日本威士忌 上月, 日本日華 (Nikka) 威士忌蒸餾廠旗下兩大具年份標示的經典威士忌 宮城峽和余市停產 他們同時改變了無年份標示酒款的調配, 採用較年輕的單一麥芽原酒 一切源於近期銷量激增, 導致供不應求, 原酒幾乎耗盡 ; 雖然兩個品牌將會繼續推出新品, 但實際理論上它們須要十年才能沉澱出舊威

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2008 Nankai Business Review 61

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JAPANESE WHISKY Last month, iconic ese whisky distilling family Nikka officially stopped bottling their flagship age statement whiskies from Miyagikyo and Yoichi, among other releases. They have also changed the recipe for their no age statement release to a younger selection of single malt. While they continue to remain operational, the recent surge in popularity shattered sales records and depleted faster than the whisky itself can be produced; their older casks are simply gone and it could theoretically be upwards of a decade before they get whisky of that maturity again. This news increases speculation that it won t be long before rival Suntory, with their Hibiki, Haksuhu and Yamazaki brands, does the same. Most special whiskies that were once available on airport duty free shelves and department stores in are all but completely dried up. This is THE time for whisky lovers to add these rare and special ese whiskies to their collection. Who knows if we will ever see these exceptional bottlings again. Meanwhile, through raving critic reviews of various ese whisky and the launch of the TV drama in depicting the life and times of Nikka founder Masataka Taketsuru, the juice-company-turned-whisky-craft-company released a series of limited edition bottles to mark their 80th anniversary in 2014, the most significant release being the Nikka 40 Year Old (Lot 1012). Zachy s is proud to offer bottle number 580 of 1000. Accompanied by a Nikka crystal emblem bottle and presented in a handcrafted ese wooden case, it is important to note that the "40" in Nikka 40 is only a reference to the age of the youngest whisky in the bottle. Lot 923 This ultra-limited release contains malt and grain spirits dating as far back as 1945 for Yoichi and 1969 for Miyagikyo that had been resting in their respective barrels since their inception until they were masterfully put together by Nikka Chief Blender, Tadashi Sakuma. This is a truly once in a lifetime bottling from Nikka. On the Suntory side of things, we are honored to showcase a very limited bottle of which only 150 were ever produced: the Suntory Hibiki 35 Year Old Malt & Grain Limited Edition Ceramic Bottle (Lot 986). Presented in a beautiful foxglove wooden case, this is a unique release that features the pinnacle of Suntory s whisky craft and is the greatest possible addition to those who collect and appreciate the prestigious Hibiki ceramic series. Usually, the ceramic releases are bottled as only a 21 year age statement but this limited bottling contains reserves dating back 35 to 46 years and was painstakingly put together by Suntory Chief Blender Seiichi Koshimizu. The craftsman behind the bottle is none other than the acclaimed Kakiemon Sakaida, a family of porcelain makers whose family dates back to the early 17th century. This was one of the final pieces he produced before his passing in 2013 and now his only son carries out the family business at the same family kiln on the southern ese island of Kyushu. Meanwhile, distilled on 1st September 1964 and bottled Christmas Eve of 2012, the 1964 Karuizawa (Lot 1001) was produced from 100% domestic ingredients and rested for 48 years in a single Sherry Cask before being bottled almost three years ago. I am excited to see the unattainable and immaculately presented Karuizawa Sumo series (Lot 943) and a collection of bottles from the Karuizawa Cocktail series. For true fans of Karuizawa, the Karuizawa Cocktail series (Lots 944 and 1014) features comical labels from ese artist Hideyuki Katsumata and is a series of four single casks that were exclusive to La Maison du Whisky. These bottles gained recognition and popularity a few years ago when two Karuizawa single casks were released by that same artist for the Tokyo International Bar Show. They are great examples of the character and diversity showcased in each unique single cask. The Karuizawa Samurai is a highly anticipated set of 30 Year old single cask releases from the deceased distillery, each immaculately presented in a wooden case. Eight of the ten releases will be available in this auction (Lots 960-963) and knowing that, at time of writing, the set has just only been fully released, this is still a good chance to get your hands on some bottles of what is sure to be an extremely hard to find series. On the note of the Samurai, it is a very rare and special occasion to also be offering the three bottle Samurai complete set an ultimate tangent to the larger samurai series, this box is presented in the same manner as the Sumo series by means of lacquered wooden case and unforgettable in the whisky s concentration and selection for comparison. The collection from the distillery that once ran out of the resort town of Karuizawa also features single cask releases from the coveted Geisha series and other vintage bottlings that are great for making verticals. Their value increases as a set and as a taster, there is definite nuance and terroir to be tasted from single cask to single cask as the years progressed. The complete 5-bottle set of Ichiro s Malt The Game (Lot 926) is also available this time round. With a very limited run of single cask releases that are older releases and bottled in fewer quantities than some of Ichiro s Malt Card series, The Game is a unicorn tangent to Ichiro Akuto s card series and a must for any Hanyu enthusiast or collector. Elliot Faber 170

