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17 J Chin Med 14(1): 17-31, 2003 (2002 7 9 2002 12 24 2003 1 8 ) 1 2 50 : 04-22340047 : 04-22342508E-Mail: jcmt22@ms38.hinet.net

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31 J Chin Med 14(1): 17-31, 2003 STUDY OF ZHANG-CHONG-ZHENG S THOUGHT ON RU-MEN-SHI-QIN AND ON MANAGEMENT OF GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASE Jung-Chou Chen School of Chinese Medicine, China Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan Department of Chinese Medicine, Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan (Received 9 th July 2002, revised Ms received 24 th December 2002, accepted 1 th January 2003) The purpose of study is to review and essay discussion the thought of Ru-Men-Shi-Qin included women diseases described by Zhang-Chong-Zheng. He was a famous physician at Jin-Yuan Dynasty in China. The result demonstrated that the thinking process of Zhang s methods by Diaphoresis, Ejection and Precipitation can treat diseases completed remission. All the researched subject constitution is repletion and heat pattern. Zhang s thought that etiology of disease is come from evil. So he used Attacking precipitation to treat diseases in order to quickly remove the evil and prevent complication occurred. The main principle of Zhang s Attacking precipitation is firstly used herbs, and post-illness regulated the body intaked by dietary supplementation including rice, meat, fruit and vegetable. The thought of Zhang s treated gynecological diseases is different from internal medicine. The thinking process is firstly used Ejection and then Precipitation applied. As for the amenorrhea and infertility is related with phlegm and blood stasis on basis of Chinese Medicine theory. Zhang s treated amenorrhea and infertility is firstly ejecting phlegm-drool from upper burner and then expelling the static blood in the channels. Zhang s treated leucorrhea caused by damp and heat evil is used the method of ejecting phlegm water and precipitating dampness. The inclusion of results that Zhang s as a famous author of Jin-Yuan Dynasty s four big physicians in China Medical history is relationship with the character of treated diseases by Diaphoresis, Ejection and Precipitation and Attacking precipitation hypothesis. Key words: Zhang-Chong-Zheng, Ru-Men-Shi-Qin, Diaphoresis, Ejection as well as precipitation, Evil and gynecological disease. Correspondence to: Jung-Chou Chen, 50, Yeong-Shing Street Taichung 404, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 04-22340047, Fax: 04-22342508, E-mail: jcmt22@ms38.hinet.net