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A study of the Shi-Xi Shen s animal novel. Wang Chen-Fang Abstract Recently the discussion for esthetic perception experience has been profound in the modern esthetics. In this paper, the animal images in Shen s navels have been in-depth investigated from the esthetic point of view. To begin with, as far as the development and evolution of animal novels are concerned, we characterize that Shen introduces some innovations. The profile of Shen s works, including writing course, consciousness, style, and their relationship, is also examined. Using the text-analysis method, our conclusions are summarized below. 1. Characterization of Shen s animal novel: Some properties in his products are extracted, including human-history independence, animal conversation-free, the animal emotion by human-estimation, and the overall viewpoint. 2. Innovations in Shen s animal novels: Following to the naturalism and realism, the Shen s images have already produced human-free, so-called animal-only, animal novels 6

beyard the general tranditions. Moreover, he also makes the unique and particular animal characters by combining the animal figure and literature. 3. Arts in Shen s animal novels: Depending on the animal behaviorism, psychology, and the particular experience of writer, there are many interest, knowledge, and legend in Shen s stories. As a result, Shen successfully provides a propriate space for readers to enjoy in his novels. Keywords: Animal Novels, Animal Images, Esthetics 7




..... 11


0. < > 13

1997 p.32--38 < > 1998 p.124 < > 14

p.33 1996 -- p.13 < << >>> 15

1992 << >>p.19 << >> 2000 p.9 1 1995 p.134 1 p.15 16

17 << >><< >><< >> 1997 p.38. < > p.63 < > 1997p.32--38

1997 p.37 1997 p.32--38 < > 1997 p. 36--42 < > 18

1997 p.61--63 1997 p.36--42 19

1. 2. 1. 2. 3. < >p.491 20

<< >>p.105. 21

22.... (Psychical Distance) Bullouge (Projection) (Inner Imitation)

<< >>p.102--104 < >p.464 23

concretizes << >>p.100--101 2 3 distanciation appropriation 2 ego P.113--114 3 P.65 24

4.. -- P.58--112 ( / ) --------------------- --------------------- ( ) ( ) 5 (E.D.Hirsch) (meaning), (significance) << >>p.89 < >p.492 4 -- P.66 5 p.61--74 25


.. 27

.. 28


< >P.31 << >> p.1 < >p.184-186 << >> 30

<< >> p.13-16 << >> 1. 2. 3. 4. 31

. < >p.49--50 << >> << 32

<< >><< >> <<. Naturalism p.266 33

. Realism 34

. Jack London 1876--1916 35

. < >< >< > 0 < >< > < >p.36--42 < - >p.39 << >><< >> << >><< >><< 36

37 << >> << >><< >><< >>... << >> Imagination << >>p.222 << >>

38 6 << >>p.223 << >>p.225 << >> << >>p.230 6 << >> p.223 p.247

<< >>p.247 << >>p.387 39


<< >> p.321 41

<< >> 42

43 0 << >> < > < > < >< > < > < > 0 < > < > < > < >

< -- > P.271-274 44

45. < > 0 < > p.10 < > << >>. < > < > << >> << >>

< > < >p.182-184. < > < >< > < > 46

7 < >< > < >< >< > 7 89 p.182-184 47

p.184 48

<< p.71. < > < > 49

< > p.6 << >> p.114--138 < > 50

51 << >> << >>p.105 << >> p.9

52. < > < >< >< >< >< > < > p.240 p.73 < >< >



. / 1980/4 / 1982/2 / / 1983-19 / / 84 1983-19 / / 84 1983/3 / / 1983/7 / / 1984/1 / / / 1984/2 / / 1984/5 / / 1986/1 / 1986/1 / / 1987/5 / / / / 55

1987/7 1987/12 1989/4 / / / / / 1990/4 / 1990/4 / 1990/11 1990/11 1990/12 1991/11 / / / / / / / / / 1992/3 / 1992/4 / 1993/1 56

1993/1- / / 12 1993/4 / / 1993/11 1993/11 / / 1994/3 // / / / / / 1994/3 1995/ 1995/2 1995-19 / 96 1995/2 / 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-57

58 1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 /

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1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/9- / / 1996/7 1995/9- / / 1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 / / 1995/9- / / 1996/7 /9-85/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9- / / / 1996/7 4/9-85/7 1995/9-1996/7 / 1995/9-1996/7 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/9- / 1996/7 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 60

61 1995/12 1995/12 / 1995/12 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 1995/12 / 1996/1 / 1996-19 98 / 1996-19 98 / / 1996/8 / 1996/12 / 1997/12 / 1998/7 / / 1998/7-10 / / / 1998/10 /

