Qu You's short stories collection, New Stories Written while Trimming the Wick and the effect abroad Boris RIFTIN Corresponding Member of the Russian

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2007 7 31-42 31

Qu You's short stories collection, New Stories Written while Trimming the Wick and the effect abroad Boris RIFTIN Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Abstracts This article analyzes circulation of the plots from the short stories collection by Chinese writer Qu You New Stories written while trimming the wick in Korea, Vietnam and Japan. In the first two countries the literary short stories genre emerged as remaking short stories from this Chinese collection (Kim Si-sup New Golden Turtle Stories, Nguen Du Casual Notes of Short Stories), but the most popular remakes of these short stories were in Japan (Asai Ryoi Otogi boko Hand Puppets, Ueda Akinari Tales of a Clouded Moon, Sanyutei Encho The Peony Lantern). In all cases there was made a national adaptation of the borrowed plots. In some cases, for example, in Korea the changes made were rather insignificant and the resulting novels were very close to the original, in other cases, for example in Vietnam, the writer created a plot distinct in many relations from the Chinese original. The article shows how separate motives and verbal expressions are preserved in different national versions. The short stories on the hero s travel to the Underwater kingdom and remakes of Qu You s The Peony Lantern are analyzed in detail. Keywords: Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese Short Stories, Qu You, Kim Si-sup, Asai Ryoi, Nguen Du 32

19 1341-1427 1991 1378 1435-1493 1653 1527 1518 33

1573-1592 1648-1651 1666 Asai Rey Ueda Akinari 1768 Kibizu 1990 34

1454 35

1962 240 36

瑠 national adaptation 1 2 3 4 : 37

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 38

1768 39