日本威士忌 上月, 日本日華 (Nikka) 威士忌蒸餾廠旗下兩大具年份標示的經典威士忌 宮城峽和余市停產 他們同時改變了無年份標示酒款的調配, 採用較年輕的單一麥芽原酒 一切源於近期銷量激增, 導致供不應求, 原酒幾乎耗盡 ; 雖然兩個品牌將會繼續推出新品, 但實際理論上它們須要十年才能沉澱出舊威士忌所達的成熟度 這個消息傳出後, 外界都估計其長期競爭對手三得利集團 (Suntory) 旗下的響 白州和山崎都會跟隨 曾經在日本的機場免稅店和百貨公司有售的大部分特級威士忌, 現在都已經絕跡 熱愛威士忌的同好們, 現正是時候將這些獨一無二 而且幾乎成絕響的日本威士忌收入囊中 誰也說不准它們還會不會有重現的機會 同時, 目前酒界對各款日本威士忌的評論正熱火朝天, 而且一套以日華 (Nikka) 威士忌創辦人竹鶴政孝的故事為主題的日本電視劇也在推波助瀾 在這股熱潮下, 這家原先為果汁公司 後來成為威士忌釀造所的日本名廠在 2014 年推出了一系列 80 週年限量版酒款, 其中最珍貴的就是 日華 40 年 威士忌 ( 編號 1012) 施氏十分榮幸地呈獻限量 1000 瓶中的第 580 瓶 此酒以日華水晶玻璃標誌酒瓶盛載, 外盒是全人手製作的日本原木盒 ; 更需特別要留意的是, 日華 40 的 40 是指酒中最年輕的威士忌原酒 這個絕版限量酒款採用了麥芽和其它穀物製成的蒸餾酒, 年份遠至 1945 年的余市和 1969 年的宮城峽, 它們自釀成後一直靜躺於原桶內, 直至日華的首席調配師佐久間正將它們取出並以巧手絕藝調配合一 它真正稱得上是日華空前無兩的極品威士忌 至於三得利 (Suntory) 旗下的酒品, 我們亦有幸呈獻一瓶極為罕有 限量生產 150 瓶的威士忌珍釀 響 35 年 酒井田柿右衛門製作瓷瓶 ( 編號 986) 這瓶特別版珍稀威士忌以精緻的毛地黃木盒為外盒 這個獨一無二的酒款蘊涵三得利威士忌的工藝精華 ; 對於收藏和欣賞 響 瓷瓶系列的鑑賞家而言, 它更是終極的收藏目標 其他瓷瓶系列所標示的年份一般只有 21 年, 但這個特別限量酒款採用了達 35 至 46 年的原酒, 由三得利首席調配師輿水精一精心調製而成 獨特美觀的瓷瓶由日本陶藝名家酒井田柿右衛門先生親自製作, 酒井田家族的製瓷歷史可上溯至十七世紀初 酒井田先生在 2013 年辭世, 此瓶是他的最後絕作之一 ; 現在他的兒子繼承了位於日本九州的家族瓷窯和工藝事業 另一方面, 採用 100% 當地原料釀製的 輕井沢 1964 年 ( 編號 1001) 在 1964 年 9 月 1 日蒸餾 2012 年 12 月 24 日入瓶 它在單一雪莉桶內陳釀了 48 年, 直至約三年前才裝瓶 今次上拍的佳品包括狀態完美 無與倫比的輕井沢 相撲系列 ( 編號 943), 還有多款輕井沢 雞尾酒系列, 實在令我雀躍不已 喜愛輕井沢的朋友們, 輕井沢 雞尾酒系列 ( 編號 944-1014 ) 是一系列四個年份的單桶佳釀, 並邀請了日本藝術家 Hideyuki Katsumata 創作酒標, 僅於法國著名酒商 La Maison du Whisky 發售 數年前, 在東京國際調酒展 (Tokyo International Bar Show) 上, 輕井沢推出了兩個單桶酒款, 酒標亦是由同一位藝術家創作, 自此這些佳釀開始受到矚目和賞識 它們完美地呈現出每一款單桶的不同風格和特色 Lot 924 輕井沢的 侍系列 是已結業的輕井沢蒸餾所的得意之作, 以 30 年單桶威士忌入瓶, 每一瓶均以精緻的木盒包裝 今次拍賣就呈獻了系列一套十款的其中八款 ( 編號 960-963), 在本文執筆之時, 此系列剛剛完整推出, 因此現在依然是購藏的大好良機, 將來它們勢必一瓶難求 值得一提的是, 今次我們亦特別呈獻罕有完整的一套三瓶 侍系列 與較大的十瓶套裝匹配成趣 此系列與 相撲系列 一樣, 以塗漆木盒為外盒, 其威士忌酒感濃郁集中, 而且三款年份的對比亦令人心醉難忘 輕井沢是日本的療養勝地, 來自當地的輕井沢蒸餾所亦推出過單桶的 藝伎系列 和其他年份醇釀, 全都是垂直評比和收藏的珍品 套裝和品酒款的收藏價值固然較高 ; 隨著年份增加, 每一款單桶佳釀皆呈現不同的風味和地源特性 而全套五瓶裝的 Ichiro's Malt The Game( 拍品編號 926) 也會在今次的拍賣會亮相 The Game 系列製作自所餘不多的單桶威士忌原酒, 而且比部分的伊知郎 紙牌系列 年份更久 產量更低, 是與肥土伊知郎 紙牌系列 相呼應的絕版珍稀醇釀 ; 更是羽生威士忌的追求者和收藏家夢寐以求的購藏目標 Elliot Faber 171

