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本 研 究 报 告 仅 通 过 邮 件 提 供 给 泰 信 基 金 管 理 有 限 公 司 泰 信 基 金 管 理 有 限 公 司 使 用 2 投 资 案 件 投 资 评 级 与 估 值 6 个 月 目 标 价 26 元, 首 次 评 级 给 与 买 入

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216 年 8 月 市 场 概 述 216 年 月 日, 通 州 出 台 了 商 住 限 购 新 政, 规 定 新 建 商 业 办 公 项 目 应 当 按 照 规 划 用 途 销 售, 并 只 能 出 售 给 企 事 业 单 位 或 社 会 组 织, 且 上 述 单 位 购 买 后 再 出 售 时,

213 年 8 月 点 评 报 告 财 务 摘 要 合 并 损 益 表 关 键 假 设 百 万 元 E 214E 215E 营 业 收 入 1,473 1,792 2,113 2,613 3,268 石 化 毛 利 率 24% 24% 24% 24% 石 化 设

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金 风 科 技 (H): 财 务 数 据 概 要 损 益 表 (Rmb mn) 12/14 12/15E 12/16E 12/17E 资 产 负 债 表 (Rmb mn) 12/14 12/15E 12/16E 12/17E 主 营 业 务 收 入 17, , ,761.

商科/會計課程 (日間制文憑-修讀一年) 銜接大學學位課程 文憑課程 (日間制文憑) 適合中五(文 理 商)畢業生報讀 進身工商行業文員級職位 全期學費 $19,800 (單文憑 修讀11科) $23,800 (雙文憑 修讀13科) 分10期繳交 修讀一年(3學期) 完成工商管理學文憑 (商業學/會

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上 汽 集 团 : 财 务 数 据 概 要 损 益 表 (Rmb mn) 12/13 12/14E 12/15E 12/16E 资 产 负 债 表 (Rmb mn) 12/13 12/14E 12/15E 12/16E 主 营 业 务 收 入 563, , ,668.

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博 博 博 博 (434.HK) 公 司 报 报 從 運 營 數 據 來 看, 移 動 遊 戲 占 總 收 益 比 重 提 升 2.1 個 百 分 點 至 61% 付 費 玩 家 與 215Q4 基 本 持 平, 約 為 17 萬 人, 而 215Q4 環 比 下 降 了 17.2 個 百 分 點

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截 至 2016 年 3 月 23 日, 农 林 牧 渔 板 块 累 计 涨 幅 为 %, 在 申 万 28 个 一 级 行 业 分 类 中 排 名 第 八, 在 年 初 至 今 所 有 板 块 全 线 下 跌 的 情 况 下, 农 林 牧 渔 板 块 跌 幅 相 对 较 小 主 要 原



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C h i n a R e s e a r c h D e p t. 年 度 截 止 12 月 31 日 F 2016F 2017F 2018F 纯 利 (Net profit) RMB 百 万 元 同 比 增 减 % % 25

大 市 簡 評 新 聞 焦 點 個 股 分 析 其 他 數 據 大 市 簡 評 高 盛 指 A 股 進 入 MSCI 指 數 的 機 會 率 上 升 至 70%, 加 上 深 港 通 持 續 發 酵 刺 激 券 商 股 繼 續 上 揚, 帶 動 A 股 大 成 交 上 漲, 當 中 滬 深 兩 地

市 场 综 述 三 季 度, 上 海 投 资 市 场 交 易 量 持 续 攀 升, 共 有 八 宗 主 要 交 易 达 成, 交 易 金 额 共 计 人 民 币 160 亿 元, 环 比 增 长 59% 投 资 者 尤 其 是 国 际 投 资 者, 逐 渐 增 购 租 金 收 入 稳 定 的 核 心

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2013 年 04 月 公 司 报 告 增 速 有 望 得 到 恢 复 2) 广 告 业 务 实 现 收 入 1.1 亿 元 ( 收 入 占 比 49.7%), 同 比 下 降 5.36%, 主 要 受 宏 观 经 济 影 响 以 及 对 基 金 广 告 销 售 策 略 调 整 影 响 我 们 预


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公司报告美即控股 (1633.HK) 2013 年 1 月 7 日 美即控股 (1633.HK) 电话会议纪要买入 目标价 : HK$ 4.62 潜在升幅 :43.9% 无需担心营销费用的上调 短期虽淡化盈利水平, 但长期来看是积极的投资 投资要点 2013 上半财年收入预计增幅在 30% 以上 :

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風 險 油 價 大 幅 上 漲 人 民 幣 加 速 貶 值 超 出 預 期 航 空 事 故 及 流 行 病 如 SARS 事 件 經 濟 下 滑 超 出 預 期 影 響 航 空 出 行 需 求 CSA s Forward P/B in ten years


