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2 The Transient Essence of Human Existence: Perspectives of Life in Li Po s Poems Mei-hua Chen LecturerCenter for General Education Yuanpei Institute of Science & Technology Abstract It is well-known that Li Po is such a talented, romantic and transcendent poet. But rarely do critics examine how he confronts the eternal dilemma of human existence death. In this essay, Li Po s concepts of human existence and his attitude toward the transient essence of life are analyzed, and at the same time compared with those of the previous poets so as to catch a glimpse of their differences. In facing the shadow of the transience of life, Li Po, just as all other human beings, also feels constrained and helpless. Nevertheless, he sticks to the teaching of carpe diem to defy the limitation human conditions and sets out seek, like the ancient alchemist, the secret medicine for securing eternal life. Whatever the efforts, he still cannot relieve himself of the hanging concerns of the transience of human life. But as we further compare Li Po s concepts and attitude with those expressed in Nineteen Ancient Poems and in the poems by Juan Chi and Pao Chow, it is obvious that Li Po uniquely embodies the Bacchanalian hedonism, always carefree, big-hearted, romantic and transcendent. Through such a comparison, we come to realize that in the same existential dilemma, the previous poets just express the fatalistic sense of bitterness in their poems. As for Li Po, although he similarly cannot reverse human destiny, yet driven by the exuberant vitality, he simply defies the limitation and carries out the bountifulness of life to the extreme. Therefore, he always tries to make the most and get the most out of life by transcending the transient essence of human existence. Key wordsli Po, the transience of human life, carpe diem, searching for eternal life, the rosy time of life 92

3 2 1 1981 24 P1381 2 a b 93

4 3 4 3 1983 7 1 P589 4 P612 94

95 5 5 5 6 1989 12 5 P1360

6 7 7 2000 11 4 P14 96

7 8 1977 7 3 2 P111 9 1989 12 5 P1480 97

98 8 10 1994 2 1 1 4 P1 P72

99 9

100 10

101 11 11 744 P1761 12 1985 5 20 P48

102 12

13 13 1989 12 5 P5053 14 15 1981 P1756 103

14 16 1985 5 20 P76 17 1985 5 20 P11 104

15 18 P12 19 P51 20 P44 21 20P46 105

106 16

107 17

108 18 22 1981 5 P16

109 19

110 20

111 21

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