一 禁戲政令下臺灣京劇的敘事策略

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00 95 0 禁戲政令下兩岸京劇的敘事策略 前言 99 9-99 9-195-

一 禁戲政令下臺灣京劇的敘事策略 90 99-000 9 90-95 99 06-196-

5 6 99 5 90 9 00 0-0 6 95-00 9-995 900-96 90-9 9 6-6 -197-

90-9 9 9 10 00 9-00 9 10 006-198-

99 9-96 11 12 990 9- -199-

950 60 960-200-

99 90-99 9-995 9-9 90-966 95-9 9-9 96-9 9-00 13 99 15 13 14 900-96 950 9-96 15 959-201-

16 99 959 6 17 95 906-9 96 16 000 59-6 17 00-202-

96 6 9 000 18 19-203-

20 9 99 21 20 006 5-21 -204-

二 禁戲政令下大陸京劇的敘事策略及其影響 99 22 960 22 99-205-

( 一 ) 污辱勞動人民 牽涉的著名例子 三岔口 23 ( 二 ) 階級歧視 影響的著名例子 鎖麟囊 24 23 950 00 9 95 955 24 00 95 9 5 95 9-206-

( 三 ) 舞臺形象淨化 對表演藝術和劇場規律的影響 -0 00 955 5 9-96 -207-

25 ( 四 ) 禁止迷信 的影響 25 00-5 -208-

26 99 90 27 28 26 996 59-27 - 28 955-209-

29 29-210-

30 31 30 90 990 996 996 9 9 99 31-211-

Q 32 32-212-

33 95 33 000 - -213-

34 35 34 35 5 00-0 -214-

36 960 晗 餘論 36-9 -215-

37 99 99 37 006-216-

禁戲政令下兩岸京劇的敘事策略 99 99 99 960 關鍵字 : 京劇禁戲改戲匪戲當代京劇禁演 -217-

Narrative Strategies of Prohibited Theater in China and Taiwan WANG An-chi Prohibited Drama in traditional Chinese theater reflects the monitoring of art by politics. It shows the government s fear of the power of drama. However, the issue is not only about politics but also about traditional Chinese theater itself. How did the actors and actresses deal with the situation when the plays they rely on to make a living were prohibited? How did the adaptation of drama coping with the political prohibition influence the theater conventions or even the culture of performing art? How did the audience treat those adapted versions of plays, and what kind of messages were revealed from their attitude? These questions are interwoven with the politics, the society, the customs, the drama-adaptation and the theater conventions, which are also closely related to the aesthetic taste of traditional Chinese theater. In this article, I try to resolve the above questions. The time scope is the present age (from 1949 to now), the discussion is mainly focused on Peking Opera, and the region covers Taiwan and Mainland China. Keywords: Peking opera prohibited drama Communist drama drama-modifying contemporary Peking opera -218-

徵引書目 90 990 00 996 00 00 006 000 9 00 9 99 000 9 99 996 99 990-219-