公司报告业绩分析 丽珠医药 (1513 HK) 受惠先前的销售制度改革丽珠医药于 8 月 19 日公布 16 上半年总体盈利和核心净利润分别为人民币 4.09 亿 ( 同比升 20%) 及 3.64 亿 ( 同比升 27%), 符合我们预期 16 第 2 季盈利也符合我们预期, 录得人民币 1.75 亿, 同比大增 18%(15 第 2 季 : 升 3%) 尽管我们下调 16-18 财年各年的盈利预测 1%, 我们认为丽珠受惠于两年前展开的销售制度改革, 未来盈利增长理想 维持买入评级, 我们将按分部总和计算估值的基础年向前滚动至 17 财年, 目标价由 44.05 港元上调至 49.25 港元 激素药物销售理想, 推动增长核心利润同比增长 20% 至人民币 4.09 亿, 符合我们预期, 但较彭博预测低 10% 16 上半年总收益为人民币 37.84 亿, 较我们预测高 4%, 受惠激素药物销售强劲 ( 较我们预测高 48%), 当中丽申宝及醋酸亮丙瑞林微球的销售分别按年增长 57% 及 42% 至人民币 2.88 亿及 1.93 亿 我们上调激素药品的销售预测,16 财年上调 17%,17-18 财年各年上调 19%, 预示我们预测 16 下半年的激素销售维持大致稳定于人民币 7.05 亿 ( 按年升 35%) 我们维持醋酸亮丙瑞林微球的 16 财年全年销售预测不变, 为人民币 4.13 亿 ( 按年升 40%) 高毛利药品成为增长动力艾普拉唑肠溶片按年跃升 70% 至人民币 1.42 亿, 带动 16 上半年的消化系统药品销售同比增加 14% 至人民币 3.12 亿, 较我们预期高出 3% 值得注意的是, 神经系统药品注射用鼠神经生长因子于 16 上半年的销售达到人民币 2.35 亿, 同比大涨 78% 在多个增长引擎的驱动下, 我们将 16-18 财年的西药销售预测上调 10%-12%, 以及总收益预测轻微上调 3%-4% 上述大部分药品销售的毛利率超过 70%, 带动毛利率由 15 上半年的 61.2% 大幅提升至 16 上半年的 64.2% ( 我们预测为 61.8%) 因此, 我们将 16-18 财年的毛利率预测上调 230-260 个基点, 分别达到 62.5%/62.3%/62.2% 增长来自销售改革上述销售增长是基于丽珠两年前与国内分销商展开的销售制度改革 我们相信, 于 16 上半年采用的财务入账方法计入一部分的分销商及相关营销成本 因此, 我们上调 16-18 财年的运营开支占销售比率预测, 由 49.2% 水平上调至 52%, 而 16 上半年比率为 49.7%, 高于我们预测的 48.2%, 我们相应下调 16-18 财年各年的核心利润预测 1% 我们现时预测 15-18 财年的盈利年复合增长率为 18.1%( 先前预测 :18.4%) 目标价由 44.05 港元上调至 49.30 港元, 维持买入我们按分部总和计算的新目标价为 49.30 港元, 相当于 17 财年预测市盈率 24.3 倍 ( 调整前 :19.6 倍 ), 或 EV/EBITDA 11.8 倍, 相对行业平均值为 13.2 倍 我们认为估值溢价合理, 原因包括丽珠 :(1) 是中国领先的激素及头孢类抗生素药厂 ; 及 (2) 不同医疗领域专长 公司单抗生物药 疫苗及液体活检的研发估值估计为 65 亿港元 ( 或每股 14.93 港元 ), 其尚未计入我们的目标价, 占我们现时估值的 30% 图 1: 盈利预测 截至 Dec 31 ( 人民币百万 ) FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F 营业额 5,544 6,621 7,879 9,265 10,751 净利润 516 623 689 754 887 实际盈利 463 538 643 754 887 每股实际盈利 (RMB) 1.204 1.355 1.571 1.731 2.037 每股股息 (RMB) 0.08 0.37 0.36 0.34 0.34 市盈率 (x) 29.9 26.6 22.9 20.8 17.7 股息率 (%) 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 市净率 (x) 3.94 3.40 2.93 2.45 1.96 净债务与股本 (%) 3.4 (13.2) (27.3) (33.5) (32.8) 每股实际盈利增长 (%) 0.2 12.5 16.0 10.2 17.6 资料来源 : 国信证券 ( 香港 ) 研究部 中国 医疗保健生物技术与制药 2016 年 8 月 22 日买入 目标价 上次评级 / 目标价 收盘价 (21 Aug 16) HKD49.30 买入 HKD44.05 HKD42.00 Upside/downside (%) 17.4 恒生指数 22937.22 总市值 (HKDb/USDb) 20.7/2.7 52 周最高 / 最低 (HKD) 31.00-42.00 日均成交额 (USDm) 0.8 流通量 (%) 54.0% 资料来源 : 彭博 股价表现 HKD 42.0 40.0 38.0 36.0 34.0 32.0 30.0 28.0 Aug-15 Price(LHS) 股票数据 1M 3M 12M 绝对回报 (%) 5.3 14.1 5.0 绝对回报 (USD, %) 5.3 14.4 5.0 相对 HSI 回报 (%) 1.0 (1.4) 2.7 资料来源 : 彭博 公司简介丽珠医药集团是一间有多种医药专长和一体综合型的中国制药商, 约有 230 产品类型 集团销售包括五个主要医疗领域 : ( 一 ) 雌激素 ; ( 二 ) 中药 ; ( 三 ) 消化系统用药 ; ( 四 ) 抗生素 ; ( 五 ) 诊断设备 集团约有 5% 6% 的营收 (15 财年 ) 来自基本医药目录 ( 基药 ) 中的药物销售 抗生素销售额占 15 财年总营收的 28.4% 集团的 A 股仍在中国上市, 它的 B 股已在 2014 年 1 月 16 日转往香港交易所上市 上海上市的健康元药业 (600380.CH, 未评级 ) 是丽珠的单一大股东有 45.9% 的股份 (A 股包括在内 ) 资料来源 : 彭博 萧智舜 PhD 证监会中央编号 :AVV237 +852 2899 6747 jason.siu@guosen.com.hk Apr-16 Rel. to HSI(RHS) 110% 105% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 研究报告仅代表分析员个人观点, 请务必阅读正文之后的免责声明 1