Hanyu Ichiro s Malt 21 Year Old Single Malt 1986 3cm below foil, lightly damp-stained label, Vintage Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1986 and bottled by Ichiro s Malt in 2007, Hoghead cask, bottle #65/225, 58% alcohol, 700ML 923 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$1600-2400 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Salon de Shimaji Single Cask into neck, ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 26 Year Old Cask #1383 1986 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1986 and bottled in 2013, aged 26 years, madeira finish, cask #1383, bottle #134/260, 55.3% alcohol 14 Year Old Cask #1504 2000 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2014, aged 14 years, Mizunara heads, cask #1504, bottle #224/293, 3rd release, 57.7% alcohol 924 above two 700ml per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt 22 Year Old Cask #381 Single Cask 1991 lightly scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 1991 and bottled by Ichiro s Malt in 2014, cask #381, 57.1% alcohol, 700ML 925 one 700ml per lot HK$10,000-15,000 US$1300-1900 Lot 925 172

Hanyu Ichiro s Malt The Game 1st Edition to 5th Edition 2000 Released only in to the Shinanoya department store, The Game is a unicorn tangent to Ichiro Akuto s card series and a must for any Hanyu enthusiast or collector. 羽生伊知郎 Malt the Game 2000 年第一版至第五版 此系列只限於日本的信濃屋出售, 是與肥土伊知郎 紙牌系列 相呼應的絕版珍稀醇釀 ; 更是羽生威士忌的追求者和收藏家夢寐以求的購藏目標 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt The Game 2000 ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 1st Edition 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2009, bottle #107/476, 61.2% alcohol 2nd Edition 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in November 2011, Mizunara and Heads Hogshead finish, cask #917, bottle #228, 59.4% alcohol 3rd Edition 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2012, Red oak and Heads Hogshead finish, cask #360, bottle #285/309, 57.5% alcohol 4th Edition 700ml (1) distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2012, Rum oak finish, cask #9805, bottle #14/232, 59% alcohol 5th Edition 700ml (1) lightly bin-soiled label, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2013, Mizunara oak finish, cask #1302, bottle #263/299, 59.5% alcohol 926 above five 700ml per lot HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-16,000 Hanyu Ichiro s Malt Card - Six of Clubs ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Hanyu Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2011, 1st cask Hogshead and 2nd cask Oloroso sherry butt, cask #1303, 58.6% alcohol, 700ML 927 one 700ml per lot HK$12,000-18,000 US$1600-2400 Lot 927 Lot 926 173

Karuizawa Distillery Karuizawa has changed hands many times in its short history, but it all began in 1955 at a vineyard near mount Asama in Nagano,. The distillery closed in the year 2000 along with Hanyu, Ichiro Akuto assumed custody of the remaining casks before the distillery was completely dismantled in the mid 2000s. The releases from Karuizawa are few and far between; they become more and more scarce as there are fewer and fewer casks left to bottle. The Noh release, with each label portraying a character from the Noh ese theatre is now a cult collectible. In the 2000s an English/Taiwanese joint venture called Number One Drinks purchased the remaining casks from the closed distillery and they began to release the casks under a carefully curated set of different themes. The aforementioned Noh series is one of them but there also exists a rare Samurai series and a Sumo collection, among others. The Library bottles are carefully selected casks that are indicative of Karuizawa s Sherried style with single cask releases from the '60s, '70s and '80s. Verticals are extremely hard to come by but they are very special to taste as they are indicative of how the distillery slowly evolved over the decades. Also extremely rare are the Pre-Number One Drinks bottlings. These are old releases that were bottled either in the '90s or earlier, making them a true piece of ese Whisky history. Single cask verticals, the historic Pre-Number One Drinks Bottlings and the iconic Noh and Sumo bottlings are all available at Zachys. Lot 928 174

