170 [15-17] [18-20] [21-22] [23-26] 入选案例的设计和实施情况 案例纳入和排除标准 IGT

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169 刘晓娜, 赵根明, 徐望红 200032 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 R181.3 A 1004-6194(2016)03-0169-06 Inspiration of typical cases in prevention and control of chronic non-communicable disease in China LIU Xiao-na, ZHAO Gen-ming, XU Wang-hong School of Public Health; Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety, Ministry of Education, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China Corresponding author: XU Wang-hong, E-mail: wanghong.xu@fudan.edu.cn Abstract: Objective To screen the typical cases in the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in China and to provide the experience for other developing countries. Methods A systemic review of literatures was conducted to collect research reports and publications related to NCDs prevention and control in China by searching Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane, CAJD, CBMdisc and other related websites. Results A total of 7 typical cases of NCDs prevention and control were selected and studied. The analysis of typical cases showed the characters and common regular patterns: (1) the leading role of the governments in NCDs prevention and control; (2) the cooperation of multiple departments; (3) strategies of combination of high risk population with general population; (4) the intervention located in communities and workplaces; (5) the reducing of exposure to main risk factors of NCDs; (6) the establishment of permanent guarantee for NCDs. Conclusion Chinese experience in NCDs prevention and control provides the reference for other developing countries. Key words: Chronic non-communicable disease; Prevention and control; Cases DOI 10.16386/j.cjpccd.issn.1004-6194.2016.03.003 Consulting service for center of excellence in Global Health Policy Development and Governance in China GHSP-CS-OP3-02 E-mail 14211020005@fudan.edu.cn E-mail: wanghong.xu@fudan.edu.cn 6. 25 J., 2013, 15,,,. 114 J. 19 33 : 108-109., 20 : 1884-1888. 2012, 20 7,,,. 16,,,. 23 J., 2005, 3 10: 177-178. J., 2 : 149-150. 2012, 15 8. 17,,,. 2013 J., 2013, 5 1 : 53-64. J., 12 : 1259-1261. 2013, 22 9. 18 Sebastiani G, Tempesta D, Fattovich G, et al. Prediction of oe - 2003 J., 2004, 21 3 : sophageal varices in hepatic cirrhosis by simple serum non-invasive 149-151. markers: results of a multicenter, large-scale study J. J Hepatol, 10,,. 2010, 53 4 : 630-638. J., 2012, 13 5 : 310-313. 19,,,. 11,,,. logistic J., 2012, 7 8 : 29-30, 56. J., 6 2012, : 649-651. 33 20,,,. 12,,,. J., 10 : 1075-1076, 2011, 27 1086. J., 5 : 442-444. 2013, 16 21,,,. 13,,,. J., 2014, 1 19: 24-27. J., 2012, 7 17: 460-464. 14,,,. 2014-11-18 2015-04-10 J., 2013, 18 8 : 507-509, 516.

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