科舉盛而學術衰 ( 李杲堂文鈔序 ) 抄撮之學, 陷溺人心 ( 姚江逸詩序 )

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科舉盛而學術衰 ( 李杲堂文鈔序 ) 抄撮之學, 陷溺人心 ( 姚江逸詩序 )

學 而時習之, 不亦說乎? 有朋 自 學 : 不是背誦答案 ; 是學 問 遠 方來, 不亦樂乎? 人不知 而不慍, 而 非學答不亦君 子乎? (1.1) 習 : 不是溫習 複習 學習 : 不斷去學 去問 去反省 去修正 自 己的習慣 有朋 自遠 方來 : 帶來新視野, 所以快樂 吾 日三省吾 身 不斷形成 自我求知 更新 自 己的反饋能 力 仁 不斷發現驚喜的能 力 志 士仁 人, 無求 生以害 人, 有殺 身以成 人 君 子寧願犧牲性命, 也鐵定不會做回腦殘

Part I Self and Human Capacity (1) Odyssey (Homer) (2) Symposium (Plato) (3) Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle) (4) 論語 (5) 莊子 Part II Faith and Human Limitation Part III Self in Social Institutions (6) 心經 (7) 聖經 : 創世記 1-11; 馬可福音 (8) The Qur'an (9) 明夷待訪錄 ( 黃宗羲 ) (10) The Social Contract (Rousseau) (11) The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith) (12) Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx)

(1) What ideas are raised about learning/ knowledge in the texts? (what is knowledge? what is the purpose/value of learning? what use should be made of our learning? how do we learn/know?) (2) What approaches to learning are demonstrated in/by the texts? (3) How do we facilitate trials of the above ideas and approaches through class organization and term-paper design?

Barthes argues that most texts are readerly texts. Such texts are associated with classic texts that are presented in a familiar, linear, traditional manner, adhering to the status quo in style and content. Meaning is fixed and predetermined so that the reader is a site merely to receive information. These texts attempt, through the use of standard representations and dominant signifying practices, to hide any elements that would open up the text to multiple meaning. Readerly texts support the commercialized values of the literary establishment and uphold the view of texts as disposable commodities.

By contrast, writerly texts reveal those elements that the readerly attempts to conceal. The reader, now in a position of control, takes an active role in the construction of meaning. The stable meaning, or metanarratives, of readerly texts is replaced by a proliferation of meanings and a disregard of narrative structure. There is a multiplicity of cultural and other ideological indicators (codes) for the reader to uncover. What Barthes describes as ourselves writing is a self-conscious expression aware of the discrepancy between artifice and reality. The writerly text destabilizes the reader s expectations. The reader approaches the text from an external position of subjectivity. By turning the reader into the writer, writerly texts defy the commercialization and commodification of literature.

(1) What is knowledge? (2) How do we know? (3) What is the purpose or value of knowledge? What use should we make of knowledge?

般若像流 水, 而智慧和知識則是固態的, 它們會阻塞我們的般若 如果我們認為某件事物是真理, 我們就會死死地執著於它, 以致於當真理親 自來敲我們的 門時, 我們也不會願意讓它進來 我們必須學會超越 自 己的知 見 般若像流 水, 可以流動, 能夠滲透 ( 般若之 心 7)

滲透意味著進 入某件事物, 而不僅僅是站在它的外 面 為了真正理解它, 我們必須深 入到它的內部, 與它成為 一體 如果我們想理解 一個 人, 我們必須去體驗他的感受, 他的痛苦和快樂 ( 般若之 心 9) 今天很多科學家更願意適 用參與者 (participant) 這個詞, 而不願意使 用觀察者 (observer) ( 般若之 心 10)

物無 非彼, 物無 非是 自彼則不 見, 自知則知之 故 曰彼出於是, 是亦因彼 彼是 方 生之說也, 雖然, 方 生 方死, 方死 方 生 ; 方可 方不可, 方不可 方可 因是因 非, 因 非因是 是以聖 人不由, 而照之於天, 亦因是也 是亦彼也, 彼亦是也 彼亦 一是 非, 此亦 一是 非 果且有彼是乎哉? 果且無彼是乎哉? 彼是莫得其偶, 謂之道樞 樞始得其環中, 以應無窮 是亦 一無窮, 非亦 一無窮也 故 曰莫若以明 ( 莊 子 齊物論 217)

日 上帝說 : 分開 / 分類 / 指定功 命名 能 1 光 光 暗 晝 夜 2 要有蒼穹 水上下漫流 天 3 水要匯集 要生長草木 水 乾地五穀 果子 4 要有光體 劃分 統轄晝夜 標記時令節期 照耀大地 5 要游動魚鱉 水族 要鳥雀展翅 飛禽 6 要繁衍動物 牲畜 爬蟲 野獸 要造人了 男人女人都依照他的 模樣 陸 海 禾苗 果樹大 小天燈星星 巨鯨 7 天地萬物全數造就上帝歇工 聖日

Identity Crisis Son: No story to tell Odysseus: What story to tell next [also: Penelope and Calypso] Calypso: cloaked Recognition Physical resemblence Physical strength (Handi-)craft Eloquence Storytelling Cunning Perseverance Courage Patience Memory Odysseus: troubled Way of knowing: travels OUTER INNER

At the beginning of The Odyssey (Books 1,2 and 5), each of the four characters Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, and Calypso undergoes some kind of (identity) crisis. Choose a scene that is most telling of the crisis faced by one of them, act out the scene with your group members, and comment on the crisis. In your own life, would you rather be Calypso-ed (buried), or Odysseus-ed (troubled)?

AGATHON Such is my view of Eros. He stands out as beautiful and excellent in himself; and secondly, he is the origin of similar qualities in others. (197c) SOCRATES...Eros must have an existence as love of beauty, and not love of ugliness, mustn t he? AGATHON Yes. SOCRATES But wasn t it agreed that he loves what he lacks, and does not possess? AGATHON Yes, it was. SOCRATES So Eros lacks, and does not possess, beauty. AGATHON That s the inevitable conclusion. SOCRATES Well, then, do you describe as beautiful that which lacks beauty and has never acquired beauty? AGATHON No. SOCRATES If that is so, do you still maintain that Eros is beautiful? AGATHON I rather suspect, Socrates, that I didn t know what I was talking about. (200a-201c)

Every art and every investigation, and similarly every action and pursuit, is considered to aim at some good. Hence the good has been rightly defined as that at which all things aim. Clearly, however, there is some difference between the ends at which they aim: some are activities and others results distinct from the activities. Where there are ends distinct from the actions, the results are by nature superior to the activities. (NE 1094a1-7)

Aristotle uses in the Nicomachean Ethics (NE) a method of enquiry that is quite different from the methods we come across in the Symposium namely, the Platonic dialogue and the Socratic Method. What are the most significant features of the Aristotelian method? (Brainstorming: How does Aristotle develop an argument? Does he begin with myths or with popular views? Does he refer to thinkers before him? Does he engage his readers in a dialogue? How does he move from one point to another?) Which method do you prefer in the lectures, tutorials, and readings you do at CUHK? Which method would you like to adopt in your own search for knowledge?

The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which it is any where directed, or applied, seem to have been the effect of the division of labour. (WN Book I, Chapter I)

子曰 : 學而不思則罔, 思而不學則殆 ( 論語 為政 )

Use of the Socratic Method in the tutorial sessions, which make up two-thirds of the class time.

To criticize a text, Ezra Pound has named five different ways ( Date Line, his preface to Make It New): Criticism by discussion Criticism by translation Criticism by exercise in the style of a period Criticism by setting to music Criticism by new composition

Platonic dialogue - Xie Fei (p.17, pp.18-19) - 朱文逸 (p.45) - Wong Yiu Shing (p.109)

Problem Solving 鍾倩嫣 : election (3) - Chan Yee Lee: mental patients on an island (37) - 黃奕倫 : legitimacy of the Chinese government (9)

Every art and every investigation, and similarly every action and pursuit, is considered to aim at some good. Hence the good has been rightly defined as that at which all things aim. Clearly, however, there is some difference between the ends at which they aim: some are activities and others results distinct from the activities. Where there are ends distinct from the actions, the results are by nature superior to the activities. (1094a1-7)

But let us resume from the point at which we digressed. To judge by their lives, the masses and the most vulgar seem not unreasonably to believe that the good or happiness is pleasure.(1095b15) But let us turn back to the good which is the object of our search, and ask what it can possibly be; because it appears to vary with the action or art. (1097a15)

One swallow does not make a summer; neither does one day. Caring is sharing.

The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment with which it is any where directed, or applied, seem to have been the effect of the division of labour. (Book I, Chapter I)

Discussion Questions: (1) Both Confucius and Socrates preferred oral transmission of their teachings. None of the two wrote anything. How is the Analects different from the Symposium as a record of dialogues? Are the two masters similar or different in the way they teach? (2) How have you learnt so far? How would you like to learn in future?