - poet himself, being a common subject with the descriptive object of the work, came into the poetic situation at a great length ; Secondly, it broke through the creating and conjecturing routines and formed its unique structuring methodology1 Thirdly, the artistic technique of Zhou Bangyan s descriptive ci - poetry went quite far ahead of that of his precedents1 Keywords : Zhou Bangyan (), descriptive ci - poetry (), break through Liu Jiangsun s Achievements in Poetry and Prose Zha Hongde Abstract : Liu Jiangsun was an important critic, poet and prose writer in the early Yuan dy2 nasty, but his achievements in poetry and in prose have not up to now been appreciated or criti2 cized1 It does not fit his role in the literary circles then1 With the treachery nature of his philosophi2 cal thinking, and the stylistic and peculiar characteristics of his poetry and prose, which lay empha2 sis on individuality and naturalism as well as his boldness in expressing his righteous, lively and ac2 tive attitude towards contemporaneous life and society, Liu Jiangsun s achievements in poetry and in prose are strikingly attractive as compared with the incompetent literary circles in the Yuan dynasty1 Keywords : Liu Jiangsun (), the stylistic and peculiar characteristics, the poetry and prose in the Yuan dynasty The Intercourse and Difference among the Members of Two Southern Literary Groups In the Joint Period of Yuan and Ming Xu Yongming Abstract : The writers clustering in Wuzhou ( ), Zhejiang, and those in the area Wu (, mostly now in the province of Jiangsu) constituted two important regional literary groups in the joint period of Yuan and Ming1 They were all active at that time, and their works as well as their activi2