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,,,,,, (William Parish) , 2865, : (1966 ) 20,,, 20, :,, :,, (Destratification) (Parish,1984 :84-120), 1983 (N = 1774) (Xie &Lin, 1986) 19


() ()A Study of Elgar s Cello Concerto in E minor, Opus 85 Chi 8961609 43 () () () Chang () An-Chi () () Lin, Min-Yuan () () ()Elgar ()Cello Concerto

Abstract Elgar is the greatest modern composer in Britain after Purcell. Though he never received formal musical education and training, through self-learning and composing ceaselessly, finally he gained both domestic and international approval for his works. In addition, he is a model of self-made composer. Elgar s works include oratorios, choruses, symphonies, concertos, orchestral music and chamber music. One who never received any academic musical education, Elgar however successfully created an indigenous English style of music through his own learning, exploration, and innovation. Among the main characteristics of his works are their noble temperament and romantic sentiment filled with nostalgia and retrospection. The Cello Concerto, op. 85 is the most well-known work of Elgar s later productions, one indispensable piece for the Cello concert repertoire. This study is mainly devoted to exploring the background and techniques of this most outstanding work in Elgar s later life. Besides, it will be analyzing the relationship between solo cello and the orchestra movement by movement. Lastly, it will be exploring Elgar s frequently-used technical expressions and the ways to perform and interpret this work.

(Cello Concerto op.85, 1919) (Antonín Dvorák, 1841-1904)B 2 0 (Cello Concerto op.104, 1894-95) 1 1679 ( )224-26 2 ) 1

3 4 Leon Plantinga, Norton Introduction To Music History Romantic Music. (New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,1984), 397. 5 Otto Karolyi, Modern British Music: The Second British Musical Renaissancefrom Elgar to P. Maxwell Davies. (New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994), 13-18. 6 2

7 1836 1844 1856 1856-66 1866-75 1871 1 84 8 1856 1861 1866 1 396-97 9 1 179-80 10 1 375-76 3

11 9 10 12 (74 ) 1 283 13 14 1 427-28 4


15 6

16 17 1 182 18 7

19 Michael Kennedy 8

20 21 22 9

23 10


24 25 12

26 27 28 13

é 27 30 31 32 33 (Sir Adrian Boult, 1889-1984) BBC 34 35 14

36 15

37 16

17 38 39

40 18

? 19

41 20

42 21



24 ù

25 ù






31 ù ù ù 43

44 "nobilmente" 45 The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. (1988) s.v. Nobilmente, by David Fallows and Michael Kennedy. 32


é 46 34

ù 35




47 E G ( 59) 48 47 5, Otto Karolyi, 14. 48 5, Otto Karolyi, 13-18. 39


Anderson, Robert. Elgar in Manuscript. London: The British Library, 1990.. Elgar. New York: Schirmer Books. 1993. Karolyi, Otto. Modern British Music: The Second British Musical Renaissance- From Elgar to P. Maxwell Davies. New Jersey: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1994. Kennedy, Michael ed. The Oxford Dictionary of Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Mar, Norman Del. Conducting Elgar. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Monk, Raymond, ed., Elgar Studies. England: Scolar Press, 1990. Scolar Press, 1993.. Edward Elgar: Music and Literature. England: Mitchell, Donald. Some thoughts on Elgar (1857-1934). Music and Letters. 38 (Apr. 1957) : 113-123. Mundy, Simon. Elgar. London: Omnibus Press, 1984. Plantinga, Leon. The Norton Introduction to Music History -Romantic Music. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., 1984. Randel, Don ed. The New Harvard Dictionary. London: Harvard University Press, 1986. Sadie, Stanley ed. The New Grove Concise Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan Press, 1988. s.v. Edward Elgar by Diana McVeagh. s.v. Leggero by David Fallow. s.v. Nobilmente by David Fallow and Michael Kennedy. 41

Stowell, Robin. The Cambridge Companion to the Cello. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Tovey, Donald. E. 1935) : 1-4. Elgar, Master of Music. Music and Letters. 16 (Jan. Whittall, Arnold. Musical Composition in the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Inc., 1999. 20 Margaret Campbell 42

Elgar, Edward. Cello Concerto op.85 Arranged by the composer for Cello & Piano. London : Novello Publishing Ltd., 1996. Elgar, Edward. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. London : Ernst Eulemburg Ltd., 1986. Elgar, Edward. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Beatrice Harison(Cello), New Symphony Orchestra, Edward Elgar(Conductor), EMI: CDC 555221-2, 1928.. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Jacque line du Pr(Cello), London Symphony Orchestra, Sir John Barbiolli (Conductor), EMI: CDC 747329-2,1965. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Jacqueline du Pr(Cello), Philadelphia Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim (Conductor), 1970, SONY: SB2K63247(1999).. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Pablo Casals(Cello), BBC Symphony Orchestra, Sir Adrian Boult(Conductor), EMI: CDC 7634982, 1945.. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Pierre Fournier(Cello), Berliner Philharmoniker, Alfred Wallenstein (Conductor), Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, 1967.. Cello Concerto op.85 for Violoncello and Orchestra. Mischa Maisky(Cello), Philharmonia Orchestra, Giuseppe Sinopoli(Conductor), Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, 1991. 43