輕井沢蒸餾所 輕井沢蒸餾所建於 1955 年, 原本是個位於長野縣淺間市 鄰近淺間山的葡萄園 它在短短的歷史裡曾經多次易手, 至 2000 年時與羽生蒸餾所一同結業 ; 而在 2000 年代中期蒸餾所建築被完全拆毀前, 肥土伊知郎把輕井沢的窖藏拯救出來, 承擔保管的責任 輕井沢的出品只能用罕有來形容, 每推出一次, 便意味著又少了一桶存世 他們的 能劇系列, 以日本傳統能劇的角色作為酒標, 已然成為大受歡迎的特別收藏 不久之後, 一家名為 一番 (Number One Drinks) 的台英合資公司買下了輕井沢的舊窖藏, 以精心策劃的主題酒標讓這些陳年佳釀再現光芒 除了上述的能劇系列, 侍系列 和 相撲系列 都是他們的得意之作, 發行量皆非常稀少 更珍貴的當數 圖書館系列, 以精選的 60 70 和 80 年代的單桶威士忌入瓶, 盡展輕井沢側重雪莉桶的風格 要集齊這系列的所有年代作品殊非易事, 然而透過垂直品嚐 圖書館系列, 輕井沢蒸餾所多年來的沿革便能了然於胸 在被 一番 收購前所推出的輕井沢威士忌也同樣罕見, 這些古老佳釀早於 90 年代甚至之前入瓶, 是蒸餾所數十年來的巔峰之作, 酒瓶盛載的豈止於威士忌, 簡直就是日本威士忌的編年史 Lot 929 Karuizawa 21 Year Old Single Malt 1965 original wood box with slightly cracked lid, includes dampstained original carton 1.5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled in Ocean Karuizawa Distillery in 1965, aged 21 years, production: 518 bottles, 43% alcohol, 720ML 928 one 720ml per lot HK$90,000-130,000 US$12,000-17,000 Karuizawa 42 Year Old Cask #6426 Single Cask 1967 lightly bin-soiled and wrinkled 5cm, ese Single Cask Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1967 and bottled on 17th August 2009, cask #6426, 58.4% alcohol, 700ML 929 one 700ml per lot HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-16,000 175

Lot 930 176

Karuizawa Geisha Single Cask 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 42 Year Old Cask #6227 1970 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1970 and bottled in 2012, cask #6227, sherry butt, bottle #299/433, 61.9% alcohol 41 Year Old Cask #7267 1971 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1971 and bottled in 2012, cask #7267, sherry butt, bottle #265/467, 62.8% alcohol 930 above two 700ml per lot HK$110,000-160,000 US$14,000-20,000 Karuizawa 40 Year Old Cask #8833 Single Cask 1972 3cm, lightly scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1972 and bottled in 2012, aged 40 years, sherry butt, cask #8833, bottle #53/267, 55.9% alcohol, 700ML 931 one 700ml per lot HK$70,000-100,000 US$9000-13,000 Lot 931 177

Karuizawa 35 Year Old Cask #6736 Single Cask 1975 5cm, Single Cask Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1975 and bottled on 14th June 2010, cask #6736, 61.8% alcohol, 700ML 932 one 700ml per lot HK$26,000-38,000 US$3400-5000 Lot 932 Karuizawa Geisha Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky 34 Year Old Cask #7818 1976 (1) 2.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1976 and bottled in 2010, cask #7818, sherry butt, bottle #474/554, 63.6% alcohol, 750ML 31 Year Old Cask #7818 1981 700ml (1) 3cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2012, cask #2100, sherry butt, bottle #289/409, 60.4% alcohol, 700ML 29 Year Old Cask #2656 1983 700ml (1) 3cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled in 2012, cask #2656, sherry butt, bottle #421/589, 57.6% alcohol, 700ML 933 above two 700ml & 1 bottle per lot HK$80,000-120,000 US$10,000-16,000 Lot 933 178

Lot 936 Lot 934 Lot 937 Lot 935 Karuizawa Geisha 34 Year Old Cask #3584 Single Cask 1977 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled in 2011, cask #3584, sherry butt, bottle #87/169, 64.1% alcohol, 700ML 934 one 700ml per lot HK$48,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 Karuizawa 34 Year Old Cask #4747 Single Cask 1977 5cm, Single Cask Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled on 2nd August 2011, cask #4747, 66.9% alcohol, 700ML 936 one 700ml per lot HK$40,000-60,000 US$5500-8000 Karuizawa Geisha 35 Year Old Cask #4010 Single Cask 1977 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled in 2012, cask #4010, sherry butt, production: 427 bottles, 65.9% alcohol, 700ML 935 one 700ml per lot HK$26,000-38,000 US$3400-5000 Karuizawa 32 Year Old Cask #6994 Single Cask 1977 scuffed 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1977 and bottled on 24th August 2009, single cask, cask #6994, 62.7% alcohol, 700ML 937 one 700ml per lot HK$32,000-48,000 US$4200-6500 179

Karuizawa 21 Year Old Cask #3035 Single Cask 1978 3.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1978, aged 21 years, cask #3035, bottle #295, 40% alcohol, 700ML 938 one 700ml per lot HK$24,000-36,000 US$3200-4600 Karuizawa Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky, single cask, 700ML 31 Year Old Cask #6568 1980 700ml (1) 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1980 and bottled on 2nd August 2011, cask #6568, 56.4% alcohol 30 Year Old Cask #7925 1981 700ml (1) 5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled on 19th October 2011, cask #7925, 59.6% alcohol, original gift box 29 Year Old Cask #2279 1982 700ml (1) 5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled on 16th September 2011, single cask, cask #2279, 58.1% alcohol, 28 Year Old Cask #7524 1983 700ml (1) 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled on 26th October 2011, cask #7524, 57.4% alcohol, original gift box 27 Year Old Cask #2963 1984 700ml (1) 5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled on 20th September 2011, single cask, cask #2963, 57.2% alcohol, 939 above five 700ml per lot HK$90,000-130,000 US$12,000-17,000 Lot 938 Lot 939 180

