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2 目录 AH6236 眼科学...1 AH626 眼科学...30

3 眼科学教学大纲 一 课程基本说明 ( 编写日期 :2018 年 7 月 ) 课程名称 :( 中文 ) 眼科学 ( 英文 )Ophthalmology 课程性质 专业限选课 课程编码 AH6236 学分 1 授课学时 18 主讲教师中山眼科详见课表开课单位 ( 职称 ) 中心 面向专业 临床医学五年制 法医 授课年级 四年级 先修课程 无 本教学大纲是按临床专业五年制眼科教学时数编写, 着重培养学生 知识 素质 能力, 坚持从实际出发 学以致用的原则, 培养和提高学 生临床能力 ; 教学方法采用课堂讲授与见习相结合, 理论联系实际, 大纲 要求掌握内容都在课堂讲授, 要求了解部分内容可在见习中结合病例介 课程目的与教学基本要求 绍, 或者通过视频 自学等方式了解 ; 对外语水平的要求, 五年制学生要掌握常用的眼科学解剖名词 疾病名称 特殊检查等专业英文名词, 自学专业英语课外阅读教材 通过眼科学的学习, 学生要牢固掌握眼球解剖 部分的眼科检查法及 常见病 多发病的诊断及防治知识, 一般掌握急性和慢性视力减退的眼病 全身病在眼部的表现及眼病与全身病的关系, 一般了解防盲治盲工作的意 义和眼科工作者努力的方向 二 课程基本内容 ( 一 ) 教学进度表 ( 含学时分配, 学时分配要落实到 章 或 节, 并对各章节的重点 难点内容加以必要的说明 ) 周次 ( 细化到 每周 ) 主要教学内容及学时分配 其他需备注 说明的情况 第一周眼的解剖生理 晶状体病 2 学时无 第二周眼表疾病 角结膜病 2 学时无 第三周青光眼 2 学时无 1

4 第四周 视网膜病 2 学时 无 第五周 眼外伤 2 学时 无 第六周 眼肌与屈光 2 学时 无 第七周 眼与全身病 I( 葡萄膜炎 ) 2 学时 无 第八周 眼与全身病 II( 糖网 眼眶病 高血压 甲亢 ) 2 学时 无 第九周第十周第十一周第十二周第十三周第十四周第十五周第十六周第十七周第十八周第十九周第二十周 ( 二 ) 教学环节安排 1. 根据教学目标要求指导教学过程中各个环节, 包括安排集体备课 上课 教学评价和课程考核等 2. 根据教务处安排的教学计划, 制定理论大课课程表 助教安排表等 ( 三 ) 教学方法 课堂讲授 : 采用现代化可视化教学, 理论与教学视频, 手术视频相结合, 利用直观的图 像加深学生的印象, 巩固理论知识 2

5 课堂提问及课后答疑 : 理论课预留时间给学生提问及讨论, 并布置课后思考题, 下节课 讨论, 增加课程连贯性, 巩固知识 ( 四 ) 课程教材 1 主讲教材 眼科学 ( 瞿佳主编, 高等教育出版社, 北京,2015) 2 辅助教材 眼科学总论 ( 第十六版 ) ( 五 ) 主要参考书目 1. 眼科学 ( 葛坚主编, 八年制规划教材, 人民卫生出版社, 北京,2002); 2. 眼科学基础 ( 刘祖国主编, 人民卫生出版社, 北京,2004); 3. 中华眼科学 ( 李凤鸣主编, 人民卫生出版社, 北京,2005); 4. 实用眼科学 ( 刘家琦 李凤鸣主编, 人民卫生出版社, 北京,2005) ( 六 ) 成绩评定方式 理论大课学习结束后, 对本专业作全面的理论考核 ( 笔试 ) 3

6 绪言 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 了解眼科学在医学与人类健康中的地位以及学习眼科学的必要性 内容 : 1. 眼科学在医学领域中的地位 : 阐明眼科学的独特性及与全身其它系统疾病的联系, 阐述眼科疾病对人类健康危害的普遍性与严重性 ; 2. 简述我国眼科学临床与基础研究的现状及与国际眼科学的差距 ; 3. 简述我国眼科学发展历史与国家科学技术 经济发展的关系 Introduction (Self-study) Objective and Requirements: Introduce the importance of Ophthalmology in the medical science and human health. 1. To understand the position of Ophthalmology in medical field: to clarify the uniqueness of Ophthalmology and the relationship between eyes and other systemic diseases. To conclude the pervasiveness and severity of hazards of ocular diseases on human health 2. To conclude the situation of ophthalmic clinical and basic research in China, and the distance at the international level 3. To conclude the relationship between the development of ophthalmology and the development of technology and economy 眼的发育生物学 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 掌握眼球壁各层的起源, 了解眼的胚胎发育及其与眼病的关系 内容 : 简述眼胚胎发育 Developmental Biology of Ophthalmology (Self-study) Objective and Requirements: Master the origin of each layer of eye ball. Understand the relationship between embryonic development and eye diseases. Conclude the embryonic development of the eye. 4

7 眼的解剖 生理目的与要求 : 掌握眼的各部分组织的解剖结构 生理功能及其临床意义 内容 : 1. 掌握眼球及附属器的临床解剖 组织结构 生理功能及临床意义 ; 2. 熟悉视神经解剖 视路 瞳孔反射及其生理特点 ; 3. 了解眼的血液供应及神经支配 Anatomy and Physiology of Eye Objective and Requirements: Master the anatomical structures, physiological functions and clinical significance of each tissue of the eye. 1. Anatomy, tissue structure, physiological function and clinical significance of the eye ball and its adnexa. 2. Anatomy of optic nerve, visual pathway, pupillary reflex and its physiological characteristics. 3. The blood supplies and innervations of the eye. 眼科检查法 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 了解眼科检查法原理及对疾病诊断的意义 ; 2. 了解眼科常规检查法的操作及记录方法 内容 : 1. 了解眼科常规检查法的操作及其记录方法 ; 2. 了解眼科特殊检查的基本原理 应用范围及其临床意义 Ophthalmic Examination (Self-study) Objective and Requirements: 1. Understand the theory of eye examination and its clinical significance of diagnosis. 2. Understand the operation and record method of basic eye examination. 1. The operation and record method of basic eye examination. 5

8 2. The fundamentals, indications and clinical significances for specific eye examination. 眼睑病 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 掌握睑腺炎 眼睑位置异常的诊断及治疗方法 ; 2. 掌握睑闭合不全时保护角膜的措施及其重要性 ; 3. 了解眼睑良性肿瘤及恶性肿瘤的临床表现和处理原则 内容 1. 掌握眼睑炎症 : 外睑板腺炎 内睑板腺炎和睑板腺囊肿 ( 霰粒肿 ); 2. 掌握睑与睫毛位置异常 : 睑内翻 睑外翻 睑闭合不全 上睑下垂 倒睫与睫毛乱生 ; 3. 了解睑缘炎 : 鳞屑性 溃疡性 眦部睑缘炎 ; 4. 了解睑皮炎 : 病毒性睑皮炎 接触性睑皮炎 ; 5. 了解睑肿瘤 : 良性肿瘤包括血管瘤 色素痣 黄色瘤 ; 恶性肿瘤包括基底细胞癌 鳞状上皮癌 皮脂腺癌 Eye Lids (Self-study) Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the diagnosis and treatment of hordeolum and anatomic deformities of the eye lids. 2. Master the treatment of hypophasis and understand the significance of cornea protection. 3. Understand the clinical manifestation and treatment of eyelid benign and malignant tumors. 1. Inflammations of the eye lids: external hordeolum, internal hordeolum and chalazion. 2. Blepharitis: squamous blepharitis, ulcerative blepharitis and angular blepharitis. 3. Eyelid dermatitis: viral palpebral dermatitis, contact eyelid dermatitis. 4. Anatomic deformities of the eye lids and eye lashes: entropion, ectropion, hypophasis, ptosis, trachiasis and aberrant lashes. 5. Eyelid tumors: benign tumor: hemangioma, pigmented nevus, xanthoma. Malignant tumor: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and sebaceous gland carcinoma. 泪器病 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 泪道病的检查法, 泪道冲洗方法 ; 2. 熟悉慢性泪囊炎对眼球尤其内眼手术的潜在危险 ; 掌握诊断方法及处理原则 ; 6

