other ABSTRACT Traditionally, men s perspective dominates human activities through power mechanism. Women s self-awareness challenged the existent epi

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Examining Gender Issues in Education Hui-Ling Pan 41 1-15 1998.7 1

other ABSTRACT Traditionally, men s perspective dominates human activities through power mechanism. Women s self-awareness challenged the existent epistemology The alternative thinking feminists developed enables us to examine critically the issues of equity and difference in the society. This paper explores gender issues in education through the lenses of feminism. Four parts are included: (1) First of all, the status of women traditionally positioned as the other is analyzed; (2) Four angels, such as curriculum, teacher-student interactions, the use and distribution of space and sexual harassment are used to investigate the current schooling;(3) Gender difference is reanalyzed in order to change our distorted view of females; (4) Finally, several important theories of learning and teaching are discussed under a vision of gender education. Key Words feminism, gender difference, gender education 2

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