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59 Made in Taiwan 85 Williamson Park / NSC 88-2413- H-152-008-F14

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Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, Vol.XIII(June 2000)33 64 NATIONAL TAIPEI TEACHERS COLLEGE 63 The Cultural Picture of Primary Schools in England Li-juing Wu* ABSTRACT This study aims to portray the cultural picture of primary schools in England and the view from Taiwan was purposely designed to address. As a collective case study, the writing style of this study has been influenced by the approach of arts-based educational research. In the field of England, four LEA primary schools located in three cities in England were sampled as cases. Due to the constraint of limited time available in English primary schools, one Taiwanese girl with a seven-year schooling experience in England and just back to Taiwan around one year ago was also studied. In order to achieve the research objectives, the strategies employed include observation, interview as well as documentary analysis. The stories which emerged from the field have been categorized into two dimensions: organizational culture as well as psychological & behavioral culture. In addition, the reflection upon the methodology has been provided as the fourth part in this report. The themes which come out from the reflection include the accumulation of research finding, the importance of local perspective, and the rethinking of subjectivity. *Li-juing Wu: Associate Professor, Department of Elementary Education

64 Journal of National Taipei Teachers College Vol. XIII