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93 2015.6 14 1 93-120 2012

94 1 2 3 magic power 4 2014 2722 5 1 2 83-103 3 292 4 45 5

95 2012 6 7 6 7 70-98

96 8 1657 1681 1737 9 1745 3 3 3 1959 8 59-105 9 2014 7 14

97 214 175 10 廍 11 12 13 14 1737 1846 10 11 316-318 12 34 13 143 14 278

98 1846 1848 15 1851 9 2500 16 1887 3000 17 5 19 1924 1924 19 15 1906 4 6 3 16 27-28 17

99 18 1924 1933 19 1953 1957 20 18 1897 8 11 1 19 1933 9 6 4 20 10-11

100 21 22 濶 23 21 1956 4 21 4 22 1957 2 21 5 23 1956 4 21 4

101 24 1956 1959 1957 800 24 1959 4 13 5

102 1960 1970 1973 1976 600 10 1999 2000 6 17 2005 9 30 11 23 2006 43 2007 7 2 14 2008 4 3 12 2 2009 98 12 7 25 1990 1957 25 2014 7 14

103 1956 11 1957 1. 1970 1973 1974 1976 1977

104 26 2. 1946 1949 1951 1971 1976 27 1000 1960 28 3. 1948 2 3 29 4. 1989 1994 26 9 132 27 28 2014 9 11 29 322-325

105 30 5. 1945 1949 1992 1000 31 1. 1971 1974 1976 30 2014 10 31 31 2014 9 11

106 150 32 2. 1902 49 1985 75 33 3. 1980 34 4. 32 2014 10 28 33 2014 10 28 34 2014 10 20

107 12 2010 2012 35 5. 1992 2001 3 1 2012 600 36 18 18 37 35 2014 9 11 36 2014 10 28 37 2014 10 20

108 1. 300 3 38 2. 1987 1989 1000 39 38 2014 10 05 39 2014 10 31

109 1. 1971 1980 2. 40 1945 10 1946 1948 1951 41 1993 40 9 148 41 181-182

110 3. 1962 42 1986 1994 43 4. 1965 1969 5 6 1987 1993 1999 42 2014 10 24 43 2014 10 24

111 5 6 44 1950 1960 1970 18 1953 1988 1 300 45 1974 300 46 1994 44 2014 10 31 45 2014 10 10 46 2014 10 10

112 47 1. 1992 1994 48 49 2. 1945 1976 1979 50 47 2014 10 10 48 49 2014 10 20 50 2014 10 24

113 51 1950 51 panel 2014 10 3-4

114 1940 1950 1957 1960 1970 1980 1990 18


116 h t t p : / / s i x s t a r. m o c. g o v. t w / b l o g / D a h S h a n / 2014 10 28 1987 1987 1956 4 21 4 1959 4 13 5 1933 9 6 4 1897 8 11 1 1906 4 6 3 1915 2014 7 14 1959 35: 9 1966 292 2014 2014 2004 2011 1988 3 3 : 4 1995 83-103 16 2011 2010 1957 2 21 5

117 1961 2009 2002

118 The Formation of the Pilgrimage Season in Mingjian Township for Shoutian Temple s Highest Emperor of the Dark Heaven (Xuantianshangdi ): A Discussion and Reflection on the Development of the Capitalization of Popular Beliefs and Culture Tsung-han Wen Research Assistant, Taiwan Studies Center of Providence University Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, National Dong Hwa University Abstract The pilgrimage season of Shoutian Temple s Xuantianshangdiin Nantou county smingjian Townshiporiginated from the annual pilgrimages of large numbers of pilgrimage groups, sacred altars, and individuals to the temple around the emperor s birthday.year after year, from the end of the lunar New Year tothe fourth month of the lunar calendar, the event became a regular pilgrimage period. Due to the immense number of participants, it is now an important distinguishing quality and symbol of Nantou County s folk culture. Therefore, in 2012, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou Countyformally registered the event as Folk Cultural Capital of Nantou County. The grand occasion of the pilgrimage to Shoutian temple was very early on givenscholarly attention, especially since it was not the earliest center of Xuantianshangdibeliefs, yet still possessed the power of influencing belief of the deity in all of Taiwan. Therefore, the present study delves into the formational period of theshoutian Temple pilgrimage to understand how theexpansion of belief and its influence the same time, the article analyzes and discusses the meaning of its registration as Nantou County s intangible cultural capital. In addition, it outlinesvisions of its development after its cultural capitalization in order to uncover this folk custom s particularity. The paper, through this topic, also explores the relationship between present cultural capital policies and popular beliefs and how we should consider the

119 power of cultural policy, a so-called necessary evil. Keywords: Mingjian Township s Shoutian Temple (Mingjianxiang Shoutian gong ), Highest Emperor of the Dark Heaven (Xuantianshangdi ), pilgrimage, intangible cultural capital, cultural capitalization