Lot 940 Lot 941 Lot 942 Karuizawa Fire Dragon 30 Year Old Cask #6370 Single Cask 1981 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2011, single cask, sherry butt, cask #6370, 53.8% alcohol, bottle #338/378, 700ML 940 one 700ml per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800 Karuizawa 30 Year Old Cask #7925 Single Cask 1981 6cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled on 19th October 2011, cask #7925, 59.6% alcohol, 700ML 942 one 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$1900-2800 Karuizawa 30 Year Old Cask #6207 Single Cask 1981 5.5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled on 5th September 2011, cask #6207, 58.3% alcohol, 700ML 941 one 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$1900-2800 181

The Sumo Series Trio 相撲系列 The Sumo Series Trio features an art series label by ese Ukiyo-e artist Hachisuka Kuniaki -famous for depicting the Sumo rituales in painting. The first paintings dating back to 1603, Ukiyo-e is a unique form of woodblock printing whose Kanji translates into pictures of the floating world". Bottles Number One Drinks reserved some a vertical of 30, 31 and 32 year old single casks to place in this lacquered box three bottle set of which only 340 were ever produced. 相撲系列 三瓶套裝的酒標出自浮世繪畫家 Hachisuka Kuniaki 之手, 他以擅畫相撲盛會儀式而聞名 第一幅畫源自 1603 年, 浮世繪是一種獨特的彩色木板印刷畫, 意為浮華世間的繪畫 第一瓶採用了 30 年 31 年及 32 年的垂直年份單桶原酒, 外盒為精美漆木, 三瓶系列套裝僅生產 340 套 Karuizawa Sumo Single Cask in 3-pack original presentation case bottle #57/340, 700ML 32 Year Old Cask #818 1981 700ml (1) 3cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2013, sherry butt, cask #818, 56.9% alcohol 31 Year Old Cask #4971 1982 700ml (1) 3cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2013, sherry butt, cask #4971, 57.9% alcohol 30 Year Old Cask #3408 1983 700ml (1) 3cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled in 2013, sherry butt, cask #3408, 58.4% alcohol 943 above three 700ml per lot HK$120,000-180,000 US$16,000-24,000 182

Karuizawa Cocktail Series Featuring ese Manga-styled from ese artist Hideyuki Katsumata, this is a series of four single casks that were exclusive to La Maison du Whisky. These bottles gained recognition and popularity a few years ago when two Karuizawa single casks were released by that same artist for the Tokyo International Bar Show. They are great examples of the character and diversity showcased in each unique single cask. 本系列的酒標由日本藝術家 Hideyuki Katsumata 製作, 充滿漫畫風格 這一系列四個年份的單桶佳釀僅於法國著名酒商 La Maison du Whisky 發售 數年前, 在東京國際調酒展 (Tokyo International Bar Show) 上, 輕井沢推出了兩個單桶酒款, 酒標亦是由同一位藝術家創作, 自此這些佳釀開始受到矚目和賞識 它們完美地呈現出每一款單桶的不同風格和特色 Karuizawa Cocktail Series Single Cask 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 31 Year Old Cask #162 1981 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2012, cask #162, 55.8% alcohol 30 Year Old Cask #8444 1982 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2012, cask #8444, 58.6% alcohol 29 Year Old Cask #8597 1983 700ml (1) 3cm, scuffed label, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled in 2012, cask #8597, 62.1% alcohol, 700ML 28 Year Old Cask #7975 1984 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2012, cask #7975, 59.3% alcohol 944 above four 700ml per lot HK$110,000-160,000 US$14,000-20,000 183

Lot 945 Karuizawa Single Cask 28 Year Old Cask #7981 1981 700ml (1) 2.5cm, lightly scuffed and bin-soiled label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2009, Sherry Puncheon cask, cask #7981, production: 390 bottles, 59.6% alcohol, 700ML 26 Year Old Cask #2230 1982 700ml (1) 5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2008, sherry butt, cask #2230, production: 612 bottles, 58% alcohol, 700ML 21 Year Old Cask #4587 1989 700ml (1) 5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1989 and bottled in 2010, sherry butt, cask #4587, production: 240 bottles, 59.6% alcohol, 700ML 945 above three 700ml per lot HK$55,000-80,000 US$7000-10,000 Lot 946 Karuizawa Geisha Single Cask 5cm, first fill sherry cask, 700ML 30 Year Old Cask #6256 1981 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2011, cask #6256, 57.5% alcohol 27 Year Old Cask #2748 1982 700ml (1) damp-stained label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2009, cask #2748, 56.1% alcohol 22 Year Old Cask #679 1990 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1990 and bottled in 2012, cask #679, 56.1% alcohol 946 above three 700ml per lot HK$60,000-90,000 US$8000-12,000 184

Lot 947 Lot 948 Karuizawa Geisha Single Cask 3cm, sherry butt, 700ML 31 Year Old Cask #2032 1981 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2012, cask #2042, bottle #118/440, 56.7% alcohol 29 Year Old Cask #2233 1983 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1983 and bottled in 2012, cask #2233, bottle #443/460, 59.4% alcohol 947 above two 700ml per lot HK$50,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 Karuizawa Single Cask 33 Year Old Cask #152 1981 700ml (1) 6cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in March 1981 and bottled in April 2014, Ex-sherry butt, cask #152, 54.5% alcohol, 700ML, 30 Year Old Cask #8173 1984 700ml (1) 6cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in April 1984 and bottled in April 2014, Ex-bourbon cask, cask #8173, 58.5% alcohol, 700ML 948 above two 700ml per lot HK$44,000-65,000 US$6000-8500 185

