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:,,,, 4,,,,, : 50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),, 1999 103

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2,,,, : () (),,,, (),,, :,,,,, :,, (),,?,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4 : 3, 9, 19 5, 6, 7,,,,,,,, :,,,, 1 13,,, :, 1950 1 2,1, 206, :, 1950 1 2, 1, 211212, 1950 1 4 ; :, 1950 1 5 110, 1950 1 8,1, 240

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, :,,, :,? :,,,, :,!,,,, 1 5 16,, 1945,,, 1945,,,, 1945,, 30,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50 % 51 %,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 23, ( ) 24,,,,,, 1950 1 22, 1998 5, ;,, 1991, 237 2 112 8 :,

6,,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28,,,,,, :, ;, ;,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,,,,, 1904, 6, 1904 1924 1929 1935 1945,, 1950 2 8 ;, 1950 1 26,, 1950 2 8, 1950 2 1, 1998 5 113

,,,,,,, :, :,,? 2 2, :,, 1 000,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,, 2 8,,, 1945 9 2, (1933 1952),, 1962, 437 439,,, 1950 2 3, 1998 5, 1950 2, 1998 5 114, 14, 1950 1963,, 10 12,,

,,,,,,, 1952,,,,,,,,, 14,,,, :,,,,,,,,,,,, :,,,,,,,, (14 ), 2 14,,,,,,,,, 1952 ; 1952, ; 1950,,, 1 %3,,,, 1950 2 8, 1950 2 13, 1998 5, 1950 2 13, 1950 2 14,,, 1953, 91 99 115

,,, 1950 2 16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :, 1950 2 27 ; (),, 1991, 42 (1949 1956), 25 ;, 446 2 10,, 116, 1950 4 11, 1, 290 291, 1950 2 12, 1998 5

,,,,,,,,, 1946,, :? :,,,, :,,? :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1950 1 2,, :,,,,, :, (45 ),,,,,,,,,, :, 1946 12 9, 4,, 1996, 205 :, 1958 7 22 :, 1950 1 2, 1, 219 220 117

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3 30 :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1958 : 4,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,,,, 1950 1 22, 1950 2 3 ( ), 1950 4 5 :,1, 501 :,,, 1988, :, 1958 7 22 118 376 ; :, 1958 7 22

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1954,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,,,,,,,,,, 1953, 100871 ( : ) :, 387 119

CONTENTS try and patriarchal clans prevalent in South China. It should be treated as a third form of relationship between state and countryside during that period. Spread and Influence of Western Cooperativism in China during the Early Years of the Twentieth Cen2 tury Chen Yixin (89) Western cooperativism was creatively transformed by Chinese intellectuals during the period from the late Qing dynasty to the middle of the 1920s into a mode of social reform alternative to radical communist revolution and capitalist free competition. Although these intellectuals gave up their advocacy of cooperatives amidst the early waves of the nationalist revolution, their interaction with members of the Guomindang was one of the chief reasons for the Guomindang governmentπs adoption of a policy of cooperatives. Meanwhile the early Communist leaders like Mao Zedong also came under the influence of cooperativism. Here lay the historical source of peas2 ant cooperative movement led by the Communist Party of China. The Initial Clashes of National Interests and National Sentiments Bet ween China and the Soviet Union On the Negotiation and Signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance Bet ween the Peopleπs Republic of China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Yang Kuisong (103) Soon after the founding of New China the Chinese government signed a Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the Peopleπs Republic of China and the USSR. Both Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai highly praised the negotiations and fully approved the treaty. However, after Stalinπs death Mao began to incis2 ively criticize the additional agreements on Northeast China and Xinjiang and the agreement on the four joint corporations ;he showed strong disapproval of Stalin for his attitude towards these issues. The change in the CPC leadersπposition from fighting for the victory of the revolution to wielding state power inevitably influenced their national sentiments and their understanding of national interests. Together with domestic opinion and public feeling, this prompted them re2examine the results of the negotiations, leading them to doubt the sincer2 ity of the Soviet leaders. Dilemma of Central Cities in the Metropolitan Districts in the Contemporary United States Liang Maoxin (120) Centrifugal flows of population and capital in metropolitan districts during the second half of the twentieth century shifted the rich, the industries and the political power center to suburbia, resulting in all kinds of problems and difficulties in the central cities. The shift originated from the rapid development of science and technology in production, transport and communication under the impetus of the market economy. It not only made suburbia an ideal living place for urban residents but also provided necessary growing space for enterpris2 191