Figure 2 SOTP valuation Target PE based on peers FY17F FY17F PE SOTP SOTP DCF Target PE Target weight x x (HKD) (HKD) Western drug Gastrointestinal drug (digestive system) 12.1% DCF DCF DCF 6.04 Well-established drugs with consistent new products Implied PE at 24.8x cardio-cerebral vascular drug (heart and brain medicine) 2.1% 14.5 0.3 0.63 Antibiotics 5.7% 15.5 0.9 1.81 Hormone 19.1% DCF DCF DCF 10.09 Very high entry barriers; perpetual growth assumed Implied PE at 31.9x Other western drugs 15.2% 14.5 2.2 4.51 Chinese medicine 33.5% DCF DCF DCF 20.41 anti-cancer Chinese medicine Implied PE at 25.4x Bulk medicine & intermediates 6.6% 23.0 1.5 3.09 top supplier for both human and animal use Diagnostics reagents and equipment 5.6% 24.5 1.4 2.79 High-end device sector Others 0.1% 14.5 0.0 0.04 Total 100.0% 6.30 12.87 36.53 EPS (in RMB) 1.731 TP without hormone/ Chinese medicine/ digestive system drugs segment (in HKD) 12.76 SOTP derived TP TP (in HKD) 49.30 Implied PE (FY17F) 24.3 PEG 1.6 EV/ EBITDA (FY17F) 11.8 Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 3 Changes in full-year sales forecast Actual Old New Old New Old New Year-ended Dec (RMB m) FY15 FY16F FY16F Diff FY17F FY17F Diff FY18F FY18F Diff Operating income Total western finished drugs 2,581 3,064 3,369 9.9% 3,579 3,984 11.3% 4,144 4,658 12.4% Y-o-y change 21.4% 18.7% 30.5% 16.8% 18.3% 15.8% 16.9% H-o-h change % to total operating income 39.0% 40.2% 42.8% 40.1% 43.0% 40.2% 43.3% Shenqi Fuzheng injection 1,537 1,725 1,668-3.3% 2,070 2,002-3.3% 2,442 2,362-3.3% Y-o-y change 17.2% 12.2% 8.6% 20.0% 20.0% 18.0% 18.0% % to total operating income 23.2% 22.6% 21.2% 23.2% 21.6% 23.7% 22.0% Chinese drug preparation products 1,945 2,141 2,085-2.6% 2,544 2,477-2.7% 3,003 2,922-2.7% Y-o-y change 11.8% 10.1% 7.2% 18.8% 18.8% 18.0% 18.0% H-o-h change % to total operating income 29.4% 28.1% 26.5% 28.5% 26.7% 29.1% 27.2% Bulk medicine 1516 1,796 1,796 0.0% 2,119 2,119 0.0% 2,416 2,416 0.0% Y-o-y change 33.1% 18.4% 18.4% 18.0% 18.0% 14.0% 14.0% H-o-h change % to total operating income 22.9% 23.6% 22.8% 23.8% 22.9% 23.4% 22.5% Diagnostic reagents and equipment 469 505 511 1.2% 548 555 1.2% 604 611 1.2% Y-o-y change 6.4% 7.7% 9.1% 8.5% 8.5% 10.2% 10.2% H-oh change % to total operating income 7.1% 6.6% 6.5% 6.1% 6.0% 5.9% 5.7% Others 110 118 118 0.0% 130 130 0.0% 143 143 0.0% Y-o-y change 10.4% 8.0% 8.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% H-o-h change % to total operating income 1.7% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% Total Operating Income 6,621 7,625 7,879 3.3% 8,921 9,265 3.9% 10,309 10,751 4.3% Y-o-y change 19.4% 15.2% 19.0% 17.0% 17.6% 15.6% 16.0% Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 2

Figure 4 Half-year sales forecast Guosen Actual Old New Year-ended Dec (RMB m) 1H15 2H15 1H16F 1H16 Diff 2H16F 2H16F Diff Operating income Total western finished drugs 1,219 1,362 1,357 1,637 20.7% 1,707 1,731 1.4% Y-o-y change 19.4% 23.3% 11.4% 34.4% 25.3% 27.1% H-o-h change 10.3% 11.8% 11.4% 34.4% 25.3% 27.1% % to total operating income 39.1% 38.9% 37.4% 43.3% 42.8% 42.3% Shenqi Fuzheng injection 714 822 862 823-4.6% 862 845-2.0% Y-o-y change 18.1% 16.4% 20.7% 15.2% 4.9% 2.8% % to total operating income 22.9% 23.5% 23.7% 21.7% 21.6% 20.6% Chinese drug preparation products 935 1,010 1066 1,050-1.5% 1075 1035-3.7% Y-o-y change 13.0% 10.7% 14.1% 12.4% 6.4% 2.4% H-o-h change 2.4% 8.1% 14.1% 12.4% 6.4% 2.4% % to total operating income 30.0% 28.8% 29.4% 27.7% 26.9% 25.3% Bulk medicine 693 824 837 822-1.8% 959 974 1.6% Y-o-y change 38.3% 29.0% 20.8% 18.6% 16.5% 18.3% H-o-h change 8.5% 18.9% 20.8% 18.6% 16.5% 18.3% % to total operating income 22.2% 23.5% 23.0% 21.7% 24.0% 23.8% Diagnostic reagents and equipment 221.1 247.7 285.2 260.0-8.8% 219.9 251.3 14.3% Y-o-y change 8.9% 4.2% 29.0% 17.6% -11.2% 1.4% H-oh change -7.0% 12.0% 29.0% 17.6% -11.2% 1.4% % to total operating income 7.1% 7.1% 9.2% 6.9% 13.0% 6.1% Others 48 61 86 15-82.3% 32 103 218.2% Y-o-y change -37.1% 174.5% 77.5% -68.5% -47.0% 68.5% H-o-h change 117.2% 26.4% 77.5% -68.5% -47.0% 68.5% % to total operating income 1.6% 1.7% 2.4% 0.4% 0.8% 2.5% Total Operating Income 3,115 3,505 3,631 3,784 4.2% 3,994 4,095 2.5% Y-o-y change 18.5% 20.2% 16.6% 21.5% 13.9% 16.8% H-o-h change 6.8% 12.5% 3.6% 8.0% 10.0% 8.2% Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 3