9 3. 了解急性泪腺炎是眶蜂窝织炎的主要原因, 泪腺肿瘤是突眼的主要病因之一 内容 : 1. 熟悉泪道病 : 泪道阻塞 慢性泪囊炎 急性泪囊炎 新生儿泪囊炎 泪小管炎 ; 2. 了解急性泪腺炎 ; 3. 了解泪腺肿瘤 : 泪腺混合瘤 泪腺囊样腺癌 Lacrimal Apparatus Disease (Self-study) Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the examination of lacrimal disease (irrigation of lacrimal passage). 2. Be familiar with the potential risk of the chronic dacryocystitis to the eye balls and intraocular surgeries. Grasp the diagnostic method and treating principles. 3. Understand the acute dacryoadenitis is the major cause of orbital cellulitis. Lacrimal gland tumor is one of the leading causes of exophthalmos. 1. Lacrimal passage disease: lacrimal passage obstruction, chronic dacryocystitis, acute dacryocystitis, neonatal dacryocystitis, canaliculitis. 2. Acute dacryoadenitis. 3. Lacrimal gland tumors: lachrymal mixed tumor, lacrimal sac adenocarcinoma. 眼表疾病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握常见眼表疾病 ( 干眼 角膜缘干细胞功能衰竭 ) 的病因 临床表现和治疗 ; 2. 掌握干眼的诊断和治疗原则 ; 3. 熟悉角膜缘干细胞的基本理论, 眼表疾病的概念及诊断 ; 4. 了解眼表疾病对视觉功能的损害性及其在防治眼病中的重要性 内容 : 1. 掌握干眼症 ; 2. 熟悉常见的眼表疾病类型及治疗原则 ; 3. 了解眼表重建的基本理论 Objectives and Requirements: Ocular Surface Diseases 1. Master the cause, manifestation and treatment of common ocular surface diseases (dry eye, 7

10 limbal stem cell failure). 2. Master the diagnosis and treatment principles of dry eye. 3. Be familiar with the basic theories of limbal stem cell, the concept and diagnosis of ocular surface diseases. 4. Understand ocular surface disease is a potential cause of blindness and the significance of prevention. 1. The dry eye. 2. Classifications and treatment principles of common ocular surface diseases. 3. The basic theory of ocular surface reconstruction. 结膜病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握常见结膜炎, 诊断方法及防治原则 ; 2. 熟悉超急性细菌性结膜炎的传播途径和严重危害性, 掌握治疗和隔离方法 ; 3. 熟悉过敏性结膜炎的种类和临床特点, 熟悉春季卡他性结膜炎的诊断和治疗原则 ; 4. 了解沙眼的传染途径及其危害性, 掌握沙眼诊断及其并发症 后遗症的处理和防治原则 内容 : 1. 掌握细菌性结膜炎 : 超急性细菌性结膜炎 急性卡他性结膜炎 慢性卡他性结膜炎 ; 2. 掌握病毒性结膜炎 : 流行性角结膜炎 流行性出血性结膜炎 ; 3. 熟悉结膜炎概述 : 病因 分类 临床表现 诊断方法 治疗原则及预防措施 ; 4. 了解衣原体性结膜炎 : 沙眼 包涵体性结膜炎 ; 5. 了解免疫性结膜炎 : 泡性角结膜炎 过敏性结膜炎 自身免疫性结膜炎 ; 6. 了解其他结膜病 : 结膜干燥症 翼状胬肉 睑裂斑 结膜结石 ; 7. 了解结膜肿瘤 : 结膜色素痣 结膜乳头状瘤 皮样脂肪瘤 结膜血管瘤 结膜鳞状细胞癌 结膜黑色素瘤 Conjunctival Diseases Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the diagnosis and treatment of common types of conjunctivitis. 2. Be familiar with the transmission of hyperacute conjunctivitis and its harmfulness. Grasp the treatment and isolation method. 8

11 3. Be familiar with the classification and clinical features of conjunctivitis caused by immune disorder. Master the diagnosis and treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis. 4. Understand the contaminating pathway of trachoma and the damage it might cause. Grasp the diagnosis, complication, sequelae, and prevention of trachoma. 1. Bacterial conjunctivitis: hyperacute bacterial conjunctivitis, acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis. 2. Virus conjunctivitis: epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis. 3. Conjunctivitis overview: cause, classification, manifestation, treatment and prevention. 4. Chlamydia conjunctivitis: trachoma. 5. Immunologic conjunctivitis: phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis. 6. Other conjunctival diseases: conjunctival xerosis, pterygium, pinguecula, conjunctival concretion. 7. Conjunctival tumors: conjunctival pigmented nevus, conjunctival papilloma, dermoid lipoma, conjunctival hemangioma, conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma, conjunctival melanoma. 角膜病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握角膜炎的病变发展规律及临床表现 ; 2. 掌握细菌性 真菌性 单疱病毒性角膜炎的鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 3. 了解角膜病是我国主要致盲眼病之一及角膜病在防盲治盲工作中的重要意义 ; 4. 熟悉角膜炎及其后遗症的治疗原则及预防措施 ; 5. 了解蚕蚀性角膜溃疡诊断要点和治疗原则 ; 6. 了解角膜变性和常见营养不良的诊断要点 内容 : 1. 掌握角膜炎概述 : 病因 分类 经过 临床表现 后遗症 诊断方法 ( 包括临床检查与化验检查 ) 治疗原则( 药物与手术 ) 预防措施; 2. 掌握细菌性角膜溃疡 :( 革兰氏阳性球菌性角膜溃疡 革兰氏阴性细菌性角膜溃疡 ); 3. 掌握真菌性角膜炎 ; 4. 掌握单疱病毒性角膜炎 ; 5. 了解棘阿米巴性角膜炎 ; 9

12 6. 了解角膜基质炎 ; 7. 了解蚕蚀性角膜溃 ; 8. 了解角膜软化症 ; 9. 了解角膜先天性异常 肿瘤 变性 营养不良 ; 10. 了解角膜接触镜及相关并发症 ; 11. 了解药物眼局部使用的角结膜毒性 ; 12. 了解角膜屈光手术并发症 Cornea Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the development of keratitis and its manifestation. 2. Master the differential diagnosis and treatment principles of bacterial keratitis, fungal keratitis and herpes simplex virus keratitis. 3. Understand that corneal disease is one of major causes of blindness in China and the importance of corneal diseases prevention. 4. Be familiar with the treatment and prevention of keratitis and its sequelae. 5. Understand the diagnosis key points and treatment principles of corrosion corneal ulcer. 6. Understand the diagnostic key point of cornea degeneration and common malnutrition. 1. The keratitis overview: causes, classification, process, manifestation, sequelae, diagnosis (including clinical exams and lab tests), treatment (medication and surgery), and prevention. 2. Bacterial corneal ulcer: (G+ cocci corneal ulcer, G- cocci corneal ulcer). 3. Fungal keratitis. 4. Herpes simplex virus keratitis. 5. Acanthamoeba keratitis. 6. Interstitial keratitis. 7. Mooren s ulcer. 8. Keratomalacia. 9. Congenital corneal abnormalities, tumor, degeneration, malnutrition. 10. Contact lens and its complications. 11. Corneal toxicity of tropical medication. 12. Complications of corneal refractive surgery. 10

