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佩 斯 大 学 的 桥 梁 课 程 是 专 为 国 际 学 生 进 入 佩 斯 大 学 的 本 科 和 硕 士 学 位 课 程 做 准 备 课 程 将 学 术 课 程 及 语 言 培 训 结 合 在 一 起, 旨 在 使 国 际 学 生 能 顺 利 进 入 美 国 顶 尖 大 学 的 本 科 和 硕


摘 要 張 捷 明 是 台 灣 當 代 重 要 的 客 語 兒 童 文 學 作 家, 他 的 作 品 記 錄 著 客 家 人 的 思 想 文 化 與 觀 念, 也 曾 榮 獲 多 項 文 學 大 獎 的 肯 定, 對 台 灣 這 塊 土 地 上 的 客 家 人 有 著 深 厚 的 情 感 張 氏 於

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2 Edmonton 爱 德 蒙 顿 爱 德 蒙 顿 是 加 拿 大 的 节 日 之 城, 一 年 有 超 过 30 多 个 节 日 城 市 总 人 口 1000 多 万 干 净, 安 全 的 居 住 环 境 友 好 的, 充 满 活 力 的 文 化 社 区 附 近 有 许 多 风 景 优 美 的

姓 名 : 蘇 海 彬 班 別 :1B 書 名 : 咆 哮 山 莊 作 者 : 今 次 我 想 介 紹 的 書 是 一 本 文 學 巨 著, 名 叫 咆 哮 山 莊 像 我 這 些 學 生 未 來 要 面 對 競 爭 很 強 勁 的 社 會, 然 而 可 從 一 些 文 學 名 著 來 從 少 學



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中 國 茶 詩 與 文 人 茶 道 生 活 顏 鸝 慧 人 社 科 院 / 人 文 藝 術 教 學 中 心 摘 要 飲 茶 的 起 源, 歷 來 眾 說 紛 紜, 根 據 文 獻 資 料 顯 示, 在 唐 代 之 前, 飲 茶 只 是 一 種 區 域 性 的 生 活 風 俗 然 西 漢 時 已 有

不 不 禮 行 說 力 不 不 不 更 來 理 不 不 理 累 力 不 理 不 利 什 良 流 不 不 旅 量 不 不 旅 更 立 兩 連 福 聯 不 念 數 說

拓 展 课 程 内 涵 引 领 创 新 理 念 随 着 国 家 中 长 期 教 育 改 革 和 发 展 规 划 纲 要 ( 年 ) 的 公 布, 新 的 国 家 人 才 战 略 对 高 等 英 语 教 学 提 出 了 新 的 要 求 本 着 拓 展 课 程 内 涵 推 动 教 学


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2016 HSC Chinese Beginners


JOURNEY EDUCATION CENTRE - SYLLABUS COURSES FOR KIDS COURSES FOR KIDS 1. STARTERS ADVENTURE 1,5 h/ week TEXTBOOKS (Cambridge) Fun for Starters: 1 unit/ week Primary Colours: levels 2/3: selected activities Storyfun for Starters: selected stories Cambridge Young Readers: selected storybooks level 1/2. 45 weeks=45 units LENGTH * The rest of weeks rounding up to 1 year will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 2. MOVERS ADVENTURE 1,5 h/ week Fun for Movers: 1 unit/ week Primary Colours: levels 3/4: selected activities Storyfun for Movers: selected stories Cambridge Young Readers: selected storybooks level 3 and fact books levels 3 and 4. 45 weeks=45 units * The rest of weeks rounding up to 1 year will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 3. FLYERS ADVENTURE 1,5 h/ week Fun for Flyers: 1 unit/ week Primary Colours: levels 4/5: selected activities Storyfun for Movers: selected stories Cambridge Young Readers: selected storybooks level 4 and fact books levels 5 and 6. 45 weeks=45 units * The rest of weeks rounding up to 1 year will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers

COURSES FOR TEENAGERS COURSES FOR TEENS 4. KET DISCOVERY (S1) 2 sessions of 2 h/ week TEXTBOOKS (Cambridge) Objective KET (A2) 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks Interactive (1)- selected activities Cambridge Discovery Readers- selected readers level 2. LENGTH 40 weeks= 20 units * The rest of weeks rounding up to 1 year will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 5. PET DISCOVERY (S2) 2 h/ week Objective PET (B1) 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks Interactive (2)- selected activities Cambridge Discovery Readers- selected readers levels 3 and 4. 40 weeks= 20 units * The rest of weeks rounding up to 1 year will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 6. FCE DISCOVERY (S3- S5) 2 h / week Objective FCE (B2) 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks English in Mind (4)- selected activities Cambridge Discovery Readers- selected readers levels 5 and 6. 40 weeks= 20 units * At the end of the course some time will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers

COURSES FOR ADULTS COURSES FOR ADULTS 7. PET CHALLENGE (ADULTS) 2 h/ week 8. IELTS CHALLENGE (ADULTS)- B2 2 h/ week 9. IELTS CHALLENGE (ADULTS)- C1 2 h/ week TEXTBOOKS (Cambridge) Objective PET (B1): 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks English Unlimited (B1) Cambridge Discovery Readers selected readers levels 3 and 4. Objective IELTS (Intermediate): 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks English Unlimited (B2)- Cambridge English Readers l selected readers level 5 Objective IELTS (Advanced): 1 unit of 4 pages/2 weeks English Unlimited (C1)- Cambridge English Readers selected readers level 6 LENGTH 40 weeks= 20 units * At the end of the course some time will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 45 weeks= 20 units +5 revisions * At the end of the course some time will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers 45 weeks= 20 units +5 revisions * At the end of the course some time will be spent for exam preparation using examination papers

OTHER LANGUAGES: MANDARIN CHINESE OTHER LANGUAGES 10. INTERACTIVE MANDARIN FOR KIDS 1 h / week TEXTBOOKS P1- P2- Chinese Made Easy 2 P3- P4- Chinese Made Easy 3 P5- P6- Chinese Made Easy 4 1 unit of 8 pages/ 4 weeks (2 pages/session/hour) LENGTH 48 weeks = 12 units 4 weeks = revisions 11. INTERACTIVE MANDARIN FOR TEENS 1,5 h/ week S1- S2 (intermediate) Chinese Made Easy 5 1 unit of 8 pages/ 4 weeks S1- S5 (beginners) Keys to Chinese Language (books1, 2) 1unit /2 weeks S3- S5 (intermediate) Chinese Language and Culture 1unit /2 weeks 48 weeks = 12 units 4 weeks = revisions 44weeks = 22 units 8 weeks = revisions 44weeks = 22 units 8 weeks = revisions 12. INTERACTIVE MANDARIN FOR ADULTS 2 h/ week Conversational Putonghua (beginners)- 8 MONTHS Chinese Today 1unit / week Business Chinese - 6 months 1 unit/2 weeks 30 weeks = 30 units 2 weeks = revisions 24 weeks = 12 units Other Languages (French, Spanish) TO START AT A LATER DATE BUSINESS ENGLISH: BULLATS (3 LEVELS)- SHORT/LONG TO START AT A LATER DATE