Figure 5 Half-year P&L forecast Guosen Actual Old New Year-ended Dec (RMB m) 1H15 2H15 1H16F 1H16 Diff 2H16F 2H16F Diff Total Operating Income 3,115 3,505 3,631 3,784 4.2% 3,994 4,095 2.5% Y-o-y change 18.5% 20.2% 16.6% 21.5% 13.9% 16.8% H-o-h change 6.8% 12.5% 3.6% 8.0% 10.0% 8.2% Total operating costs (1,210) (1,366) (1,388) (1,355) -2.3% (1,672) (1,597) -4.5% Gross Profit 1,906 2,139 2,243 2,429 8.3% 2,322 2,497 7.6% GPM 61.2% 61.0% 61.8% 64.2% 58.1% 61.0% Y-o-y change 16.9% 20.8% 17.7% 27.5% 0.0% 0.0% Business taxes and surcharges (36.2) (45) (49) (49) -0.3% (50) (54) 6.9% Business charges to sales ratio 1.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% Selling expenses (1,169) (1,372) (1,398) (1,501) 7.4% (1,530) (1,654) 8.1% Selling expenses to sales ratio 37.5% 39.2% 38.5% 39.7% 38.3% 40.1% Administrative expenses (278) (328) (301) (329) 9.3% (423) (482) 14.0% admin expenses to sales ratio 8.9% 9.4% 8.3% 8.7% 10.6% 11.8% Financial expenses (19) (8) (19) (9) -54.0% (13) (23) 81.0% Impairment loss (29) (73) (4.7) (78.6) 4.7 78.6 Add: Gain/ (losses) from changes in fair value 1 (1) (0.1) (0.4) 0.1 0.4 Investment (losses)/ income 3 3 2.6 1.7 (2.6) (1.7) Operating profit 377 315 474 463-2.2% 309 362 17.4% Operating margin 12.1% 9.0% 13.0% 12.2% 7.7% 8.8% Opex to sales 47.6% 49.8% 48.2% 49.7% 50.2% 53.2% Non-operating income 78 52 55 60 9.5% 37 31-14.2% Non-operating expenses (6) (9) (0) (3) 602.8% (16) (13) -15.6% Profit before income tax 450 358 528 520-1.5% 329 380 15.5% Income tax expenses (77) (71) (94) (93) -0.9% (65) (69) 6.6% Tax rate 17.1% 19.9% 17.8% 17.9% 19.7% 18.2% Reported net profit after tax 341 282 410 409-0.1% 240 280 16.7% MI 32 5.3 25 18-26.2% 25 31 26.2% Adjustment 53 31 41 45 (41) - Underlying net profit 288 251 369 364-1.3% 280 280-0.2% Diluted EPS (Underlying) (RMB/s) 0.724 0.631 0.929 0.888-4.4% 0.706 0.683-3.3% Y-o-y change Total Operating Income 18.5% 20.2% 16.6% 21.5% 4.9% 13.9% 16.8% 2.9% Gross Profit 16.9% 20.8% 17.7% 27.5% 9.7% 8.5% 16.7% 8.2% Business taxes and surcharges 14.8% 19.0% 35.3% 34.9% -0.4% 11.9% 19.6% 7.7% Selling expenses 14.5% 15.6% 19.6% 28.4% 8.8% 11.5% 20.5% 9.0% Administrative expenses 45.0% 20.4% 8.3% 18.4% 10.1% 28.9% 46.9% 18.0% Underlying net profit 6.1% 30.6% 28.2% 26.5% -1.7% 11.8% 11.5% -0.3% % to sales Total Operating Income 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% Gross Profit 61.2% 61.0% 61.8% 64.2% 2.4% 58.1% 61.0% 2.9% Business taxes and surcharges 1.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.3% -0.1% 1.3% 1.3% 0.1% Selling expenses 37.5% 39.2% 38.5% 39.7% 1.2% 38.3% 40.4% 2.1% Administrative expenses 8.9% 9.4% 8.3% 8.7% 0.4% 10.6% 11.8% 1.2% Profit before tax 14.4% 10.2% 14.5% 13.8% -0.8% 8.2% 9.3% 1.0% Underlying net profit 9.2% 7.2% 10.2% 9.6% -0.5% 7.0% 6.8% -0.2% Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 4

