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PANEL DISCUSSION Differentiation

STARTALK 2017: DIFFERENTIATION Dr. Annalisa Czeczulin Goucher College - Johns Hopkins University Cooperative Russian Program LLC

Why differentiation? Student differences continuum Continual assessment Student readiness Student needs change Student-centered Adaptability

Considerations for Differentiation Authentic Content + Differentiation = Age-Appropriate Material Accommodates Student Readiness, Interest, and Learning Profile

How-To s of Differentiation Know your material Know your students Learn to modify authentic materials Be tech savvy Multiple intelligences Multiple approaches

Часть I: У Лизки серьёзные проблемы!

Почему Лизка говорит, «Я так больше не могу уже!»? А. Она пропустила свой автобус. Б. Она не сдала экзамен, рассталась со своим парнем. В. Она разговаривала со своей подругой. Г. Она не могла купить любимую кофту.

Неправильный ответ: У Лизки несколько проблем Попытайся ещё раз! Вернитесь к вопросу

Совершенно правильно! Очевидно, что у Лизки много проблем. Она так расстроена, что мы хотим узнать, почему? Продолжайте

Неправильный ответ - посмотрите Часть I ещё раз, пожалуйста. Скрипт: Лизка: Я так больше не могу уже! Вернитесь к вопросу

Неправильный ответ - у Лизки проблемы серьёзнее. Скрипт: Лизка: Я так больше не могу уже! Вернитесь к вопросу

PANEL DISCUSSION Differentiation

Kean University Running Record of Hindi/Urdu Language Growth Tool Focus Strand: Differentiation Janis Jensen, Program Director

Genesis of the Idea: A Growth Mindset

Planning and Goals Reflecting on past practice, we determined: To effectivelydifferentiate learning with the goal of focusing on a growth mindset, we need to do a better job keeping track of individual learner progress over the program. CarefulOBSERVATION is the foundation of a teacher s assessment work in personalizing learning for each student. By using observation data documented on the Running Record, we could better: Leverage learner strengths Modify instruction to meet specific learning needs Create a learning environment that values both the learning community AND individual learner

A Running Record is a formative assessment of learner performance while engaging in tasks that address the three modes of communication, based on teacher observations that are specific, objective and focused on set criteria. Observations are used to provide information about individual learner needs and how to address them, measure learner progress towards achieving outcomes and to facilitate a growth mindset.

Running Record of Learner Growth Basic Template Based on Teacher Observation/ Evaluation of Learner Performances Name: Day : Learning Episode/Task: Criteria (Aligned with Program Proficiency Level CAN DO LearnerOutcomesand Thematic Content) Score 5 1 Feedback based on Observation

Running Record of Hindi/Urdu Learner Growth Day/Learning Episode/Task: Name: EXAMPLE of CRITERIA Based on Adv-Mid I CAN Outcomes Interpersonal/Presentational Speaking/Writing Language Control/ Accuracy -I can speak/ write consistently and accurately in past, present, future timeframes. -Ican use basic/ targeted language structures correctly and appropriate connecting words in speaking/writing. NOTES: Vocabulary/Depth of Language Use -I can usemore precise vocabulary, abstract language when speaking/ writing about lesson topics. -I can provide structured oral or written arguments (synthesize information/draw conclusions) NOTES: Interculturality -(CIA) I can interact using culturally appropriate verbal/ non-verbal language with peers, experts virtually/face-to-face. -(GLOB)Ican analyze, weigh sources of spoken or written evidence to develop a position(s), to propose solutions reflecting multiple cultural perspectives.