Karuizawa Single Cask 6cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, sherry cask, 700ML 32 Year Old Cask #6056 1981 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981 and bottled in 2013, cask #6056, 60.3% alcohol 29 Year Old Cask #3663 1984 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2013, sherry cask, cask #3663, 56.8% alcohol 949 above two 700ml per lot HK$50,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 186

Karuizawa Single Cask Part of a two-bottle set that was exclusively released to Wine and Spirits importer Shinanoya to celebrate their 5th anniversary, these bottles were almost completely reserved and barely hit the shelves before being completely sold out three years ago. 此兩瓶套裝由日本洋酒進口商信濃屋獨家專賣, 慶祝其創業五週年 這批佳釀在三年前正式上架前幾乎已被預購一空 Karuizawa Single Cask ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 31 Year Old Cask 1981 700ml (1) 獅子虎図屏風, mid shoulder, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1981, aged 31 years, Bourbon barrel, cask #4961, production: 228 bottles, Shinanoya Private Cask 5th Anniversary, 60% alcohol 16 Year Old Cask 1995 700ml (1) 獅子虎図屏風, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1995, aged 16 years, ese wine cask, cask #5006, production: 180 bottles, Shinanoya Private Cask 5th Anniversary, 69.3% alcohol 950 above two 700ml per lot HK$60,000-90,000 US$8000-12,000 187

Lot 951 Karuizawa Koi Single Cask 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, 700ML 30 Year Old Cask #8497 1982 700ml (1) lightly nicked label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1982 and bottled in 2012, first fill bourbon cask, cask #8497, 46% alcohol 20 Year Old Cask #4021 1984 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2012, first fill sherry cask, cask #4021, 64.5% alcohol 951 above two 700ml per lot HK$50,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 Karuizawa Noh 31 Year Old Cask #2030 Single Cask 1984 2.5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, sherry cask, cask #2030, production: 522 bottles, 58.2% alcohol, 700ML 952 one 700ml per lot HK$30,000-46,000 US$3800-6000 Lot 952 188

Lot 953 Karuizawa 26 Year Old Cask #2962 Single Cask 1984 2cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2010, sherry butt, cask #2962, production: 554 bottles, 57.1% alcohol 953 1 bottle per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800 Karuizawa 29 Year Old Cask #7802 Single Cask 1984 lightly wrinkled into neck, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 29th November 1984 and bottled on 13th October 2014, aged 29 years, Spanish oak Olorosso sherry cask, sherry butt, cask #7802, bottle #392/577, selected by Richard Kelly, Marius Vestnes, Martin T. Smith, 56.7% alcohol, 700ML 954 one 700ml per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800 Lot 954 189

Lot 955 Karuizawa 27 Year Old Single Cask 1984 5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, single cask, 700ML Cask #2963 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled on 20th September 2011, cask #2963, 57.2% alcohol Cask #3653 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled on 18th October 2011, cask #3653, 59.3% alcohol Cask #3660 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled on 17th October 2011, cask #3660, 59.6% alcohol 955 above three 700ml per lot HK$50,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 Karuizawa 25 Year Old Cask #2541 Single Cask 1985 5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985 and bottled in 2010, cask #2541, sherry butt, production: 547 bottles, 58.9% alcohol, 700ML 956 one 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$1900-2800 Lot 956 190

RARE SPIRITS Karuizawa Single Cask Contained in a beautiful lacquered case, these three Samurai bottles are a tangent that predates the more widely known tenbottle Samurai set. A must for any collector of Karuizawa. 三瓶 侍系列 佳釀以精美漆木盒包裝, 年份早於著名的 侍系列 十瓶套裝 任何輕井沢收藏家都不能錯過的特別典藏 Karuizawa Single Cask original presentation box includes original carton 2.5cm, sherry butt, production: 313 bottles, 700ML 28 Year Old Cask #6206 1986 700ml (1) 大亂鬥, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1986 and bottled in 2014, cask #6206, 56.5% alcohol 27 Year Old Cask #2031 1987 700ml (1) 大亂鬥, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1987 and bottled in 2014, cask #2031, 58.4% alcohol 26 Year Old Cask #3406 1988 700ml (1) 大亂鬥, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1988 and bottled in 2014, cask #3406, 57.4% alcohol 957 above three 700ml per lot HK$100,000-150,000 US$13,000-19,000 191

Karuizawa Single Cask ese Single Cask Malt Whisky, 700ML 19 Year Old Cask #7683 1988 700ml (1) 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1988 and bottled on 20th February 2007, aged 19 years, cask #7683, 59.3% alcohol 11 Year Old Cask #861 1999 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and bottled on 29th March 2010, aged 11 years, cask #861, 61.3% alcohol 11 Year Old Cask #6470 2000 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 2000 and bottled on 26th September 2011, aged 11 years, cask #6470, 64.5% alcohol 958 above three 700ml per lot HK$40,000-60,000 US$5500-8000 Karuizawa 16 Year Old Cask #3681 Single Cask 1996 ese Single Cask Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1996 and bottled in 2013, aged 16 years Sherry cask, cask #3681, bottle #76/140, 59.5% alcohol, 700ML 959 one 700ml per lot HK$30,000-46,000 US$3800-6000 Lot 959 Lot 958 192