Figure 6 Quarterly P&L forecast Actual Guosen Actual Guosen Actual Old New Year-ended Dec (RMB m) 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 2Q16 Diff 1H16F 1H16 Diff 2H16F 2H16F Diff Total Operating Income 1,553 1,563 1,771 1,734 1,746 1,886 2,039 8.1% 3,631 3,784 4.2% 3,994 4,095 2.5% Y-o-y change 26.5% 11.6% 19.4% 19.0% 12.4% 20.7% 30.5% 16.6% 21.5% 13.9% 16.8% H-o-h change 3.6% 8.0% 10.0% 8.2% Total operating costs (592) (618) (678) (687) (623) (765) (732) -4.3% (1,388) (1,355) -2.3% (1,672) (1,597) -4.5% Gross Profit 961.0 944.8 1,093.0 1,046.4 1,122 1,121 1,307 16.5% 2,243 2,429 8.3% 2,322 2,497 7.6% GPM 61.9% 60.5% 61.7% 60.4% 64.3% 59.5% 64.1% 61.8% 64.2% 58.1% 61.0% Y-o-y change 29.5% 6.3% 15.7% 22.4% 16.8% 18.7% 38.3% 17.7% 27.5% 0.0% 0.0% Business taxes and surcharges (19) (18) (22) (23) (25) (24) (24) -0.7% (49) (49) -0.3% (50) (54) 6.9% Business charges to sales ratio 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% Selling expenses (598) (571) (707) (665) (703) (695) (799) 14.9% (1,398) (1,501) 7.4% (1,530) (1,654) 8.1% Selling expenses to sales ratio 38.5% 36.6% 39.9% 38.4% 40.3% 36.9% 39.2% 38.5% 39.7% 38.3% 40.1% Administrative expenses (133) (145) (167) (161) (143) (158) (186) 17.7% (301) (329) 9.3% (423) (482) 14.0% admin expenses to sales ratio 8.5% 9.3% 9.4% 9.3% 8.2% 8.4% 9.1% 8.3% 8.7% 10.6% 11.8% Financial expenses (12) (7) (8) 1 (5) (14) (4) -73.9% (19) (9) -54.0% (13) (23) 81.0% Impairment loss (14) (16) (13) (60) (4.7) - (73.8) (4.7) (78.6) 4.7 78.6 Add: Gain/ (losses) from changes in fair value 0 0 (2) 1 (0.1) - (0.3) (0.1) (0.4) 0.1 0.4 Investment (losses)/ income 1 2 3 (0) 2.6 - (0.9) 2.6 1.7 (2.6) (1.7) Operating profit 188 190 177 138 244 230 219-4.6% 474 463-2.2% 309 362 17.4% Operating margin 12.1% 12.1% 10.0% 8.0% 14.0% 12.2% 10.8% 13.0% 12.2% 7.7% 8.8% Opex to sales 48.3% 47.0% 50.6% 49.0% 49.9% 46.5% 49.5% 48.2% 49.7% 50.2% 53.2% Non-operating income 64 14 29 23 51 4 9 55 60 9.5% 37 31-14.2% Non-operating expenses (5) (1) (1) (9) (0) - (2) (0) (3) 602.8% (16) (13) -15.6% Profit before income tax 247 203 206 153 294 234 226-3.3% 528 520-1.5% 329 380 15.5% Income tax expenses (44) (33) (37) (35) (46) (47) (47) -1.7% (94) (93) -0.9% (65) (69) 6.6% Tax rate 17.7% 16.4% 17.8% 22.8% 15.7% 20.3% 20.6% 17.8% 17.9% 19.7% 18.2% Reported net profit after tax 183 158 155 127 230 179 179-0.3% 410 409-0.1% 240 280 16.7% MI 20 11 15 (9) 18 7 1-92.2% 25 18-26.2% 25 31 26.2% Adjustment 43 11 22 9 41-4 41 45 (41) - Underlying net profit 140 148 133 118 189 179 175-2.7% 369 364-1.3% 280 280-0.2% Diluted EPS (Underlying) (RMB/s) 0.352 0.372 0.334 0.297 0.462 0.452 0.426-5.7% 0.929 0.888-4.4% 0.706 0.683-3.3% Y-o-y change Total Operating Income 26.5% 11.6% 18.7% 21.7% 12.4% 20.7% 30.5% 9.8% 16.6% 21.5% 4.9% 13.9% 16.8% 2.9% Gross Profit 29.5% 6.3% 19.3% 22.4% 16.8% 18.7% 38.3% 19.6% 17.7% 27.5% 9.7% 8.5% 16.7% 8.2% Business taxes and surcharges 29.5% 2.6% 16.6% 21.4% 33.6% 37.1% 36.2% -0.9% 35.3% 34.9% -0.4% 11.9% 19.6% 7.7% Selling expenses 31.5% 0.9% 18.3% 12.9% 17.5% 21.7% 39.8% 18.1% 19.6% 28.4% 8.8% 11.5% 20.5% 9.0% Administrative expenses 38.4% 51.5% 21.2% 19.5% 7.9% 8.7% 28.0% 19.3% 8.3% 18.4% 10.1% 28.9% 46.9% 18.0% Underlying net profit 9.8% 2.8% 30.0% 31.3% 35.3% 21.5% 18.2% -3.3% 28.2% 26.5% -1.7% 11.8% 11.5% -0.3% % to sales Total Operating Income 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% Gross Profit 61.9% 60.5% 61.7% 60.4% 64.3% 59.5% 64.1% 4.6% 61.8% 64.2% 2.4% 58.1% 61.0% 2.9% Business taxes and surcharges 1.2% 1.1% 1.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.3% 1.2% -0.1% 1.4% 1.3% -0.1% 1.3% 1.3% 0.1% Selling expenses 38.5% 36.6% 39.9% 38.4% 40.3% 36.9% 39.2% 2.3% 38.5% 39.7% 1.2% 38.3% 40.4% 2.1% Administrative expenses 8.5% 9.3% 9.4% 9.3% 8.2% 8.4% 9.1% 0.7% 8.3% 8.7% 0.4% 10.6% 11.8% 1.2% Profit before tax 15.9% 13.0% 11.6% 8.8% 16.9% 12.4% 11.1% -1.3% 14.5% 13.8% -0.8% 8.2% 9.3% 1.0% Underlying net profit 9.0% 9.5% 7.5% 6.8% 10.8% 9.5% 8.6% -1.0% 10.2% 9.6% -0.5% 7.0% 6.8% -0.2% Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 5