1998/11 / / 1999/7 / 62

63. 0 12 9 8 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 < > < > < > < > < >< > < >< > < >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< > < > < > < > <

64 >< >< >< > < > 8 < >< > < > 8 1992

65 << >> p.10.. << >> << >>p.56 < > < - >p.3 < >

66 < > < > < > < > < > < > << >> << >> << >> p. 5 << >>

<< >> << >>p.102--137 < > < >p.39 67

. << >> << >> p.1 << >> 68

<<. >>p.29-30 << >> << >>p.144-215 69

<< >>p.204 70

71. << >> < >< > < >< >< > < >< >< >< > < >

1-62 < > < > < >< >< >< > < >< < >< >< >< >< > < > 72

73 < > < > < > < > < > < >< > < >< >< >

< >. < > 74

< > < > < > << >> << >>138-162 75

< > < > < >p.259-263 < >< >< > 1. 76

77 < >< >< >< >< >< > 2. < >< >< > < > < > 3. < >< >< > < >< > 4. < >< >< ><< >>< > << >> 1. 1 2 3

78 4 5 < > < > << >>p.23 2 1 / 2 3 4 << >< >< >< >< >< >< > < > 3. 1 2 3 < >< >< > < >< >< >

79 1. < >< > 2. < >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< > 3. 4. < >< >< > < >< > 5. << >>. 9 9

< >p.490-492 < >< 80

< > < > < > < > < > < > 81

1. 2. 3. 4. < >p.489-490. Stein setting 82

p.14 < > << >> << >> p.211-232 83

83 p.268 << >> << >>p.57 < > < > 84

< >< > < > < > 85

. 86

< >< >< >< >. << >> 87


(Psychical Distance) (Projection) (Inner Imitation) 1 2 3 1 2 89

.. 90

. << >>.. p.2931 91

<< >>. 92

< >. 93


. < >< >< >< >< >< > 1. 2. 95


<< >>p.41 << >> << >>p.48 / 97



. 1. 1988 2. 1989 3. 1989... 4. 1989 24 5. 1990 6. 1992 7. 1992.. 8. 1992 9. 1993 10. 1993 11. 1993 1 12. 1993 2 13. 1994 14. 1994 15. 1994 100

16.. 1995 17. 1995 18. 1995 19. 1995 20. 1996 21. 1996 22. 1996 23. 1997 24. 1997. 1. 1984 2. 1986 p.41-43 3. 1986 p.23 4. 1986 p.36-40 5. 1989 50 p.47--48 6. 1989 50 101

p.44--45 7. 1989 p.459--504 8. 1989 50 p.44--45 9. 1989 50 p.48--50 10. 1989 50 p.46--47 11. 1990 12. 1991 63 p.30--32 13. 1992 7 18 19 14. 1992 7 20 21 15. 1992 7 22 23 16. 1992 << >>> 73 47--51 17. 1992 << >> 73 45--46 18. 1992 << >> 73 40--44 102

19. 1992 7 24 27 20. 1992 7 28 32 21. 1992 7 14 16 22. 1992 << >> 73 45--46 23. 1992 << >> 73 40--44 24. 1992 7 24 27 25. 1992 7 28 32 26. 1993 7-4 27. 1994< > p.3-10 28. 1994 p.259-263 29. 1994 p.265-269 30. 1995. p.1-12 31. 1995 p.134 32. 1996 4 103

33. 1996 < > 19 6 34. 1996 193 35. 1996 19 7 36. 1996 4 37. 1996 5 38. 1996 48-65 39. 1997 94 60--64 40. 1997 92 23--29 41. 1997 93 36--42 42. 1997 p.1-3 43. 1997 91 32--39 44. 1997 203-208 45. 1997 365 87--93 104

46. 1997 << >> 202 61--63 47. 1998 48. 1998 30 78--82 49. 1998 1819 120 133 50. 1998 27 77--79 51. 1998 2 66--72 52. 1999 41 p.17--18 53. 1999 13-30 54. 1999 31-56 55. 2000 p.1-5 56. 2000 57. 2000 p.181 58. 2000 p.181 105

59. 2000 p.187-190 60. 2000 << >> p.191-195 106

. 1. 1997 2.. 1997 3.. 1997 4.. 1997 5.. 1997 6.. 1997 7.. 1997 8.. 1997 9.. 1997 10.. 1997 11.. 1999 107

. 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1994 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 1997 / 1997 // 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 / 1997 1997 / 1997 / 1997 1997 / 108

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