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The Study on the Traditional Chinese Concept of Time from the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch Tseng, Shyh-Liang Abstract This is a semiotic study on the Chinese traditional concept of time. Firstly, what is time is defined; secondly, according to the various methods of recording time in Chinese history, the target words for analysis are selected. They are Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch, which are the most significant and outstanding counting system in the Chinese traditional calendar. Various studies on the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch in the history or recently were collected and examined. The semiotic approach is then employed to analyze and compare the similarities and differences between the interpretations to find out the code behind the invention of the signifiers, i.e. the 22 characters of Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch ; to reveal the origin of the Chinese collective concept of time. The result of the analysis shows that all the signifiers of the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch are created by observing the phenomena of Nature to see how the changes of seasons influence on the productions of every thing on earth; these sign vehicles are pictures of major substance in agricultural or fishing and hunting society. Therefore, it is concluded that the recognition of time was achieved through substantial observation but not abstract analysis; it is based on concrete and tangible events. There is no spiritual element in the definition of time. Also, the Chinese did not turn the knowledge of time to the search of the meaning of life. There are two features of the traditional Chinese concept of time are suggested: 1. No religious or imaginative aspect was involved; 2. Aware of the importance of timing. There is ethical outlook other than the economic facet. Key words: Traditional Chinese concept of time; Semiotic studies of Chinese characters; Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch ; traditional Chinese calendars; scholars interpretation of Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch. Associate Professor in the Center for General Education, Nan Kai Institute of Technology 163