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Shui On also won the Gold Award in Work Safe Behaviour Promotion. The focus of its project, Enhance Workers Behavioural-based Safety Program, was to establish long-term strategies to change the unsafe behaviour of workers through a comprehensive research study on personal, work and organizations. Mr C W Tong, Senior Manager Health Safety & Environment of the company pointed out that, Building up the safety behaviour of workers is a gradual process and cannot be achieved overnight. The company established a research team in 2004, and now has entered its harvest period. The accident rate per 1,000 employees has dropped to a stable standard in recent years. In future, more emphasis will be put on mutual monitoring and care among fellow workers as the way of development. The Gold Award for Safety Promotion Award went to Matilda International Hospital again this year. The hospital s main promotion theme was hand hygiene. Their Clean Hands Healthy Hands project taught employees, patients and the public the important message of hand cleaning and the correct way to clean hands through various activities. During the promotional month, a total of 9 promotional schemes were introduced by the Hospital, including slogan and photography competitions, as well as producing badges to remind people of hand cleaning, Staff s awareness of hand cleaning was enhanced and the infection rate within the Hospital was reduced. The Hong Kong Federation of Insurers Award for Excellence in OSH was to recognize an organization s efforts to reduce the occurrence of occupational injuries and occupational diseases, and their provision of appropriate occupational rehabilitation services to employees injured at work. The Gold Award went to DHL Express (Hong Kong) Ltd. A comprehensive Occupational Rehabilitation Program was included in their Total Occupational Safety and Health Solutions, it aims to help the injured employees receiving appropriate treatments, and returning to work gradually and safely through psychological counseling and assistance from social workers. The Gold Award for Catering SMEs Sponsorship Scheme OSH Award went to Tsui Bo Restaurant Ltd Calf Bone King (Kau Yuk Road, Yuen Long). While the Gold Award for Best Performance Award went to the Hongkong Electric Co Ltd Generation Division. Participant, Mr Ngai said in terms of accident reduction, it should be more important to prevent than to cure. The sharing of the organizations could remind people of this. He was impressed by the personal safe behaviour, Stop and Think, introduced by CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd. It help to remind him about work safety and enhance his personal safety awareness. Mr Ma, who participated in a performance at the forum said that, through the preparation of this competition, from conception to performance, he and his colleagues exchanged their knowledge of OSH. He felt that his OSH awareness was enhanced through the repeated rehearsals. Mr Lee Kai Ming, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council said in his speech that, Public concern for OSH has been enhancing continuously. The participating projects have implemented effective measures to promote OSH in various aspects, thus strengthening the protection to employees, and demonstrating the recognition and support from both employers and employees to OSH. I hope that everybody can support OSH, thus benefit the entire society. Mr Cheung Kin Chung, Matthew, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare said that, the OSH awareness of Hong Kong people has been improving continuously. Last year s number of occupational accidents and the occupational injury rate recorded a more than 30% decrease when compared to the same figure from 2000. However, with the gradual recovery from the economic turmoil, corporate confidence in hiring has been strengthened and construction projects have been launched gradually. The number of occupational accident and the occupational injury rate in the first quarter of this year has increased by 9.6% and 6.7% respectively when compared with last year s. Therefore, everybody in the sector should not lower their guard, and should work hard to enhance OSH standards.

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