,. 5 CT 7 respectively 65.% (7 / 669),.% ( / 669) and 9.% (6 / 669), accounting for 97.% of total complications in lung (65 / 669). One patient had ai

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6 The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine Dec. Vol. No.6 5 CT a, a, a, b, a (, a. ; b., 58) [ ] CT, 5 CT, 5 5, 7 (7.5%); 68 (5.%), 65 (.57%), 7 (.65%) 5, 669 (.% ); 579 (9.%), 6 (.8%), 7 (.89%) 5, 5 (.5%); 9 (.6%), (.8%) 669, 65.% (7 / 669).%( / 669)9.%(6 / 669) ( ) 97.%(65 / 669), ;, CT, [ ] CT ; ; [ ] R86 [ ] A DOI:.969 / j.issn.67-5..6.6 5 Cases of CT-Guided Percutaneous Needle Biopsy Analysis of Complications and Nursing Key Points YE Zhi-hong a, YANG Wan-qun a, LI Xin-yun a, FANG Liang-yi b, ZHAO Zhen-jun a (a. Department of Radiology, Medical Image; b. Department of Radiotherapy, Guangdong General Hospital,Guangdong Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 58, China) Abstract: Objective To analyze the complications of large amount cases of percutaneous needle biopsy guided by computed tomography (CT), and probe into measures to reduce serious complications and nursing key points. Methods Retrospective analysis of the complications of 5 cases on percutaneous needle biopsy guided by CT was performed, including the mild, moderate and severe complications. Among them, 5 cases of lung puncture were emphatically analyzed. Results Of the 5 cases of CT-guided percutaneous biopsy, complications occurred in 7 cases (7.5%). Among them, the complications in 68 cases were mild (5.%); in 65 cases were moderate (.57%) and in 7 cases were severe (.65%). In 5 cases of lung puncture, the complications occurred in 669 cases (.%). Among them, the complications in 579 cases were mild (9.%); in 6 cases were moderate (.8% ) and in 7 cases were severe (.89% ). Of the 5 cases of extrapulmonary organs puncture, 5 patients had complications (.5% ), including mild in 9 cases (.6% ); moderate in cases (.8% ). Within the 669 cases of pulmonary complications, the incidences of simple pneumothorax, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage were [ ] (976-),,,, [ ], Tel:-8878-55; E-mail: junabc6@hotmail.com

,. 5 CT 7 respectively 65.% (7 / 669),.% ( / 669) and 9.% (6 / 669), accounting for 97.% of total complications in lung (65 / 669). One patient had air embolism and one patient was dead. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was the main risk factor associated with moderate and severe pneumothorax. Increase and enlargement of surrounding blood vessels and piercing damage of the blood vessels around were the main risk factors associated with severe hemoptysis. In addition, air bronchogram within the lesion was also the risk factor associated with severe hemoptysis. Conclusion CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy was a safe diagnostic method. Careful operation, strict observation and intensive nursing were important measures to prevent and reduce the postoperation complications. Key words: CT-guided needle biopsy; complications; nursing CT,,, 5 ml,,%~% [-5] 9 78,..,, 79 [],,, 5 5 mm, CT CT,,,,%,,,, mm. 998 9 CT 5 665 (6.%), 85 (5.78%), 67 (88.6%), 79 (.5% ) : 5 (7.89% ), 5 (8.6% ), 7 (6.58% ), 9 (.7% ), 89 (.5% ), 5 (.%), (.6%), (.96%), 8 (.9%), (.77%), ; : 5 (.6%),5 (.6%), 6 (.5%, )... SPSS. CT, t,, χ, α=.5,.. GE Lightspeed CT, 8G Biopince 8G BARD Magnum,, CT, %, ; ml,..,, ; 87, (5±7.), 56 6,,,. : ; :, ; : ml, %,, ( ). []. 5 CT,

8 6 7 5,, 669 ; 5, COPD 8.%(5 / 6) 5. 669,, 65.%(7 / 669).%( / 669) 9.% (6 / 669), ( ) 97.%, CT, 5%, CT,, 7.6% 6, 5,,,.,9,, (75%,9 / ), 8 (%) (%) (%) (66.67%,8 / ), 68 65 7 5..57.65 579 6 7 9..8.89 9.6.8,,, 7 7.5 669. 5.5 CT,,, %,,,,, (65 / 669) 55 ( ),, ~, ICU,,, (%).,,, 7. 9.7.6 7 6.98 (%).. 7.56 8.7 7....66.66..66. 5.7 7.89. 669..,, 7, 8, 5, (chronic obstructive, pulmonary disease,copd), 5 -,, COPD,,

.5, COPD,,P<.5 5±6.8 (cm).7±. (cm).6±.6, 55 6,,P<.5 8 5 5 6 t χ P (n=) (n=7) () 5.97. () 55±8.7 6±8.9.678. 9 (cm).±.6 (cm).8±.9.6±.5.86±.5.675 5.8.5. 9 6 6 9.56. 7 5 69 6 (cm) 5.75..9..5 5 5 5 6.. 78 5 6 6 COPD.8.7 ().8. 5 6 9 6 9 6.68. 69 8 7 9 5 6 5.69. (cm) 8.6..5 5 8 8.. 6 : : :, COPD 5.9. : 8 7 8 9 (65 / 669) (.%) CT., 5, 7.5%, 55 ( ), 5%,.65%,.75% [],. 5 CT 9 t (n=9) (n=) χ 6±.76..9±.6.9.58±.67.9.7 (.5%),, (55 / 5), 68%(55 / 669) 9.87%(8 / 55),,, ;6.7%(9 / 55), %,,, 97.%.76%(8 / 55) 5 8 7. P..

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