カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 82 巻第 737 号, ,2017 年 7 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 737, , Jul., 2017 DOI

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Download "カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 82 巻第 737 号, ,2017 年 7 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 737, , Jul., 2017 DOI"


1 カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 82 巻第 737 号, ,2017 年 7 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 737, , Jul., 2017 DOI ソウル市延世路におけるトランジットモールの計画プロセスと空間整備の課題に関する研究 ISSUES ON PLANNING PROCESS AND IMPLEMENTATION METHOD OF TRANSIT MALL IN YONSEI STREET, SEOUL 宋俊煥 *, 小林剛士 ** ***, 出口敦 Junhwan SONG, Takeshi KOBAYASHI and Atsushi DEGUCHI This paper focuses on the planning process and improvement method of transit mall using the first transit mall in Seoul City called Yonsei Street as case study. Yonsei Street was created in This paper suggests four primary factors that help to achieve the transit mall, which are 1) the organization of law system, 2) the construction of selection process based on the proposed sites, 3) the existence of the local association based on a neutral position. and 4) the coincidence of interests among the stakeholders. Moreover, it points out three issues of the planning process that are 1) the continuity of the organization for the coordination of opinion on stakeholders related to the street spatially, 2) the management of local needs that based on the change of space use after the spatial improvement, and 3) The role of local organization for solving local problems and using street spaces autonomously. Street, Pedestrian, Consensus Building, Law, Area Management, 1) LRT (Transit Mall) 2) 3) ) ) 3 6)7) 8) 2009 () * ** *** 山口大学大学院創成科学研究科助教 博士 ( 環境学 ) 山口大学大学院創成科学研究科助教 博士 ( 工学 ) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科教授 工博 Assist. Prof., Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, Dr. Env. Assist. Prof., Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, Dr. Eng. Prof., Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. 1725

2 9) 2 () 550m 20m ( 1) ( 21,800, 12 ) 2) ) 2) 2 3) ) ( ) 10) 11) 6)12) 13) 14) 15) LRT 16) LRT 17) 18) 19) 8 9 4) 1 1/3 4) ) ( 1) 1726

3 12 5) ( 2) 10) 10 11) 2 A. 82 B. 32 C. 10 ( 2) 10) AHP(Analy tic Hierarchy Process)13 ( 2) 1727

4 (0.671) (0329) (0.333)(0.338) (0.158) (0.171) BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) 600m 2030m 8 () () ( ) 1 (3 )(4 ) (9 )(4 ) ( 2 ) (20 ) ( ) 1.35 ( 6.59) () 1,145pcu/h 10.5km/h 16.6km/h 81.2% ) 1728