13 巩膜病 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 了解浅层巩膜炎, 巩膜炎的临床表现和治疗方法 内容 : 1. 了解表层巩膜炎症 : 结节性表层巩膜炎, 周期性表层巩膜炎 ; 2. 了解巩膜炎 : 前巩膜炎 后巩膜炎 Scleral Diseases (Self-study) Objectives and Requirements: Understand the clinical manifestation and treatment of episcleritis and scleritis. 1. Episcleritis: Nodular episcleritis, periodic episcleritis. 2. Scleritis: anterior scleritis, posterior scleritis. 晶状体病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握白内障的分类 临床表现 诊断和常用的治疗方法 ; 2. 熟悉白内障的检查方法 ; 3. 了解白内障的病因 ; 4. 了解晶状体脱位的诊断与治疗 内容 : 1. 掌握白内障定义 检查方法 病因和分类, 临床表现 ; 2. 掌握年龄相关性白内障 ; 3. 熟悉先天性白内障 ; 4. 熟悉白内障的治疗, 包括非手术治疗与手术治疗 ; 5. 了解外伤性白内障 ; 6. 了解代谢性白内障 ; 7. 了解并发性白内障 ; 8. 了解药物中毒性白内障 ; 9. 了解后发性白内障 ; 10. 了解无晶状体眼的矫正方法 ; 11. 了解晶状体脱位的分类与临床表现 11

14 Lens Diseases Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the classification, Clinical manifestation, diagnosis and common treatment of cataract. 2. Be familiar with the examinations of cataract. 3. Understand the etiology of cataract. 4. Understand the diagnosis and treatment of lens dislocation. 1. Definitions, examinations, etiologies, classifications, Clinical manifestations of cataract. 2. Age-related cataract. 3. Congenital cataract. 4. To be familiar with the examinations of cataract, including non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. 5. Traumatic cataract. 6. Metabolic cataract. 7. Complicated cataract. 8. Medication toxic cataract. 9. Posterior capsular opacification. 10. To understand the correction method of aphakic eyes. 11. To understand the classification and clinical manifestation of lens dislocation. 玻璃体病目的与要求 : 1. 熟悉玻璃体积血的病因 ; 2. 用检眼镜检查玻璃体混浊 ; 3. 了解玻璃体混浊的各种病因的年龄性改变 ; 4. 了解玻璃体炎症 ; 5. 了解玻璃体混浊的治疗 ( 包括现代玻璃体切割术及微创玻切 ) 内容 : 1. 了解生理性飞蚊症 ; 2. 了解玻璃体混浊 ; 3. 了解玻璃体出血原因及治疗原则 ; 4. 了解现代玻璃体切割术及新进展 12

15 Vitreous Diseases Objectives and Requirements: 1. Be familiar with the etiology of vitreous hemorrhage. 2. Inspect the vitreous opacity with ophthalmoscope. 3. Understand the various causes of vitreous opacity and its relation to age 4. Understand the vitreous inflammation. 5. Understand the treatment of vitreous opacity (included: Modern vitrectomy and minimally invasive vitrectomy). 1. Physiological floaters. 2. Vitreous opacity. 3. Causes and treatment principles of vitreous hemorrhage. 4. New progress in modern vitrectomy. 青光眼目的与要求 : 1. 掌握眼压的概念及房水循环途径和主要影响因素 ; 2. 掌握青光眼的定义和分类 ; 3. 掌握急性闭角型青光眼的临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断 临床分期及急诊处理原则和治疗方法 ; 4. 熟悉青光眼是常见致盲性眼病和早期诊断 早期治疗的意义 ; 5. 熟悉原发性开角型青光眼的临床特点和防治新进展 ; 6. 熟悉原发性青光眼的治疗原则及方法 ; 7. 了解继发性青光眼的定义 ; 8. 了解先天性青光眼的临床表现 内容 : 1. 掌握青光眼概述 : 定义 眼压的概念及正常值范围 高眼压症及正常眼压性青光眼的概念 房水循环途径 影响眼压的因素 青光眼视神经损害的机制 青光眼的分类 ; 2. 掌握急性闭角型青光眼 : 病因 临床分期 临床表现 诊断与鉴别诊断 治疗原则 ; 3. 熟悉原发性开角型青光眼 : 病因 临床表现 诊断及早期诊断的重要性 治疗原则 ; 4. 熟悉原发性青光眼的药物与手术治疗 激光治疗 ; 13

16 5. 了解慢性闭角型青光眼 6. 了解继发性青光眼 : 定义 角膜炎 葡萄膜炎 晶状体病 外伤 新生血管青光眼等所致继发青光眼的临床特征 ; 7. 了解先天性青光眼 : 临床特点与处理原则 Glaucoma Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the concept of intraocular pressure (IOP), the circulation pathway of aqueous humor and its main effect factors. 2. Master the definition and classification of glaucoma. 3. Be familiar with the Clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, Clinical stage, emergent principles and treatment of acute angle closure glaucoma. 4. Master that glaucoma is a common disease that leads to blindness, and the significance of early diagnosis and treatment. 5. Be familiar with the clinical characteristics and advances in the prevention and treatment in primary open angle glaucoma. 6. Be familiar with the treating principles methods of primary glaucoma. 7. Understand the definition of secondary glaucoma. 8. Understand the clinical features and treating principles of congenital glaucoma. 1. An overview of glaucoma: definition, the concept of IOP and its normal range, the concept of ocular hypertention and normal tension glaucoma, the circulation pathway of aqueous humor, effect factors of IOP, mechanisms of glaucoma neural damage and the classification of glaucoma. 2. Acute angle closure glaucoma: etiology, clinical stages, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treating principles. 3. Chronic angle closure glaucoma: brief introduction. 4. Primary open angle glaucoma: etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, the significance of early diagnosis and treating principles. 5. Drugs, surgical and laser treatment of primary glaucoma. 6. Secondary glaucoma: definition, the clinical characteristics of secondary glaucoma caused by keratitis, uveitis, lens disease, trauma, neovascular glaucoma, etc. 7. Congenital glaucoma:clinical characteristics and treating principles. 14

17 葡萄膜疾病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握常见类型葡萄膜炎的基本症状 体征 治疗原则和鉴别诊断 ; 2. 熟悉几种常见特殊类型葡萄膜炎的临床特点和治疗原则 ; 3. 了解葡萄膜炎是常见致盲眼病 早期诊断 及时合理治疗的意义 内容 : 1. 掌握葡萄膜炎概述 : 定义 病因 分类 ; 2. 掌握前葡萄膜炎 : 临床表现 ; 并发症及诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 3. 熟悉几种常见特殊类型葡萄膜炎的诊断和治疗原则 : 强直性脊椎炎伴发的葡萄膜炎 Vogt- 小柳原田病 Behcet 病 Fuchs 综合症和急性视网膜坏死综合征 ; 4. 了解中间葡萄膜炎 后葡萄膜炎 全葡萄膜炎的基本概念和常见临床表现 ; 5. 了解先天性异常 : 无虹膜 虹膜缺损 瞳孔残膜 脉络膜缺损 Uveal Diseases Objectives and Requirements: 1. Master the basic symptoms, signs, treating principles and differential diagnosis of common types of uveitis. 2. Be familiar with the clinical characteristics and treating principles of several common special types of uveitis. 3. Understand that uveitis is a common cause of blindness. Understand the importance of early diagnosis and proper treatment. 1. The overview of uveitis: definitions, the etiology and classifications. 2. Anterior uveitis: clinical manifestations; complications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles. 3. Diagnosis and treating principles of several common special types of uveitis: ankylosing spondylitis with uveitis, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, Behcet's disease, Fuchs syndrome and acute retinal necrosis syndrome. 4. The basic concept and common clinical manifestations of intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis, panuveitis. 5. Congenital abnormalities: aniridia, iridocoloboma, persistent pupillary membrane, coloboma of choroid. 15