AREAS TO BE COVERED BY OUR 1-12 COURSES Course TOPIC GRAMMAR 1. STARTERS ADVENTURE 2. MOVERS ADVENTURE 3. FLYERS ADVENTURE Animals, body and face, colours, daily life, family, food and drink, hobbies, home, names, natural world, numbers, people, places, possessions, school, sports, time, transport. Animals, body and face, colours, daily life, family, food and drink, hobbies, home, names, natural world, numbers, people, places, possessions, school, sports, time, transport, travel, weather, work. Animals, body and face, colours, daily life, family, food and drink, hobbies, home, names, natural world, numbers, people, places, possessions, school, sports, time, transport, travel, weather, work. Adjectives, articles, to be, can/can t, conjunctions, determiners, have, imperatives, - ing forms, let s, plurals, possessives, prepositions of place and time, present simple, continuous, pronouns, questions, there is/are, this/ that/ these/ those/ would like. Adverbs of frequency, manner, place and time, articles, articles, to be, can/can t, conjunctions, comparative and superlatives, determiners, have, imperatives, - ing forms, modal verbs, past simple, plurals, possessives, prepositions of place and time, present simple, continuous, pronouns, questions, there is/are, this/ that/ these/ those/ would like, relative clauses, shall, short answers, determiners, when clauses, with. Adverbs of frequency, manner, place and time, articles, articles, before/after clauses, conjunctions, comparative and superlatives, determiners, going to, if clauses, made o/from, modal verbs, past simple, past continuous, prepositions of place and time, present simple, continuous, present perfect, questions, relative clauses, shall, short answers, when clauses, tag questions, to + infinitive, verb +infinitive, verb + ing, where clauses, will +infinitive

Course TOPIC GRAMMAR 4. KET DISCOVERY Family, school, holidays, weather, sports, people, jobs, natural world, animals, food and drink, house, shops, clothes, entertainment, feelings, celebrations. Adverbs of frequency, a/an, some, any, a lot of, much, and many, conjunctions, how much/many, comparative and superlatives, past simple, present simple, continuous for future plans, present perfect, going to, will, have to, verb +ing, prepositions of place, modal verbs, the passive. 5. PET DISCOVERY AND 7. PET CHALLENGE 6. FCE DISCOVERY School, holidays, weather, sports, people, jobs, buildings, celebrations, health and fitness, letters and e- mails, adventures, making plans, predictions, films, family, clothes, entertainment, work, music, communicating, friends, inventions, shopping, travel, food. Fashion, computer games, travel, animals, prizes, sport, lifestyles, advertising, space, family, technology, inventions, education, work, environment, food, hobbies, books, health and fitness, crime, shopping, music, natural disasters, art, city life, transport, psychology, media, humour. Prepositions of time, need, comparative and superlatives, past simple, present simple, v. present continuous, present continuous for future plans, like, enjoy, want +ing /to, prepositions of place and movement, comparative adjectives, present perfect, present simple passive, past continuous v. past simple, modals, going to future, will, past perfect v. past simple, comparison of adverbs, possessive pronouns and adjectives, reported speech, relative clauses, past simple passive, future passive, first and second conditional, reflexive pronouns, polite question forms, Comparison, adverbs of degree, modals, review of past tenses, adverbs of frequency, gerund and infinitives, question tags, review of future tenses, the passive, perfect tenses, countable and uncountable nouns, possession, prepositions of time, relative clauses, complex sentences, adverbs and word order, mixed conditionals, inversion, time expressions, phrasal verbs.

Course TOPIC GRAMMAR 8. IELTS CHALLENGE (B2) Communication, food and drink, leisure, education, history, work, advertising, environment, buildings, animals, sport, colours, people, books, body, travel, transport, immigration. Passive, comparison, adverbs of degree, cause, purpose and result, review of present and past tenses, relative clauses, countable and uncountable nouns, - ing forms and infinitives, articles, modals, conditionals, modals, non finite clauses, phrasal verbs, unreal present and future, position of adverbs. 9. IELTS CHALLENGE (C1) Study, sports, marketing, communication, plastic products, music, exploration, food, cities, dreams, earth, space, social change, the world, psychology, literature, work, history. Modality, perfect tenses, cleft sentences, adverbial clauses, passive forms, concessive clauses, modals in conditional sentences, inversion, modals, non- finite clauses, infinitives, the future, pronouns clinic, verb patterns, relative clauses, verbs +wh- clauses, noun phrases, modal perfects. These courses will cover the vocabulary and grammar, which appear on the Cambridge ESOL syllabus for the tests. All courses are suitable for learners who are preparing to take the Cambridge ESOL tests but also for learners who need to develop vocabulary, grammar, good skills for their age group.