5 ( 3) 29,893 11) m4.0 2m2.5m 1729

6 ศ㟁 㕲㐨㧗 タࡍ ᪉ࠊ 㐨 3 2 ῶ ࡍࡇ ࠊṌ㐨 ᣑࡆ Ṍ㐨 㛫 ಖࡋ ࠊṌ㐨 ẁᕪ ࡘ ゎᾘࡋ ᐇ ࡋ (ᅗ 4)ࠋ ࡓࠊᘏୡ 㢖 ᾐỉ ᐖ ᆅᇦ ࡗࡓࡓ ࠊṌ 㐨㛫 ẁ ᕪࡀ ࡓ ண ࡉ ࡓᗑ ᾐỉ ࠊ㞵Ỉ Ỉၥ㢟 ゎỴ ࡍ ࡓ 㐃 ᆺỈ ᇙタࡋ ղṍ ࢱ ࡏࡓ 㠃ᵓᡂ ኚ ࡓࠊᆅ 㕲㥐 ᗑ ධ ࠊ Ꮫṇ㛛๓ ᶓ Ṍ㐨 ࡘ ࡄṌ ࢱ ศᯒࡋࠊࡑ ࡏ Ṍ㐨ᖜ ኚ ࡉࡏ ᪉ࠊ ࡑ ഛࡉ ࡓ S Ꮠᆺ㐨 ࠊ ୧ ᗘไᚚ ᶵ ࡋ (ᅗ 5)ࠋ ࢫ ᐈ ከ ࠊ 㛫ࡀ ࡋ ࡓࡓ ࠊ ࢫ ࡃ ศ㟁 ᆅ ࠊ ⰼቭ タ ࡀタ ࡉ ࠊ ᗈ Ṍ㐨ᖜ ࡍ 㛫( 8.4m) 20 ᡤ ᖖタ ࢫࢡ タ ࡋ (ᅗ 4)ࠋ ճࡑ ࢫ ࠊ Ꮡ 5 ᡤ 3 ᡤ ኚ ࡋࠊᑗ᮶ࠊࢫ Ṍ ᑓ 㐨 ࡋ ࡍ ࡇ ᐃࡋ ௬タ ࡀタ ࡉ ࡓࠋ ࢪ ᘏୡ ࢡࢭࢫࡀไ㝈ࡉ ῶ ࡋࠊ19 16 ኚ ࡋ ࠋ ᦙධ ୧ ࡘ ࠊᘏୡ ἢ 㥔 ࢫ ࢫࡀ ࡋ ࡇ ࠊ Ꮡ ᮾすᶓ 㐨 Ṇ ࡗࡓ 4 ᡤ 㥔 ࢫ ࢫ タࡅࠊࡑࡇ ᗑ Ⲵ ᦙධ ࡁ ഛ ࡋ (ᅗ 5)ࠋ ࠊ ᶞࠊ ⅉࠊ ࠊᖖタ ࢫࢡࠊࢫ ࠊࢫ 㛫ᵓᡂせ 㓄 ಶ ࡘ ᐇ ㄪᰝ ᯝ ᅗ 5 ࡋ ࠋ 㛫ά ࢪ ᮇ ࢫ 㛫ά ࢪ ᖺ 㹼 ᅾ ᘏୡ ඹ ࠊ㐌ᮎ Ṍ ኳᅜ ᐇ ࡍ ࠊࢫ 㛫 ከᵝ ሙ ࡋ ά ࡋ ࠋࡑ ࡓ ࠊ 㐠Ⴀ ࡍ (ᆅᇦάᛶ ㄢࠊ 2014 ᖺ 9 ) ᪂タࡋࠊẸ㛫 ㄪ ࡋ ࡀࠊࡑ ௰ ᙺ ࡋ ᪂ ࡀ㔜 ࡍ ཬ つᶍ ㄪ ෆᐜ ウ ᢸࡗ (ᅗ 2)ࠋ 2015 ᖺᗘ ධࡗ ࠊ᪂ ఫẸ ጤဨ 㐃ᦠࡋඹ ദࡍ ࡇ ࠊ බඹᛶ ᆅᇦᛶ ᢸಖࡋ ࠋࡋ ࡋࠊ ࢢ ࠊ ࢪ ᡂᚋ ࠊ ᨻ ᪂ 㐃ᦠࡀᙅ ࡗ ࠊ2015 ᖺ 5 ࠊ᪂ ᒁࡀ ࡋࠊ ࡍ ࠊᆅᇦ ࡋ ᘓ ヨ ࡀࠊ ᨻ ᑟ ά ࡀቑ ࠋ ᅗ ᘏୡ ࢪ ഛᚋ 㛫ᵓᡂ 1730 ᅗ ᨵၿ๓ᚋ ᵝᏊ ᕥ㸸ᚑ๓ࠊ 㸸ᚑᚋ