18 视网膜病目的与要求 : 1. 掌握视网膜病变的基本症状与体征 ; 2. 熟悉几种常见视网膜病的临床表现及诊疗原则 ; 3. 了解视网膜病变和某些全身疾病的密切关系 ; 4. 了解视网膜病变的基本检查法 ; 5. 了解玻璃体视网膜病及近来的重大新进展 内容 : 1. 掌握视网膜病概述 : 解剖生理特点 病变类型 ; 2. 掌握视网膜血管病 : 视网膜中央静脉阻塞 视网膜中央动脉阻塞 ; 3. 掌握视网膜脱离 ( 孔源性 牵拉性 渗出性 ); 4. 熟悉常见黄斑部病变 ( 年龄相关性黄斑病变 黄斑裂孔 黄斑前膜 中心性浆液性视网膜炎 ); 5. 了解视网膜静脉周围炎 ; 6. 了解原发性视网膜色素变性 ; 7. 了解视网膜母细胞瘤 Retinal Disease Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the basic symptoms and signs of retinal diseases. 2. Be familiar with the clinical manifestations and treatment principles of several common retinal diseases. 3. Understand the close relationship between retinal diseases and systemic diseases. 4. Understand the basic examinations of retinal diseases. 5. Understand vitreous retinopathy and its recent important new progress. 1. The overview of retinal diseases: anatomic physiological characteristics, Lesion types. 2. Retinal vascular disease: central retinal vein occlusion, central retinal artery occlusion. 3. Retinal detachment (rhegmatogenous, tractional, exudative). 4. Common macular degeneration (Age related macular degeneration, macular hole, epiretinal membrane of macula). 5. Periphleitis of retina, Eales s disease. 6. Primary retinitis pigmentosa, RP. 16

19 7. Retinoblastoma. 神经眼科学 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 了解常见视神经疾病的病因 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 2. 了解病理性瞳孔异常的临床特点 内容 : 1. 熟悉瞳孔对光反射的概念 神经通路 ; 2. 了解视神经炎 : 视神经乳头炎 球后视神经炎的病因 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断 治疗原则 ; 3. 了解缺血性视神经病变 : 病因 临床表现 诊断和治疗原则 ; 4. 了解视乳头水肿 : 概念 病因 临床表现 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 5. 了解视神经萎缩 : 临床表现 诊断 治疗原则 ; 6. 了解视路及视中枢病变 : 视野特点, 皮质盲的概念 ; 7. 了解影响瞳孔大小的因素 ; 8. 了解各种常见瞳孔异常的临床意义 Neuro-ophthalmology (Self-study) Objective and Requirements: 1. Understand etiologies, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treating principles of common optic nerve diseases. 2. Understand clinical characteristics of pathological pupil abnormalities. 1. Concept of pupillary light reflex and neural pathway. 2. Optic neuritis: Etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principle of optic papillitis and retrobulbar neuritis. 3. Ischemic optic neuropathy: Etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment principles. 4. Papilloedema: Concept, etiology, clinical manifestation, differential diagnosis and treatment principles. 5. Optic nerve atrophy: Clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment principles. 6. Visual pathway and visual center diseases: Visual field characteristics, Concept of cortical blindness. 17

20 7. Factors that affect pupil size. 8. Clinical significance of common pupil abnormalities. 眼屈光学目的与要求 : 1. 掌握各种屈光不正的分类 定义 各种屈光不正临床表现及矫正方法, 老视概念和矫治法 ; 2. 了解眼球光学系统的基本概念 眼的调节与集合的基本概念 ; 3. 了解青少年近视的预防和治疗的重要性 ; 4. 了解调节与屈光的关系, 调节与年龄的关系 ; 5. 了解验光与配镜方法 了解各种屈光手术的基本状况 ; 6. 了解接触镜的分类, 优缺点 适应症 禁忌症及并发症 内容 : 1. 掌握正常眼球屈光状态及屈光不正的类型 ; 屈光不正的矫治法 ; 2. 熟悉各种屈光手术的方法 适应证和优缺点 ; 3. 了解眼球的发育和屈光的演变, 青少年近视的防治 ; 4. 了解调节与老视 ; 5. 了解简介屈光检查方法与配镜 ; 6. 了解软性角膜接触镜 硬性角膜接触镜 角膜塑形镜的适配原则 Refractive Error and Correction Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the classification and concept of all kind of refractive errors, and their clinical manifestation and correction, the concept of presbyopia and its Correction method. 2. Understand the basic concept of optical system of eye, concepts of eye accommodation and convergence. 3. Understand the importance of prevention and treatment of myopia among teenagers. 4. Understand the relationship between accommodation and convergence, and the relationship between accommodation and age. 5. Understand the method of refraction and basic information about refractive error surgery. 6. Understand the classifications, advantage and disadvantage, indication, contraindication and complication of contact lens. 18

21 1. Normal refractive conditions and classifications of refractive errors; correction of refractive error. 2. The Different types of refractive surgery, their indications, advantage and disadvantage. 3. Developments of eye ball and optical system, prevention and treatment of myopia among teenagers. 4. Accommodation and presbyopia. 5. The introduction of refraction method and correction by spectacle lens. 6. Adaptation principles of soft corneal contact lens, rigid corneal contact lens and corneal shaping lens. 眼外肌病和弱视目的与要求 : 1. 掌握共同性斜视与麻痹性斜视的诊断和鉴别诊断 ; 2. 掌握弱视的定义, 了解弱视早防早治的重要性 ; 3. 了解斜视的治疗原则和手术原则 内容 : 1. 掌握弱视的分类 诊断及治疗原则及治疗方法 ; 2. 熟悉各类型斜视临床表现 诊断要点 矫治原则 重点掌握共同性斜视 ; 3. 了解双眼单视概念 ; 4. 了解斜视的检查方法 ( 重点 : 斜视度测量 眼球运动等 ); 5. 了解介绍眼球震颤 Strabismus and Amblyopia Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of concomitant strabismus and paralytic strabismus. 2. Understand the definition of amblyopia and the importance of early prevention and treatment. 3. Understand the treatment and the principle of surgery of strabismus. 1. The classification, diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia. 2. Clinical manifestation, diagnosis, management principle of different types of strabismus. 19

22 Key: concomitant strabismus, paralytic strabismus and A-V syndrome. 3. The concept of haplopia. 4. Clinical examination of strabismus (Key: Angle of strabismus measurement, red glasses test, ocular movement, etc.). 5. Brief introduction of nystagmus. 眼眶病和眼眶肿瘤 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 熟悉眶蜂窝织炎的病因 临床表现及治疗原则 ; 2. 了解眼眶与邻近组织的关系 了解了解眼球突出的临床意义及与全身病关系 ; 3. 了解常见眼眶肿瘤的特征和处理原则 内容 : 1. 熟悉眶蜂窝组织炎的病因 临床表现 治疗及并发症 ; 2. 了解眼眶的解剖结构及其邻近组织的关系 ; 3. 了解常见眼眶肿瘤的临床症状 诊断方法 治疗原则 ( 重点 : 血管瘤 皮样囊肿 脑膜瘤及泪腺恶性肿瘤 ); 4. 了解常见眶颅外伤有关的眼眶病 ( 颈动脉海绵窦瘘 眼眶骨折 ) Orbital Diseases and Tumors (Self-study) Objective and Requirements: 1. Be familiar with the etiology, clinical symptoms, signs and treatment of orbital cellulitis. 2. Understand the relationship between orbit and its nearby tissues, clinical significant of protopsis and its relationship between systemic diseases. 3. Understand clinical significant and treating principles of orbital tumors. 1. The etiology, clinical manifestations and treating principles and complication of orbital cellulitis. 2. Brief introduction of the anatomy of orbit and the relationship between orbit and its nearby tissues. 3. Clinical symptom, diagnosis and treating principles of orbital tumor. (Key: hemangioma, dermoid cyst, meningeoma and lacrimal malignant tumor). 4. Common orbital diseases cause by orbital and cranial injury (carotid- cavernous fistula, orbital fracture). 20