Figure 7 Changes in full-year P&L forecast Actual Old New Old New Old New Year-ended Dec (RMB m) FY15 FY16F FY16F Diff FY17F FY17F Diff FY18F FY18F Diff Total Operating Income 6,621 7,625 7,879 3.3% 8,921 9,265 3.9% 10,309 10,751 4.3% Y-o-y change 19.4% 15.2% 19.0% 17.0% 17.6% 15.6% 16.0% H-o-h change Total operating costs (2,575) (3,060) (2,953) -3.5% (3,581) (3,491) -2.5% (4,137) (4,069) -1.6% Gross Profit 4,045 4,565 4,926 7.9% 5,340 5,774 8.1% 6,172 6,682 8.3% GPM 61.1% 59.9% 62.5% 59.9% 62.3% 59.9% 62.2% Y-o-y change 18.9% 12.9% 21.8% 17.0% 17.2% 15.6% 15.7% Business taxes and surcharges (81) (99) (102) 3.3% (112) (116) 3.9% (129) (134) 4.3% Business charges to sales ratio 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% Selling expenses (2,542) (2,928) (3,156) 7.8% (3,479) (3,697) 6.3% (4,021) (4,279) 6.4% Selling expenses to sales ratio 38.4% 38.4% 40.1% 39.0% 39.9% 39.0% 39.8% Administrative expenses (606) (724) (812) 12.0% (803) (1,024) 27.5% (928) (1,183) 27.5% admin expenses to sales ratio 9.2% 9.5% 10.3% 9.0% 11.1% 9.0% 11.0% Financial expenses (27) (32) (32) 0.0% (25) (25) 0.0% (18) (18) 0.0% Impairment loss (102.8) - - - - - - Add: Gain/ (losses) from changes in fair value (0.2) - - - - - - Investment (losses)/ income 6.8 - - - - - - Operating profit 693 782 825 5.5% 922 913-1.0% 1,077 1,069-0.8% Operating margin 10.5% 10.3% 10.5% 10.3% 9.8% 10.5% 9.9% Opex to sales 48.8% 49.2% 51.7% 49.3% 52.2% 49.3% 52.1% Non-operating income 131 91 91 0.0% 94 94 0.0% 96 96 0.0% Non-operating expenses (16) (16) (16) 0.0% (17) (17) 0.0% (18) (18) 0.0% Profit before income tax 808 858 901 5.0% 999 990-0.9% 1,156 1,147-0.8% Income tax expenses (148) (159) (162) 2.2% (184) (182) -0.9% (206) (205) -0.2% Tax rate 18.4% 18.5% 18.0% 18.4% 18.4% 17.8% 17.9% Reported net profit after tax 623 649 689 6.1% 761 754-1.0% 895 887-0.9% MI 37 50 50 0.0% 54 54 0.0% 55 55 0.0% Adjustment 84-45.2 - - - - Underlying net profit 538 649 643-0.9% 761 754-1.0% 895 887-0.9% Diluted EPS (Underlying) (RMB/s) 1.355 1.635 1.571-3.9% 1.916 1.731-9.6% 2.252 2.037-9.6% Y-o-y change Total Operating Income 19.4% 15.2% 19.0% 3.8% 17.0% 17.6% 0.6% 15.6% 16.0% 0.5% Gross Profit 18.9% 12.9% 21.8% 8.9% 17.0% 17.2% 0.2% 15.6% 15.7% 0.2% Business taxes and surcharges 17.1% 22.4% 26.4% 4.1% 12.5% 13.1% 0.6% 15.6% 16.0% 0.5% Selling expenses 15.1% 15.2% 24.2% 9.0% 18.8% 17.1% -1.7% 15.6% 15.8% 0.2% Administrative expenses 30.5% 19.5% 33.9% 14.4% 10.8% 26.1% 15.3% 15.6% 15.5% 0.0% Underlying net profit 16.3% 20.6% 19.5% -1.0% 17.3% 17.2% -0.2% 17.6% 17.6% 0.1% % to sales Total Operating Income 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% Gross Profit 61.1% 59.9% 62.5% 2.7% 59.9% 62.3% 2.5% 59.9% 62.2% 2.3% Business taxes and surcharges 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% 0.0% 1.3% 1.3% 0.0% 1.3% 1.3% 0.0% Selling expenses 38.4% 38.4% 40.1% 1.7% 39.0% 39.9% 0.9% 39.0% 39.8% 0.8% Administrative expenses 9.2% 9.5% 10.3% 0.8% 9.0% 11.1% 2.1% 9.0% 11.0% 2.0% Profit before tax 12.2% 11.2% 11.4% 0.2% 11.2% 10.7% -0.5% 11.2% 10.7% -0.5% Underlying net profit 8.1% 8.5% 8.2% -0.3% 8.5% 8.1% -0.4% 8.7% 8.2% -0.4% Source: Company data; Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 6

Figure 8 FY16F Revenue breakdown by major product categories Bulk medicine (antibiotics) 23% Diagnostic reagents & equipment 6% Others 2% Western drugs 43% other Chinese medicine products 5% Shenqi Fuzheng injection (Chinese medicine) 21% Source: Company data, Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 9 FY16F Revenue breakdown Bulk medicine (antibiotics) 23% other Chinese medicine products 5% Diagnostic reagents & equipment 6% Shenqi Fuzheng injection (Chinese medicine) 21% Others 2% digestive system (western drugs) 8% heart & brain (western drugs) 2% Antibiotics (finished drugs) (western drugs) 5% Gonadotropic hormones (western drugs) 16% Other western drugs 11% Blood and hemopoietic (western drugs) 1% Source: Company data, Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 7