Implementation Process Each teacher is assigned a team of students to observe on a consistent/daily basis. Instructors may choose to focus on different criteria in the Running Record for observation/evaluation purposes dependent on tasks in learning episodes. Teacher notes and documents specific, objective behaviors and provides immediate feedback to learner. Teacher modifies instruction based on content, instructional process or learner performance/product focusing on setting specific benchmarks for individual learners. Challenges

Ensures teachers gather data about each learner documenting individual strengths/needs Assists teachers in finding instructional gaps Assists teachers in planning pair/small group/ individual instruction based on learner needs Provides immediate feedback to students and informs immediate next steps for differentiation Allows the teacher and learner to better understand the learner s learning process Enables teachers to build a positive, caring relationship with each learner ~Can be adapted for any language program and varying proficiency levels~

Janis Jensen, Program Director School for Global Education & Innovation Hutchinson Hall J 305 Kean University 1000 Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083 Office: 908-737-0552 Cell: 908-892-4712 FAX: 908-737-0555

PANEL DISCUSSION Differentiation

Using Partners and Technology for Differentiation

What is Differentiation? Share how we: Collaborate with local and global partners for authentic content and real world interactions Use Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence to personalize learning Engage students with interactive learning plans Integrate Blended Learning Teacher response student differences 2 4

Theme Discover San Francisco Chinatown Direct connections with native speakers through integration of Local & Global community Technology ipads / computer lab 40 minutes with Ponddy Tutors in China Meals in Chinese restaurants Field trips Community Mural Project Program Design

Chinese Historical Society of America 26

Instructional Goals Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewingit as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event. 27 Heidi-Hayes Jacobs

SMART TEXTBOOKS Pondlets - Interactive Learning Plans Text / Dialogue Thematic Can-do-statements Video Vocabulary Native Audio In-context definitions English on/off Grammar Points Pinyin on/off Gamified exercises

Personalize learning using AI Word Pond words that often appear together Character Pond words that share the same character Radical Pond words that share the same radical Affinity Knowledge Learning System Groups similar elements for better learning andbetter retention * Guiding Principles for Early Literacy Experiences for Beginning Learners of Chinese

Turn your content into Interactive Learning Modules 1. Vocabulary are identified as Level 3 Ponddy or ACTFL: Intermediate High 2. Language Function: 9 grammar points were identified for level 3 and above. 3. Content Related Keywords ' 舊金山 ', ' 移民 ', ' 渡船 ', ' 中國城 ', ' 職員 ', ' 政府 ', ' 律師 ', ' 畢業 4. Artificial Intelligence identified other relevant words : 農村, 城鎮, 貧窮, 部落, 貧困, 漁民, 遷徙, 外來, 農場, 貧民 (Additional vocabulary the student may need. Teachers can modify the content lessons to include these words.) or their 5. Integrated with word, character, radical ponds 6. Added audio, in-context definitions, exercises

