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1 VCD DVD 2 3 4 5 4

6 VCD DVD 7 8 20034 9 2000 200146 5

87 9 89 12 VHSVCDDVD 90 1 90 12 VHSVCDDVD 20002001 2004 7-9 6

1986 2000 2002 2000 2003 10 1996 1997 1978 1987 how 7

what 1978 1996 2003 1999 explanation interpretation 2005c 138-139 soap opera melodrama 2005 2002 1999 11 1920 8

12 A.A. Berger 2005c142 Berger, 1991 1992: 37-38 12 Saussure signifier signified Saussure Lapsley, R. and Westlake, M. Semiotics, Film Theory: An Introduction, pp.32-66..manchester: Manchester University Press,1988 9

199688-91 pan tilt / dolly in/back crane Katz,1991 2002: 359; 383 13 1996174 14 1987420 Zettl,1995 1999: 312 10

1999468-471 editing 11

15 Kenneth Clatterbaugh, 1990 2003: 42-45 Pease 2000 16 12

Fiske 1987 幒 17 値 13

2003152-153 Basow, 1992 14

200194 Carl Jung shadow anima 1998172-177 15

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19 Zettl, 1990 1991:45 backlight over-exposure 17

1999471 The personal is the political Harding, 199816 consciousness sisterhood 18

20 1999 13-14 separation Voice 19

Simmons, 2001 2003: 4-6; 40-41; 132-133 20

1996206 ~ ~ ~ voice-over narrator off-screen sound storyteller Kozloff, 1992: 81-85 2005a: 149-150 21

21 22 2000 312 23 Lacan 24 22

imaginary Lapsley, R. and Westlake, M., 1988: 67-70 1989: 8-14; 28-29 Name of the Father Phallus Penis 23

Phallus Sarup, 1993: 14-17 Phallus Phallus Mulvey, 1975: 6 24

~ ~ 25


199699 27

Zettl, 1990 1991 28

25 29





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2005 2004 4 8 5 2002 71115-123 2005 2002 2002 -- 27(12)80-87 2003 1996 22153-193 2004 1998 1999 35

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TV Literature Drama Painting Soul Visual aesthetics, Cultural codes and Gender construction. Pei-Chun ChenDaniel T.H. Chao Abstract This paper adopts textual analysis, taking Painting Soul a literature drama of Public Broadcasting System as research case. It analyzes gender images, power relationships and social constructions of gender with three dimensions including visual aesthetics, characters, and dialogues. Based on the theoretical perspectives of visual aesthetics, narration theory, psychoanalysis, and feminism, this research demonstrates sexuality in the literature drama. The research results could be concluded to three parts: gender images the characters represented, gender images and power relationships aesthetically represented, and plots analysis. It shows that, males in traditional society were often portrayed dominant, nevertheless, he could be a victim in the patriarchal system and pays the higher price to maintain his privilege. On the contrary, the female in traditional society keeps her role expectation, and seems to manage to have developed several resistant strategies. Yet resistant strategies proposed by the female might not set her free, but strengthen the control of patriarchal ideology. KeywordsConstruction and Representation, Gender, Literature Drama,Painting Soul, Visual Aesthetics 41