23 眼外伤目的与要求 : 1. 掌握常见眼挫伤的临床表现 视功能危害以及治疗原则 ; 2. 掌握穿通性眼外伤的临床特点与急诊处理, 并发症的预防与治疗 ; 3. 掌握化学性眼外伤以及电光性眼炎的急症处理 ; 4. 了解眼外伤对视功能的危害以及预防的重要性 ; 5. 了解眼外伤的国际分类方法 ; 6. 了解眼前部及表浅组织异物的治疗 ; 7. 了解眼内异物伤的临床特点 诊断 并发症与治疗原则 内容 : 1. 掌握眼挫伤的定义, 常见眼前段挫伤 眼后段挫伤的临床表现 视功能危害与治疗 ; 2. 掌握穿通性眼外伤的临床特点与急诊处理, 并发症的预防与治疗 ; 3. 掌握眼酸碱化学伤的临床表现 急救与治疗 ; 4. 了解眼外伤的临床分类 病史采集 检查 诊断与急诊处理原则 ; 5. 了解眼外伤对视功能的危害与预防 ; 6. 了解视神经挫伤的临床表现与治疗 ; 7. 了解眼球破裂的表现与治疗 ; 8. 了解眼前部及表浅组织异物的诊断与治疗 ; 9. 了解眼内异物伤的诊断与治疗 ; 10. 了解眶内异物的诊断与治疗 ; 11. 了解常见眼附属器外伤 ; 12. 了解其它眼外伤 : 电光性眼炎及可见光损伤等 Ocular Trauma Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the clinical manifestation, visual harm and treatment principle of contusions eye injury. 2. Master penetrating ocular injury and its clinical manifestation, emergency management and prevention and treatment of its complications. 3. Understand the ocular chemical burn and electric ophthalmia and their emergency management. 4. Master the harm of eye trauma to visual function and its significance of prevention. 21

24 5. Understand the international classification of ocular trauma. 6. Understand the treatment of anterior segment and superficial foreign body. 7. Understand the clinical manifestation, diagnosis, complications and treatment principles of intraocular foreign body. 1. The concept of contusion eye injure, comment anterior segment contusion, posterior segment contusion, and its clinical manifestation, treatment of visual function damage. 2. Emergency management of penetrating ocular injury prevention and treatment of its complications. 3. Ocular chemical burn and its clinical manifestation, grading, emergency management and complication. 4. Clinical classifications, inquiry, examination, diagnosis and emergency management of eye trauma. 5. The harm and prevention of visual function of eye trauma. 6. Clinical manifestation and treatment of optic nerve contusion. 7. Clinical manifestation and treatment of ocular rupture. 8. The diagnosis and treatment of anterior segment and superficial foreign body. 9. The diagnosis and treatment of intraocular foreign body. 10. The diagnosis and treatment of intra-orbital foreign body. 11. The diagnosis and treatment of intra-orbital foreign body. 12. Common injury of eye appendage. 13. Other eye injury: heat burn, electric ophthalmia and visible light injury. 常见全身性疾病的眼部表现目的与要求 : 1. 掌握高血压 糖尿病 甲亢 激素相关眼病的表现与处理原则 ; 2. 了解眼科和各科之间密切关系 内容 : 1. 眼与内科病 : 糖尿病 高血压 甲亢肾炎 维生素缺乏 白血病 ; 2. 了解结核病 ; 3. 了解眼与外科病 : 颅脑损伤 ; 4. 了解眼与儿科病 : 早产儿 ; 5. 了解眼与妇科病 : 妊娠中毒症 ; 22

25 6. 了解眼与皮肤科病 : 梅毒 ; 7. 了解眼与神经科病 : 重症肌无力 脑血管病 脑肿瘤 ; 8. 了解眼与口腔科病 : 齿槽脓肿 ; 9. 了解眼与耳鼻喉科病 : 鼻窦炎 鼻窦肿瘤 鼻咽癌 ; 10. 了解眼与药物反应 : 皮质类因醇 乙胺丁醇 Systemic Diseases and the Eye Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the manifestations and treating principles of high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and hormone-related eye disease. 2. Understand the relationship between ophthalmology and other departments. 1. Eye and internal diseases: diabetes, hypertension arteriosclerosis, nephritis, hypovitaminosis, leukemia, tuberculosis, thyroid- associated oculopathy. 2. Eye and surgical diseases: cerebral injury. 3. Eye and pediatric diseases: premature. 4. Eye and gynecological diseases: toxemia of pregnancy. 5. Eye and dermatological diseases: syphilis. 6. Eye and neurological diseases: myasthenia gravis, cerebrovascular disease, brain tumor. 7. Eye and stomatological diseases: dental alveola abscess. 8. Eye and E.N.T diseases: nasosinusitis, paranasal sinus tumor, nasopharyngeal carcinoma. 9. Eye and drug reactions: corticosteroids, ethambutol. 眼科用药 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 了解药物应用适应症 ; 2. 了解配伍注意事项和不良反应 ; 3. 了解眼科常用药物的作用机制和药代动力学 内容 : 1. 掌握眼科常用给药方式与效果 ; 眼局部给药方式 : 局部外用 眼周注射 眼球内注射 ; 全身给药 : 口服 肌注和静脉注射 ; 2. 了解眼科药物动力学 23

26 滴眼剂 ; 眼旁注射 ; 眼内注射 ; 全身注射 3. 了解眼科常用药物 (1) 局部麻醉药 ; (2) 散瞳剂和睫状肌麻痹剂 ; (3) 眼科抗感染药 ; (4) 眼部滴用的糖皮质激素和非甾体抗炎药 ; (5) 眼部滴用的其它抗过敏药 ; (6) 青光眼用药 ; (7) 其它血管收缩剂 人工泪液及诊断用染料 Ophthalmic Medication (Self-study) Objectives and Requirements: 1. Understand the indications of drug application. 2. Understand the compatibility considerations and adverse reactions. 3. Understand the mechanism and pharmacokinetics ophthalmic medication commonly used. 1. Ophthalmic drug delivery and effect (1) Tropical drug delivery: local external use, periocular injections, intraocular injection. (2) Systemic drug delivery: oral, muscle injection and intravenous injection. 2. The ophthalmic pharmacokinetics (1) Eye drops (2) Periocular injections (3) Intraocular injection (4) Systemic injection 3. Drugs commonly used in ophthalmology (1) Local anesthetic (2) Mydriatics and cycloplegics (3) Ophthalmic anti-infection drugs (4) Glucocorticoid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NASIDs) eye drops. (5) Other anti-allergy eye drops 24

27 (6) Glaucoma medications (7) Other vasoconstrictor, artificial tears and diagnostic paint 防盲和治盲 ( 自学 ) 目的与要求 : 1. 掌握盲和低视力的诊断标准 ; 2. 了解国内外防盲治盲的主要内容及特点 内容 : 1. 掌握盲和低视力的统一标准 ; 2. 了解世界防盲治盲状况 ; 3. 了解目前我国主要致盲的眼病, 防盲治盲的历史与现状 ; 4. 了解盲与低视力的康复 Prevention and Treatment of Blindness Objective and Requirements: 1. Master the diagnostic standard of blind and low vision. 2. Understand the main contents and characteristics of the prevention and treatment of blindness At home and abroad. 1. The uniform standard of blind and low vision. 2. International prevention and treatment of blindness. 3. Common blinding eye disease in China, the past and present of the prevention and treatment of blindness. 4. Vision rehabilitation. 25

