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239264 239 Pagan * * CY03507-


239264 241 Pagan * Pagan Plain 11 13 Pagan Dynasty, 1044-1287 *

242 2,217 Anaratha 1044-77 108 55 849 1044 Stupa Pagoda Temple Monastery Pagan Plain

(Pagan) 243 11-13 5,000 2,217 1955 46 Stupa Pagoda Relics 1174 Narapatisithu, 1174-1211 Pali Mons

244 Sanskrit Ananda Temple Mahabodhi Pagoda Sulamani Temple kubyaukkyi Temple Kubyaukgyi Temple Nagayon Temple Thatbyinnyu Temple Kyanzittha 1091 Ananta Panna Supreme, endless wisdom Anada 200 Pagoda

(Pagan) 245


(Pagan) 247

248 Kubyaukkyi Temple 1113 Rajakumar

(Pagan) 249 Kubyaukgyi Temple Kyanzittha Umin 1468

250 1.5 1183 Stupas

(Pagan) 251 Nantaungmya, 1211-1234 Bodh Gaya 9

252 10

(Pagan) 253 Alaungsithu, 1112-1167 Thatbyinnyu Omniscience 200 61 201 11

254 12 13

(Pagan) 255 Dhammayangyi Temple Shwesandau Pagoda Shwezigon Pagoda Buhpaya Pagoda 14

256 15 16

(Pagan) 257 Shwedagon Pagoda Dvarapala Bodhisattva

258 17

(Pagan) 259 Gothic Style Dharmakaya Supreme Truth the Dharma

260 Henry Yule 1855 G. H. Luce. Paul Strachan1989 Pagan, Art and Architecture of Old Burma P. S. Pagan pp.1-61980 65-112 Ministry of Culture of Burma1979Pictorial Guide to Pagan PGP P.e 849 34 Pyinbya 846-878 874

(Pagan) 261 Pyinbya Tampawadi 1044 1057 138 Luca Tettoni & Daniel Kahrs 1996: Pagan, LD Paganp.34. PGP P.e Chrystal Mirror1977: The Stupa, Sacred Symbol of Enlightenment Vol.12 P. S. Pagan, 13-19 1993 663 PGP 13 31 54 P. S. Pagan 71No.1323 84No.1597 PGPp.13 LD Pagan p.35 P. S. Pagan, pp.41-42 PGPp.9 LD Pagan p.44 pp.50-51 P. S. Pagan, pp.84-87 p.88 PGPp.32. & p.7. Kim Inglis ed.1990 : Myanmar Style, Art, Architecture Design of Burma, Introduction Shwedagon Pagoda Daw Myint Myint1996:Shwedagon, 74 78 L & D Pagan, p.35

262 LD Pagan, p.36 p.42 p.23 787 302-306 9-15 Crystal Mirror (1977). The Stupa, Sacred Symbol of Enlightenment. California, Dharma Publishing Co. Daw Myint Myint (1996). Shwedagon. Myanmar, Yangon University Press. Kim Inglis ed. (1990). Myanmar Style, Art, Architecture Design of Burma. Singapore, Periphes. Luca Tettoni & Daniel Kahrs (1996). Pagan. Yangon, Myanmar, Ava Publishing House. Ministry of Culture of Burma (1979). Pictorial Guide to Pagan. Rangoon, The Printing and Publishing Corporation. Paul Strachan (1989). Pagan, Art and Architecture of Old Burma. Scotland, Kiscadale Publictions. 1993 83.7 78 1981

Journal of National Taipei Teachers College, Vol.XIII(June 2000)239 264 NATIONAL TAIPEI TEACHERS COLLEGE 263 The Social Impact and Artistic Value of Pagan s Peligious Architecture Chiung-chang Chen* ABSTRACT This study sets out to explore the historical meaning of Pagan s Buddhistic architecture. By classifying Pagan s architecture according to the styles they expressed, examining the characteric of the six most impressive temples, this study enters into the analysis of Burmese tradition which reflects the multitude of cultural cross currents. An attempt is made to explain the social impact and artistic value of temples in Pagan as a whole. It also seeks to explain how Pagan becomes one of the most important historical sites and ancient religious centers in the world. *Chiung-chang Chen: Professor, Department of Social Studies Education

264 Journal of National Taipei Teachers College Vol. XIII