Share Price (HK$) Livzon Pharma (1513 HK) Figure 10 Post HK-IPO forward (12-month) PE Band 60 55 +2SD = 29.8x +1SD = 27.1X 50 45 Mean = 20.2x 40 35 30 25-1SD = 15.1x -2SD = 13.7x 20 Jan-14 Apr-14 Jul-14 Oct-14 Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16 Apr-16 Jul-16 Source: Company data, Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 11 Comparable tables 3 - mt h M k t c a p a v g t / o P ER H i st C ompa ny Ti c k e r P r i c e ( U S $ m) ( U S $ m) ( x ) P ER FY1 ( x ) Adjusted sector avg * 18.0 15.7 13.2 2 5.0 16.5 12.5 1.0 1.8 7 1.8 8 2.2 9 2.14 The United Labor 3933 HK 3.02 634 0.6 44.5 12.5 9.7 24.7 33.2 26.8 0.4 N/A N/A 0.73 0.71 Luye Pharma Grou 2186 HK 5.47 2,343 4.1 20.7 17.7 15.5 18.9 15.0 15.8 1.0 N/A 0.0 2.75 2.32 Livzon Pharm-H 1513 HK 42.00 2,670 0.8 22.2 19.2 15.8 3.4 17.2 12.5 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.21 2.89 Consun Pharmaceu 1681 HK 4.45 560 0.4 15.3 11.9 10.3 26.0 17.5 19.8 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.29 2.08 Fosun Pharma-H 2196 HK 20.15 7,284 4.3 16.2 14.7 12.5 14.7 14.8 11.0 1.1 1.9 2.0 2.14 1.92 Baiyunshan Ph-H 874 HK 18.90 6,029 2.4 16.1 14.8 13.6 27.0 10.8 9.4 1.4 N/A 1.9 2.25 2.14 Lansen Pharmaceu 503 HK 1.79 96 0.1 46.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5.3 N/A 0.94 N/A Cspc Pharmaceuti 1093 HK 7.11 5,420 9.0 25.2 20.6 17.0 21.6 23.5 20.3 0.8 1.5 1.8 N/A 4.19 Sino Biopharm 1177 HK 5.42 5,181 11.0 16.0 19.0 17.0 17.0 16.5 2.2 7.9 0.9 1.0 4.89 4.07 Yichang Hec Chan 1558 HK 17.76 1,033 0.5 19.3 17.6 13.9 116.1 13.3 56.4 N/A 1.0 1.1 3.20 2.64 Sihuan Pharm 460 HK 1.77 2,287 10.4 7.6 7.8 7.8 10.6 (4.5) 6.4 1.2 4.8 2.6 1.42 1.28 Lee'S Pharm 950 HK 6.20 472 0.4 15.6 14.8 13.3 18.7 12.3 10.2 1.3 1.7 1.9 N/A 2.16 3Sbio Inc 1530 HK 7.67 2,505 8.0 28.6 21.4 16.3 N/A N/A 34.4 0.5 N/A 0.0 2.94 2.60 Yichang Hec Chan 1558 HK 17.76 1,033 0.5 19.3 17.6 13.9 8.9 24.4 N/A N/A 1.0 1.1 3.20 2.64 Dawnrays Pharmac 2348 HK 5.26 544 0.5 12.0 10.5 8.7 17.1 20.5 18.2 0.5 2.9 2.7 2.46 2.12 * Outliners and "N/ A " entries are in red and excl. from the calculation of averages Source: Bloomberg data, Guosen Securities(HK) Research P ER FY2 ( x ) 3 - Yr EP S EP S FY1 EP S FY2 C a gr YoY% YoY% ( %) P EG ( x ) D i v y l d H i st D i v y l d ( %) FY1 ( %) P / B H i st ( x ) P / B FY1 ( x ) Guosen Securities (HK) 8

Figure 12 Past five year forward P/E curve for Livzon s A-share Forward P/E (x) 48.0 Figure 13 Post-IPO forward P/E curve for Livzon s H-share Forward P/E (x) 26.0 44.0 24.0 40.0 36.0 22.0 +2SD= 21.4x 32.0 +2SD= 31.7x 20.0 +1SD= 19.2x 28.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 12.0 Mean= 20.4x +1SD= 26.0x -1SD= 14.8x 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0-2SD= 12.3x -1SD= 14.6x Mean= 16.9x 8.0-2SD= 9.2x 4.0 2-Dec-11 2-Jun-12 2-Dec-12 2-Jun-13 2-Dec-13 2-Jun-14 2-Dec-14 2-Jun-15 2-Dec-15 2-Jun-16 Source: Bloomberg, Guosen Securities(HK) Research 10.0 Source: Bloomberg, Guosen Securities(HK) Research Figure 14 H-share relative to A-share for Livzon Pharm 1.10 1.00 0.90 +1SD= 0.77x 0.80 0.70 Mean= 0.68x 0.60 0.50-1SD= 0.59x 0.40 0.30 Source: Bloomberg, Guosen Securities(HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 9

