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Students in a practical training of nursery and kindergarten often feel bewilderment and difficulty about handling of interpersonal conflict between children, such as fight and quarrel. Some texts of the practical training for students strongly advise to cherish children s heart and feelings in the scene of mediation. However the narrative such as It is necessary to understand children s heart and feelings in empathic way to sort out fight and quarrel between children has the potential to bring trouble to students who are less-experienced in the field. Because the central question shifts to problem of whether you can engage in empathic understanding of children s feeling from argument about specific method of mediation. This paper terms the narrative an empathic understanding discourse. The purpose of this paper is to carefully sort out problems which are inherent in the empathic understanding discourse, to consider an alternative frame of understanding a practice of early childhood care and education by confirming ethnomethodological knowledge, and to present a detailed analysis of it from view point of ethnomethodological studies. Finally, this paper considers how the alternative frame of understanding is available in guidance for students who go into the practical training of nursery and kindergarten. As a result of analysis and consideration in this paper, it becomes clear that there is a procedure of mediation in conflict between children; arrangement of beginning, verification of fact, verification of motive, and verification of rule. A nursery teacher and children construct a situation of mediation through their conversation, collaboratively referring to a processing of the procedure. Understanding children s heart and feelings in empathic way is formed in achievement of each step, in the context of the case of this paper, getting prepared for the beginning of mediation, verifying what happened to them by listening from both side, identifying why it happened, and making clear how it should be done in such case, between the teacher and children. By focusing on these points, we can offer guidance to students who go into the practical training of nursery and kindergarten from new approach, differing from the empathic understanding discourse. Mediation of fight and quarrel are achieved through some specific steps. However, the whole picture of the steps doesn t become clear, even if you turn your attention to practical questions, listening to what the children speak, organizing both ones carefully and speaking to them empathically. It becomes clear by observing practice between the teacher and children in the field from the perspective of how they interact through some procedure. It is also possible to use the method of practice which is made clear in the observation, when students take approach to the practical training and handle the interpersonal conflict between children as the teacher. : interpersonal conflict situations among children, a practice of early childhood care and education, a guidance for a practical training of nursery and kindergarten, empathic understanding discourse, ethnomethodology