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19 21

20 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS No Contents Feature Article 3 How to Understand the Study on Macro Theories of International Relations Abstract As macro interpretations of the structures trends and elements of international interaction the macro theories of international relations play a guiding role in setting up topics and professional education therefore they are often referred as the paradigms. Because there is no single paradigm in the study of international relations great debates constitute the main line of academic narrative. The inappropriate division of schools and the competition for knowledge hegemony also cause some drawbacks. The pluralistic pattern of macro theories leads people to always face the confusion about pursuing paradigm integration or accepting pluralistic theories. This paper argues that the existence of a pluralistic paradigm is determined by the status quo of the international structure. Foreign policies implemented by the actors of diversified interests and intentions will inevitably create multiple systems with different problems. The different attributes of the pluralistic system require different macro theories to explain so the paradigm warfare is meaningless. As interpretive tools conceived by the theoreticians out of inspiration the macro theories have their specific ranges of interpretation and limitations and they are not the dogmas of faith. To explain the world with complex attributes we need to use the elements of pluralistic theories with a better integration. The stability and inertia of the international system have determined that the study on macro theories will be in dreariness during a certain period of time. As an indispensable part of the knowledge system of international relations the study on macro theories also needs to be developed. Keywords macro theories paradigm great debates international system About the Author Li Shaojun is Member of the Innovation Team of International Relations at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economics and Politics the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Li Shaojun 153


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