Summary financial statements(year to Dec 31) Profit & Loss (RMBm) FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Financial Ratios FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Revenue 5,544 6,621 7,879 9,265 10,751 Gross profit margin (%) 61.3 61.1 62.5 62.3 62.2 Revenue growth (%) 20.0 19.4 19.0 17.6 16.0 Operating profit margin (%) 11.9 12.3 10.9 10.1 10.1 Cost of sales (2,143) (2,575) (2,953) (3,491) (4,069) Underlying profit margin (%) 8.4 8.1 8.2 8.1 8.2 Gross profit 3,401 4,045 4,926 5,774 6,682 Net debt/equity (%) 3.4 (13.2) (27.3) (33.5) (32.8) Other income/(expense) (69) (81) (102) (116) (134) Net debt/total assets (%) 1.6 (6.9) (13.0) (17.7) (19.3) Operating expenses (2,673) (3,148) (3,967) (4,720) (5,462) Current ratio (%) 119 113 133 154 184 Operating profit 659 816 857 938 1,086 Dividend payout (%) 6.4 27.5 23.0 19.6 16.7 Operating profit growth (%) 6.8 23.8 5.0 9.4 15.9 Interest cover (x) 15.2 14.7 14.1 16.9 22.0 Other non operating inc/(exp) 13 19 75 77 78 Dividend cover (x) 15.7 3.6 4.3 5.1 6.0 Finance income 23 28 29 31 32 Acct. receivable turnover days 89.0 82.1 85.1 93.0 103.8 Finance expenses (43) (55) (61) (56) (49) Acct. payable turnover days 150.2 133.7 137.9 151.4 150.1 Associates & JCE 0 0 0 0 0 Inventory turnover days 126.8 129.8 135.3 133.2 130.4 Profit before taxation 652 808 901 990 1,147 Cash cycle days 65.6 78.1 82.5 74.8 84.1 Taxation (98) (148) (162) (182) (205) Dupont Analysis FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Non-controlling interests (38) (37) (50) (54) (55) Tax burden (%) 79.1 77.1 76.5 76.2 77.3 Net profit 516 623 689 754 887 Interest burden (%) 98.9 99.0 105 106 106 Other Adjustments on UP (53) (84) (45) 0 0 Operating profit margin (%) 11.9 12.3 10.9 10.1 10.1 Underlying Profit 463 538 643 754 887 Asset turnover (x) 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 Underlying profit growth (%) 0.2 16.3 19.5 17.2 17.6 Leverage ratio (x) 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 EPS (RMB) 1.342 1.567 1.682 1.731 2.037 ROA (%) 7.4 8.1 7.4 6.6 6.9 Underlying EPS (RMB) 1.204 1.355 1.571 1.731 2.037 ROE (%) 15.5 16.1 14.9 13.2 12.3 Underlying EPS growth (%) 0.2 12.5 16.0 10.2 17.6 Source: Guosen Securities (HK) Research DPS (RMB) 0.08 0.37 0.36 0.34 0.34 DPS growth (%) (80.0) 384 (3.0) (5.9) 0.0 Source: Guosen Securities (HK) Research Balance Sheet (RMBm) FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Cashflow (RMBm) FY14A FY15A FY16F FY17F FY18F Fixed assets 3,505 3,671 3,865 4,117 4,388 Operating profit 486 525 545 601 719 Associates & JCE 0 0 0 0 0 Depreciation & amortization 258 321 367 385 404 Others 631 829 693 736 783 Interest expense 0 0 0 0 0 Non-current assets 4,137 4,500 4,558 4,853 5,171 Change in working capital (180) (159) (35) (89) (726) Inventories 847 984 1,205 1,343 1,565 Tax paid (98) (148) (162) (182) (205) Debtors & prepayments 1,596 1,789 2,273 2,857 3,688 Other operating cashflow 252 389 331 366 607 Bank deposits & cash 716 798 2,510 3,083 3,177 Operating activities 717 928 1,047 1,082 799 Others 6 7 7 7 8 Purchase of non-current assets (Capex) (666) (477) (670) (760) (860) Current assets 3,166 3,578 5,995 7,290 8,438 Free cash flow 52 451 377 322 (61) Bank & other borrowings 376 250 1,100 900 515 Disposal of non-current assets 0 0 0 0 0 Trade & payables 951 936 1,295 1,601 1,746 Associates & JCE (net) 0 0 0 0 0 Taxation 33 130 126 142 160 Interest received 0 0 0 0 0 Others 1,309 1,839 1,987 2,081 2,167 Dividends received 0 0 0 0 0 Current liabilities 2,669 3,155 4,508 4,724 4,589 Other investing cashflow (72) (81) 166 168 170 Bank & other borrowings 467 1 41 42 44 Investing activities (738) (558) (504) (592) (690) Others 85 112 113 115 116 New loans raised 965 736 1,343 1,157 768 Non-current liabilities 551 113 155 157 160 Repayment of loans (1,167) (1,242) (1,943) (1,457) (1,183) Net assets 4,082 4,810 5,890 7,262 8,860 Dividends paid (216) (106) (168) (168) (168) Share capital 296 397 397 397 397 Other financing cashflow 398 297 1,912 527 543 Premium & reserves 3,221 3,814 4,643 6,012 7,607 Financing activities (21) (315) 1,144 59 (40) Shareholders' funds 3,517 4,211 5,040 6,409 8,004 Inc/(dec) in cash (41) 54 1,687 549 69 Non-controlling interests 386 464 468 473 478 Cash at beginning of year 761 716 798 2,510 3,083 Total equity 4,082 4,810 5,890 7,262 8,860 Foreign exchange effect (4) 28 25 25 25 BVPS (RMB) 9.1 10.6 12.3 14.7 18.4 Cash at end of year 716 798 2,510 3,083 3,177 Source: Guosen Securities (HK) Research Source: Guosen Securities (HK) Research Guosen Securities (HK) 10

Information Disclosures Stock ratings, sector ratings and related definitions Stock Ratings: Buy: A return potential of 10 % or more relative to overall market within 6 12 months. Neutral: A return potential ranging from -10% to 10% relative to overall market within 6 12 months. Sell: A negative return of 10% or more relative to overall market within 6 12 months. Sector Ratings: Overweight: The sector will outperform the overall market by 10% or higher within 6 12 months. Neutral: The sector performance will range from -10% to 10% relative to overall market within 6 12 months. Underweight: The sector will underperform the overall market by 10% or lower within 6 12 months. Interest disclosure statement The analyst is licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Neither the analyst nor his/her associates serves as an officer of the listed companies covered in this report and has no financial interests in the companies. Guosen Securities (HK) Brokerage Co., Ltd. and its associated companies (collectively Guosen Securities (HK) ) has no disclosable financial interests (including securities holding) or make a market in the securities in respect of the listed companies. Guo sen Securities (HK) has no investment banking relationship within the past 12 months, to the listed companies. Guosen Securities (HK) has no individual employed by the listed companies. Disclaimers The prices of securities may fluctuate up or down. It may become valueless. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling securities. The content of this report does not represent a recommendation of Guosen Securities (HK) and does not constitute any buying/selling or dealing agreement in relation to the securities mentioned. Guosen Securities (HK) may be seeking or will seek investment banking or other business (such as placing agent, lead manager, sponsor, underwriter or proprietary trading in suc h securities) with the listed companies. Individuals of Guosen Securities (HK) may have personal investment interests in the listed companies. This report is based on information available to the public that we consider reliable, however, the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of such information is not guaranteed by Guosen Securities (HK). This report does not take into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual clients and does not constitute a personal investment recommendation to anyone. Clients are wholly responsible for any investment decision based on this report. Clients are advised to consider whether any advice or recommendation contained in this report is suitable for their particular circumstances. This r eport is not intended to be an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned. This report is for distribution only to clients of Guosen Securities (HK). Without Guosen Securities (HK) s written authoriza tion, any form of quotation, reproduction or transmission to third parties is prohibited, or may be subject to legal action. Such information and opinions contained therein are subject to change and may be amended without any notification. This report is not directed at, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or which would subject Guose n Securities (HK) and its group companies to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction. Guosen Securities (HK) 11

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