1-to to-1 Distance Learning PonddyTutors

学生姓名 教学内容 Topic 课堂表现 Performance 听 Listening 说 Speaking Mandarin Institute STARTALK Immersion Middle School Grade 6-7 Can do statement Evidence 课堂参与情况 Feedback Christopher Soo PonddyTutors 一 简述中国与美国的日期二 日常问题的问答三 复述今天所学的中国城介绍四 看中国城的图片, 进行简单的描述 好, 基本能听懂老师的问题 能简单地回答问题, 但并不太流畅 能基本完整表达自己的观点 只是有的句子过于简单, 有些句子的语序存在问题 1. I can ask and give some information about the Chinatown community. 2. I can understand when someone describes physical descriptions from a photo or artwork 中国城介绍 : 中国城在三藩市, 中国城有很多中国人, 还有很多商店, 还有很多图书馆, 图书馆有很多中文的书 还有很多人在参观中国城是怎么样的 中国城还有医院 餐馆, 还有公园 人们到中国城去买菜 去图书馆看书, 学生可以在中国城读书 大家可以去公园玩, 饿了的时候可以去餐馆吃中国菜 看图说话 : 中国城有一个很大的门 中国城里有很多商店, 商店里在卖水果 中国城有很多人, 还有很多不同颜色的房子 1. 学生较积极回答问题 多数问题能回答正确 2. 对于日常的问答, 如去了哪里, 吃了什么, 学习了什么等, 学生都能正确回答, 而且比第一天要回答得更加详细 3. 对于中国城的介绍, 学生能够基本描述出来, 因为是新学的内容, 所以不够熟练 看图说话环节, 学生能够准确描述不同图片的特点 4. 在学习过程中纠正并教授学生一些新的词汇, 参观 问答 医院 一 词汇复习 : 博物馆 讲 淘金热 排华法案 歧视 华工 筑铁路 休息 说谎 做生意 ( 学生在复述排华法案故事的时候会用到的词汇 ) 二 让学生精简地复述排华法案的表达很积极, 哪怕有 Naomi 故事并发表看法 非常好, 完全能不会的单词也能坚持 Tung-Nachtrab 三 意识到学生在句子表达的时候, 听懂老师的问题 说下去, 能清楚地表关联词使用较为单一, 几乎大量使达自己的观点 用 和 所以复习了: 因为... 所以 虽然... 但是... 四 引导学生完整地复述出课堂的内容, 并适当输入部分单词 包括 : 周朝的历史 美术课 中国城 1. 我昨天去了华人历史博物馆, 里面说了排华法案 因为那个时候有淘金热, 很多美国人不让中国人来工作 那个时候有很多华工在中国筑铁路, 他们不可以有很长的休息时间, 很艰苦 我觉得这样歧视华人是不好 1.I can exchange simple 以前歧视黑人也不好 2. 周朝的历史 有一个人, 他很聪明, 可是我忘记了他的名字 周朝的王要这个聪明 information about early Chinese 的人做一个更棒的地方 可是第一次王不要自己去, 他叫一个人去 聪明的人对那个人说, 你的官太小, 我 immigration history and 1. 学生很积极, 参与度非常高 不要跟你去 那个人回去跟王说, 那个人不帮我 第二次王又叫了一个人去, 聪明的人说, 你的官也不大, Excursion Act. 2. 学生在教师引导下可以很好地复述课堂移我不要跟你说话 最后王自己去, 所以那个聪明的人去帮他了 老师让我们一个人演王, 一个人演聪明的人, 2.I can give a short presentation 民故事 还有其他人 我是演王 3. 我们今天有美术课, 每个人要放图片到一个很大的墙上 让我们想 135 年以后地球 of a story that I learn. 是什么样, 想未来新的东西, 新的科技, 每个人都有一份 4 我们和搭档一起, 一个要去三藩市的中国城, 3 I can role play with my tutor about chinatown. 一个不要去, 我要让他一起去 5 我问学生, 如果我不想去, 你可以说一下中国城, 让我想一起去吗? 学生 : 中国有很多很好吃的餐厅, 还有很好吃的三明治, 很多不同的糕点店, 他们还有很多小商店, 他们有很多不同的小东西, 还有沙拉很好吃 Mary Pilotte 一 词汇学习 : 地址方位, 大小 形状, 颜色二 表述中国城 三 老师描述一种动物学生猜是什么 四 学生描述一种动物 水果 工作, 老师猜是什么 好, 基本能听懂老师的问题 能较为流畅地回答问题, 能够较为流利地表达自己的观点 1. I can ask and give some information about the Chinatown community. 2.I can understand when someone describes physical descriptions from a photo or artwork. 1( 描述中国城 ). 我不知道中国城在哪里, 我就不去了 ( 我还没去过 ) 我知道中国城有公园 博物馆 餐馆 2.( 讲今天学的故事 ) 有一个很老的老公 ( 老头 ), 有一个 fishing rod ( 钓鱼杆 ), 然后他就放在水上面, 不是放水下去, 没有进来水, 不叫他来找鱼, 叫鱼来找他 皇帝知道, 他是很聪明, 他就要他帮, 中国人就去老头, 你可不可以帮我, 帮我们, 他说你太小, 我不要帮你 他就告诉大王这个, 找大的人找老头 你还太 小, 我要一个大的人, 大王想着想着, 我自己要去问了老头 老头就说了好 你就自己去我就帮你 3.( 描述水果 ) 它是黄色, 如果你摸摸, 很 spiky( 扎手 ), 如果你吃太多的, 你的 tongue( 舌头 ) 就会痛 4.( 描述动物 ) 这个动物是一点点小 ( 这个动物有点小 ), 不是太大, 它可以是咖啡色 黑色 红色, 我想不可以是白色, 它最喜欢吃的是 nut( 坚果 ), 背上有一个 tail( 尾巴 ) 比它一样的高, 它的 tail fluffy( 毛茸茸 ) 5.( 描述工作 ) 如果你有这个的 job( 工作 ), 如果你现在住在加州, 如果你有这个工作你会住在 Washington, 你的房子是白色, 如果你说要做一个东西, 美国人都要做这个东西 学生很认真, 玩猜一猜游戏的时候很开心 Nicholas Olson 一 词汇学习 : 中国城 餐馆 龙 能流畅地回答问题, 非常好, 完全能街道 红色二 语法 ; 到, 部分句子存在语序 听懂老师的问题 因为 语法错误 1.I can ask and give some information about the Chinatown community. 2.I can understand when someone describes physical description from a photo or artwork. 1. 中国城在旧金山, 我觉得它不太大 2. 他们在买卖东西, 有很多肉, 牛肉 猪肉 鱼肉, 菜只有一点儿 1. 学生在今天的课堂上表现很好, 由于今天没有去实地走访中国城, 对中国城信息的了 ( 很少 ) 3. 城门有三个门, 中间的一个门大, 两边的两个门小, 门的前面有两只石狮子 城门有绿色 解不是很多, 学生用了很多 我觉得 这 金色和银色, 城门的顶上是绿色, 城门的顶下 ( 下面 ) 是金色, 门是银色, 狮子也是银色 城门上有两条龙 样的句子 4. 我的家人没吃 ( 不吃 ) 豆腐, 因为我的哥哥不能吃, 他对豆腐过敏 5. 我喜欢中国的美食 6. 2. 学生的表达能力很强, 听说能力很好, 课 今天上了美术课, 在课上我们找自己喜欢的照片 堂参与度很高 性格有点腼腆, 需要鼓励 32