7 1 4 ( )( 6) BRT 3 ( 143 ) m 20~30m

8 (),,, (), pp , %(18.2%) (12.3%)(5.6) (): () (): (): km 3, D3(), No.72-2, pp , ,, LRT,, 2008,, Vol.37CD-ROM, , 35, pp , 2002 ),, Vol.26CD-ROM, 2002 ),, Vol.35CD-ROM, 2007 (),, p.45, 1988 J.H, KoIntroducing Transit Malls in Seoul, Seoul Development Institute, 2012,, 2013, 35, pp , ,, No.41-3, pp.31-36, ,, No.45-3, pp , ,, No.5, pp.63-68, 2006 LRT - 2 -,, No.48-3, pp , ,, No.50-3, pp , ,, No.593, pp , S.KimJ.Lee, Analysis of the Impacts of the Transit Mall Project on the Street Environment and the Degree of the Pedestrian Satisfaction - Focused on the Yonsei-ro Transit Mall in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Urban Design Institute of Korea, No.16-2, pp.45-60, 2015,,

9 ISSUES ON PLANNING PROCESS AND IMPLEMENTATION METHOD OF TRANSIT MALL IN YONSEI STREET, SEOUL Junhwan SONG *, Takeshi KOBAYASHI ** and Atsushi DEGUCHI *** * Assist. Prof., Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, Dr. Env. ** Assist. Prof., Graduate School of Science and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University, Dr. Eng. *** Prof., Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. This paper focuses on the planning process and improvement method of transit mall using the first transit mall in Seoul City called Yonsei Street as case study. Yonsei Street was created in As recently transit malls are internationally spread for the improvement of the pedestrian safety, and the revitalization of the region. This was appeared as in case of Japan where there are 20 cases for transit mall; however, only 3 cases are operating regularly, and the others were discontinued on the pilot program. In case of Korea, there are 3 cases such as Chung-Ang street in Deagu city that was created in Recently, the concern of transit mall has been increased by the local governments. However, there are common issues in the implementation of transit mall that seen in both Japan and Korea such as the traffic control of main streets that resulted from locating these transit malls in the city center, and a consensus building among many stakeholders. This study aims to 1) clarify the primary factors to how to implement the transit mall. This was done via conducting a survey on Yonsei Street as a case study based on the planning process, and to 2) suggest the issues and improvement method that suitable and applicable to the Korean community. The case study was analyzed via field surveys, document reviews, and interviews with local administrative offices (Seodaemun Ward and Seoul City) and merchant associations concerned with the implementation of transit mall of Yonsei Street. In Chapter 2, we reviewed the law system for both Japan and Korea related to transit mall. It was clarified that the central government in Korea has 1) the district designation system of transit mall based on the Road Traffic Promotion Act and, 2) introduced a specific subsidy system to the district designated by the law in order to realize a transit mall. Chapter 3 reviews the selection process for the sites that were proposed by the local government (10 sites). It was clarified that there are no inaccessible facilities after the implementation of transit mall, and no median exclusive bus lane for BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) as common characteristics. In addition, the streets of proposed sites have approximately 600m in length, and 20~30m in width. In Chapter 4, it is determined the characteristics of consensus building process and spatial improvement. It was clarified that the construction of local organization related to the street spatially and the role of merchant association are important for the consensus building. Chapter 5 points out the issues on the street management of transit mall; which are 1) Change of human traffic flow after the spatial improvement, 2) Consideration of vulnerable users who need their own car, 3) Absence of law system for the violation of traffic regulations on a transit mall. Consequently, based on the planning process of transit mall in Yonsei Street, this paper suggests four primary factors that help to achieve the transit mall, which are 1) the organization of law system, 2) the construction of selection process based on the proposed sites, 3) the existence of the local association based on a neutral position. and 4) the coincidence of interests among the stakeholders. Moreover, it points out three issues of the planning process that are 1) the continuity of the organization for the coordination of opinion on stakeholders related to the street spatially, 2) the management of local needs that based on the change of space use after the spatial improvement, and 3) The role of local organization for solving local problems and using street spaces autonomously. (2016 年 12 月 10 日原稿受理,2017 年 3 月 31 日採用決定 ) 1733


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