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89 12 1 26 * ** * **

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8 Katouzian, 1980: 1 logic ontology cosmology epistemology 1936 2-3 Thomas Kuhn paradigm problem-solving scientific community Kuhn, 1970)

89 12 9 1994 logical empirical regularity similarity 1971

10 ( ) variation difference impersonal

89 12 11 vs. rationality rightousness Bernstein, 1983: 8 Ilya Prigogine 1990 234-236 Prigogine & Stengers, 1984

12 vs. the law of supply the law of demand the Say s law the Grasham s the Parkinson s law the iron law of oligarchy law discover create Babbie, 1986: 36-37 holistic Karl Popper historicism Popper, 1962; 1964 Popper

89 12 13 1992 42 Katouzian, 1980: 84-90 vs. intersubjectivity Katouzian, 1980: 47-53

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28 The Indigenization of Social Sciences in Taiwan Chyuan-Jenq Shiau Abstract The indigenization of social sciences has been an important objective of the academic efforts in Taiwan for the past twenty years. After the transformation of the authoritarianism, beginning in the mid-1980s, however, there came severe disputes over the manners and contents of the indigenization. Among others, sinonization, Taiwanization, or even anti-sinonization and de-sinonization were separately argued to be the real meaning of the indigenization. From the viewpoints of the two paradigms (the theory-centered and the fact-centered ones) in social sciences, this article first tries to inspect the shortcomings of the arguments to define the indigenization as sinonization, Taiwanization, anti-sinonization, or de-sinonization. Furthermore, based upon the fact-centered paradigm, this paper argues the only way to embody the academic subjectivity or the Taiwan subjectivity that has been always emphasized in the indigenization efforts is to start from a historical understanding of what had happened in Taiwan. Keywords: the indigenization of social sciences, the sinonization of social sciences, academic subjectivity, the Taiwan subjectivity, the philosophy of science.