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20043 155182 (1 9 3 4)1 9 0 5-1 9 8 5 (Shinbun Haitatsufu) (Nauka) 1 934 1 0 1 8 8 1-1 9 3 6 1 9 0 4-1 9 8 5 1 1 987 1 53-155 1999 675-676 -155-

2 1 936 1936 3 22 20033 1-33 4 1 983 1 1 9833 3 1 988 1 4 1 983 11 1985 2 (Nyuta Haruhiko, 1909-1938 ) 3 (Numakawa Sadao, 1898-1994) (1 982) 4-156-

1 945 5 (1898) (1910) (1916) (1918) (1918) (1918) (1922) (1926) (1926) (1926) (1930) (1935) (1937) (1945) (1994) (1 898) (1 897) Charles L. Brown (1874-1921) 5-157-

(1 9 1 0) (1 9 11) 6 7 8 (1 9 3 1) K G 9 (1 918) (1 9 2 6) (1 9 3 0) (1 9 2 7) (Goto Ya e) (1 9 3 0) 6 1981 7 7 1931 93 8 407-410 9 100-102 -158-

(1 9 9 9) 1 0 11 1 2 1 9 3 13 1 930 1 3 1 9 3 63 10 11 (Fumi) 12 13-159-

1 4 (Numakawa ) (Umakawa) 1 5 1 9 3 23 1 9 3 43 (Shimizu Shina) (Araki Fuku) 14 1 9 3 3 3 1 9 3 5 3 15-160-

(1933) (Ishihara Kazue) 16 (1 935) 16-161-

1 7 17 193512 25-162-


(1943) (Takaki Shiki) (1 945) (1 985) -164-

(1994) 1 8 (1 9 1 7) (1 9 1 8) 1 9 2 0 2 1 18 1997 12-98 19 190 1918 4 57-60 20 373 1918 510 68 21 (Tavocan) (18 98) (1920) -165-


(1921) 22 23 24 (1 922) 25 26 (1 926) 27 22 1 9214 2 5 23 1 926 (1921) 1 977 11 8 2 4 25 24 26 27 1 995 (1898) (1915) (1922) -167-

(1 9 2 7) 2 8 (1 8 8 4-1 9 5 5) (Shimomura Kojin) 1 9 2 2 4 1 9 2 7 4 2 9 28 1987 29 (1927) (1928) -168-

3 0 1 927 (1 930) 31 32 30 304 1927 121 124 3 1 1 930 3 9 931 930 6 9 3 06 1 93061 3 518 32-169-

221 1 9201 0 3 6-37 2 21 1 9201 0 4 0 2 24 1 9211 3 0 2 25 1 9212 3 9 2 27 1 9214 4 4 2 27 1 9214 4 4-45 2 29 1 9216 5 0 2 29 1 9216 5 0 2 32 1 9219 5 0 2 32 1 9219 5 1 2 36 1 9221 4 7 1 9282 11 7-170-

(Ishikawa Takumoku, 1886-1912) 1910-171-

(1 9 2 1) (1 920) 3 3 33 1 996 1 998 2001-172-


(1918) (1 922) (1 915) (1 921) 34 34 4-174-

1 9 5 2-3 5 3 6 1 950-35 1 976 4 1979 187 36 ( Victor Hugo, 1802-1885) (L e s M i s é r a b l e s) -175-

3 7 3 8 37 1978 56-59 38 8 1 985 3 1 3-15 1 986 1 988-176-


3 9 4 0 (1 9 2 4) (1 9 2 7) 39 1 9379 19375 5 40 1 91 59-60 -178-

(1927) 41 41 1998 117-118 -179-


1 9 0 5-1 9 8 5 (1904-1985) ( 1 8 9 8-1 9 9 4 ) -181-

Yang Kui and Numakawa Sadao: A Taiwanese Novelist and His Japanese School Teacher ZHANG Ji-lin Assistant Research Fellow Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica An important figure in the literary movement of modern Taiwan, Yang Kui (1905-85) also produced several novels in Japanese during the col onial period. In 1934, A Newsboy, one of his most noted short stories, earned him a literary prize from an important Japanese journal. This piece was later translated into Chinese by Hu Feng (1904-85) and was included both in Mountain Spirit: Short Stories from Korea and Taiwan and Anthology of Stories from Weak and Small Nations in the World. Yang Kui played an important role in the development of Taiwanese literature; one of his contributions was the founding of the literary journal Taiwan New Literature in 1935. Yang was born and educated in the Japanese colonial period, and his early exposure to world lite rature was through Japanese transla tions. In a talk late in his life he mentioned Numakawa Sadao (1898-1994) as one of his teachers from Japan who had a formative influence on him. Numakawa was a young teacher in a gong xuexiao, an elementary school for Taiwanese children during the Japanese colonial period. He was kind to Yang, taught him many subjects free of charge, and granted Yang access to his book collection. Numakawa was a literary person himself and published some works in Japanese newspapers based in Taiwan. This intriguing friendship between an anticolonialist Taiwanese novelist and a Japanese school teacher, who was in a certain sense a symbol of Japanese colonialism, deserves critical attention. This article investigates the life of Numakawa in order to understand the significance of this friendship in the development of Yang s literary career. Keywords: Yang Kui Taiwanese writers Numakawa Sadao Japanese teachers Taiwanese literature Taiwan colonial period -182-