Yalan King Franz Chen Userid: ozy Password: Iamstudent(I am student)

PANEL DISCUSSION Differentiation

University of Hawai i at Mānoa THE CHINESE READING ROOM

Three-week camp in July concurrent with 3.5 week teacher institute for 25 local students ages 14-17 zero beginners + novice lows daily schedule: 9 am-5 pm teacher : student ratio = 1 : 1.2

Place in the schedule 9:00 Listening (comprehensible input) 9:55 Speaking (interpersl/presentational comm) 10:50 Missions lab (skills getting/documentation) 12:45 Reading 1 (class or reading room) 1:30 Reading 2 (class or reading room) 2:15 Writing (interpersl/presentational comm) 3:00 STEM 3:50 Calligraphy 4:30 Martial arts

Overview of the reading program: Reading class + Reading room

Workbox station (in which they complete tasks using manipulables, to increase their character literacy) Read it-keep it station (in which simple, colorful, homemade stories are available in photocopied, saddlestitched format; if students read the story they can keep it to add to their personal library) Free-reading station (students choose from a library of over 100 picture- and storybooks, to read with assistance or by themselves)

爸爸 媽媽 姐姐 妹妹 狗 爸爸 媽媽 哥哥 弟弟 狗 爸爸 媽媽 哥哥 姐姐 弟弟 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 姐姐 妹妹 爸爸 妈妈 哥哥姐姐妹妹 妹妹 弟弟 猫

1. What s Your Name?

3. How Old Are You?

5. What animal sign are you?

Student log

Thank you! Questions? Comments? Contact me at (Cyndy Ning)

APPLICATION WORKSHOP Differentiation Distance Learning through Backward Design: Teen Issues

APPLICATION WORKSHOP Differentiation Running Record of Learner Growth Kean University