28 眼科学课程简介 课程编码 AH6236 课程名称 ( 中文 ) 眼科学 ( 五年制 ) 课程名称 ( 英文 ) Ophthalmology (for 5-year program) 课程学分数 / 学时数 2/54 开课单位中山大学中山眼科中心 面向专业 临床医学五年制 法医 课程类别 ( 公共必修课 公共选修课 专业必修课 专业选修课 ) 授课学期授课语言课程负责人 授课教师 ( 含理论 实验实践教学 ) 联系方式 计划的课堂 班级规模 专业选修课秋季学期中文刘奕志详见课程表 (486) 人 授课方式 / 课内学时数 讲授 习题 / 辅导其它 ( 如复习 考试安排, 实验实践 / 讨论请具体注明 ) 总学时 18 (1) 周 54 1 主讲教材 眼科学 ( 瞿佳主编, 高等教育出版社, 北京,2015) 教材与参考资料 2 辅助教材 眼科学总论 ( 第十六版 ) 课程内容简介教学目标与任务 : 眼科学 课程坚持从实际出发 学以致用的原则, 着重培养学生 知识 素质 能力, 培养和提高学生临床能力 教学方法采用课堂讲授与见习相结合, 理论联系实际, 在理论大课中讲授大纲要求掌握内容, 在临床见习中结合实际病例介绍要求 26

29 了解知识, 同时辅以视频 自学等方式拓展了解其他眼科知识, 促进对所学知识的融会贯通 在教学活动中注重渗透眼科学常用解剖名词 疾病名称 特殊检查等专业词汇, 鼓励学生自学课外阅读教材, 提高学生医学专业英语水平 内容覆盖面 : 通过眼科学的学习, 学生要掌握眼球解剖 部分的眼科检查法及常见病 多发病的诊断及防治知识, 熟悉急性和慢性视力减退的眼病, 理解全身病在眼部的表现及眼病与全身病的关系, 了解防盲治盲工作的意义和眼科工作者努力的方向 课程特点 : 眼科学是一门微观精细 可视性强的学科, 在教学过程中通过丰富图片 真实手术录像等方式帮助学生直观学习及了解各种疾病的临床情况 作为唯一可以在直视下看到身体血管的器官, 眼底视网膜可以反映全身的情况, 对于有志于学习眼科 或者今后从事其他专科工作的医学生都有很大帮助, 可以通过眼底检查联系临床, 帮助诊断全身病及了解其进展 控制情况 Ophthalmology Course Introduction Course Number AH6236 Course Title Ophthalmology(for 5-year program) Credit/Class Hour 2/54 School (Department) Zhongshan ophthalmic center Target Students clinical medicine five year and forensic medicine Course Type Semester Language Course Lecturer Contact Info Class Size Professional elective course Delivery Method /Credit Hours Fall Semester Chinese Yizhi Liu See the schedule (486) 人 Lectures Tutorials Lab Practical (Revision & Exam/ Other, Please specify) Total 18 ( 1 )week 54 27

30 1 The Main Textbook: Jia Qu,Ophthalmology. Eighth Edition,Higher Education Press,Beijing, 2015 Textbooks and 2 Supplementary Materials : Reference Materials Paul Riordan-Eva, JohnP. Whitcher: Vaughan & Asbury s General Ophthalmology, Sixteen Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, Introduction to the Course (Chinese) Teaching objective: This syllabus is based on clinical ophthalmology teaching hours for five-year students, and will focus on cultivating students "knowledge, quality and ability of sustainable development", students are required to master basic ophthalmology knowledge, comprehensive clinical ability and major advances in ophthalmology. A combined teaching method of class teaching and probation is used to integrate theory with practice. Contents requirements and major new advances are included in class teaching, contents required to be understand are included in probation or through video learning or self-learning. Englishrequirement:thefive-yearstudentsneed tomasterthecommonlyused termsinophthalmologyanatomy, diseasesandspecialexaminations.theyshouldbecapableofself-studyingprofessionalenglishextracurricularreading materials. After studying ophthalmology, the students should master the normal eye anatomy, basic common eye examinations, diagnosis and prevention of common eye diseases; have a strong clinical analysis and preliminary treatment ability towards acute and chronic vision impairment diseases; understand the ocular presentations of systemic disease and the association between ocular and systemic disease; understand the importance of blind prevention and latest advances in ophthalmology. English requirements: master English names of common ocular anatomy, disease and special examination. Characteristics: Ophthalmology is a visible, intuitive discipline. Huge amount of pictures and operation videos can be used in the teaching process to facilitate the learning.the fundus is the only organ of which the vessels can be seen directly. It reflects the systemic conditions, which 28

31 is of great help to those who are aspiring for ophthalmology or other specialty, because by connecting fundus examination with clinical findings, doctors can better understand thediagnosis, developmentand management of systemic disease. 29

32 眼科学教学大纲 ( 编写日期 :2017 年 7 月 ) 一 课程基本说明 课程名称 :( 中文 ) 眼科学 ( 英文 )Ophthalmology 课程性质见习实践课程编码 AH626 学分 1 授课学时 36 主讲教师 ( 职称 ) 详见课程表 开课单位 中山眼科 中心 面向专业 临床医学 五年制 授课年级四年级先修课程无 课程目的 与教学 基本要求 据眼科学教学大纲的要求, 采用理论教学与临床教学相结合的方式进行见习教学 加强对医学生 三基, 三严 的训练, 培养和树立良好的医德医风和科学 严谨的临床工作作风, 通过二周的眼科学临床见习, 要求学生掌握眼科常用的检查方法和眼科常见病 多发病的临床表现 诊断和治疗原则 掌握眼科常见病及眼球解剖的英文名称 熟悉急性和慢性视力下降眼病的诊断和鉴别诊断, 掌握常见全身疾病在眼部的表现, 使学生具有较扎实的眼科基础和临床知识 二 课程基本内容 ( 一 ) 教学进度表 ( 含学时分配, 学时分配要落实到 章 或 节, 并对各章节的重点 难点内容加以必要的说明 ) 周次 ( 细化到 每周 ) 第一周 主要教学内容及学时分配眼科临床见习理论小课 10 学时临床典型病例示教 4 学时观摩诊病 2 学时眼科检查实操 6 学时教学查房 4 学时手术录像实播教学 2 学时 其他需备注说明的情况学生分批进行临床见习 30

33 眼科临床诊疗实践 6 学时 眼科学临床见习理论考核 1 学时 临床病历书写 1 学时 第二周第三周第四周第五周第六周第七周第八周第九周第十周第十一周第十二周第十三周第十四周第十五周第十六周第十七周第十八周第十九周第二十周 31

34 ( 二 ) 教学环节安排在每一单元的临床见习中, 先由老师进行眼科理论课总结, 然后进行典型病例示教或教学查房, 幻灯片和录像片教学相结合, 对每一种眼病的临床表现, 体征 眼科检查法进行示教, 做到理论教学和临床实践相结合, 使学生通过课堂教学充分掌握和巩固所学的知识 具体教学安排, 详见见习教学课程表 ( 三 ) 教学方法课堂讲授 : 采用现代化可视化教学, 理论与教学视频, 手术视频相结合, 利用直观的图像加深学生的印象, 巩固理论知识 理论课讲授以中山眼科中心独特的启发性教育方式, 包括 : 病例讨论 Case Based Learning 讲座讨论 Lecture Based Learning 问题讨论 Problem Based Learning 分组讨论 Team Based Learning 以及情景模拟等各种不同教学方式激发学生学习的主动性 提问及课后答疑 : 理论课将预留时间给学生提问及讨论, 并布置课后思考题, 下节课讨论, 增加课程连贯性, 巩固知识 ( 四 ) 课程教材 1 主讲教材瞿佳主编 : 眼科学高等教育出版社, 北京, 辅助教材 Paul Riordan-Eva, JohnP. Whitcher: Vaughan & Asbury s General Ophthalmology, Sixteen Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, ( 五 ) 主要参考书目 1. 葛坚主编 : 眼科学 七年制规划教材, 人民卫生出版社, 北京, 刘祖国主编 : 眼科学基础 人民卫生出版社, 北京, 李凤鸣主编 : 中华眼科学 人民卫生出版社, 北京, 刘家琦 李凤鸣主编 : 实用眼科学 人民卫生出版社, 北京,2005 ( 六 ) 成绩评定方式临床见习理论考核, 包括 : 1. 眼科体征图片考核和病例分析, 共占 30%; 2. 病历书写考核占 30%; 3. 眼科基本操作 ( 视力检查 直接检眼镜检查 裂隙灯显微镜检查 翻眼睑 ) 考核, 共 32

