. INTERTAN ~ Tronzo Evans [3] 2971 Singh [4] 339( )2Colles INTERTAN () Evans Singh Harris ()

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物理学报 Acta Phys. Sin. Vol. 62, No. 14 (2013) 叠 [4]. PET 设备最重要的部件就是探测器环, 探测 备重建图像具有减少数据插值的优势. 器环的性能直接影响 PET 的成像能力. 探头与探头 之间得到的符合直线叫做投影线. 所有的投影线在

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13 26 20090625 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research June 25, 2009 Vol.13, No.26 INTERTAN19 Features of intramedullary nail INTERTAN for intertrochanteric fractures: Retrospective analysis of 19 cases Lü Gang, Chen Ping-bo, Lü Fa-ming Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chinese Medical Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumchi 830000, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China Lü Gang, Master, Attending physician, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chinese Medical Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumchi 830000, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China lvgangxj@163.com Received: 2009-04-06 Accepted: 2009-06-07 Abstract: The 19 consecutive patients with falling-caused intertrochanteric fracture were admitted to Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chinese Medical Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University in July 2008, including 10 males and 9 females, aged 74.5 years (ranging 6786 years), 11 with right and 8 with left. According to Tronzo and Evans classification, there were 2 cases of type, 9 of type, 7 of type, and 1 of type. Nine patients were of grade 3 or below according to Singh grading (obvious osteoporosis). All patients were treated with INTERTAN. The internal fixation time, Harris hip score, fracture healing and perioperative complications were recorded. All 19 patients were followed up for 6.2 months (ranging 58 months). The average surgical time was 65 minutes (ranging 45126 minutes). A total of 13 patients restored to their prefracture level. The Harris score at the final follow up was 77.6 scores (ranging 30-92), including 5 cases of excellent, 9 of good, 3 of fair, 2 of poor with the good and excellent rate of 74%. The pain in 95% of the patients was relieved over a short period of time after surgery. All fractures healed on the radiographs within the average of 2.6 months (ranging 24 months). There was one collapse of the neck, no varus malposition, femoral shaft fracture, or implant failures were found. The new intertrochanteric antegrade nail of INTERTAN can be used to treat various femoral intertrochanteric fractures with good clinical outcomes, high union rate, and rare complications. Lü G, Chen PB, Lü FM. Features of intramedullary nail INTERTAN for intertrochanteric fractures: Retrospective analysis of 19 cases.zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2009;13(26): 5162-5166. [http://www.crter.cn http://en.zglckf.com] 200807 19 10 9 11 8 67~86 74.5 Tronzo Evans 2 9 7 1 Singh 3 3 9 () INTERTAN Harris 19 5~8 6.2 45~126 min 65 min13 Harris 30~92 77.6 5 9 3 2 74% 95% 19 2~4 2.6 1 INTERTAN INTERTAN doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2009.26.037. INTERTAN 19 [J]. 200913(26):5162-5166. [http://www.crter.org http://cn.zglckf.com] 830000 1976 2006 lvgangxj@163. com :R318 :B :1673-8225 (2009)26-05162-05 2009-04-06 2009-06-07 (20090406007/WL A) 0 3 [1] DHSGamma PFN 200607SmithNephew TRIGEN( )INTERTAN() Ruecker [2] 200901 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA100 2008INTERTAN 200807Smith&Nephew() INTERTAN19 6 5162

. INTERTAN 19 www.crter.org 200807 1910911 867~8674.5 Tronzo Evans [3] 2971 Singh [4] 339( )2Colles1 18 556 2INTERTAN () Evans Singh Harris () 1 78 3 92 INTERTAN 2 69 5 90 INTERTAN 3 76 3 71 INTERTAN 4 75 4 86 INTERTAN 5 71 4 88 INTERTAN 6 67 6 92 INTERTAN 7 68 5 93 INTERTAN 8 83 3 70 INTERTAN 9 70 5 90 INTERTAN 10 73 4 72 INTERTAN 11 67 5 85 INTERTAN 12 78 3 74 Colles INTERTAN 13 72 5 84 INTERTAN 14 79 3 71 INTERTAN 15 86 2 53 INTERTAN 16 80 3 80 INTERTAN 17 77 3 83 INTERTAN 18 77 3 90 INTERTAN 19 69 4 92 INTERTAN INTERTAN 4 Z 1~3 Figure 2 Lateral Intertan nail with trapezoidal shape of proximal nail and a single lag screw device placed in the femoral head 2 Intertan Figure 1 Model of Intertan implanted in bone 1 Intertan Figure 3 Integrated screws showing track on larger lag screw that permits nesting to allow lower screw to provide linear compression 3 ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 5163

www.crter.org. INTERTAN 19 18 15.1 d3.7 d 10 30 ~40 C 6~8 cm (TAD 25 mm) 9 13 () 24 h 3 d 2 ()2 24 h 1 11 2346X 4 10( )10 mm HarrisHarris 10090~10080~8970~79 5164 < 70 SPSS 11.0 t P < 0.05 2.1 19INTERTAN 45~126 min65 min 120~440 ml287 ml200~600 ml 330 ml15~30 d19.7 d 2.2 195~8 6.2 2.3 41 33 2.4 Harris53~98 81.913 Harris30~9277.6 593274% 2.5 95% 2~28 d8.1 d 1~83.3 (Singh33) (9.0±3.8) d(5.6±2.4) d (P < 0.05) 512 319 2~42.61 > 10 mm 4~6 a: X-ray b: CT Figure 4 Preoperative imaging of case 1, male, 78 years old, with falling-caused fracture 4 178

. INTERTAN 19 www.crter.org a: Anteroposterior b: Frog leg Figure 5 Imaging of 24 hours after proximal Intertan nail fixation 5 InterTan 24 h a: Anteroposterior b: Frog leg Figure 6 Imaging of 2 months after proximal Intertan nail fixation 6 InterTan 2 (min) (ml) (d) (d) Harris () () 1 45 220 3 18 90 5 2 55 240 8 21 84 6 3 126 440 12 24 70 6 4 90 390 11 15 82 8 5 50 270 4 19 82 5 6 50 240 3 15 84 7 7 45 120 2 15 92 6 8 80 360 15 24 40 6 9 50 250 7 15 90 6 10 75 350 11 16 80 6 11 60 300 4 16 90 7 12 50 220 10 23 82 7 13 55 240 3 16 84 6 14 55 280 10 24 80 5 15 85 400 28 30 30 5 16 80 350 9 23 70 8 17 85 370 7 19 72 6 18 50 210 4 24 82 5 19 50 200 3 17 90 8 (DHS) [5-8] 6%~19%56% [9-10] (Gamma) GammaDHS [5-611-12] DHS 2 2 (TAD) [13] PFN DHS [14-15] PFN [16] INTERTAN 15 mm ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 5165

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