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Problems Analysis of Promoting Biodiversity in Hu-Ben Communal Forestry Abstract The beginning of communal forestry promoted by the Forestry Bureau is about 2002 year. It became new trend of forestry management that emphasizes the residents participation, localized management and sharing of responsibility and efforts. In the Hu-Ben village, for the opposition of gravel developing and the discovery of Pitta nympha, the movement of protecting Pitta nympha and the vision of eco village has been executing for many years. The movement prompts residents caring about the natural resources and bio-diversity. According to the characteristics of bio-diversity: ecology caring, sustainable utilization and social justice, Hu-Ben village has developed three kinds of works that are rehabilitation of nature environment, cultivation of community man power and practice of eco-tourism in the project of communal forestry. Through the residents participation, community events, field survey etc. the concept of bio-diversity becomes clearer than before, but basically the participation in Hu-Ben village can be divided into four levels that are the participation of core members, volunteers, consumers and absentees. In this article, we have discussed and analyzed the spread, deep reforming and problems of bio-diversity. 2002

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