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88 89 1990 1998 1

89b 89 91 89 86 79 91 91 Nodelman 1992/2000 90 84 79 88 89 91 89 79 91 89 2

90 90 The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales 1992 91 3

89 89 90 Bader 1976 Huck 1979 Kiefer 1982 Moebius 1990/2000 84 77 80 82 80 76 82 79 Agosto 1999 Nodelman 1988 1999 Stewig 1989 4

89b 5





Nodelman 1988 Sipe 1998 Agosto 1999 87 80 85 picture books 1600 85 10

Hunt 1990 Stewig 1989 picture story books Glazer 1991 87 Jalongo 1988 illustrated book Huck 1979 80 Bader 1976 / visual/verbal entity 11

Cianciolo narrative graphic art 87 Kiefer 1982 Glazer 1991 codes or systems of communication Kiefer 1993 89a 89b 77 84 86 80 Caldecott Medal 88 76 12

80 89 82 Nodelman 1988 88 13

Bodmer 1992 Agosto 1999 Agosto 1999 Bodmer 1992 Moebuis 1990/2000 Nodelman 1988 Sipe 1998 semiotics 89a Maurice Sendak 87 Robert Ornstein Nodelman 1988 14

Sipe 1998 Sipe 1998 C.Peirce M. Siegel Agosto 1999 twice-told gaps Agosto 1999 augmentation contradiction 15

irony Nodelman 1988 89 78 Beckson 1990 89 78 Nodelman 16

1988 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 85 91 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 17

91 78 89 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 87 18

89 Plot 74 89 62 80 89 1994 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 80 19

80 80 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 87 89 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Essentials of Children s Literature 27 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Essentials of Children s Literature 29 Conflict 80 Norton 89 20

Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 78 Character 87 89 91 Nodelman 1988 87 90 Characters development 21

Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 round character flat Characterization Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 Nodelman 1988 1992/2000 88 1981/1995 85 22

86 86 89 1. 89 91 89 91 2. 89 Bang 1991 23

Nodelman 1992/2000 3. 89 Itten 73 72 87 87 91 Setting integral setting backdrop setting Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 24

89 Nodelman 1988 1992/2000 Moebius 1990/2000 Theme Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 Huck 1979 catharsis 91 Nodelman 1992/2000 91 25

91 Point of view 89 Style 89 26

90 Fairy tale fairy tale Nodelman 1992/2000 Nodelman 1992/2000 80 78 79 27

87 Nodelman 1992/2000 90 90 79 84 88 28

89 91 89 90 88 21 Burkert Hyman Ed Young 1990 29

89 91 91 89 89 89 91 30


1987 Swan & Symington Trites 1994 89 Perry Nodelman 87 32

1979 1998 Nodelman Kummerling-Meibauer 88 Nodelman 89 Nodelman Sipe 33

89 89 90 90 34


Ferrero 82 90 fairy tales Nodelman 1992/2000 Nodelman 1992/2000 36

case study 76 82 37

Patton 1990/1995 statistical generalization analytic generalization 82 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Agosto 1999 38

39 Plot progressive plots flashback Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 87 3-1 3-2 3-1

40 3-2 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996

Conflict Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Character 1. Characters development Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 round character flat 41

2. Characterization Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 86 89 1 89 91 42

2 89 Bang 1991 3 89 90 43

Setting integral setting backdrop setting Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 Nodelman 1988 Moebius 1990/2000 Theme Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 44

Point of view 89 style 89 Agosto 1999 twice-told interdependent tale 45

augmention contradiction Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 Agosto 1999 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 46

3-1 1. 2. 1 2 3-47



4-1 50

4-1 51

progressive plots flashback Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 89 87 52

Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 53

Tomlinson & Lynch Brown 1996 54


Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 Bang 1991 56

Bang 1991 72 87 integral setting backdrop setting Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 57

Nodelman 1988 58

79 Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 59


Agosto 1999 61


4-2 63

4-2 64

Tomlinson& Lynch-Brown 1996 progressive plots flashback Tomlinson & 65

Lynch-Brown 1996 66




Bang 1991 87 Ltten 62 70

Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 71

Nodelman 1988 1992/2000 Moebius 1990/2000 Moebius 1990/2000 Moebius 1990/2000 72



Tomlinson & Lynch-Brown 1996 75

interdependent tale Bettina Kummerling-Meibauer 1999 irony 76

Agosto 1999 Agosto 1999 77

Bettina Kummerling-Meibauer 1999 78


1. Nodelman 1988 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 80

Nodelman 1988 Sipe 1998 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 81


2. Nodelman 1988 Kümmerling-Meibauer 1999 83








1 91

2 92

3 93





4-1 98

4-1 - - - 99







/ Ferrero / 1993 Jon Scieskza / Lane Smith/ 2001 Babette Cole / 2002 / Stasys Eidrigevicius / 1994 Ed Young / 1992 Alix Bereny / 1994 Scieskza/ Lane Smith/ 2003 PART Dominique Maes / Babette Cole / 1999 106

90 76 80 84 90 91 4 20 http://www.iest.edu.tw/issue/j1/18-5.htm 90 62 80 43 2 29-36 107

108 77 89 1973 87 89 80 78 88 89 1988-1998 143-170 90 89 163-183 85-302 11-17 91

109 73 72 84 87 80 82 6 285-307 89 0 1988-1998 143-170 78 165-182 79 90 -- 87 86

18 43-54 86 89 89 1989-1999 89 91 11 19 http://forum.yam.org.tw/bongchhi/old/story/story1.htm 80 90 80 46 20-33 88 89 110

111 82 78 82 33 65-72 89 1992 89 87 94 17-22 76 64-69 78 61-68 85 302 52-56 88 91 91 10 31 http://www.iest.edu.tw/study/chinese/trend/5-11-1.htm

85 302 18-20 89a 313-323 89b 1988-1998 84 1990 90 79 21 389-412 74 33-41 91 www.dcfever.com 92.08.11 112

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