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5 11 Vol. 5 No. 11 2014 11 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Nov., 2014 宫春波 *, 王朝霞, 刘磊, 孙月琳, 董峰光 (, 264003) 摘要 : 目的 (Vibrio parahaemolyticus, VP), VP, 方法 GB 4789.7-2013, VP, Beta-Poisson VP 结果 VP 16.89% 22.22%, ( ) VP 17.39% 17.19% 5.88% 16.67%, (X 2 =2.028, P=0.731) VP,, 33.33% 19.35% 15.15% 7~9 VP, VP, 1.57 10-4, 5~6 10~12 VP 9.09 10-5 3.75 10-5 结论 VP, 7~9 VP VP VP, VP,, ; HACCP, 关键词 : ; ; Research of contamination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and risk assessment on eating raw aquatic products in Yantai GONG Chun-Bo *, WANG Zhao-Xia, LIU Lei, SUN Yue-Lin, DONG Feng-Guang (Department of Food Nutrition and Student Health Care, Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Yantai 264003, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To evaluate the contamination level of Vibio parahamolylicus (VP) in edible raw aquatic products and assess the risk value of VP by single ingesting of raw aquatic products. Methods The VP infection of stratified random sample was detected by GB 4789.7-2013. The probability of VP morbidity for single eating of edible raw aquatic product was calculated by Beta-Poisson model, and the risk value was analyzed by crystal ball software. Results The pollution rate of VP in single eating portion of raw aquatic product was 16.89%. The highest contamination rate of VP was 22.22% from crustaceans product, and the rate of 基金项目 : 2013 (2013WS258) Fund: Supported by the 2013 Science and Technology Development Program of Yantai(2013WS258) 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: GONG Chun-Bo, Associate Chief Technician, Food Nutrition and Student Health Care Department of Yantai Yantai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, No.17, Fuhou Road, Laishan District, Yantai 264003, China. E-mail:

11, : 3759 fish, shellfish, cephalopods and other classes (eg, jellyfish, trepan, etc) product was 17.39%, 17.19%, 5.88% and 16.67%, respectively. The contamination rate of VP in catering was higher than that of retail sale for the products, and in small restaurant was higher than that of medium and large restaurant. The third season had the highest pollution rate of VP, also it was the season which had the highest risk value of VP morbidity for single eating of raw aquatic products. It was 1.57 10-4 that the probability of VP morbidity for single eating of raw aquatic product during July~September, more than that of 9.09 10-5 and 3.75 10-5 during may~june and october~december. Conclusion It has a higher pollution rate of VP by eating raw aquatic product, and the highest risk value of VP morbidity appears in the third quarter. It is recommended to strengthen the sanitary inspection and intensified processing. It is proposed to decline the pollution rate of VP by implementing hazard analysis and critical control points to control VP contamination. KEY WORDS: edible raw aquatic products; Vibrio parahaemolyticus; food contamination 1 引言, 理 理,, [1-3], ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ),, [4],, (Vibrio parahaemolyticus, VP), [5],, [6], [7] VP, 4~10, [8],,,, 225 VP,,,, 2 材料与方法 2.1 材料 2.1.1 样本来源, ( ) ( ) ( ),, 5 ( )225 ( 1) 2.1.2 培养基和试剂 ( ); 3% 3% Table 1 表 1 监测样本类别及其生产环节 The information of different kind of samples 17 3 14 128 48 80 23 9 14 27 1 26 30 6 24 225 67 158 -

3760 5 (0% 3% 6% 8%)( ); API 20E ( ); ONPG V-P ( ) 2.2 实验方法 2.2.1 样本采集方法 [9],, 500 g, Labplas TWIRL EM, (2~8 ), 2.2.2 检测方法 GB 4789.7-2013 [10], (, maximum probable number method, MPN ), 3.6 MPN/g API 20 E, ; 2.2.3 分析方法 OriginPro 9.0,, SPSS18.0, Crystal ball 11.1.1 (3.6 MPN /g), 0 MPN/g 3 结果与分析 3.1 各类生食水产品的 VP 污染情况 5 225, VP 16.89%, 18.20% [9] ; 11.48% VP [11] ; VP (X 2 =1.711, P=0.425), VP VP, [12], VP 5, VP 22.22%, VP, 17.39% 17.19% 16.67%, 5.88%( 1) VP VP (15.79%) [13], VP 5, (X 2 =2.028, P=0.731) VP,, VP MPN 0~92 MPN/g, 2.93±9.59 MPN/g, 90 95 99 P90=9.2 MPN/g P95=23 MPN/g P99=43 MPN/g GB 29921-2013 (n=5, c=1, m=100 MPN/g, M=1000 MPN/g), 100% Fig. 1 1 VP The contamination rate of VP in different edible raw aquatic products 3.2 餐饮环节和零售环节中可生食水产品的 VP 污染情况 VP ( 2), (Χ 2 =0.071, P=0.790), VP (33.33%) (19.35%) (15.15%),,, VP VP 9.84% [11], VP 1 [12], VP, 3.3 不同季度生食水产品中的 VP 污染情况 (7~9 ) VP ( 2), 7~9 31.25% VP,

11, : 3761 Table2 表 2 餐饮环节和零售环节可生食水产品中 VP 污染情况 The contamination rate of VP in edible raw aquatic products from retail and catering service VP VP 18.18% 15.15% 12.50% 19.35% - - 33.33% 16.46% 17.91% : 232±825 CFU/g 330±717 CFU/g 63±304 CFU/g,, 1 (70 g/ ) VP ( 3), 7~9 VP, 5~6 10~12 Fig.2 2 VP The contamination rate of VP in edible raw aquatic products during different seasons. 4~6 14.77% 10~12 6.85% VP VP, 4~10 [8],, VP 3.4 生食水产品中 VP 潜在风险的估算 Beta-Poisson [14,15], :, Pr (ill/d) : ; d: VP (CFU/g); α β:, α 0.6, β 1.3 10 6[16],, 700 g/ (10 ) 70 g/, VP 1 MPN/g 1 CFU/g [14], 5~6 7~9 10~12, VP 表 3 摄食 1 份生食水产品平均每次导致 VP 的发病概率模拟结果 Table 3 The probability of VP morbidity for single eating of raw aquatic product * P5 P95 5~6-5.84 10-4 7.11 10-4 9.09 10-5 7~9-3.69 10-4 7.04 10-4 1.57 10-4 10~12-2.04 10-4 2.74 10-4 3.75 10-5 : * 1 (70 g) VP 4 讨论,,, (V. parahaemolyticus, VP) 5, VP,,, VP, VP ; VP,, VP (7~9 ) VP,, VP

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