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1. (74)16 5-30 2. (61) 3. (84) : 4. (51) 5. (76) 6. (52) 7. (82) - : 267-276 :: 8. (86) 9. (84) 140 243-255 10. (88) 11. (86) 115-144 12. (51) 408-425 13. (6) 33-36 14. (67) 15. (19) 16. ( ) (72) 17. (75) 18. (83) 19. (58)

20. (84) : 21. (83) 22. (75) -- 23. (89) : 24. (91) 25. (72) 2285-2307 26. (77) 27. (51) 28. (75) 615-639 29. (69) -- 687-700 30. (85) : 553-562 31. (58) 32. (76) 33. (59) 127-42 34. (65) 35. (47) 36. (71) 444-50 37. (44) 38. (90) : 39. (84) 140 55-66 40. (85) ~ : 233-250 41. Chang, P'eng-yuan(1968)The Constitutionalists, in Mary C. Wright (ed.), China in Revolution: The First Phase 1900-1913pp. 143-183New Heaven and London: Yale University Press 42. Chu, Samuel C.(1965), Reformer in Modern China: Chang Chien, 1853-1926. New York and London: Columbia University Press. 43. Dewey, John (1964), Impression of Soviet Russia and the Revolutionary World: Mexico-China-Turkey, New York and London: Columbia University Press. 44. Lee, Mabel(1966), The Development of Exalt Commence in Late Ching Thought, Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney. 45. Liao, Sheng-hsiung(1979),The Elite and Political Development: A Case Study of Chang Chien's Subtle Promotion of Chinese Constitutionalism, 8249-289. 46.Wong, King-kong(1957),Chang Chien, A Case Study of Attempts at China's Modernization by the Traditional Gentry, Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Washington.

Study of Chang, Chien s Educational Thought Shun-Chih Sun Department of Applied Languages for Interprelation and translation, Chang Jung Christian University An Abstract Chang Chien (1853-1926) was a native of Nant'ung, Kiangsu. In spite of the various works on Chang Chien, which testify to the significance of his role in modern China, his educational thought is still not well-researched. The purpose of this paper is, first of all, to analyze Chang Chien's educational thought systematically and clearly in the hope that it may become a useful reference for researchers on modern Chinese educational thought, and secondly, to stimulate further research. This paper depends more on basic source materials rather than second-hand data. Among various source materials, Chang Chien's Diary and The Nine Records of Chang Chien are the most important. The main lines of Chang Chien's educational thought may be briefly summarized as follows: (1) education as a means of saving China and education and industry as basis of local self-government. (2) universal and compulsory education for the primary education. (3) a planned education to be achieved step by step. (4) with special emphasis on industrial education. (5) with special emphasis on patriotic education. (6) with special reference to Confucianism and strict education. The paper has also discussed the background to Chang Chien s educational thought, the factors which shaped it, how it developed, what influence it had on his contemporaries, and its long-term impact. Key words: 1.Confucianism 2. Self-government 3. Education 4.Industry