Course TOPIC GRAMMAR 10. INTER- ACTIVE CHINESE FOR KIDS P1- P2 Colours & clothing Weather & holidays Hobbies Student's daily routine School subjects School facilities Making telephone calls P1- P2,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, =,,,, 吧, / /. P3- P4 Parts of the body & illness Food & health Shopping Everyday articles Stationary & gifts Furniture & electrical appliances in the home Life at home Asking the way P5- P6 About China: language, geography & food Summer holidays Travel World famous cities Family Trees Pets Personality Local community Volunteer work P3- P4, (n),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. P5- P6 1. 拼 2. 3. / 4. 5. ( 懂 ) proverbs Course Features - Task- based learning coupled with the focus on form & function - A wide variety of text presentations & practice materials - Up- to- date topics relevant to young students - Careful pacing for gradual progress in language skills - Clearly focused aims for each unit - Regular consolidation & reinforcement

11. INTER- ACTIVE CHINESE FOR TEENAGERS S1- S3 (INTERMEDIATE) Chinese made easy 5- Chinese & Western festivals & customs Communication & the media Entertainment Celebrities Young people Law & order Education & employment Environment New Technology Healthy life styles S1- S3 (BEGINNERS) Keys to Chinese Language Bk 1 & 2 What is your family name? What is your given name? Introducing my family How many courses are you going to take? What courses did you take? How are the classes you picked? Evening party A letter to father and mother Father and mother s reply A phone call to a friend Introducing friends An e- mail from a friend Reply to a friend s e- mail What plans do you have for vacation? I went to China I went to Japan Celebrating father s birthday Thanksgiving Heart- to- heart talk A picnic I got sick Plans for summer vacation - Language materials presented in a fun, user- friendly, interesting way - Highly attractive & colourful page designs Proverbs and poems S1- S3 (BEGINNERS) Keys to Chinese Language Bk 1 & 2 ( ) / / - ( ) ( ) ( ) / - / / /

( ) X Y / V- - V S3- S5 (INTERMEDIATE) Chinese Language and Culture Is Chinese Difficult to Learn Introduction to Chinese Characters The Great Wall How Names for China and the Chinese Have Changes Matchmaking The Trouble with Homophones Going to college in China Birth Control and Human Rights Complex Characters and Simplified Characters Words with More than One Meaning Chinese New Year and New Year Money Chinese Valentine s Day Women Can Hold Up Half the Sky Every Family Has Its Elderly Members Special Foods for Festivals and Holidays Touring Around China Myths and Folklore The Origins of Chinese Proverbs The Implications of Colors To Suffer Losses Is Good and Ignorance Is Bliss Religious Beliefs in China The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River S3- S5 (INTERMEDIATE) Chinese Language and Culture ( ) V / / / 着 X A B / / / V ( ) X / / ( / ) ( ) / / / / /?? ( ) / / V V V V V V V Adj V V /

12. INTER- ACTIVE CHINESE FOR ADULTS CONVERSATIONAL: Talk Mandarin Today Introductions My Business Card Time of a Day Day of a week Month and Year On the Phone Sending an E- mail Sending a Fax Sending by Post Reading Review Going on Foot Taking a Taxi Going by Public Transport Changing Money Open an Account Planning a trip Reserving a Ticket Booking a Hotel At the Airport Reading Review Inviting Friends out Inviting Friends Home Going Shopping Bargaining In a Resturant Getting Fast Food Giving and Receiving Refusal Dealing with an Emergency Reading Review V V Adj 着 / 着 ( ) ( ) Talk Mandarin Today / / 着 10% / 6

Business Chinese Company International Trade Sales and Advertisement E- commerce Financial and Accounting Reports Banking The Stock Market Insurance Real Estate Business Contracts Business Laws Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Business Chinese 着 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )