= / 96% 2 26 100% L. J. Cronbach α cronbach coefficient alphacca 2 2 2. 2 1 2 Pearson r R = 2r / 1 + r 7 2 0. 199 3 2. 1 1 25 1 1 Table 1 1 x 珋 ± s n

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38 張 元 素 歸 經 引 經 理 論 研 究 本 文 以 張 元 素 著 述 為 主 要 材 料, 采 用 上 海 涵 芬 樓 景 印 元 杜 思 敬 濟 生 拔 粹 刊 本 4 ; 醫 學 啟 源 為 任 應 秋 點 校 本, 任 本 以 明 成 化 八 年 刊 本 為 底 本, 旁 校 上


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吴根良 等 不同前作对设施草莓土壤环境动态变化和经济效益的影响 4 土传病害也因此日趋严重 严重影响草莓的产 量和品质 轮作尤其是水旱轮作是克服连作障 棚揭开大棚膜 其他大棚不揭膜 都按常规进行 水肥 农药的管理 8 月初前作结束后用产品名 碍的有效技术措施之一 其中有关水稻 草 7


潘 菊 华, 黄 世 敬 *, 郑 军, 吴 巍, 薛 柳 华 ( 中 国 中 医 科 学 院 广 安 门 医 院, 北 京 100053) AIDS-ROU AIDS AIDS-ROU 2 1 96% Cronbach αcca= 0. 998 R = 0. 912 100% CCA = 0. 428 R = 0. 962 1 2 2 AIDS-ROU acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated recurrent oral ulcerations 2013-06-26 2008ZX10005-004 2009ZX10005-014 * Tel 0108800119 E-mailgamhsj@ 126. com E-mailpanjuhua@ 126. com 2 AIDS-ROU 6 2 1. 2 2 2 1 AIDS-ROU 1 24 17 7 10 14 ROU AIDS 10 5 9 2 AIDS 7. 50 ±4. 23 HIV 2 26 6 1 Ⅱ 1 19 7 18 8 AIDS- 14 7 5 ROU 3-5 AIDS 7. 46 ±4. 29 1. 3 AIDS-ROU 3 2 1 1 SPSS 19. 0 1. 1 6 AIDS-ROU 2484

= / 96% 2 26 100% L. J. Cronbach α cronbach coefficient alphacca 2 2 2. 2 1 2 Pearson r R = 2r / 1 + r 7 2 0. 199 3 2. 1 1 25 1 1 Table 1 1 x 珋 ± s n = 24 Results of the 1st survey x 珋 ± s n = 24 /% /% 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 40 225. 50 0. 055 2 2. 83 ± 0. 56 19. 93 91. 67 68 9. 00 216. 00 0. 053 5 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 40 225. 50 0. 055 2 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 2. 92 ± 0. 28 9. 68 91. 67 70 9. 06 217. 50 0. 055 2 2. 96 ± 0. 20 6. 90 95. 83 71 9. 40 225. 50 0. 056 0 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 40 225. 50 0. 055 2 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 40 225. 50 0. 055 2 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 2. 83 ± 0. 56 19. 93 91. 67 68 9. 02 216. 50 0. 053 5 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 72 9. 77 234. 50 0. 056 7 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 40 225. 50 0. 055 2 2. 83 ± 0. 56 19. 93 91. 67 68 9. 02 216. 50 0. 053 5 2. 92 ± 0. 41 14. 00 95. 83 70 9. 38 225. 00 0. 055 2 2 0. 053 5 ~ 0. 056 7 0. 065 5 ~ 0. 067 2 2. 3 1 CCA 0. 998 0 Pearson r = 0. 828 P = 0. 006 R = 0. 912 CCA 0. 066 2 0. 428 0. 093 0Pearson r = 0. 924 P = 0. 001 0. 134 2 R = 0. 96 2 2. 4 1 2 1 2485

2 2 x 珋 ± s n = 26 Table 2 Results of the 2nd survey x 珋 ± s n = 26 /% /% 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 78 8. 15 212. 00 0. 067 2 2. 92 ± 0. 39 13. 42 96. 15 76 7. 87 204. 50 0. 065 5 2. 96 ± 0. 20 6. 62 96. 15 77 7. 87 204. 50 0. 066 4 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 78 8. 15 212. 00 0. 067 2 2. 92 ± 0. 39 13. 42 96. 15 76 7. 87 204. 50 0. 065 5 2. 92 ± 0. 27 9. 30 92. 31 76 7. 58 197. 00 0. 065 5 3. 00 ± 0. 00 0. 00 100. 00 78 8. 15 212. 00 0. 067 2 2. 92 ± 0. 27 9. 30 92. 31 76 7. 58 197. 00 0. 065 5 2. 96 ± 0. 20 6. 62 96. 15 77 7. 87 204. 50 0. 066 4 1 Fig. 1 Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment standard procedure for acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated recurrent oral ulcerations 2486

3 AIDS- HIV 2 AIDS- HIV AIDS ROU ROU 8 ROU HIV ROU 2 1 World Health Organization. Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in adults and adolescentsrecommendations for a public approach 2010 revisionm. GenevaWorld Health Organiza- AIDS-ROU tion 2010. Jacobson J M 9 Ramirez-Amador V A 10 200 mg d - 1 ROU Jacobson J M 11 100 mg d -1 ROU 12 20094112110. ROU 4 Herranz P 12 3 AIDS- 5 ROU 30 J 6 ROU antiretroviral therapyart 1 AIDS-ROU 7 AIDS 517. AIDS- ROU ROU 3-5 2 Baccaglini LAtkinson J CPatton L Let al. Management of oral lesions in HIV-positive patientsj. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod2007 103suppl 1 S50. 3. J.. HIV /AIDS 65 J. 2008401068... 2006258 521.. J. 2013 337 890.. SPSS M. 2007 8 Nokta M. Oral manifestations associated with HIV infectionj. Curr HIV /AIDS Rep 200851 5. 9 Jacobson J MGreenspan J SSpritzler Jet al. Thalidomide for the treatment of oral aphthous ulcers in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection J. New Engl J Med1997336 211487. 10Ramirez-Amador V AEsquivel-Pedraza LPonce-de-Leon Set al. Thalidomide as therapy for human immunodeficiency virus-related oral ulcersa double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial J. Clin Infect Dis1999284 892. 11Jacobson J MGreenspan J SSpritzler Jet al. Thalidomide in low intermittent doses does not prevent recurrence of human immunodeficiency virus-associated aphthous ulcersj. J Infect Dis20011832 343. 12Herranz PArribas J RNavarro Aet al. Successful treatment of aphthous ulcerations in AIDS patients using topical granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factorj. Br J Dermatol 20001421 171. 2487

Establish proposal of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in AIDS patients with recurrent oral ulcerations PAN Ju-hua HUANG Shi-jing * ZHENG JunWU WeiXUE Liu-hua Guang'anmen HospitalChina Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesBeijing 100053China AbstractThe pathogenesis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated recurrent oral ulcerationsaids-rouremained obscure and these was no specific treatment for it. Syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine TCMfocus on integral regulation and has an advantage of the disease that etiology and pathogenesis remain obscure. A draft of Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment standard procedure for AIDS-ROU was established by literature retrieval and peer review. Two questionnaires were carried out to investigate the confirmation and advice of in-group specialist to key points of the draft including diagnosis treatment and nursing. Then the procedures were revised accordingly. The preliminary results showed the recovery rate of complete questionnaires in the 1st survey was 96%. Specialists confirmed more on outlinecase history and physical examinations syndrome differentiation of hyperactivity of fire due to Yin deficiency syndrome HFYDS treatment of heat accumulated in heart and spleen syndrome HAHSS and HFYDS treatment of western medicine and nursing. They held different opinions on incidence treatment of deficiency of spleen- QI and stomach-qi syndromedsssand criterion of therapeutical evaluation. Cronbach coefficient alphaccawas 0. 998 and splithalf reliability R was 0. 91. Recovery rate of complete questionnaires in 2nd survey was 100%. Specialists confirmed more on outline etiology and pathogenesiscase history and physical examinationauxiliary examinationdiagnostic criteriasyndrome differentiation and treatment of HAHSS and HFYDS. They held different opinions on syndrome differentiation and treatment of intermingled cold and heat syndrome and DSSSnursing and the other therapies. CCA was 0. 428 and split-half reliability R was 0. 96. Coefficient of variations of the 2nd survey were less than those of the 1st surveywhich mean coordination was improved. Each single item in two surveys contributed less difference in overall results according to weight coefficients. A new revision of the procedure was preliminarily established according to results of two surveys. Experts' activenessconcentration and coordination were good in two surveys. They had reached consensus in key points of the draft including diagnosis treatment and nursing on the whole. Key wordsrecurrent oral ulcerationsaidshuman immunodeficiency virustraditional Chinese medicinequestionnaire doi10. 4268 /cjcmm20131514 2488