The Samurai Series A unique series of specially selected 30 year single casks that were distilled in 1984 and 1985, the Samurai series is the ultimate opportunity to taste variation and terroir behind a selection of Karuizawa s single sherry casks. The ten-bottle set is now complete and while bottles trickle through, there is yet to be a complete ten-bottle set in auction. 侍系列 三瓶 侍系列 佳釀以精美漆木盒包裝, 年份早於著名的 侍系列 十瓶套裝 任何輕井沢收藏家都不能錯過的特別典藏 Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #7857 Single Cask 1984 original wood case 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984, bottled in 2014, aged 30 years, Sherry butt, cask #7857, production: 508 bottles, 58% alcohol, 700ML 960 one 700ml per lot HK$28,000-42,000 US$3600-5500 Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #7963 Single Cask 1984 original wood case 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984, bottled in 2014, aged 30 years, Sherry butt, cask #7963, production: 437 bottles, 58.1% alcohol, 700ML 961 one 700ml per lot HK$28,000-42,000 US$3600-5500 Lot 960 Lot 961 193

Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Cask #6432 Single Cask 1985 original wood case 6cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985, bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, bourbon cask, cask #6432, production: 404 bottles, 63.2% alcohol, 700ML 962 one 700ml per lot HK$38,000-55,000 US$5000-7000 194

Karuizawa Samurai 30 Year Old Single Cask original wood case aged 30 years, Sherry butt, 700ML Cask #3139 1984 700ml (1) 5.5cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1984 and bottled in 2014, cask #3139, production: 494 bottles, 55.4% alcohol Cask #3620 1985 700ml (1) 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985, bottled in 2015, cask #3620, production: 280 bottles, 60.2% alcohol Cask #3622 1985 700ml (1) 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985, bottled in 2015, cask #3622, production: 332 bottles, 61.1% alcohol Cask #4201 1985 700ml (1) 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985, bottled in 2015, cask #4201, production: 358 bottles, 57.4% alcohol Cask #7843 1985 700ml (1) 6cm, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1985, bottled in 2015, cask #7843, production: 458 bottles, 58.3% alcohol 963 above five 700ml per lot HK$170,000-260,000 US$22,000-34,000 195

Karuizawa Geisha Single Cask 3cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, 700ML, 29 Year Old Cask #8897 700ml (1) aged 29 years, cask #8897, Bourbon cask, 53.9% alcohol 30 year Old Cask #5347 700ml (1) aged 30 years, cask #5347, sherry cask, 58.2% alcohol 964 above two 700ml per lot HK$70,000-100,000 US$9000-13,000 196

Karuizawa Kinlonz Culture A true sign of the Hong Kong appreciation of ese Whisky, this was bottled exclusively for the local cigar and whisky club Kinlonz Culture. 這款酒見證了香港市場對日本威士忌的尊崇和喜愛 酒廠特地為一間本地雪茄及威士忌俱樂部 Kinlonz Culture 裝瓶, 可見這個俱樂部的優越品味 Karuizawa Kinlonz Culture 30 Year Old Cask #3619 Single Cask 1985 original wood box with original carton 5.5cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2015, aged 30 years, cask #3619, sherry butt, production: 282 bottles, 60.6% alcohol, 700ML 965 one 700ml per lot HK$48,000-75,000 US$6500-9500 197

Karuizawa The Last Bottling 14 Year Old Single Malt 1999 ese Single Cask Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and bottled in 2013, aged 14 years, ese single cask, 60.5% alcohol, 700ML 966 one 700ml per lot HK$6000-9000 US$800-1200 Lot 966 Memories of Karuizawa Single Cask ese Malt Whisky, sherry cask, 700ML 21 Year Old Cask #9106 1991 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1991, aged 21 years, cask #9106, 63.7% alcohol 16 Year Old Cask #3684 1996 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1996, aged 16 years, cask #3684, 61.8% alcohol 13 Year Old Cask #879 1999 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999, aged 13 years, cask #879, 62.9% alcohol 14 Year Old Cask #855 1999 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999, aged 14 years, cask #855, 57% alcohol 967 above four 700ml per lot HK$30,000-46,000 US$3800-6000 Lot 967 198

