82 1995a&b 1995b: 34 1 2 3 4 5 2003 89 629 6 Degree of tokenism 7 8 Arnstein, 1969 90 88-89 91.09-92.08 9 1995b: 34 2000 planning GilbertSpecht1977: 1

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81 108 Journal of Building and Planning National Taiwan University NUMBER 12, Dec. 2004, RESEARCH. pp. 81~108 * Let Community Direct the Planning Efforts: The Wenshan Experience in Taipei by Rosa Shiow-hwa Luo* 91.09-92.08 ABSTRACT Could the community direct the planning efforts to promote the level of autonomy in community living? The answer is yes. Researcher has coordinated the planning actions in the Wenshan District of Taipei City via some workshop learning strategies. First planning target was the District Civic Hall under the public sector s instruction, and the workshop had started at December 24 of the year 1999 with 56 active participants; then, the Wenshan Neo-vista Association was organized by majority of the participants as the representative group in the community. Up to the year of 2002-2003, the Neo-vista group was actively responsible for the planning efforts on Heart ideas to present the comprehensive planning for the near future. Keywords: community planning, citizen power, public affairs, community workshop, autonomy. 93525 9376 * Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei County, Taiwan, Republic of China 81

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1 1 91.09.18 9 2 91.09.25 4 3 91.09.25 6 4 91.10.01 4 5 91.10.02 7 6 91.10.05 4 7 91.10.2314 8 91.10.30 6 9 91.10.30 9 10 91.11.05 8 11 91.11.06 10 12 91.11.08 4 13 91.11.12 8 14 91.11.13 10 15 91.11.16 22 16 91.11.19 4 17 91.11.23 40 18 91.11.30100 19 91.11.30 20 21 22 91.12.10 7 23 91.12.17 4 24 91.12.28 22 25 91.01.08 9 26 92.01.15 6 27 92.01.15 9 28 92.01.23 15 29 92.02.08 14 10274 30 92.02.17 5 107

31 92.02.19 12 10274 32 92.02.26 10274 3 33 92.03.08 34 92.03.12 14 35 92.03.1910274 6 36 92.03.27 13 37 92.04.038 38 92.04.09 20 39 92.04.18 9 40 92.04.23 12 41 92.04.27 30 42 92.05.061. 12 3. 4. 43 92.05.21 10 44 92.06.111. 2. 10 3. 45 92.06.25 10 46 92.07.05 16 47 92.07.23 13 108