35 占 15%; 25% 4. 平时成绩包括学习纪律及医德医风 PBL 课堂 翻转课程 见习小课课堂提问, 共占 眼睑病 1. 掌握睑腺炎 ( 麦粒肿 霰粒肿 ) 的病因 诊断和治疗方法 ; 2. 掌握眼睑与睫毛位置异常 : 睑内翻 睑外翻 睑闭合不全 上睑下垂 上睑缺损和倒睫的临床表现 治疗方法 ; 3. 掌握闭合不全时保护角膜的方法 ; 4. 了解睑缘炎的诊断和治疗 见习病例 : 麦粒肿 霰粒肿 睑内翻 睑外翻 先天性上睑下垂 睑闭合不全, 示教霰粒肿刮出引流术 Eye Lids Diseases 1. Grasp the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of hordeolum and chalazion. 2. Grasp the clinical manifestation and treatment of anatomic abnormalities of the eye lids and eye lashes: entropion, ectropion, hypophasis, ptosis, coloboma of upper eyelid and trichiasis. 3. Grasp the method of protecting the cornea in hypophasis. 4. Understand the diagnosis and treatment of blepharitis. Cases: hordeolum, chalazion, entropion, ectropion, congenital ptosis, hypophasis and the demonstration of chalazion curettage and drainage. 泪器病 1. 掌握泪道病的检查方法 ( 泪道冲洗法 ); 2. 掌握慢性泪囊炎 急性泪囊炎 泪小管炎和新生儿泪囊炎的病因 临床表现和治疗方法 掌握慢性泪囊炎对眼球的潜在危险性 见习病例 : 示教泪道冲洗法 急性泪囊炎 慢性泪囊炎 新生儿泪囊炎 Lacrimal Disease 1. Grasp the examination of lacrimal disease (lacrimal passage irrigation). 2. Grasp the etiology, clinical manifestation and treatment of chronic dacryocystitis, acute dacryocystitis, canaliculitis and neonatal dacryocystitis. Grasp the potential risk of the chronic dacryocystitis to the eyeballs. 33

36 Cases: acute dacryocystitis, chronic dacryocystitis, neonatal dacryocystitis and the demonstration of lacrimal passage irrigation. 结膜病 1. 掌握结膜炎的常见病因 分类 诊断方法, 治疗和预防措施 ; 2. 掌握细菌性结膜炎 ( 急性卡他性 慢性卡他性结膜炎 ) 病毒性结膜炎的临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗方法 ; 3. 了解沙眼的病因 临床表现 并发症和治疗及预防措施 ; 4. 掌握淋菌性结膜炎的病因 临床表现 治疗和预防措施 ; 5. 掌握翼状胬肉的病因 临床表现和治疗方式 见习病例 : 急性卡他性结膜炎 病毒性结膜炎 沙眼 春季卡他性结膜炎 淋菌性结膜炎, 示教翼状胬肉切除 + 羊膜移植手术方式 Conjunctival Diseases 1. Grasp common etiology, classification, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures of conjunctivitis. 2. Grasp the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis (acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, chronic catarrhal conjunctivitis), viral conjunctivitis. 3. Understand the etiology, clinical manifestations, complications, treatment and prevention of trochoma. 4. Grasp the etiology, clinical manifestations, treatment and preventive measures of gonococcal conjunctivitis. 5. Grasp the etiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of pterygium. Cases: Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis, trochoma, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, gonococcal conjunctivitis, and the demonstration of pterygium excision and amniotic membrane transplantation. 眼表疾病 1. 熟悉眼表疾病的诊断方法, 治疗 ; 2. 掌握干眼病的病因 分类, 临床表现 诊断, 治疗方法 见习病例 :Steven-Johnson 综合征,Sjogren s 综合征, 沙眼性干眼病, 化学伤性干眼病, 示教睑板腺按摩 34

37 Ocular Surface Diseases 1. Be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disease. 2. Grasp the etiology, classification, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, and treatment of keratoconjunctivities sica. Cases: Steven-Johnson syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, trachoma related dry eye, chemical burned related dry eye, and the demonstration of meibomian gland massage. 角膜病 1. 掌握角膜炎的常见病因 分类 病理 临床表现 诊断方法和治疗原则 ; 2. 掌握常见细菌性角膜溃疡 单疱病毒性角膜溃疡和真菌性角膜溃疡的临床表现 诊断和治疗方法 ; 3. 掌握角膜接触镜的并发症和预防措施 见习病例 : 细菌性 单疱病毒性 真菌性角膜溃疡 棘阿米巴角膜炎 Cornea Diseases 1. Grasp the common etiology, classification, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treating principles of keratitis. 2. Grasp the clinical manifestation, diagnosis, and treatment of common bacterial corneal ulcers, herpes simplex corneal ulcers and fungal corneal ulcers. 3. Grasp the prevention and complications of contact lens. Cases: Bacterial, herpes simplex, fungal corneal ulcers, and acanthamoeba keratitis. 白内障 1. 掌握白内障的定义 分类和检查方法 老年性白内障的分期 ; 2. 掌握各类白内障的病因 形态 临床表现和治疗方法 ; 3. 掌握白内障的手术原则和术前准备, 现代白内障手术方法 无晶状眼的屈光矫正方法 ; 4. 了解晶状体异位的病因 临床表现和治疗 见习病例 : 老年性白内障 先天性白内障 外伤性白内障 晶状体脱位 示教白内障囊外摘除术 + 人工晶体植入术录像 Cataract 1. Grasp the definition, classification, examination of cataract, and the different stages of senile cataract. 35

38 2. Grasp the etiology, morphology, clinical manifestation and treatment of different kinds of cataract. 3. Grasp the principles of cataract surgery, preoperative preparation, modern cataract surgery method, refractive correction method of aphakic eye. 4. Understand the etiology, clinical manifestation and treatment of ectopia lentis. Cases: senile cataract, congenital cataract, traumatic cataract, ectopia lentis. Videos of extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. 青光眼 1. 掌握眼压的概念 正常范围和眼压的测量方法 ; 2. 掌握青光眼的定义 病因 分类 临床表现 诊断方法和治疗原则 ; 3. 掌握原发性急性闭角型青光眼的病因 发病机理 临床表现 分期 诊断和鉴别诊断 紧急处理原则和治疗方法 ; 4. 了解原发性慢性闭角型青光眼 原发性开角型青光眼 先天性青光眼和常见继发性青光眼的临床特点 诊断和治疗 ; 见习病例 : 原发性急性闭角型青光眼 原发性慢性闭角型青光眼 原发性开角型青光眼 先天性青光眼 示教小梁切除术录像 ; Glaucoma 1. Grasp the concept, normal range and measuring method of intraocular pressure (IOP). 2. Grasp the definition, etiology, classification, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment principles of glaucoma. 3. Grasp the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, stages, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency principles and treatments of primary acute angle-closure glaucoma. 4. Understand the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of primary chronic angle-closure glaucoma, primary open angle glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and secondary glaucoma. Cases: primary acute angle-closure glaucoma, primary chronic angle-closure glaucoma, primary open angle glaucoma and congenital glaucoma. Video of trabeculectomy. 葡萄膜病 1. 掌握葡萄膜炎的病因 分类和发病机理 ; 2. 掌握急性前葡萄膜炎 后葡萄膜炎和全葡萄膜炎的临床表现 并发症 诊断 鉴别诊 36

39 断和治疗原则 ; 3. 了解特殊类型葡萄膜炎 ( 交感性眼炎 Vogt- 小柳 - 原田综合征 Behcet 病 虹膜角膜内皮综合征等 ) 的临床特点 诊断和治疗 见习病例 : 急性虹膜睫状体炎 急性全葡萄膜炎 交感性眼炎 Vogt- 小柳 - 原田综合征 Uveal Diseases 1. Grasp the etiology, classification and pathogenesis of uveitis. 2. Grasp the clinical manifestations, complications, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment principles of acute anterior uveitis, posterior uveitis and panuveitis. 3. Understand the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles of several common special types of uveitis: sympathetic ophthalmia, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, Behcet's disease, iridocorneal endothelial syndrome, etc. Cases: acute iridocyclitis, acute panuveitis,sympathetic ophthalmia, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, acute panuveitis. 视网膜病 1. 掌握视网膜的解剖生理特点 常见视网膜病的病因和分类 ; 2. 掌握视网膜血管病 ( 视网膜中央静脉阻塞 视网膜中央动脉栓塞 ) 的病因 临床表现 诊断和治疗原则, 视网膜中央动脉栓塞的紧急处理原则 ; 3. 掌握裂孔源性视网膜脱离的临床表现和手术治疗方法 ; 4. 掌握老年性黄斑变性 近视性黄斑变性的病因 临床表现 诊断和治疗原则 ; 见习病例 : 视网膜中央动脉栓塞 视网膜中央静脉阻塞 裂孔源性视网膜脱离 Retinal Disease 1. Grasp the anatomy characteristics of retina, etiology and classification of common retinal disease. 2. Master retinal vascular diseases (including central retinal venous occlusion and central retinal artery occlusion) and their etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles, Central retinal artery occlusion and emergency treatment principles. 3. Master the clinical manifestations and surgical treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 4. Master age senile macular degeneration, myopia macular degeneration, and its etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles. 37

40 Cases: Central retinal venous occlusion, central retinal artery occlusion, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 视神经和视路病 1. 掌握视神经炎的病因 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 2. 掌握视乳头水肿的病因 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 见习病例 : 急性视乳头炎 急性球后视神经炎 视神经萎缩 视乳头水肿 Optic Neuropathy and Diseases of Visual Pathway 1. Grasp optic neuritis and its etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles. 2. Grasp papilloedema and its etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principle. Cases: Acute optic papillitis, acute retrobulbar neuritis, optic nerve atrophy, papilloedema. 眼外伤 1. 掌握眼外伤的病因 分类和预防措施 ; 2. 掌握眼挫伤的临床表现 诊断和治疗方法 ; 3. 掌握穿孔性眼外伤的临床表现 诊断 对眼球和视功能的危害性 并发症 急症处理原则和伤口处理原则 眼内异物的诊断和处理原则 ; 4. 掌握化脓性眼内炎的病因 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 5. 掌握化学性眼外伤的病因 临床表现 并发症和紧急处理原则 ; 6. 了解交感性眼炎的病因 临床表现和治疗原则 见习病例 : 眼球穿通伤 眼内异物 眼球挫伤 外伤性白内障 眼化学伤 电光性眼炎 角 / 结膜异物 Ocular Trauma 1. Grasp the etiology, classification and preventive measures of eye injury. 2. Grasp the clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of ocular contusions. 3. Grasp penetrating ocular trauma and its clinical manifestation, diagnosis,visual harm, complications, emergency and wound treatment principle. Intraocular foreign body, and its diagnosis and treatment principles. 4. Grasp suppurative endophthalmitis and its etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, 38

41 differential diagnosis and treatment principles. 5. Grasp chemical ocular trauma and its etiology, clinical manifestation, complication and emergency treatment principles. 6. Understand sympathetic ophthalmia and its etiology, clinical manifestation and treatment principles. Cases: penetrating eye trauma, intraocular foreign body, ocular contusions, traumatic cataract, chemical ocular trauma, electric ophthalmia, cornea/conjunctiva foreign body. 眼屈光与眼肌病 1. 掌握眼屈光和调节的概念 ; 2. 掌握屈光不正的临床表现和矫正方法 ; 3. 掌握共同性斜视和麻痹性斜视的临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗原则 ; 4. 了解弱视的定义 分类和治疗方法 ; 5. 熟悉准分子激光角膜屈光手术方式的分类 示教病例 : 共同性内 外斜视, 麻痹性斜视 Ocular Refraction and Ocular Myopathy 1. Grasp definition of ocular refraction and accommodation. 2. Grasp clinical manifestation and antidote of ametropia. 3. Grasp clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principle of concomitant and paralytic strabismus. 4. Understand definition, classification and treatment of amblyopia. 5. Be familiar with the classification of excimer laser corneal refractive surgery. Cases:Concomitant esotropia and exotropia, paralytic strabismus. 眼眶病与眼肿瘤 1. 掌握视网膜母细胞瘤的发病机理 临床表现 诊断 鉴别诊断和治疗方法 ; 2. 熟悉眶蜂窝织炎 甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病的病因, 临床表现和治疗原则 见习病例 : 视网膜母细胞瘤 眶蜂窝织炎 甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病 Orbital Tumors and Diseases 1. Grasp Retinoblastoma and its pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. 39

42 2. Be familiar with the etiology, clinical manifestation, and treatment principles of orbital cellulitis and thyroid related immune orbitopathy(trio). Cases: Retinoblastoma, orbital cellulitis and thyroid related immune orbitopathy (TRIO). 眼与全身病 1. 掌握常见内科疾病 ( 高血压 动脉硬化等 ) 的眼部表现 ; 2. 熟悉糖尿病视网膜病变的发病机理 诊断和治疗 ; 3. 了解常见外科 儿科 妇产科 神经科 耳鼻喉科 口腔科和皮肤科疾病的眼部表现 见习病例 : 高血压 糖尿病眼部表现 Systemic Diseases and the Eye 1. Be familiar with the ocular manifestation of internal medicine diseases (e.g. hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.). 2. Be familiar with the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy. 3. Understand ocular manifestation of common surgical, pediatric, gynecological, neurological, E.N.T, stomatological and dermatological diseases. Cases: Hypertension and diabetic retinopathy. 40

住院医师规范化培训内容与标准 ( 试行 ) 第二 第三年为系统培养期. 全面系统地掌握眼科学知识和技能, 着重将知 识转化为实际工作能力的培训. 每年参加病房工作至少 6 个月, 管理病床位数不 少于 5 张. 轮转以下眼科各部门 : 白内障 角膜组 眼肌组 青光眼组 眼底病组 眼外伤 眼整形 眼眶

住院医师规范化培训内容与标准 ( 试行 ) 第二 第三年为系统培养期. 全面系统地掌握眼科学知识和技能, 着重将知 识转化为实际工作能力的培训. 每年参加病房工作至少 6 个月, 管理病床位数不 少于 5 张. 轮转以下眼科各部门 : 白内障 角膜组 眼肌组 青光眼组 眼底病组 眼外伤 眼整形 眼眶 住院医师规范化培训标准细则 ( 试行 ) 眼科培训细则 眼科学是研究视觉器官疾病的发生 发展及其诊断 治疗和预防的一门医学科学, 目前主要包括眼底病 青光眼 葡萄膜炎 眼肌病 角膜病 眼视光 眼眶病等亚专业. 一 培训目标能够掌握正确的临床工作方法, 准确采集病史 规范体格检查 正确书写病历, 掌握大多数眼病的发病机制, 独立诊治眼科常见病 多发病 ; 准确 熟练地进行眼部检查操作 比较准确和熟练地掌握眼科基本手术操作

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