カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号, ,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, , Aug., 2015 フレームの形成と変容のプロセスにおけるメタファーの影響 デザイン

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1 カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会計画系論文集第 80 巻第 714 号, ,2015 年 8 月 J. Archit. Plann., AIJ, Vol. 80 No. 714, , Aug., 2015 フレームの形成と変容のプロセスにおけるメタファーの影響 デザイン思考のプロセスにみるメタファーの機能 ( その2) EFFECTS OF METAPHORS IN FRAMING AND REFRAMING PROCESSES Functions of metaphors in process of design thinking part 2 酒谷粋将 * **, 門内輝行 Suisho SAKATANI and Teruyuki MONNAI The aim of this study is to grasp functions of metaphors in architectural design. Especially, we focus on the concept, frame in this paper. To clarify the relation between frames and metaphors, we transform protocols which we get in the design experiment we conduct, to semantic networks using the theory of conceptual graph, which is developed by J. F. Sowa. At the same time, we define the concept of frame as a knowledge which has network-like structure. After we transform the protocols, we apply graph theory to the semantic networks and analyze the structures of the frames as graph. Through the analysis, we found some aspect of metaphors being related to micro- and macro frames as below. First, metaphors make the micro-frames of each important concept in design process complex and designers start to discuss about them together. Second, metaphors make their community of concepts and fulfill a function as intermediary of knowledge as macro-frame. Keywords: metaphor, frame, conceptual graph, design process, creativity,,,, creativity metaphor1980 G. Lakoff and M. Johnson Lakoff 1) C.S. Peirce 2) G. Lakoff and M. Johnson D.Gentner analogy design thinking divergenceconvergence (frame) * ** 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻博士後期課程 修士 ( 工学 ) 日本学術振興会特別研究員 DC2 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻教授 博士 ( 工学 ) Doctor Course, Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, M. Eng. JSPS Research Fellow Prof. Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Dr. Eng. 1787

2 D.A. Schön 6) 7) Schön 8) reflection-in-action frame reflection Schön 9) E. E.Goffman 10) M.Minsky 11) Minsky C.J.Fillmore 12) Fillmore G.Lakoff 13) idealized cognitive modelr.w. Langacker 14) cognitive domain Fillmore Schön Minsky Fillmore Schön Minsky Fillmore Minsky (slot) is-a part-of noderelation Minsky (semantic network) M.R.Quillian 15) J.F.Sowa 16) conceptual graph 1 John thinks that a cat sits on a mat concept relation Sparck-Jones 17) PROPOSITION 1788

3 1 (teama, teamc) teama teamc base domain target domain 2 2(a) teama teama 2(b) teamc teamc 1 BaseDomain TargetDomain BaseDomain TargetDomain 1789

4 2,3 4,5 2.3 _01 _ PROPOSITION PROPOSITION 1790

5 ࡉ ࡓ ヰ ๓ࠊ ࢪ 㢮 ࡗࡓ ࡃ ࢡᥥ ࢯ cytoscape ࡓᚋࠊຊ ࡘ ᒓᛶ ࠊࢥ ࢱ ᐇ ࡋࡓࠋࡇࡇ ࢢ Ꮫ ࡓ ࢦ ࢬ ࡗ ẖ ᚤㄪ ࢢゝㄒ Python ࢢ ࢢ ࡗࡓࠋ ຍ ᥥ ࡋࡓࠋ グ ࡉ ࡓ ヰ ࢥ ࢢ ㄽ ࡓ ࢡศᯒ 4.3 ࡋࡓᡭἲ ࡗ teama タィ ࢭࢫ ᚓ ࡓ タィ ࢭࢫ ࡅ ヰ ࢥ ព ࢡ ࡋ ヰ ࢥ ព ࢡ ኚ ᚋࠊpython ᵓ ࡋࠊࡑ ᑐࡋ ࢢ ㄽ ᇶ ࡓ ࢡศᯒ ࡋࡓ ࢢ ࡗ ᥥ ࡋࡓ ᯝ ᅗ 3 ࡍࠋ (a) タィ ࠋࡇ ࡗ ࢡ ࢪࠊࡘ ࠊ(b) Ⅼ タィ ࢭࢫ ヰ ༢ㄒ ༢ㄒ ኈ ࡀ ࡀ ࢡ య ヰ ព ࢡ ࡋ ࠋࡓࡔࡋࠊ ᅗ ࡅ ࡅࡀ ࡉ ᤊ ࠊࡑ ᵓᡂࡉ t ࡑ ࡒ ࡋࠊ༢ ࡋ ࠋࢢ ࢡ యࡀ ᵓ㐀 ᣢࡗ ᢕᥱࡍ ࠋ ᚨᚘኳʕ ᛅ ԛ Ӳ Ц ⅹↀ ᛅ ԛ ᅗ WHDP$ タィ ࢭࢫ ࡅ ヰ ࢥ ព ࢡ 1791