Karuizawa The Colors of Four Seasons Single Cask ese Malt Whisky, 700ML 13 Year Old Cask #5329 1999 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 30th March 1999 and bottled on 28th September 2012, aged 13 years, bottle #81/82, cask #5329, 64.2% alcohol 12 Year Old Cask #3173 2000 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery on 1st December 2000 and bottled on 1st February 2013, aged 12 years, bottle #62/185, cask #5173, 64.8% alcohol 968 above two 700ml per lot HK$22,000-32,000 US$2800-4200 As a one-time seasonal pre Number One Drinks bottling from Mercian, this Karuizawa is arguably rarer than those releases that have come over the last ten years or so, as these were bottled decades ago. They were bottled during the short stage that Kirin operated out of Nagano s Karuizawa distillery. 這款季節系列只推出過一次, 採用前 一番 時期的輕井沢威士忌, 由輕井沢酒廠 ( 美露香 Mercian 旗下 ) 釀製及裝瓶 這款佳釀比過去十多年來輕井沢推出的其他酒款更為罕有, 它們在數十年前就已裝瓶, 當時 Kirin 富士御殿場蒸餾所正短暫借用長野市的輕井沢釀造所進行釀製 Karuizawa Tsutagura 16 Year Old Single Malt 2cm, ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, aged 16 years, 700ML Autumn + Winter 700ml (1) scuffed and bin-soiled label, 46% alcohol Spring + Summer 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, 40% alcohol 969 above two 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 199

Karuizawa Whisky Tokyo Barshow Single Cask 1999 & 2000 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery and bottled in 2012, selected casks from the 1999 & 2000, 700ML Cask #2565 700ml (1) Karuizawa Marrying cask for tibs #2565, 61.6% alcohol Cask #7698 700ml (1) Karuizawa Marrying cask for tibs #7698, 61.7% alcohol 970 above two 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 Karuizawa 12 Year Old Single Malt 2000 ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 2000 and bottled in 2013, aged 12 years, 700ML Balanced Sherry 700ml (1) 60.9% alcohol Brilliant Sherry 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, 60.2% alcohol 971 above two 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 200

Lot 972 Karuizawa Single Malt ese 100% Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, 40% alcohol, 700ML 8 Year Old 700ml (1) damp-stained label, aged 8 years 10 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 10 years 12 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 12 years 15 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 15years 972 above four 700ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$1900-2800 Karuizawa Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, 40% alcohol, 720ML 10 Year Old 720ml (1) distilled and aged at Ocean Karuizawa Distillery, aged 10 years 12 Year Old 720ml (1) lightly damp-stained label, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, aged 12 years Exceed 12 Year Old 720ml (1) distilled and bottled at Karuizawa Distillery 25 Malts 720ml (1) distilled and bottled at Karuizawa Distillery 973 above four 720ml per lot HK$15,000-22,000 US$1900-2800 Lot 973 201

Karuizawa Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, 40% alcohol, 700ML 12 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 12 years 15 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 15 years 974 above two 700ml per lot HK$8000-12,000 US$1000-1600 Lot 974 Karuizawa Single Malt ese Single Malt Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, 40% alcohol, 700ML 15 Year Old 700ml (1) aged 15years 17 Year Old 700ml (2) aged 17 years 975 above three 700ml per lot HK$20,000-30,000 US$2600-3800 Lot 975 202

Lots 976 & 977 Karuizawa Single Malt 1999-2000 700ML Asama 46% 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, selected from 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 46% alcohol, Asama 50.5% 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, selected vintages 1999 and 2000, sherry casks, 50.5% alcohol, Spirits of Asama 48% 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, Single Malt ese Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 48% alcohol Spirits of Asama 55% 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, Single Malt ese Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 55% alcohol 976 above four 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 Karuizawa Single Malt 1999-2000 700ML Asama 46% 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, selected from 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 46% alcohol, Asama 50.5% 700ml (1) distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, selected vintages 1999 and 2000, sherry casks, 50.5% alcohol, Spirits of Asama 48% 700ml (1) scuffed label, Single Malt ese Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 48% alcohol Spirits of Asama 55% 700ml (1) lightly scuffed label, Single Malt ese Whisky, distilled by Karuizawa Distillery in 1999 and 2000 and bottled in 2012, European oak sherry casks, 55% alcohol 977 above four 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 203

Lot 978 Karuizawa Cask Strength Singe Malt distilled by Karuizawa Distillery, a blend of the finest single malts, sherry butt, 61.7% alcohol, 700ML, 1st Release 700ml (1) 2cm below foil, cask strength 1st release 2nd Release 700ml (1) 2.5cm below foil, cask strength 2nd release 3rd Release 700ml (1) 2.5cm below foil, cask strength 3rd release 4th Release 700ml (1) 2cm below foil, cask strength 4th release 978 above four 700ml per lot HK$18,000-28,000 US$2400-3600 Lot 979 Mixed Whisky Karuizawa School of Malt Three 21 Year Old Cask #9091 Single Cask 1991 700ml (1) Single Malt ese Whisky, distilled and bottled by Karuizara Distillery in 1991, aged 21 years, Sherry butt #9091, 63.7% alcohol, 700ML Ballindalloch School of Malt Two 36 Year Old Single Malt 700ml (1) into neck, lightly oxidized foil, Single Malt Scotch Whisky, distilled by Ballindalloch Distillery in 1976 and bottled in Scotch, aged 36 years, 55.2% alcohol, 700ML Tomatin School of Malt One 34 Year Old Single Malt 700ml (1) into neck, lightly bin-soiled label, lightly oxidized foil, Single Malt Scotch Whisky, distilled and bottled by Tomatin Distillery in Scotch, aged 34 years, Sherry butt, 51.3% alcohol, 700ML 979 above three 700ml per lot HK$32,000-48,000 US$4200-6500 204