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148 [] 1 2 3,4 37 18-25 29 1 3032 10 18 4 5 B diphenhydramine promethazine metoclopramide C prochlorperazinediphenidol betahistine 2014; 24: 148-152 DOI: 10.3966/168232812014092403005 (vestibular migraine) 4 [1] (1) 5 5 72 (2) 3 [2] (3) (a) (b) (c) 1 (4) 60-70% (menstrual migraine) [3] 23.8% 1 (trimester) [4] 1 2 3 4 103 11 27104 3 27104 4 4 404472

103 24 3 149 [3] 63.6% 60.61% 33.33% 1 2 3 (instability) (25.6%) (23.3%) (20.9%) (floating head sensation) (16.3%) (14.0%) (9.3%) (7.0%) (4.7%) [5] 37 21.6 kg/m 2 18-25 2-3 2 (motion intolerance) (migraine without aura) 1 29 30 (sterility) 32 1 110/69 mmhg 73/min 20/min 35.6ºC 3 Hz 2 mm 5 Babinski diphenidol (Cephadol) betahistine (Ecycle) 1 [2] 4-72 * 2 * 1. 2. * 3. * 4. * 1 * 1. / * 2. * * *

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152 [Case Report] Vertigo in a Woman with Unexpected Pregnancy Jiann-Jy Chen 1, Dem-Lion Chen 2 and Hsin-Feng Chang 3,4 A 37-year-old married woman had suffered migraine without aura during the period from 18 and 25 years old. The first vertiginous episode occurred when she was 29, accompanied with nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia. At 30, she was diagnosed with sterility. At 32, the same vertiginous episode recurred and was conservatively treated with several anti-vertigo and anti-emetic medications. Because of missed menstrual periods, she received a pregnancy test and the result was positive. After 10 months, she bore a healthy baby girl. However, 8 months after the delivery, the same vertiginous episode recurred, but she took no medication due to lactation. Over the following 4 years, the same vertiginous episode recurred 5 times. Eventually, she was diagnosed with vestibular migraine. Therefore, pregnancy is possible in a vertiginous woman of childbearing age even if she has been diagnosed with sterility. Any medication with teratogenic risk should be avoided if pregnancy cannot be completely excluded. Antihistamine diphenhydramine (FDA class B) or promethazine (FDA class B), or antiemetics metoclopramide (FDA class B), should be considered first, followed by FDA class C antiemetics prochlorperazine or diphenidol. Antihistamine betahistine, however, should be avoided as there have not been enough data for FDA classification. (Taiwan J Fam Med 2014; 24: 148-152) DOI: 10.3966/168232812014092403005 Key Words: FDA class, pregnancy test, sterility, vertigo, vestibular migraine 1 Department of Neurology, Neuro-Medical Scientific Center, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taichung Branch, Taichung; 2 G-Home Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Neurology, Kaohsiung; 3 Department of Medical Education, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung; 4 Faculty of Chinese Medicine, Chinese Medical College, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan. Received: November 27, 2014; Revised: March 27, 2015; Accepted: April 4, 2015.