6 centrality 6 teama 7, 8 teama teamc teamc teama teamc 4,5 (1) 4 teama

7 teamc (a) (b) 6 teama (b) (a) 5 teamc 6 teama 7 teamc (b) (a) 1793

8 teama modularity (2) 9(a)(b) teama teamc teama 2900 teama (a) teama (b) teamc teama 1794

9 5) 4 3 J.F.Sowa Sowa Sowa Sowa 1795

10 A teama teamc teama teama teama teamc teamc 5.2 Lakoff,,,, Vol.78, No.685, pp , ,,,, Vol.79, No.685, pp , Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson : Metaphors We Live By, The University of Chicago Press, 1980 :,, 1986 Gentner, D. : Structure-mapping : A theoretical framework for analogy, Cognitive Science, 7, pp , 1983,,, Vol.80, No.707, pp.53-63, :,, Vol.104 No.1290,, 1989 :,, 1997 Schön, D.A. : Problems, frames and perspectives on designing, Design Studies, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp , 1984 Schön, D.A. : Generative Metaphor : A Perspective on Problem-Setting in Social Policy, in A.Ortony, (ed.), Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge University Press, pp , 1979 Goffman, E. : Frame analysis : An essay on the organisation of the experience, Harper Colophon, 1974, M. :,,, 1990 Fillmore, Charles J. : Frame semantics and the nature of language, Analysis of the New York Academy of Science : Conference on the Origin and Development of Language and Speech, Vol. 280, pp.20-32, , G. :,,, 1993,, W. :,, 2011 Quillian, M.R. : Semantic memory, In M. Minsky (ed.), Semantic Information Processing, MIT Press, 1968 Sowa, John F. : Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1984 Sparck-Jones, K. and Boguraev, B. : A Note on a Study of Cases, Computational Linguistics, 13(1-2), pp.65-68, 1987 Ringland, G.A. and Duce, D.A.(Ed.) : Knowledge Representation - An Introduction, Research Studies Press LTD, 1988, 8,,

11 EFFECTS OF METAPHORS IN FRAMING AND REFRAMING PROCESSES Functions of metaphors in process of design thinking part 2 Suisho SAKATANI * and Teruyuki MONNAI ** * Doctor Course, Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, M. Eng. JSPS Research Fellow ** Prof. Dept. of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Dr. Eng. As problems in contemporary society become more complex, designers need to increase their creativity to make innovation happen to struggle with the problems. On this background, we focus on the concept of metaphor which is often discussed in the field of artificial intelligence, cognitive linguistics, semiotics etc. because metaphor is defined as understanding unknown things through known things and we believe metaphors is related to design process of creating unknown things. This study aims to grasp functions of metaphors in architectural design. Especially in this paper, we treat the concept of frame which is often discussed under the topic of design thinking. To clarify the relation between frames and metaphors, we transfer protocols which we get in the design experiment we conducted to semantic networks using the theory of conceptual graph, which is developed by J. F. Sowa. At the same time, we define the concept of frame as a knowledge which has network-like structure. After transferring the protocols, we apply graph theory to the semantic networks and analyze the structures of the frames. Through the analysis, we found some aspect of metaphors being related to micro- and macro frames. First, we analyzed the micro-frames of each concepts generated in the design process. The results are shown as below. 1) Metaphors make frames of major concepts in design process more complex. To analyze how frames of each concept in target domain changes, we used an index of cluster coefficient which shows how the part of the network is cohesive. After matching concepts in target and base domain, the index of concepts starts to gain together. In other words, the frame of both the concepts gets dense and cohesive together. 2) Metaphors combine some major concepts strongly. We look for the shortest path between major concepts in design process. The first major path often contains metaphor but after the matching of metaphors, designers start to discuss about them together and many shorter paths which contain no metaphor. This implies that metaphors connect some major concepts and make new frame to see the concepts as a whole and after activating the frame, the connection of concepts becomes stronger. Second, we analyzed the macro-frames of each concepts generated in the design process. The results are shown as below. 3) Metaphors and concepts in target domain make many shorter paths in conceptual graph structure. We used an index of the average of the distance of shortest path of every concept generated in design process. Through the discussion about metaphors or major concepts matched to the metaphors, many shorter paths are generated in conceptual graph structure and the whole structure composed of concepts becomes more connected. 4) Metaphors fulfill the functions with some concept around the metaphors. We extracted communities from the whole network using the index of mediating centrality of edges. Through the extracting process, we chose many edges which have high mediating centrality. Even if we remove the edges from the network, there are strong connections in a community which contain metaphors. In short, the function of combining some concepts as intermediary of knowledge is fulfilled not by the metaphor itself but by the group of concepts around the metaphor. (2014 年 11 月 10 日原稿受理,2015 年 4 月 28 日採用決定 ) 1797


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